Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 9.0 del fabbricante DeLorme
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DeLorm e Top o North Amer ica ™ 9.0 Use r Guide Creat ed Jun e 8, 20 10.
iii Table o f Cont ents Getting Sta rted ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 Map Leg end .............................................
1 Getting Started Welcome to DeLorme Topo North America Helpfu l Links • DeLorm e — pr oduct i nform ation and more • Tec hnical Suppor t — sear chabl e knowl e dge base, ar ticles, troublesho.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 2 • Prin t high quality, detailed, 2- D or 3 - D sin gle - page maps, and/or mural maps as la rge as 3 x 3 pag es.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 3 Searc h , Finding Po ints Near Your Curre nt Locat ion , Performi ng a POI Sea rch , an d Perfo rmin g an Ad vance d Searc h .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 4 • What is a pro ject? You can save all of your work as a si ngle workspace so you can open it again later.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 5 • If you search for an address that is on a walkway and p lace a rout e poin t on it, DeLorm e To po North America finds the closest stree t to that location, marks the space between the point the click e d and the street w ith X mar ks, and starts the route at the street.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 6 Basic Func tions Running DeLorme Topo North America Afte r yo u insta l l the progr am, yo u can run it with t he DVD to use the data without i nsta ll ing it to your co mputer's hard drive. For more information on insta lling data to your hard drive, see Saving Data to Your Hard Drive .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 7 the map view a djusts to show the appro priate lev el o f det a il. Tip To move the view box to another loc ation, press the SHIFT key a t any time. To Drag an d Zoom Out Use th e fol lowi ng step s to z oom i n eit her the right or left m ap.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 8 Panning/C entering the Map Use any of the following metho ds to pan (move) or center the map. • Cli ck anyw here on the m ap. The poin t you cl ick be comes the n ew ma p cent er. • When yo u point near the map edge, a white hand displays.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 9 3. Under M ap , s elect Left , Righ t , or Both . 4. Under P rint Layo ut , sel ect Pag e (th e map p rin t area i s based on t he p aper si ze specifie d in the Setup options) or Screen (the map print area is base d on the screen size) .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 10 Measuring Distance and Area Use t h e Meas ure t ool on t he tool bar to measu re li near di stan ce and a rea on the map based on the units chosen in the Disp lay ta b o f the Options dialog bo x .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 11 Coordinate Format Quick Searc h Ad v ance d Se arch Latitude/Longi tude N 43 48 30, W70 9 52 N 43 48 30 W70 9 52 N 43 48.4910, W 070 09.8440 N 43 48.4910 W 070 09.8440 N434829.4600, W0700950.6400 N434829.4600 W0700950.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 12 (NAD27) * 19TDJ06355109 19TDJ064511 19TDJ0651 UTM/UPS 19T 0406311E 4850964N Zone 19T Easti ng 0406311E Northin g 4850964N 19T 0406311 4850964 Zone 1.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 13 Min or Point of Inte rest POI name, City, State Subway, Columbus, O H Major Poi nt of Inter est or Landmark POI/landmark name Mount Rushm o re POI/landmark name.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 14 • Voice • GPS Control Pane l The Control Pane l, loc a te d to the right of the map view, displays informa t ion pe rtinent to the curre nt map view and map cursor posit ion. I t also includes zoo m and map pan buttons.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 15 • Cli ck anyw here on the o vervi ew map a nd th at p oint becomes t he n ew map cent er. This allows yo u t o t r avel gr eater dista nces with eac h mouse c lick than yo u can w ithin the l arger, curr ent map vi ew.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 16 Using the He lp System Help Overvie w There a re s everal ways to get m ore i nform ation about the p rogram 's fe atures and functiona li ty. Tips a nd Inf o There a re th ree wa ys h elp i s provi ded wi thi n the pr ogram .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 17 U sing the Hel p System To open Hel p, cli ck th e Help button on the toolbar and then click Help T opics , o r press th e F1 key on y our keyb oard. To open a ta sk - related Help topic fo r the tab you are working with, click the Help button on the tab.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 18 Print ing Help To pics To print any of the He lp top ics , select a topic (page with question mark) o r heading (book symbol) and the n c lick Print . You can print the se lected topic or a he ading and al l subtopi cs.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 19 Rout able Trail Fe atures Topo Colors Street Colors Descr iption Ma jo r T ra il (Nat ional S c enic, Natio nal H istor ic, e tc .) 4- wheel Dri ve Trai l Tr ail/Wa l kway /Foot Tr a il Important Some trails may cros s private pro per ty.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 20 Indian Reser vation (at data zoo m leve l 11) Indian Reser vation (at data zoo m leve l 2 thru 10- 7) Inter m ittent W ater Land Milita ry Area ( at.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 21 Fast Food Gas Hospital Lodging Metropo litan City Military Base Na tio nal C a pital (da ta zo om level 7 thru 10) Nationa l Capital (da ta zoom leve ls 2 thru .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 22 Pipeline P ower Line Railroad (Abando ned) Railroad Runway State B o undary DeLor me Atlas an d Gazetteer Sym bols Symbol Descr iption Develope d Bo.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 23 Using the T oolbar Showing/H iding Toolbar Options You can custo mize the toolbar to s how the options yo u use most. You can also ac tivate toolbar o ptions that are not tur ned on by defa ult or hid e or sho w the enti re tool bar .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 24 To Open a Projec t To open a n ex isting project: 1. Cli ck the Open button on the t oolb ar. OR Cli ck the a rrow n ext to t he Ope n button, a nd then click Open P roject . If y ou mad e ch anges to a proje ct that is already o pen, the Save Changes dialog box opens .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 25 OR Cli ck the r ed Fi nish button and then click the location o n the ma p where yo u want to e nd yo ur ro ute. OR Sel ect an ad dres s book entry or you r cur rent G PS posi ti on from th e F inish drop - down list.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 26 2. Cl ick point - by- po int to draw a measurem e nt line on the map. A tex t box displays next to yo ur pointer indicating the tota l d istanc e of the measurement taken.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 27 hyperl in k, rig ht - cli ck the feat ure an d then cli ck Open H yperli nk OR click the URL in the Info tab. To Create a Prof ile To cr eate a p rofi le: 1. Cente r your 2 - D map on t he area w ith the li near ob ject you wan t to p rofil e.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 28 An Options button that o pens the Options dia log bo x is also availab le on the 3- D, Find > GPS Radar, a nd GPS tabs. To open the Options menu, c lick the arrow nex t to the Option s button on the toolb ar.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 29 To Turn NavMode On/Off Cli ck the N avMod e button to tur n it on or off. The button is graye d out unless y ou have a GPS device plugged in or a re playing back a GPS log f ile . When the button appears indented , NavMode is on.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 30 Customizi ng the Interface You c an custo mize the inte rface f or your ap pl ication by hid ing the tab panel ar e a and the Contr ol Pane l. If you optimi ze d your installat ion for use with a ne tbook , you can tu r n Netbo ok Mode on or off .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 31 1. Cli ck the Op tions button on the t oolbar. OR Cli ck the a rrow n ext to t he O ptions toolbar but to n to ope n the menu. The n, c lick Options to open the dialog box. 2. Cli ck the Map Fea ture s tab. 3. Select the check box next to the map fea ture s you want to display on the map.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 32 Dis plays t he DeL orme 3 DTQ pr oduct CD vol ume label , whi ch covers eac h map area a t data zoom l evel 10 - 0 or great e r . • Map Cen ter Crossh air The map cent er c rossha ir i ndicat es the ma p cen ter at any da ta zoom le vel.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 33 Displays a s haded map area in populated re gions at data zoo m levels 5- 0. 4. Click O K to co mmit the change and exit the Options dialog bo x. OR Cli ck Apply t o comm i t the change and k eep working in the Options dialog box.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 34 base ma p display and canno t be changed . This is why c ertain levels o n the tree remai n una vail able (ap pear di mmed or gra y). 6. Click O K to acce pt the change and ex it the Optio ns dialog box.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 35 2. At the to p of the left map window, se lec t the raster datase t from the data drop- down list . 3. Cli ck the Hybr id Map button. All roads, contours , points, text labels, a nd s o on display identica lly to the data tha t is disp layed in the r ight map window.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 36 4. Click O K to acce pt the change and ex it the Options dialog box. OR Cli ck Apply t o accept the change and kee p working in the Options dialog bo x. Changing How POIs Display on the Map You can change the data zoom level at which large POI symbols display o n the map.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 37 some n ames of PO Is sma ll sq uare symbol small squ are symbol la rge symb ol Setting U nits of Measure Pre fe rence s You c an change t he unit s of mea sure use d to repr es ent how co ordinate forma ts, d ist a nce, datum, a nd bear ing listing s display .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 38 Notes • UTM/UPS and MGRS coor dinate syste ms are best used with NAD27 datum. 95% of the USGS quads conta ining UTM gr id lines use s the NAD27 datum, which is helpful if you are compar ing a map generate d from your mapping application to a USGS map.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 39 4. Click O K to co mmit the change and exit the Options dialog bo x. OR Cli ck Apply t o com mit the c hange and keep working in the O ptions dialog box .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 40 To Res ize the T ab and Map Are a Using th e Resize T ools There a re tw o tab a rea re siz e tools. Th e ho rizon tal resize t ool i s loca ted abov e the t ab ar ea and lets you a d jus t the height of the tab are a.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 41 Acces sing Data Colle ctions When the lef t map window is activate d, a bar displays o n the top of the left map (se e graphic below). This bar displ ays two d rop -down li sts: o ne for swa p ping data and o ne for changing the map f rom 2- D to 3 - D and vice versa.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 42 Showing or Hiding Tabs The Tab Manager feature al l ows you t o custom ize y our prog ram by showi ng or hi din g individual tabs.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 43 Importi ng/Exporting Tab M anager Prefe rences Tab Manager includes a fea ture that allows yo u to s hare your custom tab manage r pr eferenc es wi th ot her DeL orme T opo No rth A merica u sers.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 44 To Reorde r the Tabs Use th e fol lo wing steps to reorder the tabs with Tab Ma na ger . 1. Open D eLorm e Topo North Ameri ca, cl ick t he arrow next t o th e Option s button on th e toolb ar and cl ick Tab Man ager .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 45 Creati ng a New Custom Scheme You can crea te a c ustom keyboa rd sh ortcu t schem e for d ifferen t prog ra m uses. To Crea te a Custo m S cheme Use th e fol lowi ng step s to c reate a cust om sch eme. 1. Cli ck the Op tions button on the toolbar.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 46 11. Cl ick App ly to sa ve the ch anges. OR Cli ck OK to save the changes and close the O ptions dialog box. OR Cli ck Cancel to cancel your pending changes and close the Options dialog box. Notes • To sort the command list view, click a he a d ing ( Group , Co mman d , or Shortc ut ).
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 47 To Cus tomize a DeLorme Sch eme Use th e fol lowi ng step s to cu stomi ze a D eLorm e sch eme. 1. Cli ck the Op tions button on the toolbar. OR Cli ck the a rrow n ext to t he O ptions toolbar butto n to open the menu.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 48 To Delete a Custom Scheme Use the following ste ps to delete a c ustom keyboard shortcut sche me. 1. Cli ck the Op tions button on the toolbar. OR Cli ck the a rrow n ext to t he O ptions toolbar butto n to open the menu.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 49 5. T ype a na me in the File N ame text box, browse to the location where you w a nt to save t he .k eyschem e fil e, and t hen cl i ck Save .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 50 Print a r eference c ard from your web browse r • Use th e Pri nt Previ ew fu ncti onali ty in your web brow ser to s ee i f the l ist wil l display as y o u want it to.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 51 Viewi ng Data You c an view two types of data at the same time using the split - w indow func tion and by connec ting the data with the Data Loc ations option in the Map Files tab. The only data type s that you can view in the r ight map window are DeLor me Topo North America data and 3 - D TopoQuads data.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 52 Can I se nd route s or d ra w la yers t o a no t he r DeLorme use r? Proj ects, i ncl uding thei r routes an d draw laye rs, can be pack aged i nto o ne tran sfer fi l e for conv enien ce.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 53 2. Click F ile and then c lick Open . OR Cli ck the O pen button on the tab. 3. Doubl e - click the pro ject. The last s a ve d map view for that pro ject displays. OR Click the proje ct to select it and then click Open .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 54 Saving a Project Use the Map F iles tab to s ave each of yo ur pro jects quickly and ea s ily u sing on e of the foll owing methods: • Cli ck File and then c lick Save or cli ck th e Save button . o If you have no t saved the project befor e, the Save File dialog bo x opens.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 55 2. Open the pro ject you w ant to creat e as a t ransf er fi le. 3. Click F ile , cli ck Tran sfer , and then click Create . The S elect H yperl ink ed Files dialog box o pens. 4. Verify the Inc lude Hyp erlink Fi les for Tra nsfer chec k box is sel ected .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 56 10. Cl ick Cre ate . Yo ur fi le i s created and saved i n th e speci fied locati on. Th e defaul t l ocati on for imported tr ansfer file attachme nts is C: DeLo rme Do cs Tra nsfe r Files .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 57 Emailing a Transfer File You can pack age a project and its conte nts into a single f ile, called a transf er file, to facilitate emailing or copying.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 58 2. Type a major trail name, mountain name, address, ZIP/Postal Code, town name, coordinate, draw object labe l, ad dr ess book contact name , street interse ction, etc. in the Se arch For text bo x. See Sear ch ing T ips for a des cript ion of inp ut format s.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 59 Histor y from the d rop - down l ist. Cli ck No t o del ete the search hi story i n the Qui ckSearch drop - down li st. Cli ck Yes to d elete the s earch h istory in both t he QuickSearc h a nd A dv anced subtabs.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 60 Use at least a pa rtial ZIP Cod e to l ocate the cov er ed regi ons. Th e r esu lt s are displayed in a bro wse list. • Name an d/or Categ ory Searc hes f or a sp ecifi c name i n a sp ecifi c categ ory.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 61 Searc hes f or the sp ecif ied nam e wi thin a ZIP Code. Di splay s a ZIP C ode te xt fiel d. A sea rch f or a Z IP+4 Cod e is t reated the same as a fi ve - digit ZIP Code. • U.S. State Search es for a n ame wi thin a specifi c U.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 62 Performing a POI Search The POIs subta b give s you an easy way to find the place s of interes t you are looking for. You c an search o ver four million p l ace s of inte r est inc luding Wa l - Mart st ores, post o ffices, hospi tals, D eLorme Atla s & G a zettee r P OIs, and much m ore.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 63 Tutorial: Find Points of Interest on a R oute Use GPS Rad ar to fi nd t he cl osest p oin t of in terest t o your curren t loca ti on as you trav el alon g a route . In this tut o rial, yo u ar e cre at ing a route on the toolbar and using NavMode to navigate with the route.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 64 • Selec t the O nly i n Dire ction of Trav el check b ox so y ou don't have t o ba ck track to make your n ext stop — i f you' re dri vin g in a very rural area, you ma y not want t o use this fea ture because the closest po int of interest may be b e hind you.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 65 Finding Points of Interest Ne ar Your Current Location Use the GPS Radar o ption on the Find tab to sear ch for points o f interest (POIs) s uc h as gas stati o.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 66 • T he time require d for a GPS Radar searc h varies by the distance, density of objects in the ar ea, th e cat egori es chos en, an d whet her y ou are searchi ng only i n the di recti on of travel .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 67 Finding a Symbol by its Name Within the Dr aw tab, you can attach a name to any s y mbol you add to your map. For more information on a d ding s ymbols to the map, see Adding a Waypoint, Symbol, MapNo te, or Text Labe l to the Map .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 68 Route – Places a start, stop, or finish point at th at location on the ma p based on your selec tion. The location is listed in the Start te xt box, Stop tex t box, or Finish text box in the Route tab.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 69 Lib rary Busi nesses Hotel Gasoli ne Restau rant Pizza Educa tion and Cultur a l Co lle ge Local Park Park School Stat e Park Uni versi ty Atl as & Gazet te.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 70 Water Object Typ es All of the stock draw sy mbols (such a s blue map pin, red flag, c anoe, etc.) Draw symbols Object s in non - DeLo rme d ata Roa.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 71 • Examp le 1 – U sing Loca l Road pro vides m any catego ry re sult s, such as Fer ry Crossing Local Road, Local or Rural Road, and R ailroad Local Line. • Examp le 2 – U sing R oad provi des over 10 0 resu lts fr om mo re categ ori es.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 72 To delete Ma pTags from the Find t ab: • To del ete on e M ap Ta g , cl i ck the Se lect t ool , cl ick th e MapTag, cl ick t he Delete Tag to ol , an d cli ck the S elect tool again. OR Ri ght - c lick the MapTag you w a nt to de lete and select Delete M apTag .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 73 To Import an Existing Addre ss Book Use the following step s to import an existing addr ess book and v iew its contents on the map. 1. Cli ck the Fi nd tab. 2. Cli ck the Addres s Bo ok button . The D eLorme A ddre ss B ook di alog b ox open s.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 74 3. Click Ne w . The Ed it a DeLor me Address Book Entry dialog box opens. 4. Enter t he in formati on f or the entry .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 75 3. D oubl e - click the record you want to e dit. OR Click the reco rd you want to edit and then c lick Edit . 4. Edit the applicab le informat ion. 5. If you want to move the contact, selec t the method to place it on the map fro m the Updat e Loc atio n drop - down list.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 76 1. Cli ck the Fi nd tab. 2. Cli ck the Addres s Bo ok button . The D eLorme A ddre ss B ook di alog b ox open s. 3. Click R elocate All . A confi rmati on message displ ays. 4. Click OK to relocat e th e entri es.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 77 • The add ress b ook h as a 200 - rec o r d lim it. • You ca n resize a nd m ove the Address Book dialo g box .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 78 7. Click S ave . 8. Click OK to a cknow ledg e the expo rt locat ion . 9. Click Do ne . Notes • The add ress b ook h as a 200 - rec o r d lim it. • You ca n resize a nd m ove the Address Book dialo g box .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 79 • To change the pho to zoom, selec t a n option from the Photo Zoom drop - down li st o r type the photo zoom in the tex t bo x. Note Ch angi ng t he phot o zoom enla rges or redu ces th e map fea ture s an d changes t he map print are a.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 80 • Trave l Pa ck age – Provides maps of the route wi th c orrespo nding directions . • Turn Detai ls – Prints 2" x 2" maps of e a ch of the t ur ns in your route di rection s.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 81 Profi le Onl y The main Profile graph without the map. Note Click the Copy to Clipboard button to copy your prof ile to the clipboar d so that y ou can paste it into a graphics pro gr am such as Microsof t Paint or Adobe Photosh op.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 82 8. To und erline y our text, click the Unde rline to ol . 9. To cha nge th e col or of you r text , cl ick t he Font Color tool . From the Color di alog box, y ou can: • Cl ick to sele ct an alt e rnat iv e co lor.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 83 AND/OR Sel ect the Sc ale ch ec k b ox to display the current scale o n the map. AND/OR Sel ect the Sc ale Ref erence Len gth check b ox t o disp lay t he scal e refer ence l ength on the map. AND/OR Sel ect the Zoom check box to display the cur rent data zoom leve l on the map.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 84 • Left to align the left side s of all of the items; place ment is based on the left sid e of the l eft - most i tem. • Right to a lign the right s ides of all of the items ; placement is bas ed on the r ight side of the right - mo st item.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 85 Width , He ight , o r Bot h . When you at tempt t o m ake mu lti ple i tems th e same s ize, t he la rgest i tem is alwa ys the bas is for t he si ze cha nge.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 86 To Prin t Maps W ith a Yellow/Black Bac kgrou nd Use the following ste ps to turn on the yellow/b l a c k background w he n printing a map. 1. Cente r the m ap on th e a rea you want t o pri nt. 2. Cli ck the Pri nt tab and then click the Map subtab.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 87 3 x 3 multi - page M ap 3. Align two a dja c ent sheets, placing the tr imme d e dge on top of the non- t rimm ed edge. Notes • Pi ece t ogeth er the mul ti - page m ap on e seam at a t ime. Th is i s especi all y important for a 3 x 3 multi - page map.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 88 4. Usin g two sm all pieces of remov able t ape, t ack togeth er th e ali gned sh ee ts. Note Th is i s a temp orary m easu re. St eps 6 th roug h 10 d escri be how t o com pletel y secu re the sheets .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 89 9. Keeping the length o f the tape ta ut, carefully apply the ta pe to the seam until both sid es are fi xed t o the w ork sur face. 10. Press the tape along the sea m to remove any air gaps. 11. Repeat steps 6 through 10 until all seams a re completely pieced to gether.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 90 What is a draw file ? Imagine a draw file as a sheet of glass layi ng on top of your map. You can add various object s to the d raw fil e to hel p enh ance o r pin poin t speci fic areas on th e map, but these objec ts do no t beco m e part of the map.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 91 • Point objec ts consist of one anchor point attached to e ither a waypoint, s ymbol, MapNot e, i ma ge, or text label. The ancho r point is the pixel position o n the symbol that corres ponds to the geographic c oo rdinate of the point selected on the map w hen the symb ol i s placed.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 92 line, the length o f the line segme nt (leg), and the total are a of the poly gon on th e map. Draw obj ects su ch as r outabl e roads, r outabl e trail s, tracks, l ines, spl ines, a nd polygons co ns ist of shape points and end points .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 93 The line obje c t below was drawn with the sp line too l. • End points are the first and last points o f individual line s e gments on a draw o bject.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 94 Arcs – Contain three s h ape points. When you c lick any of the points, a tex t box displays the a ngle o r bearing of the selected point, the radius of the arc, a nd the total length of the arc line on the map.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 95 Draw File Managemen t Creating a New Draw File There a re fi ve di fferent types of draw fil es: • DrawL ayer — C reat ed wh en you ad d a l ine, ar c, spl ine, circl e, rectan gle, polyg on, symbol, Ma pNo te, or text label to the map.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 96 To Save a New Draw F ile Use th e fol lowi ng step s to sa ve a d raw fi le. 1. Cli ck the Draw tab. 2. Click F ile . 3. Click S ave . Draw files a re sav ed by defau lt i n C: DeLor m e D ocs D raw with .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 97 4. Click Do ne to ret urn t o th e main Draw tab area . Editing/Lockin g Draw Files You can edit the c urrent active (e ditable) draw file. Yo u can also lock a dra w f ile, making it uned ita ble. To Edit a Draw File Use th e fol lowi ng steps to e dit a draw file.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 98 4. Click Ex port . The Exp ort D raw F ile d ialog box open s. 5. Brows e to a d irect ory i n whi ch to sa ve the fil e or use t he def ault desti nati on of C: DeLo rme Do cs Expor t . 6. Select Text F ile from t he Sav e a s Type drop - down list.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 99 To Ex port Track or Waypoint F iles to GPX Files Use the following ste ps to export an ex isting tra ck or waypoint file to a GPX file. 1. Open the pro ject containing the tr ack or waypoint file y o u want to export.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 100 7. Select the f ile an d then click Open . The draw objects in the impor ted file display. A new dra w fi le i s autom ati cally creat ed f or the i mport ed fi le. 8. Click Do ne to ret urn t o th e Draw di al og area.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 101 When yo u export t he file to an Earthm ate P N seri es GP S devi ce, the c omment s are i ncl uded. Locati on Fil e (.l oc) Waypoi nt f ile fro m Geoca chin Coord ina te in formati on, na me, and URL li nk.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 102 END 43.806696, - 70.163905 43.807125, - 70.164768 43.807801, - 70.164440 END Arc B EGI N ARC LAT, LON LAT, LON LAT, LON LAT, LON END BEGIN ARC 43.807801, - 70.164440 43.807704, - 70.162775 43.807211, - 70.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 103 To Co py a Map Line Use th e fol lowi ng steps to co py a map line to a draw f ile. 1. Pan the ma p a nd zoom to the data zoom level.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 104 map, the da te a nd time the ro utable roa d was last mo dified, and the length o f the road (in the me asurement chosen in the D isplay s e ttings).
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 105 Copying a Draw File You can co py the contents of an existing file an d save it as a diff erent file type (f or example, conv ert a r oad la yer to a draw l aye r). To Co py a Draw File Use the following ste ps to copy a draw file.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 106 To Change a Draw Object Use th e fol lowi ng step s to change a dr aw object type. 1. Use th e Dra w tab to place a draw object on the ma p.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 107 Creati ng a Direct Route from a Line Object Once yo u ha ve place d a rout a ble road , tr ail, line , arc, or spline o n the map, you ca n use the rig ht - click fe ature to create a direct route using the po ints in that line object.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 108 To Move a Draw Object to a Different Draw File Use th e fol lowing steps to move a draw objec t. 1. Cli ck the Dr aw tab. 2. Click F ile to op en th e dra w fil e edi ting area. All the fi les you h ave c reated disp lay i n a ta ble.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 109 Tips • T o undo the m ove of the p asted d raw object , cli ck th e Undo button to undo the last action. I f you decide no t to undo the last action, click the Redo bu tton . • If you undo the first move of the pas ted object, the o bject is placed back o n top of the o rigi nal (copied) objec t.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 110 Tip To undo a draw object move, click th e Undo button to undo the last action. If you decide no t to undo the last ac tion, click the Redo button .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 111 3. Type the new na m e in the box and press EN TER on your keyboard OR click aw a y from t he box. Deleting Dr aw O bject s Once y ou pl ace a d raw ob ject on a dra w fil e, yo u can d elete th e ob ject. Y ou can also d elete mul tiple or all draw obj ect s in t he acti ve dra w fil e.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 112 • If you cl ick No , no obj ects are cl eared from t he fil e. To Delete All Draw Objects To del ete al l d raw obje cts fr om an u nsaved dra w .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 113 2. Cli ck the Se lect t ool a nd the n c lick the arc on th e map. A box displays a ro und the active obje ct.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 114 La bel ing a Draw Ob jec t You can labe l any dr aw object. Once yo u labe l a dr a w object, you ca n search for it using the QuickSearc h f unction in the Find tab or b y typing the draw objec t label in any of the routing fields in the Route tab.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 115 3. Type the na me of the road or trail you want to add in the Road/T rail Name t ext box. Name each routable r oad/trail you a dd s o you can locate it using the find fe ature. 4. Hover the mo use pointer over ex isting roads and trails to display the yellow diamond symbol .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 116 To Draw a Line, Ar c, or Spline Use the following ste ps to draw a line/arc/s pline. 1. Cli ck the Draw tab. 2. Click and hold the Line/Arc/S pline t ool and selec t the tool you want. 3. Select a li ne/a rc/spli ne styl e from the S tyle d rop - down list.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 117 6. Select the Hi ghlig ht chec k box to mak e your t rac k app ear tran slu cent on the ma p. 7. Select the S how Mea surement check b ox to d isplay infor mation about the po ints on th e map a s you d raw the tra ck.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 118 Note Y ou can d ispl ay ei ther bea ring or dist ance b y cl icki ng th e drop - d own arrow n ext t o the Bear ing or An gle text located below the distance text in the Di sta nc e a nd Be aring/A ngl e opt ion.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 119 Step 2 — Convert the tra ck to a tra i l To con vert the t rack to a trai l, sel ect th e track i n th e Draw Fil e list, click t he C opy To butto n, and t he n cli ck Trail . The track is converted to a trail.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 120 2. Cli ck the Se lect t ool i n the D raw tab , pr ess the S HIFT k ey on your k eyboa rd, and then click bo th of the trail segments . Boxes display around e ach segment. 3. Ri ght - click one of the segme nts , point to Manage Dr aw , and the n click Join Lines .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 121 2. To place a routable road o r tr ail, click and hold the Routa ble Road /Rou ta ble T rai l tool and select the too l you want. OR To pl ace a l ine/ arc /spline, click a nd hold the Line/ Arc/Sp line to ol and selec t the too l you want.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 122 To Break Use the following ste ps to break linear o bjects. 1. Cli ck the Draw tab. 2. Cli ck the Se lect t ool and select the line object you wa nt to bre ak. • A box displays a round the active line.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 123 8. Select the S how Mea surement check box to display area (and radius information for circ les ) on the map as you draw the object. 9. To draw a circle , click the location for the circle's center on the map and drag away from c ente r to set the r adi us for th e circ le.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 124 If you sel ected a singl e pol ygon , click one of the shape po ints o f the polygon and drag to change its bearing or angle, the leg length, a nd polygon area on the map. Reshape the polygo n by dr agging any of the po ints in the polygon to a new lo cati on.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 125 Waypoints , Symbols, MapNot es, Text Labels, an d Images Adding a Wa ypoint, Symbol, MapNote, Tex t Label, or Image to the M ap You can a dd point dra w obje cts to a draw file in yo ur current proj ect .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 126 3. Optiona l. Click the Hyp erlink button and browse to the doc ume nt you want to link y our point objec t to. The n, click the fil e name an d cli ck Open . The add ress a ppea rs in the UR L fiel d.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 127 Placing a Waypoint , Symbol, Text Label, or I mage at a Specific Locatio n You can place any point object (way point, symbol, te x t label, or image ) at a specific coordi nate l ocati on.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 128 • When yo u use r ight - click functi on ality to add a MapNo te, it is light blue unless it is a blank MapNote .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 129 2. Click F ile to op en th e dra w fil e edi ting area. All the files yo u created display in a table. 3. Click to select the file that includes the contents yo u want to copy. 4. Click M ore . The ta b area inc reases i n hei ght and t he fil e detail s tabl e di splays.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 130 Creating a New Symbol With DeLorme XSy m you can add a new symbo l to a n ex isting or new symbol se t (. dim) file. You can ass ign a new category name for the symbol to help locate it unde r the Find tab in the De Lorm e mappi ng program .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 131 • To undo the last a c tion, cl ick th e Und o button und er Edit Symbol . • To repea t the last ac tion, click the Redo button under Edit Symbol . 7. To assi gn a s ymbol nam e to th e curren t sym bol, t ype a n ame o r phra se i n the Symbol Name text box under Edit Symbol.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 132 Third - Party GPS Device s You can create a custom symbol set that includes a ll of the waypoint symbols o n your third - party GPS dev ice .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 133 To Edit a Sym bol Use the following ste ps to edit a sy m bol. 1. Cli ck the Dr aw tab. 2. Click and hold the Symbol/MapNote/Tex t Label/Im age tool to view its hidden o ptions . Selec t the Symbo l tool . 3. Under S ymbols , select the symbol set tha t co ntains the symbol you want to e dit.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 134 The Symbol Name displays in the Ma p Fea tur e Type column just befo re the symbol's feature ty pe (draw object). 7. Doubl e - cli ck the i tem or sel ect th e it em and cli ck Go To t o locat e you r selecti on on the m a p.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 135 • If you atte mpt to import a bitmap larger than 24 x 24 pixels into XSym, a messa ge box warns yo u the selected bitmap is large r than 24 x 24 pixels and the image is reduc ed.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 136 Pasting a B itmap into XSym Yo u can copy a bitmap or part of a bitmap to the clipboar d a nd p a s te the image into DeLor me X Sym to use as a sy mb o l. Ideally, the paste d bitmap should be 24 x 24 pixe ls in size.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 137 To Drag a B itmap int o XSym Use the following ste ps to drag a bitmap into XSy m. 1. Cli ck the Dr aw tab. 2. Click and hold the Symbol/M apNote/Text L abel/Image to ol to view its hidden op tio ns. Se lect the Symbo l tool .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 138 5. Select the s ymbol to re move f rom th e symb ol sel ecti on. Th e symb ol d isplay s in the Symbo l Edit ing Gr id. 6. Click Remove . The sy mbol disa ppears f rom t he symb ol s electi on un der Sy mbols in Se t and the next symbo l within the s election displays in the Symbol Editing Gr id.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 139 2. Click and hold the Symbol/MapNote/Tex t Label/Im age tool to view its hidden op tio ns. Se lect the Symbo l tool . 3. Under S ymbols , s elect the symb ol se t that contains the symbo l yo u want to edit. 4.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 140 To Ce nt e r the Anch or P o siti on Cli ck Center Ancho r to pl ace the anchor point in the exa c t center of the Symbol Editing Grid . Cursor Positi on Any sy mbol creat ed in XSym i s 24 x 24 pixel s sq uare.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 141 3. Under S ymbols , select the symbol set yo u want to copy from the drop -d own li st. The D eLorme XSym d ial og box opens . 4. Under S ymbol Set Name , t ype th e nam e for your new symb ol set . You c an edit symbols , creat e sym bols , o r i mport bitmaps for your n ew sym bol s et.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 142 OR Type yo ur s tart location in the Start d rop - d own t ext box . You can typ e th e name of an address book contact, user-adde d waypoint, or add re ss. Notes An address m us t be in one of the following for mats: street addre ss, city, state OR street add ress, Z IP Cod e.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 143 3. Ri ght - click the map location wher e you want to end your route, point to Creat e Route , an d cli ck Set as Fi nish .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 144 Step 3 — Add a s econd stop Assign yo ur sec o nd stop using the sam e proce dure outline d i n s tep 2 . Step 4 — Set the route finish Since yo u want to f inish yo ur route where yo u star ted, use the same f inish loc ation that y ou used for your start point in step 1.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 145 Addi ng and Inserting Stops and Via s Use stops and v ias to route you through a p articular p lace or a long a particular ro ad. You can add or inse rt stops or vias in any ro ute you create using the Ro ute tab, t he route opti ons on th e tool bar, or b y rig ht - clicking the map (2- D only).
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 146 1. Ri ght - click the map where you want to a dd the last stop or via. 2. Point to CreateRoute , and then c l ick Add as Last Stop or A dd as Last Via .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 147 The Book c hec k box (underneath the Ad dre ss Book buttons in the Find ta b ) must be sel ected t o sea rch f or address book contact name s. Ri ght - c lick the map where yo u want to insert the stop or via 1.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 148 Creat e a rou te — th ere a re sev eral wa ys to d o th is. Wh en you creat e a rou te, you can add or in sert stop s or vi as if you want to tr avel thr o ugh spec ific locatio n s .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 149 Usi ng GP S If you a re using a G P S device with your progr am on a portable computer to navigate the route you c reated , use t he fol lowi ng st eps. • NavMode is the default view whe n GP S trac king. If you wa nt to use the tab view when travel lin g, cli ck the NavMode button on the toolbar.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 150 Changing the Properties of a Stop A long Your Route You c an change t he p rop e rties of a stop a long your ro ute by using the Stop P refs f unction in the Advanced s ub-tab under Route. To Chan ge the Proper ties of a St op U se the following ste ps to change the pro perties of a stop.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 151 The l ist of routes you h ave cr eated d ispl ay in the rout e li st on t he left . A sel ected check box indicate s the route is displaying o n the map. 2. Click a r o ute to select and highlight it. OR Doubl e - click a route to center it on the map.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 152 If you sel ected th e Rect angle to o l, click th e lo ca tion for the rec tangle's upper- left corner o n the map and drag away fro m the corner to set the width, height, and a r ea for th e rect angl e.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 153 and Avoid avo ids this typ e of road whenever possible. An avoided ro ad may be used when no other ro ad is availab le. 6. In t he Speed text b ox, t ype you r av erage d rivi ng spe ed for thi s road t ype. Thes e speed s are u sed t o comp ute th e tra vel ti me for a route .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 154 • To change a route point, click the cor responding to o l and then click t he new s pot o n the map.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 155 Note Click Default to change the road proper ties to the defa ult settings. C lick Clear All Ed its to r em ove al l roa d opti ons an d retu rn al l road p rop erties t o thei r default se ttings. 6. Click Do ne .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 156 Displayi ng and Centering Routes on the Map All the rou tes y ou creat e are autom at ica l ly d ispla ye d. T h e a ct ive rout e dis p la ys a s a gold lin e outli ned i n red. Ea ch i nacti ve route disp lays as a da shed, o range line outli ned i n green.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 157 Deleti ng a Route You can pe rmanent ly de let e routes. To Delete a Route Use the following ste ps to delete a ro ute. 1. Cli ck the Rout e tab and then click the New/Ed it subtab. 2. Select the rou te f rom th e Nam e drop - down li st.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 158 you want to be flex ible betwee n b re aks and defined stops . For exampl e, i f you s elected 1.5 Hrs from th e Flexi bili ty drop - down list an d have an end of da y break within 1.5 hours of a planned stop, the end of day brea k is mo ve d to the planned sto p.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 159 Converti ng a Route to a GPS Log You can co nvert a ny route to a GPS log file (.gpl). To Conv ert a Rout e to a GPS Log F ile Use the following ste ps to convert a route to a GP S lo g file . 1. Creat e a rou te .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 160 To Set G PS Options • Manually c hange t he l oca tion co ordinates Eac h t ime you tr ac k with GPS , the i nitia lization pro cess uses the coor dinates from the last in itia lize d lo ca ti on.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 161 Snap to route – Automatically locate s the place on the ro ute that is cl osest to your vehi cle's current l ocati on. Start GPS log – Automa ti cally g enerat es a GP S log . Use H igh - Co ntrast colors – Automatically enables high- contrast ma p col ors.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 162 To In itialize You r GPS Receiver If you a re using a no n - DeLorm e Eart hmate GPS re cei ver, you must initialize it befor e you u se it .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 163 Using Na vMo de or GPS Tab Vi ew The GPS ta b vi ew opti on all ows you to use the GPS tab to control navigating a nd tr acking . By default, the ta bs and Control Panel ar e visible, but you can o pt to hide them .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 164 Tutorial: Route with GPS — Tab Vi ew Th is tuto r ia l ex p lains ro ut ing w ith G PS in GPS tab view o n your laptop co m puter . This option allows yo u to use the GPS tab to contro l naviga t ing a nd tr acking.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 165 Step 5 — Start driving Your c urrent posi ti on displ ays on t he map as a green/ yell ow ci rcle — g reen i ndic ates a 3 - D fix , y ellow in d ica te s a 2 - D fix — and the computer s peaks the route directions .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 166 Step 1 — Get ready Cr ea te a Route Befor e you g e t ready to leave on your trip, use the applicat ion to creat e a r oute using your curre nt GPS loc ation as the route sta rt point an d yo ur d es tination a s your finish.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 167 Step 3 — Start driving The com pute r speak s th e rout e di rection s as yo u dri ve. If y ou are u sin g speech rec ogni tion softwa re, y ou can ask t he .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 168 • Progres s Bar — Th e pro gress ba r di spla ys below the oran ge b ar. It show s how fa r along you are in yo ur route by distan ce. • Turns — The blue area at the bottom of the screen s hows the next turn in large te x t and the f ollowing t ur n in sm a ller tex t.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 169 not wa nt th e prog ram t o autom ati cally recalcu late y our rout e wh en off track , clear the Back on Tr ack ch eck box a nd cli ck Bac k on T rack w henev er y ou want to re cal culate the route b ase d on the current GPS position.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 170 More Info to open the GPS Radar subtab on the Find tab and get more in formati on about the re sult. Click Stop Radar to st op sea rching . • Progres s Bar – The progress bar displays be low the orange ba r.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 171 4. Cli ck the GPS tab and click St ar t GPS . OR Cli ck the GP S button on the toolbar. Notes • The GPS and Nav Mo de to olbar butto ns are hidden by def ault. To show them, right - cli ck the toolbar and c lick GPS/NavMo de .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 172 • Cli ck the Pa use button to pause the tr acking of the log f ile. T he Pau se button turns blue to indicate the f ile is paused. Click the Play button to continue playing back the file. • Cli ck the Stop button to stop the play back.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 173 1. Cli ck the GPS tab and then click the GP S L og subtab. 2. Click Cle ar T rail to clear any existing GPS points fro m the map display. 3. Click F ile and then c lick Open . 4. Select the f ile you want to vi ew deta ils for and t hen cli ck Open .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 174 insufficient sate llite da ta to determine yo ur GPS pos ition. This usually indicate s insuff i cient da t a for an accur ate loca tion due t o : • Onl y three satell ites b eing u sed • Poor s ign als from the sa tell ites.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 175 Alman ac When u sin g a DeLo rme GPS re ceiver, the A lman ac wi ndow di spl ays the sate llite number and its current s ta tus. N – Indicate s the satellite is be ing used for navigation. E – Indi cates ephem eris d ata i s avail able for t he satel lite.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 176 shrin ks and cha nges di rection as the Su n move s across th e compa ss (si milar to a sun dial). • Sun rise/set and Moon r ise/set in formati on. • Moo n cycle infor mation (s uch as the day of the moon cycle and the phase ).
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 177 Your a ccura cy wi ll al so depen d on y our l evel of cle arance wit h the U. S. Depa rtmen t of Defen se. Th ere ar e two avail able ra dio si gnal s that re.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 178 Activa ting and Monitori ng Speech Re cognition To use voice navigation, you m u s t have a 2- D o r 3 - D GPS fi x and a r oute calcul ated. Use the Vo ice tab to v iew s tatus inform a tion about y our microphone a nd the list o f available voice comm a n ds .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 179 Route Tab Commands The following tab le s hows navigation voice commands f or the Route tab. If there is a keybo ard shortcut available, it is liste d after the command.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 180 Back on track. Adds c urrent GPS loca t ion as a stop and recalculates the route . Cont inu e route fr om h ere. (F9) Adds curre nt location as a sto p and recalculates the ro ute. Show tur ns. Activate s the Show T urns dialog ar ea in the Route tab.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 181 Moni tor GPS. Displays the GPS Monitor subtab. GPS Mon itor. Cente r on GPS . (AL T+P) Recenters the ma p on th e curre nt GPS loc a tion. Stop cente r ing on GPS. (ALT+P) Stops t he ma p from recen terin g on y our cur rent GPS l ocati on.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 182 Go nort hwes t… Go sou th… Go sou theast… Go sou thwest… Directio n dist ance modifiers (spoken second) …in [distanc e in tent hs of a mile] Other (spoken alone) At finish. [was: “ Destination re ached.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 183 4. Select your p refe rred us er voi ce mod el fro m the User Pro file drop - d own list. Note T o creat e a new spe ech re cogni tion profil e for ea ch of y our wo rki ng envi ronment s (n oisy, q ui et) and u sers (your spouse, y our chi ld), cl ick Speec h in the Win dows Cont rol Pa nel.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 184 • Prope rly posi ti on your m icroph one to a chi eve th e best sp eech recogn ition resul ts. Fo r a close - tal k micro phone, the reco mmended position is a thumb-width fr o m the corner of yo ur mo uth and slightly to the side.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 185 Changing Voice Output To use voice navigat i on, y ou mus t have a 2- D o r 3 - D GPS fi x and a route calcul ated.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 186 To View and Update Speech Recognition Preferences To chan ge speech inpu t preferen ces, cl ick the Options button on t he tool bar (or cl ick t he.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 187 Map Files Tab — Geocaching Menu Mana ge Geoca chi pocket queri es fr om wi thin DeLorm e Topo North A meri ca. You can also set an opt ion t o autom atica lly u pload fi eld notes on yo ur P N - Seri es GPS d evi ce to Geocaca ching .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 188 Upload Fie ld Notes Upl oad fi eld notes t o Geocach in wh en you sync you r PN - Seri es GP S wi th DeLorm e Topo N orth A meri ca. • To a u t om a tically up load f ield note s to Geoc aching.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 1 89 Update Po c ket Queries You mus t be logged in thro ugh Top o North America to upda te a pocket query. On the Ma p Fil es tab, cl ick Geoca chin g and th en click Up dat e . The Geo ca ch i ng Pock et Qu er ies list in th e map f iles lis t updates.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 190 Cli ck the Sync button on th e tool bar to open t he Ea r thmate GPS Sync dialog bo x. You can a lso o pen the Sync dialog box by clicking the Sync button on the Handheld Export tab or the GPS ta b.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 191 View Project or GPS/SD Card Contents Cli ck Project Contents , GPS Cont ents , o r SD Ca rd Content s to vi ew a su mma ry of th e waypoints, geo caches, trac ks, routes, and maps o n your desktop a nd on the conne cted d evice/ SD ca rd.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 192 Make Ch anges You c an change w hat will sync and whe re it will s ync to . Each lay er , file, r oute, or m ap can be ind ividu a lly co ntro lled. • To ex clud e someth in g from syn cin g, clea r its ch eck bo x.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 193 Sync When yo u syn c, onl y files you hav e sel ected on ei ther si de are incl uded. • Cli ck Sync to sync new files and c hanges to existing f iles at the same time .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 194 Step 2 — Select the coverage area and submit your selection 1. From the dro p-down list, select the d a ta type you want to download.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 195 Step 4 — Down load your imager y or data You will be notified by email when the do w nload is ready. You c an also check the download prog re ss on th e Dow n l oads subtab. When your file is r e ady, go to the Downloads subtab and download y our map files.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 196 Step 6 — View the imagery on the device Dis connect your d evi ce from y our c omput er. On the de vice, g o to Map > MEN U > D ata Manag ement . Then, highlight the ma p f ile, press MENU an d sel ect Vie w Map .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 197 North America to create a set of waypo ints, a track, and a route that identify the loc ations you a re in terest ed in visiti ng. • See Syn cing Maps, Poi nts, Rout es, and Tracks for more infor mation abo ut sy ncing.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 198 Step 3 — View wh at will sy nc To vi ew the conten ts of the p roject , cli ck Project Cont ents . To view what is on the device/ SD card, cli ck GPS Co ntents . To view a detailed list for a category with contents, click i t.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 199 Step 5 — Sync Cli ck Sync on the dialog bo x . You are notified whe n sync is complete..
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 200 Deleting Files from a PN - Seri es GPS You can u se Eart hmate GPS Sync t o delet e map s, routes, t racks, waypo ints, an d geocach es fro m y our Ea rthm ate PN - Seri es GPS or an S D ca rd in an SD ca rd rea der.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 201 Sync Options Set yo ur pref erenc es for w or k ing with Ea rthmate GP S Sync whe n an Earthma te PN - Seri es GPS d evice i s con nected to y our com puter wit h a US B cabl e. Cli ck the O ptions button on the toolbar (or c lick the menu arrow a nd click Options ) and then click the Sync tab.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 202 Firmware Updates Occasi ona lly, D eLorme rel eases up dates f or Ea rthm ate PN - Seri es G P S d evices . When an update is availab le for a device connected to your compute r with the USB cable, you will be notif ie d when yo u start Ea r thmate GP S S y nc.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 203 Creati ng a Custom Map Package You can export maps that you create i n D eLorm e Topo North Ameri ca t o use on a DeL orme Earthmate PN - Seri es GP S devi ce. Y ou can custom ize (C ustom m ap pa ckag es are c reated using the Ha ndhe ld Export tab.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 204 • Wate r Line • Drain Line • Gas Lin e • Ele ctr ic L ine • Telep h on e Li ne • Tick ed Fen ce • Post a nd Ra il Fence • Barbed Wi.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 205 o USGS Quads (3DTQ) — 12 - 14 Color conto ur topographic maps pr o duced by the United State s Geologica l Surv ey. Downloade d us ing the NetLink tab. o Aeri al Imag ery (D OQQ) — 15 - 16 Black and whi te 1 - meter re solution digital ae r ial photography.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 206 Grid Size Comparisons When you use the Handheld Export tab to export maps, you can choose a grid size. A gr id of the same siz e gets p rogres sivel y l arger in coverag e (squ are area) t he cl oser i t is t o the equator.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 207 Data Zoom Leve l Scale Bar L abel km/m mi/ft NM /ft NM/m 1 1000km 500mi 500NM 500NM 2 500km 250mi 250NM 250NM 3 250km 125mi 125NM 125NM 4 125km 64mi 64NM 64NM 5 64km 32mi 32NM 32NM 6 32km 16mi 16NM 16NM 7 16km 8mi 8NM 8NM 8 8km 4mi 4NM 4NM 9 4km 2mi 2NM 2NM 10 2km 1mi 1NM 1NM 11 1km 0.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 208 3. Under S elect Devic e , sel ect GP S or poi nt t o Athlet ic Devic e and then select you r devi ce. 4. Sele ct Send to Devic e . 5. Select Ro ute Points f rom th e Object T ype drop - down li st.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 209 1. Connect you r devi ce to your c omput er. You ma y have to u se sp ecifi c setti ngs for your d evic e. For exampl e, if y ou ar e usin g a GARM IN G PS recei ver, set you r GA RMIN recei ver i nterfac e to GRMN/ GRMN.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 210 Recei ving a Route Third - party GPS If you ha ve a compat ibl e GPSo r athl eti c device, you ca n us e the Ex chan ge Wi zard to recei ve route s crea ted on your devi ce. Onc e imp orted, you can use the fi le i n your map pin g prog ram.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 211 2. Cli ck the ar row next to t he Sy nc button on the too lbar and click Other Device to op en th e Exc han ge Wiz ard. 3. Under S elect Devic e , sel ect GP S or poi nt t o Athlet ic Devic e and then select you r devi ce.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 212 9. If you want a ll of the waypoints to display with the curre nt symbol (such as the default re d flag), select the Use Current W aypoint (active waypoint) op t i on.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 213 Your De Lo rm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca li cense all ows you to inst all a copy of the softw are on a portab le de vice i n add ition t o you r compu ter.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 214 • Boundar ies • Railro ads • Power lines • Pipelines • Arcs (create d usi ng the Draw ta b) • Splines (created using the Draw tab) • .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 215 Viewi ng the Profile Elevation Grap hs The P rofil e tab l ets you vi ew two p rofil e elevat ion g raphs; the profile graph a nd the overvi ew pr ofil e grap h. To View t he Prof ile Graph The prof ile graph automatically d isplays when you selec t an object to prof ile.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 216 reord ering the sta tist ics. Tips • You ca n a lso prof ile an object or route o n the map by right - clicking the item and then clicki ng Profi le .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 217 Statistical Data You can manage the ty pe of statistical data yo u w a nt to view for a prof il e graph. The prof ile statistic optio ns display to the right o f the profile graph. T he applicable se lected options display in t he inf o box whe n move your curso r a long the profile grap h.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 218 2. Click an option to add it. 3. Repe a t steps 1-2 to add more options. This table de scribes the statistic o ptions availab le in the statistic list and /or the pro file info box. List op tions are bold.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 219 Elev ation Maximum Elev ation The elevation o f the highe st po int on a prof ile. Zone** A named grid syste m of any of the UTM/UPS, MGRS, or State Plane coordinate s ystems used as a basis for coordinate display.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 220 3. To co ntrol the m a ximum height d isplay e d on the profile gr a ph, unde r Manu al Sc ale , select the Max Elev check box and type the maximum height in the tex t box. This adjusts the to p end of the vertical scale of the profile graph to not display heights above the defined he ight.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 221 Optio ns dialo g box. Pedal Caden ce Pu rpl e rps, rpm , rph Depends o n data . Heart Rat e Red bpm Temp eratur e Maro on °F or °C Depends o n data.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 222 Viewi ng Your Map in 3 -D Viewing a 3- D Map On t he 3 - D ta b, yo u can view your map data in 3 - D and c hange t he lo o k of yo ur 3 - D map using the tools o n the tab or keyboar d shortcuts.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 223 The bottom option is an Inside- looki ng - out persp ective. Thi s view i s from the cente r of th e map — this allows you t o s pin the ma p a round y o u. 3. Use th e Rot ate co ntrol s to rotat e the 3 - D map t o the n ew posi tion .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 224 • When yo u move your cursor on the right ma p, a 3 - D curs or ech oes th at m ovement on the left m a p .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 225 Setting Your 3 - D Map Preferences Use th e 3 - D tab in the Options dialog box to c ustomize your 3- D ma ps wit h i ncreased verti cal exaggera tion , bill boards, a GPS t racki ng curs or typ e, and mor e. T o Set Your 3 - D Map Preferences Use the following ste ps to set your 3- D map p referen ces.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 226 Step 2 — Save t he route as a GPS log f ile Ri ght - click the cal cul ated rout e and cli ck Sav e as G PS Log Fi l e .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 227 Step 3 — Open the GPS log fil e Open the new ly cre ated GPS Log file using the G P S Log subtab in the GPS ta b .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 228 Using Ne tLink and MapShare NetLink Overvi ew NetLi nk i s an onl ine p ortal withi n DeLorm e Top o North Ameri ca. You mu st hav e an Int ernet connec tion to us e NetLink. The NetL ink tab has fo ur s ections, or subta bs.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 229 Your con necti on to D eLorm e — li nks to t echni cal sup port, t he fo rums, the DeL orme Webl og, and m ore.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 230 Step 4 — Add a tit le or notes to the route map To add a title or no tes to your route ma p, ty p e the app ro priate infor mation in the text boxes and cli ck Next .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 231 Step 5 — Add not es to the directions Then, if yo u would like to add notes to display with your direc tions, type the m in the Notes text box and click Next . Step 6 — View u pload conf irmation A mes sage i nforms you that your map has b een u pl oaded succ essfu ll y to the M apSha re si te.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 232 Step 7 — Preview or e - mail t he rou te Cli ck E- mail the M apS hare Link for Your Route M ap and Directio ns to email a link of yo ur rou te map an d dir ect ion s. This o ptio n is a vaila b le o nly if an e mail pr ogra m is de tecte d.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 233 Step 8 — Ex it the MapShar e Wizard Cli ck Close to exit the MapShare Wizard. Usi ng Ge oTagger Getting Started with GeoTagger Use th e Ge oTagg er Wiz ard to: • Sync digital photo s with GP S log f iles (.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 234 Taggin g an Im age Once y ou succe ssfull y tag your di gital images t o a GPS log fi l e or trac k fil e, you c an vi ew th e points at which the photo s were taken o n the map in your DeLorme progra m.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 235 Taggin g Data Once yo u s uccess fully tag y our dat a to a GPS log f ile or tr a ck file, y ou can v ie w the points wher e the d ata was record ed on the ma p and i n th e Profi le ta b in your DeLorm e prog ram .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 236 Calcul ate the Timestamp Offset The time o n yo ur c a mera or data device must match the time in the track or GPS log so th e images or data d isplay in the correc t place. If they do no t, you must calculate a times tamp offset .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 237 LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THE LICENSED SYSTEM The Sy stem consi sts of DeLorm e's pa tent ed (U.S. Pat.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 238 Web Sit e Map Dis play Ri gh ts . Yo u may display o n your per sonal, bus ines s o r in st it ut iona l Web site static map ima ges der ived from the System, prov ided that you include the L egend in dicat ed below and th at you p rovi de a li nk t o the D eLorme W eb si te at www.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 240 U.S. Gov ernment Rights in Commercial Software Use, duplicat ion, or disclosur e by the Government o f all parts of the Licensed Data except any US.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 241 and this per mission notice appear in all copies of the sof tware and related docume ntation, and (ii) the names of Sam Leffler a nd Silicon Graphics may no t .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 242 deri vati ve works are sol ely i n th e form of machi ne - ex ecuta ble ob ject c ode gen erat ed by a sourc e la nguag e proces sor.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 243 ShapeLib L icense Copyright © 1999, Frank Warmerdam Permi ssi on is hereby g rant ed, free of cha rge, t o any p erson obtai nin g a co py of t his softw are .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 244 * Neither the name o f Industrial Light & Mag ic no r the names of its contr ibutors may be used t o end orse o r pro mote prod uct s deri ved f rom th is soft ware wit hout sp ecifi c pri or wri tten perm i ssi on.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 245 GDAL g rib Fo rmat L icense The d egrib and g2 clib source code a re modi fi ed versi ons of code p rodu ced by N OAA N WS and are in the public domain subje c t to the fo llowing restr i ct ions: http://www.we ather.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 246 "Li censor" shall mean the cop yrig ht ow ner or entity authorized by t he copyright owner that is granting the L ice nse.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca Hel p 247 di spl ay, pub licly perf orm, sublicense, and distribute the Wo rk and such Derivative Works in Sourc e or Ob ject f orm.
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 248 sepa rate li cense ag ree ment you may h ave execu ted wi th Li censor r egard in g such Contr ibutions.
249 Index 3 3D .......................... .......... 222, 224, 225 3-D ................................................ 222 3-D ................................................ 224 3-D ................................................ 225 3D Fix ......
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 250 Coun ty Bord ers .................................. 30 Creat e Rou te from Line .............. 107, 115 Creati ng a New Custom Scheme .... 45, 46 Creati ng a New D raw Fi le .................... 95 Creati ng a New Sym bol .
Ind ex 251 GPS Opti ons ................. ................... 159 Grab and Pan .................... ................. 28 Grad e ............................ ................. 217 Grid s ............................... ................. 30 H Headi ng .
DeLorm e Top o Nort h Ameri ca 9.0 Us er Gui d e 252 Overvi ew Map .............................. ...... 14 P Panning the Map .......................... 8, 170 Parks or Res erves ............. ................. 30 Pasting a Bitmap into XSym ..........
Ind ex 253 Show G PS B read Cru mb T ra il ............. 159 Show L ocati on MapN otes ................... 155 Show Summary MapNotes ................. 155 Show T urns ..... ................................ 150 Showing Addre ss B ook Conta cts on the Map .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il DeLorme 9.0 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del DeLorme 9.0 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso DeLorme 9.0 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul DeLorme 9.0 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il DeLorme 9.0, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del DeLorme 9.0.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il DeLorme 9.0. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo DeLorme 9.0 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.