Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DISPLACEMENT FOLLOWER 5100 del fabbricante Diversified Optronix
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Model 5100 Displacement Follower Non-Contact Single Axis Tracking System Diversified Optronix Corp. 116 Quirk Road Milford, CT 06460 www. d i vo p . c o m.
Table of Contents Introduction, 1 Equipment Supplied, 1 W arnings , 1 Sy stem Assembl y, 2 Theory of Operation, 3 The Lenses, 5 Lens Systems, 5 Lens Calculations, 5 Precision of the Lens Calculations .
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 1 Introduction The 5100 Displacement F ollower is a non- contact, real-tim e motion meas urement ins trument that solves meas urement problems w here other instrum ents fail.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 2 Sy stem A ssembly 1 Inspect the equ ipment f or damage that m ight hav e occurred during sh ipment.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 3 Theory of Operation The system is a non-contacting electro-optical displacem ent follow er desig ned to track the motion of a target along any axis . The moving target under study m ust show a sharp discontinuity in the inten sity of its reflected o r emitted light.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 4 There are two possible target config urations for meas uring target displacemen t alon g the vertical axis: light over dark and dar k over light.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 5 The Lenses Lens Sy stems To accom modate the w orking distances and m easuremen t rang es that individual applications may require, the standard lens set supplied is appro priate for a variety of situations.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 6 Figure 4 WD = W orking Distance, MR = Full s cale Measurement Range, fl = Focal Lengt h of Simple Lens, EX = Length of .
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 7 Example The lens to be used in this exam ple is the 10 5m m enlarging len s supplied w ith the sys tem. 1 Ass ume that the object under study is expected to exhi bit a peak-t o-peak displacemen t of one inch .
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 8 Figure 5 sh ows that th e equivalent 105m m lens can not be considered to be located exactly at the end of the ex tension tube. Its equivalent position is, in fact, approximately 13mm f urther along the optical axis than the position used in the calculations.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 9 Ta r g e t i n g Target Requir ements The 5000 Series operates by locking onto a sharp discontinu ity in the intensity of an obj ect’s reflected or em itted light.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 10 using a small screwdriver. For high light conditions, the high voltage may be r educed, or neutral density filters can be placed in fron t of the lenses. Note The light source must be DC o r the tracker will detect the 60 Hz chan ge in light intensity.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 11 Figure 11 Tracking Prerequisites Single A xis, Vertical or Horizontal The target and its motion should be located in the plane that is perpendicular to the optical axis.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 12 Figure 12 The minimum target r equired for vertical tr acking along the vertical tracking axis.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 13 Equipment and Functions Front Panel Functions Figure 13 1 Power Indicator Indicates th at the system is on. The pow er switch on the rear panel turns the sys tem on and off .
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 14 4 Output Filter Sw itch A three- po sition sw itch that selects a low pass R/C filter at the displacem ent outputs. For the best signal-to-noise ratio, select the low est cutoff frequency possible with o ut com pro m ising operation.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 15 Model 806 Optical Head The Model 806 Optical Head is the cam era that senses th e position of the target. The h ead contains an Electron Tubes Ty pe 9670B im age dissector tu be on wh ich the lens system im ages the targ et motion .
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 16 Operating Procedures General Operating Pr ocedure 1 Prepare the targ et and lighti ng as specif ied.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 17 13 Now, m ove the target or tracking head so that the circle is totally with in the light area of the target. See Figur e 15b . Adjust th e lens aperture or light s ource for a reading of +20% on the front panel m eter.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 18 Velocity and A cceleration Measurement Operating Procedure Full-scale ou tput for velocity and acceleration are determin ed as follows: 1 Note the fu ll-scale range of m easuremen t (FOV) of the lens being used.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 19 Worksheet For Parameter Measurement 1. Sy s tem Field of View = FOV = inches or m illimeters 2. Accel. Due to gravity = 386.4 in. / sec 2 = 9814 mm / sec 2 3. Set Velocity T ime for Velocity output less than 10V P-P 4.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 20 Calibratio n Resistors and capacitors hav e been selected to m ake the full-scale values on the tim e constant selector fall with in ±5% of the value indicated.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 21 Common Problems Th mos t comm on errors are: 1 Improper targ et phase (L/D, D/L , etc.). 2 Improper centerin g of tracker on target. 3 Improper illumination of target: The light sou rce must be DC .
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 22 Sy stem Calibration Calibra tion Procedure To calibrate the tracker, you need a digital voltmeter and a static calibrator that can accurately position a target.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 23 Figure 18 6 Adjust the o utput gai n to o btain a read ing ±5 volts a nd rec ord the gain setting. 7 For future referen ce, record the gain settin g and the full-scale m easurement rang e in the blank calibration Data Sheet is at the en d of this manu al.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 24 Standard Lens Set Components of the Standard Lens Set Quantity Item 1 105mm Enlarging Lens 1 50mm Camera Lens 1 72mm E.
Displacement Follower User’s Manual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 25 Lens Calibrati on Data Sheet CUSTOME R: DATE: PO#: S/N: 12345 LENS NUMB ER: FOCAL LENG TH: EXTENSION S: WORKING D ISTAN.
Displacement Follower User’s M anual Version 1.4, April 19, 2004 IM1008 Page 26 A ppendix Limited Warranty Diversified Optronix Corp. (DivOp) warrants that the Model 5100 w ill be f ree from defects in material and workm anship for a period of on e (1) year from the date of purchas e.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Diversified Optronix DISPLACEMENT FOLLOWER 5100 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Diversified Optronix DISPLACEMENT FOLLOWER 5100 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Diversified Optronix DISPLACEMENT FOLLOWER 5100 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Diversified Optronix DISPLACEMENT FOLLOWER 5100 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Diversified Optronix DISPLACEMENT FOLLOWER 5100, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Diversified Optronix DISPLACEMENT FOLLOWER 5100.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Diversified Optronix DISPLACEMENT FOLLOWER 5100. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Diversified Optronix DISPLACEMENT FOLLOWER 5100 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.