Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PP01L del fabbricante Dell
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www | Dell™ Inspiron™ 410 0 Solutions Guide 2H 767bk Pag e 1 Frid ay, Sep tembe r 28 , 2 001 1: 37 PM.
Hints, Notic es, and Cautions HINT : A HINT indicate s important infor mation that helps you make bette r use of your c omputer . NOTICE: A NOTICE i n dic ates eit h er potenti a l damag e to hardware or loss of data an d te lls you how to avoid the problem.
Cont ent s 3 Contents Safety and EMC Inst ructions: Port a bl e Computers . . . . . . . . 9 Safety I nstr uct ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 EMC Inst r u c tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 When Using Y our Computer .
4 Con te nt s Se ttin g Up the AP R to Co nne ct to a N etw o rk . . . . . . . . . . 28 Power Pro tection Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Surge Protec tors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Line Conditi oners . . .
Cont ent s 5 Drive Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 If you cannot save a file to a floppy disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 If you cannot play a C D , CD-RW, o r DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 If you cannot play a DVD mo vie .
6 Con te nt s R es tori n g t he Computer to an Ear lier Operating St a te . . . . . 67 Undoing the Last Syst em R es tor e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Reinstalling Windows XP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Reinstalling Windows M e .
Cont ent s 7 Dell T echnical Support Pol icy (U.S. Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Definit ion of "Dell-I n s talle d " Soft wa r e an d P eripher als . . . . . 103 Definit ion of "Third-Pa r ty" Sof tware and Per ipherals . . . .
8 Con te nt s 2H 767bk Pag e 8 Frid ay, Sep tembe r 28 , 2 001 1: 37 PM.
Safety a nd EMC In s tr u ct ion s: P ort a b l e Computers 9 Safety and EM C Instruction s: P ortable Computers The followi ng inf ormation d efines the meaning of a dditi onal symbols used only in the S af ety and Elect romagneti c Compat ibilit y (EMC) Instruc tions.
10 Safety and EMC Instr uctions: Portable Comp uter s | • Do not allow your portable c omputer to operat e wit h the base resting di rectly on ex p osed ski n f or e xt ended periods of ti me. The s urface t emperature of t he base will ris e during normal operati on (partic ularl y when A C power i s present).
Safety a nd EMC In s tr u ct ion s: P ort a b l e Computers 11 Power (Safety Instr uctions, continued ) • Use only t he Dell-p rovide d AC ad a p ter approv ed f or use wit h this comput er . Use of anot her AC adap ter may cause a fire or explosio n.
12 Safety and EMC Instr uctions: Portable Comp uter s | Batter y (Safety Instructions, continued ) • Use only D ell battery modules that ar e ap proved f or use wit h this comput er . Use of other t ypes m a y increase t he risk of fire or explosion.
Safety a nd EMC In s tr u ct ion s: P ort a b l e Computers 13 Air T ravel (Safety Instr uctions, continued ) EMC Ins tructi o ns • Use shielded signal cables t o ensure t hat you maint ain the appropriat e EMC c lassific ation f or the intended envi ronment.
14 Safety and EMC Instr uctions: Portable Comp uter s | When U sing Y ou r Com puter Observ e the following s afety gui delines to prevent damage to your compute r: • When s etti ng up t he comp uter for work, place it on a lev el surfac e.
Safety a nd EMC In s tr u ct ion s: P ort a b l e Computers 15 • When p reparing to r emov e a memory module from the s ystem b oar d or disc onnect a peripheral d evic e from t he comput er , turn .
16 Safety and EMC Instr uctions: Portable Comp uter s | • Alw ays u se the pal m re st with th e key boar d, to uch p ad, or tra ck stick. Leav e space to rest your hands when using an e xt ernal mouse. • Let your upper arms hang nat urally at y our sides .
Safety a nd EMC In s tr u ct ion s: P ort a b l e Computers 17 When Removing or Replacing Parts Before removi ng or installing memory mo dules, o r adding a mod em or Mi ni PCI card, perform the follow ing st eps in t he sequenc e indic ated.
18 Safety and EMC Instr uctions: Portable Comp uter s | Y ou can also t ake the f ollowing steps to p r event damage from elect rostat ic disch arge (ESD): • When unp a.
www .dell.c om | supp or om 1 SEC TION 1 Sett ing Up Connect ing a P rinter T ransferring Info rmation to a Ne w Compute r (Window s ® XP Only) Sett ing Up a Home and Of fice N etwork (Wi nd.
20 Setting Up | Conne cting a Printe r See the document ation t hat came wit h the p rinter f or any recommended preparation proc edures, suc h as: • Re movi ng the pa .
Setting Up 21 3 T urn on the printer and then turn on t he comput er . If the Add New Hardware Wizard window appears, click Ca ncel . 4 Install t he print er driv er if necessary ( s ee page 22). USB Pr int er HINT : Y o u can c onnect US B de vices wh ile th e com pu ter is turn ed o n .
22 Setting Up | Installing the Printer Driver If you need to inst all a printer drive r , insert the installat ion CD into t he CD or DVD driv e. Then f ollow th e prompts on the screen and use the in stru ction s tha t came with th e pr in te r .
Setting Up 23 T ransferrin g Information to a N e w Computer (W indows ® XP On ly) Windows XP prov ides a F iles an d Se tting s T ran sfer Wizard to mo ve da ta , such as e-mails, window siz es, t oolbar sett ings, and Int ernet bookmarks , from one computer to anot her .
24 Setting Up | HINT : Se lect ing the Th is computer connec ts d irectly to t he In tern et con nec tion meth od enables the inte grated firewall provi ded with Windows XP . 4 Complete the chec klist and r e quired pr eparati ons, and then r et urn to the Net work Setup Wiz ard .
Setting Up 25 • Second b attery • Dell T ravelLite ™ module NOTICE: T o pre vent da mage to t h e doc king connect or , do not remo ve or replace d e vic es while the compute r is connect ed to an advanced port r eplicat or (APR).
26 Setting Up | In Microsoft Windows Me 1 Ri ght-cl ick th e S oftex BayMana ger icon on the M icrosof t Windows taskb ar .
Setting Up 27 2 Pr e ss and r epe at to locate the Infrare d Dat a P ort option under the B asic Device Con figurat ion he ading of the system setup program. 3 Pr e ss the down- arrow key to hig hlight Disab led next to Infrare d Dat a Po r t . 4 Pr e ss the right -arrow key to highlig ht a CO M port.
28 Setting Up | 6 Click Apply , and then c lick OK t o clos e the WinDVD Propert i es windo w . 7 Click Exit . Setting U p the APR to Con nect to a Network HINT : A net work adapter is als o re fer red to as a n etwor k int er fa ce contro ller (NIC).
Setting Up 29 NOTICE: Mos t surge prote ctor s do not p r otec t against l ightning str ikes. Dell rec ommends that y ou di sconnec t your c ompu te r from the elec tric al outlet when lightning occ urs in your area. NOTICE: S ur g e p rot ecto rs do not prote ct aga i nst power fluctuati ons or power inter r uptions.
30 Setting Up | 2H 767bk Pag e 30 Fri day , Sept em ber 28, 200 1 1:3 7 P M.
www .dell.c om | supp or om 2 SEC TION 2 Solv ing Proble ms Finding Solutions Accessing He lp Power Problems Error Me ssages Video and Displa y Problems Sound and Speaker Problems Printer Pro.
32 Solving Prob le ms | Finding Solution s Sometimes it ’ s diff ic u lt t o figu r e o ut wh e r e to g o for an swer s. U se th is ch a r t to quic kly find the answ ers to your questi ons. HINT : I f you have a problem with an exter nal d evice, se e the d evice documentati on or c ontact th e man uf a ct ur er .
Solving Prob le ms 33 See page 38. See page 40. See page 41. See page 42. See page 46. See page 53. See page 48. See page 54. See page 42. See page 36.
34 Solving Prob le ms | Acce ssing Help T O ACCESS THE T e ll Me Ho w HELP FI LE Microsoft ® Windows ® XP 1 Click the Start bu tton and th en c lick Hel p an d Suppo rt . 2 Click User and s yste m gui des and t hen c lick Use r’ s g uid es .
Solving Prob le ms 35 P ower Problems HINT : Se e the T e ll Me How help fi le for inform ation on st an dby mode. T o acces s the help fi le, see p ag e 34. C HECK TH E PO WE R LIGH T — Whe n th e power lig ht is l it or blinking , th e compu ter has power .
36 Solving Prob le ms | Error Messa ges HINT : I f the m essage is not liste d, see the documentati on for t h e operating s yst em or the progr am that was running at the time the me ssage appeared.
Solving Prob le ms 37 A RE QUIR ED .DLL FILE WAS NO T FO UN D — Th e progr am th at you are tryin g to open is missin g an essent ial fi l e. Rem ove and the n reinstall the pr ogram. Windows XP 1 Click the Start bu tton . 2 Click Cont r o l P ane l .
38 Solving Prob le ms | Video and Display Problems If the display is blank HINT : I f you are using a program that require s a higher r esolut ion than your c omputer supports, Dell re comme n ds that you attach an ext er n al monitor to y our compute r .
Solving Prob le ms 39 If the dis play is d i fficult to read A DJUS T THE BR IGHT NESS — P ress to i ncrease th e brig htne s s, or press to dec rease the brigh tness.
40 Solving Prob le ms | If only part of the display is readable Soun d and Spea ker Problems If you have a problem w ith integrated speakers If you have a problem w ith ext ern al speakers HINT : The vo lu me contro l in so me MP3 players ove rr ides t he Win do ws vol ume se tting .
Solving Prob le ms 41 Printer Pro blems If you cannot print to a paralle l po rt printer A DJUS T THE W IN DOWS VOL UME CONTR OL — In W indo ws XP , click the gray speaker icon in the lower-right corn er of your screen . In W ind ows Me and Windows 2000 , double-c l i ck the yellow speak er i con in the lower -r ight corn er of the screen .
42 Solving Prob le ms | If you ca nnot pri nt t o a USB pri nte r V ERIF Y TH AT TH E PR INTE R IS RECO GNIZE D BY W IN DOWS Windows XP 1 Click the Start bu tton. 2 Click Con trol P ane l . 3 Click Printers and Ot h e r Hardw are .
Solving Prob le ms 43 Mode m and Internet Conne ction Proble m s NOTICE: Connect the m odem to an a nalog te lephone wall jack only . Connecting the modem to a digital tel ephone network damages the modem. NOTICE: Modem and n e twork c onnector s lo ok simil ar .
44 Solving Prob le ms | C HECK TH E CONN EC TION — V erify that t he teleph one lin e is c onnec ted to the m odem. C HECK TH E TE LEP HONE LI N E — T ry usin g a differen t telephon e line. If you are usin g a lin e that is 3 m (10 ft) or m or e in len gth , try a shorte r one.
Solving Prob le ms 45 T URN OF F CAL L WAIT ING ( CAT CH - PHONE ) — S ee you r teleph one director y for i nstru ctions on deac tivating this fe ature. T hen ad just th e dial-u p networkin g c onnec tion pr operties. Windows XP 1 Click the Start bu tton and then click Cont r ol P ane l.
46 Solving Prob le ms | Scan ner Problems V ERIF Y TH AT TH E MODE M IS COM MU NICA TI NG WITH W INDO WS Windows XP 1 Click the Start bu tton. 2 Click C ontrol P ane l . 3 Click Ne twork and I nternet Connec tion s . 4 Click Inter net Opti ons .
Solving Prob le ms 47 T o uch P a d or Mou se P rob lem s C HECK TH E SCANN ER CABL E CON NECT ION — Ensure t hat th e scann er cable is fir mly c onnec ted to the c omputer and to the s c anne r . U NLOC K TH E SC AN NE R — En sure th at your scann er is u nlocked if it has a locking tab or bu tton.
48 Solving Prob le ms | Externa l Ke yboa rd Pro blems T O VERIF Y THAT TH E PROB LEM IS WITH TH E MOU SE , CHE CK TH E TOUC H PA D 1 T urn off th e com puter . 2 Discon nect th e m ouse. 3 T urn on the c omputer . 4 At the Windows desktop, use th e touch pad to move the c ursor arou nd, selec t an ic on, an d open it.
Solving Prob le ms 49 Une xpecte d Characters HINT : W hen you att ach an external key board, the integrat ed keyboard remains fully f unc tional. Drive P r o blems If you cannot save a file to a f lo ppy disk T O VERIF Y THAT TH E PROB LEM IS WITH TH E EXT ERNAL KEYB OARD , CHEC K THE INT EGRAT ED KEYBOA RD 1 T urn off th e com puter .
50 Solving Prob le ms | E NSUR E THAT TH E DISK IS NOT WRI TE - PROT ECT ED — Y ou cann ot save data to a wr ite-prote cted di s k. See th e following figu re. T RY AN OTHER FLOPP Y DI SK — In s ert anot her disk to elim inate th e possibility th at the origin al disk is def ective.
Solving Prob le ms 51 If you cannot play a CD, CD -RW, or DVD HINT : Hi gh-speed CD drive vibr a t ion is normal and may cause noise . This noise does not indicate a de fect in the d rive or th e CD. E NSUR E THAT W INDOWS RE COG NIZES TH E DR IVE — I n W ind ows XP , click th e Sta rt button and then clic k My Compu ter .
52 Solving Prob le ms | If you cannot play a DVD m ovie HINT : Be cause of differe n t worldwide file types , not al l DVD t itle s work in all DVD dri ves.
Solving Prob le ms 53 If you have problem s with a hard drive Network Pro blems C HANG E TH E WRIT E SPEED TO A SLOWER RA TE — See th e help files for your CD creati on software. C LOS E ALL OT HER OP EN PRO GRAM S — Closing all other open programs before writi ng t o the CD -R W may alleviat e the problem.
54 Solving Prob le ms | Gene r a l Program Pro ble m s A program crashes HINT : Sof tware us u all y includes install a t ion instr uct ions in its documentati on or on a floppy disk or CD.
Solving Prob le ms 55 A solid blue screen app ears A program i s designed for an earli er version o f the Win dow s operating s ystems Error mess ages appear T URN THE COMPU TER OF F — If t he c omputer does not respond to a keystroke or a prope r shu tdown (see page 24), pr e s s th e power bu tton u ntil t he compu ter tu rns off.
56 Solving Prob le ms | E-Ma il Probl ems If Y our Co mputer Ge ts W e t CAUTION: Perfor m this procedure only after you are certain that it is safe to do so.
Solving Prob le ms 57 NOTICE: Do not use a r tific ial means, such as a hair dr ye r or a fan, to speed the dr yi n g p roc ess. CAUTION: T o help prevent electrical shock , ve r ify that the computer is thoroughly dry before continuing wit h t he rest of this procedure.
58 Solving Prob le ms | R esolv ing Other T ec hnica l Pro ble m s R einstalling Dr ive rs and Utilities The Dell Dr ivers an d U tilities CD for y our comput er cont a ins drivers for operating syst ems that may not be on your comput er .
Solving Prob le ms 59 T o i nsta ll a d riv er or u til ity fro m you r D rivers and Uti lities CD: 1 Save your work i n all open p rograms. 2 Insert your Drivers and Util ities CD i nto t he CD o r DVD drive . In most cases, the C D should start running a ut omatic al ly .
60 Solving Prob le ms | Windows XP 1 Save and close any open files, exit any open programs, and inse rt the Driver s and Util ities CD into the CD or DVD d rive . 2 Click th e Start butt on, and click Co ntro l P a nel . 3 Under Pick a ca tego ry , cl ick P erfo rmanc e and Main tena nce .
Solving Prob le ms 61 6 Click Updat e Drive r . 7 V erify t hat A ut oma tic search f or a bett er driver (Reco mmen ded) is se lect ed, a nd t hen clic k Ne x t .
62 Solving Prob le ms | 1 Click th e Start b utton, and t hen right -clic k My Com puter . 2 Click Properties . 3 Click th e Hardware ta b, a nd th e n cl i ck Device M anag er . 4 In the De vice Manag er wind ow , right -click the devi ce for which the new d river w as inst alled and t hen cli ck Prope rties .
Solving Prob le ms 63 If a n IRQ co nfl ict e xists , the De v i ce stat us ar ea in t he Propert ies windo w reports what other dev ices are sharing the dev ice's IRQ . 9 Re sol ve any IRQ co nf l icts . Y ou can also use the Window s XP Har dw a re T roubleshoo ter .
64 Solving Prob le ms | Y ou can also use the Window s Me Har dware T roub leshooter . T o use t he troubleshoot er , click the Start butt on and c lick Hel p .
Solving Prob le ms 65 Using Sy stem Resto r e Windows XP and Window s Me provid e a Sys tem Resto r e f eature that allows you to return your c omput er to an earlier operati ng st ate if changes to t.
66 Solving Prob le ms | Wind ows Me 1 Click th e Start butt on, point to Settin gs , and then click Con trol Pa n e l . 2 Double-c lick t he System i con. 3 Click th e P erfo rmanc e tab. 4 Click F ile Syst em . 5 Click th e T roub leshoo ting tab, a nd make sure t hat Disab le System Restore is not checked.
Solving Prob le ms 67 4 T yp e a name for the new r estore point in the Rest ore po int desc ription field. The present d ate and time a re aut omatically added to t he desc ription of the new rest or e p oint. 5 Click Create (click Next in Windows M e).
68 Solving Prob le ms | In Windows M e , the Rest oratio n in P r ogress s cr een app ears, and then the c omputer aut omatically r est arts.
Solving Prob le ms 69 3 Pr e ss any key w hen the Press any k ey to boot from CD mes sage appears on the screen. 4 When t he W ind o ws XP Se tu p screen appears, press <E nter> to select T o set up Window s n ow .
70 Solving Prob le ms | 14 If your comp uter has a netw ork adapt er , select t he appropriat e network sett ings. If your comput er does not hav e a netw ork ad apter , you d o not see this opt ion. Windows XP beg ins to install it s c omponents and config ur e the compute r .
Solving Prob le ms 71 e P res s to sa ve you r cha nges and e xit th e sy ste m setu p program. f Pr e ss any key to boo t the comput er from t he CD. 2 At t he We l c o m e wi ndow , clic k OK . 3 Double-c lick Refresh Windows OS . 4 Click OK . 5 Click OK again.
72 Solving Prob le ms | 15 If you set a password i n step 13, typ e your pass word and clic k OK . I f you did not set a passw or d, clic k OK . 16 Reinst all the approp riate d rivers (s ee page 6 1). 17 Reenable your virus prote ction sof tware.
Solving Prob le ms 73 4 When t he W in dows 20 00 Professio nal Se tup w indow appears, p r ess the arrow keys t o select the W ind ows 2000 part ition option that y ou want.
74 Solving Prob le ms | 2H 767bk Pag e 74 Fri day , Sept em ber 28, 200 1 1:3 7 P M.
www .dell.c om | supp or om 3 SEC TION 3 R epla ci ng P a rts Using the Advanced Port R eplicator Adding Mem or y Adding a Mini PCI Card R eplacing the H ard Drive Adding a Daughter Card Mode m 2H 767bk 0.
76 R eplacing P arts | Using the Advan ced P ort R ep licator HINT : If you re cei ve a BIOS upgrade floppy dis k with yo ur APR, use the disk to upgrade your computer before you us e the APR. The advanc ed port replicator (APR ) integ rates your comput er into a deskt op envi ronment.
Repl ac in g P ar t s 77 The audio line-out connec tor is on the side of t he APR. Conn ect a PS/2-compati bl e mouse. Conn ect a s e rial devic e, s u ch as a serial mou se or dig ital cam era. Conn ect a network in terfac e cable. Conn ect a parallel device, such as a pri nter .
78 R eplacing P arts | APR C ontrols and Ind ica to rs Docking the Com puter NOTICE: Befor e y ou initiall y c on ne ct y our c ompu ter to t he APR , yo u must comple te the oper a t ing sys tem se tup. When you see the Mic rosof t ® Windows ® desktop on your scr een, the oper ating s yst em set u p i s comple te.
Repl ac in g P ar t s 79 2 Disc onnect any external dev ices, and remove any PC Car ds from t he compute r . 3 Connect the AC adapter to the connect or on the APR, and connec t the AC power c able to a n electri cal outlet .
80 R eplacing P arts | NOTICE: If you do not use cor rec t un doc king proce d ur es, you may los e d ata and the com puter may not re start . 1 Save and close all op en files and exit all o pen programs . 2 P erf orm one of the f ollowing procedures: • Click th e Start butt on, and then click Ej ect PC .
Repl ac in g P ar t s 81 Monito r Stand HINT : Be sure that t h e back legs on the mo n i tor stand engage the slot s on eit her sid e of t he AP R base. NOTICE: The st a nd supports monitor s that weigh u p to 45.3 kg (100 lb). Heavie r monit ors m a y damag e t he st a nd, computer , and APR .
82 R eplacing P arts | 4 Remove all installed bat teries, and disc onnect the AC adapt er c able and any external devices from the co mputer . W ait 5 sec onds before proceedi ng. 5 Ground yourself b y touc hing a me tal connec tor on t he back of t he compute r .
Repl ac in g P ar t s 83 NOTICE: If you need to inst all memor y module s in t wo connec tors , i nstall a memor y m odu l e in the c onnecto r labele d "J DIM ( DIMMA) " before you instal l a module in the connect or labeled "JDIM2 (DI MMB).
84 R eplacing P arts | 9 Replace t he cov er and sc r ew (s). NOTICE: If the mem or y module cov er is diffic u l t to clos e, remo ve the module and reinst all it . Forc ing the c over to c lose may damage y our com p ut er .
Repl ac in g P ar t s 85 10 Insert the bat tery i nto t he batt ery bay , or connec t t he AC adapt er to your computer and an electric al outlet. 11 T urn on the comp uter . As t he computer b oots, i t dete cts t he addit ional memory and autom a t ically updates the s ystem c onfig ura t ion inf ormation.
86 R eplacing P arts | 10 If a M ini P CI card is not already i nstalled, go t o s tep 11. If you are replacing a M ini P CI card, remov e the e xis ting car d: a Disc onnect the Mini PCI card from the antenna cables.
Repl ac in g P ar t s 87 13 Low er the M ini P CI card t oward the inner tab s to ap proximately a 20-degree angle. 14 Continue low ering the Mi ni PCI card unti l i t snaps into the inner t abs of the socket .
88 R eplacing P arts | HINT : Dell d o es n o t guarantee c ompatibilit y or prov ide s up por t for h ard d rives fr om sou rces other than Dell. T o replace t he hard dri ve in the hard d rive bay: 1 Save and close any open files, exit any open programs, and shut down the c omputer (se e page 24).
Repl ac in g P ar t s 89 NOTICE: Use fir m and e ven pres sure t o sli de the hard drive into place. If you force t he drive into place usi n g exces sive force , you may damag e the c onnector . 8 Push the hard d rive into t he hard driv e bay until t he driv e is f ully seated .
90 R eplacing P arts | Adding a Daughter Card M odem If you ordered the op tional mod em at t he same t ime t hat you or de r ed your compute r , Dell has alr ead y inst alled the modem for you. 1 Make sure that the w ork surf a c e is f lat and c lean to prev ent scrat ching the comp uter cover .
Repl ac in g P ar t s 91 11 Connect the mod em cable t o the modem. NOTICE: The cable c onnector s are keye d for c orr ect inser tion; d o not forc e th e conn ecti on s. 12 Alig n the modem wi th the s cr e w hole(s) and press the modem int o the connect or on the syst em board.
92 R eplacing P arts | 2H 767bk Pag e 92 Fri day , Sept em ber 28, 200 1 1:3 7 P M.
www .dell.c om | supp or om 4 SEC TION 4 Appendix Spe cifi cat ion s Standard Set tings R etur ning Items for Warranty Repai r or C redit Dell T echnical Support Policy (U . S . Only) Contact ing Dell R etur ning Items for Warranty Repai r or C redit Limited Warranties and R eturn P olicy 2H 767bk 0.
94 Appe nd ix | Spec ifications Mi cro pro cess or Mic roproce s sor types Intel ® Mobile P ent ium ® III-M L1 c ache 32 KB (inter nal) L2 c ache 512 KB Math coproc ess.
Appe ndix 95 Memory Arc hitec ture PC133 SDRAM Mem ory mod ule socket two user-acc essible SOD IMM soc k ets Mem ory mod ule capac ities 64, 128, 256, and 512 MB Mem ory type 3.
96 Appe nd ix | Modem RJ-11 por t (option al) Ether net L AN RJ-45 por t (option al) Commu nication s Modem : T y p e v .
Appe ndix 97 Inter nal speaker amplifi er 1.0- W chan nel in to 4 ohm s V olume contr ol s keyboard sh ortcu ts, program men us Disp lay T ype ( active-mat rix TFT) XGA ; SXG A+; UXGA Dim ensions: Heigh t 214.3 mm ( 8.4 inch es) Width 285.7 mm ( 11.3 inch es) Diag onal 357 .
98 Appe nd ix | Key spac ing 19.05 mm ± 0. 3 m m (0.75 inc h ± 0 . 01 2 inch ) Layou t QWERTY/AZERTY/Kanji To u c h P a d X/Y position resolution (gr aphics table m ode) 240 cpi Size : Width 64.88 mm (2. 55 -i nch ) sensor-active area Heigh t 48.
Appe ndix 99 Life span (appr oximate) 500 discharg e/charg e cyc les 0 T emp erat ure ra nge: Oper ating 0 ° to 3 5 ° C( 3 2 ° to 95 ° F) Stor age – 40 ° to 65 ° C ( – 40 ° to 149 ° F) AC Ad apter Inpu t voltage 90 to 264 V AC Inp ut curr ent (m axi mum) 1.
100 Appe nd ix | W eigh t (with 8-cell battery ): 2.4 k g (5.3 lb) wit h travel module 2.6 k g (5.7 lb) wit h floppy d rive 2.
Appe ndix 101 Standa rd Settings The syst em set up program contains the s tandard set ting s for yo ur compute r . NOTICE: Unles s y ou are an e x pert compute r use r or are dir ect ed to do so by Dell tec h nic al support , do not chan ge t h e se ttings for t his progr am.
102 Appe nd ix | R eturning Items for W arranty Repa ir or Credi t Pr e pare all it ems being returned, w hether for r epai r or c r edit , as follows : 1 Call Dell t o obtai n an authori zation number , and w rite it clearly a nd prominently on the outsid e of t he box.
Appe ndix 103 Dell prov ides limited tec hnical supp ort for the co mputer and any "Dell- installed " software a nd periphe ra ls 1 . Support for t hir d-p a rty softw ar e a nd peripherals .
104 Appe nd ix | See "Dell T echnic al Support Policy (U. S. Only)" on page 100 f or a descri ption o f the har dw ar e and s oftw ar e s upport p rovide d by D ell.
Appe ndix 105 Brazil Inter national Acc ess Code : 0021 Co untry C ode : 55 City Code : 51 Custome r Su pport, T ech nic al Suppor t 080 0 90 3355 T e ch S upport F ax 55 51 481 547 0 Sales 0800 90 336 6 W ebsite: http://w ww .
106 Appe nd ix | China (Xi amen) Co untry C ode : 86 City Code : 59 2 Home an d Sm al l Business T ec hnic al Suppor t toll free: 800 858 2437 Corporate Accou nts T ech n.
Appe ndix 107 Domi nican Republi c Gen eral Suppor t 1-80 0-148-053 0 El Sal vador Gen eral Suppor t 01-899-75 3-0777 Finland (Hel sinki ) Inter national Acc ess Code : 990 Co untry C ode : 358 City C.
108 Appe nd ix | Ger man y (L angen ) Inter national Acc ess Code : 00 Co untry C ode : 49 City Code : 61 03 T e chn ical Suppor t 06103 766-720 0 Home/Sm all Business Cu.
Appe ndix 109 Italy ( M ilan) Inter national Acc ess Code : 00 Co untry C ode : 39 City Code : 02 Home and Smal l Bus iness T e chn ical Suppor t 02 577 826 9 0 Custome r Care 02 696 821 1 4 F ax 02 696 821 1 3 Switc hboard 02 696 821 1 2 W ebsite: http://s upport.
110 Appe nd ix | Jap an (Ka wasak i) Inter national Acc ess Code : 001 Co untry C ode : 81 City Code : 44 T e chn ical Suppor t ( Server) T e chn ical Su pport O utside o.
Appe ndix 111 Latin Am er i ca Custome r T echn ical S upport (A ustin , T exas , U.S.A. ) 512 728-409 3 Custome r Ser vice (Au s t in, T exas, U.S. A.) 512 728-361 9 F ax ( T ec hnic al Su pport and Customer Ser vice) (Austin , T e xas, U.S.A.) 512 728-388 3 Sales (Austi n, T exas, U.
112 Appe nd ix | Mex ico Inter national Acc ess Code : 00 Co untry C ode : 52 Custome r T echn ical S upport 001-87 7-384-8979 or 001-87 7-269-3383 Sales 50-81-8800 or 01.
Appe ndix 113 Norway (L y saker) Inter national Acc ess Code : 00 Co untry C ode : 47 T e chn ical Suppor t 67 1 1688 2 Relation al Customer Care 671 1 751 4 Home/Sm all Business Customer Care 2316229.
114 Appe nd ix | St. L ucia G ener a l Su pport 1-800-88 2-152 1 Sing apor e ( Singap ore ) Inter national Acc ess Code : 005 Co untry C ode : 65 T e chn ical Suppor t to.
Appe ndix 115 Swed en (Uppl ands V as by) Inter national Acc ess Code : 00 Co untry C ode : 46 City Code : 8 T e chn ical Suppor t 08 590 05 19 9 Relation al Customer Care 08 5 90 05 64 2 Home/Sm all Business Customer Care 08 5 87 70 52 7 F ax T ec hnic al Suppor t 08 590 05 59 4 Sales 08 590 05 18 5 W ebsite: http://s upport.
116 Appe nd ix | Tha ilan d Inter national Acc ess Code : 001 Co untry C ode : 66 T e chn ical Suppor t toll free: 08 80 060 0 7 Custome r Ser vice (Penang , Malaysia) 604 633 494 9 Sales toll free: 0880 060 0 9 T rinid ad/T ab ago G ener a l Su pport 1-800-80 5-803 5 U.
Appe ndix 117 U.S .A. (Aus tin, T exa s) Inter national Acc ess Code : 011 Co untry C ode : 1 Automated Order-Statu s System toll free: 1-800-43 3-9014 AutoT ech (for por table and desktop compu ters).
118 Appe nd ix | Returning Items for Warranty Repair or Credit Pr e pare all it ems being returned, w hether for r epai r or c r edit , as follows : 1 Call Dell t o obtai n an authori zation number , and w rite it clearly a nd prominently on the outsid e of t he box.
Appe ndix 119 FCC No ti ces (U.S . O nly) Most D ell computers are clas sified by t he F ederal Communi cations Commissi on (FCC) as C l as s B digi tal dev ices.
120 Appe nd ix | Class B This equipme nt has been tested and found to comp ly w ith the limit s for a Class B di gital dev ice purs ua n t to P art 15 of the FC C Rules. Thes e limit s ar e desig ned t o provi de reasonable prot ecti on against harmful int erference in a residenti al installation.
Appe ndix 121 The REN is used to determine the q ua nt ity of dev ices that may be connect ed to the t elephone line. Excessiv e REN s on the te l e phone line may result in t he dev ices not ring ing i n r es ponse t o an inco ming c a ll.
122 Appe nd ix | F ax Branding The T elephone Consumer Protect ion Ac t of 1991 makes it unlawful f or a n y person t o use a c omputer or other elec tronic devi ce, i nc.
Appe ndix 123 NOM Information (M e xico Only) The followi ng inf ormation i s prov ided on the d evic e(s) desc ribed i n this document in c ompliance w ith t he requirements of t he offi cial Mexican standards (NO M): Exporter: Dell Com puter Corporati o n One Dell W ay Roun d Rock, TX 78682 Importer: Dell Compu ter de M é xico , S.
124 Appe nd ix | In for maci ón pa ra NOM ( úni c ame n t e pa r a Mé x i c o) La informac i ó n sig uiente se proporc iona en el d isposi tiv o o en los dispos itiv .
Appe ndix 125 One- Y ear Lim ited Warr an ty (U.S . Only) Dell Computer Corporat ion ("Dell") manufactures its hardware product s from parts and component s that a re new or equiv alent to new in acco r dance wit h indust ry-st a nd ar d prac tices .
126 Appe nd ix | NOTE: Before y ou ship the product( s) to D ell, back up the data on the hard driv e(s) and a ny other st orage devi ce( s) in the product (s). R emov e any rem ovable medi a , such as floppy disks, CDs, or PC Cards.
Appe ndix 127 These provis ions apply to Dell ’ s one-year limited warranty only . F or provis ions of any serv ice co ntract coveri ng your s ystem, r ef er to y our invoi ce or the s eparate se rvice contract that you w ill r e ceive.
128 Appe nd ix | Limited Warranty Coverage Dur ing Y ear One During the one-year pe r i od begi nning on t he invoic e date, Dell will repair or replace products covered under this limit ed warranty t ha t a re returned to Dell's faci lity .
Appe ndix 129 Y ou w ill pay Dell fo r replacement p a rts i f the replaced p a rt is not returned t o Dell. The proc ess for returnin g r ep la ced parts, and your obligat ion to pay f or replacement.
130 Appe nd ix | If D ell elect s to exchange a system or compon ent, t he ex chang e will be made i n accordance wit h D ell ’ s Exchange Policy in effec t on the dat e of the ex c hange.
Appe ndix 131 Coverage During Y ear One During the one-year pe r i od begi nning on t he invoic e date, Dell will repair or replace products covered under this limit ed warranty t ha t a re returned to Del l ’ s faci lity .
132 Appe nd ix | Y ou w ill pay Dell fo r replacement p a rts i f the replaced p a rt is not returned t o Dell. The proc ess for returni ng replaced parts , and your obli.
Appe ndix 133 These provis ions apply to Dell ’ s three-ye a r limited warranty only . F o r provis ions of any serv ice co ntract coveri ng your s ystem, r ef er to y our invoi ce or the s eparate se rvice contract that you w ill r e ceive.
134 Appe nd ix | Dell wi ll r e pair or r ep l ace prod ucts c overed under t his limit ed warranty that are r et urned to D ell ’ s f acility . T o reques t warranty serv ice, you m ust cont act Del l ’ s Cust omer T ec hnical Support wit hin t he warranty period.
136 Appe nd ix | This limi ted w arranty d oes not cover any item s that ar e in one or m or e of the fo ll o wing catego ries: so ftware; exte rna l dev ices (e xcept as.
Appe ndix 137 Coverage During Y ear T wo During the s econd ye a r of t his limit ed w arra nty , De ll w ill provi de, on an ex c hange basis and subject to D ell ’ s E x chang e P oli cy in eff ec.
Appe ndix 139 Damage due to shi pping the prod ucts to you is cov er e d under this limit ed warranty . Ot herwise, this limite d warrant y does not co ver damag e due t o external causes, includi ng .
140 Appe nd ix | Dell ow ns all parts r em oved f rom repaired produc ts. Dell uses new and reconditi oned part s made b y various manufact ur ers in performi ng w a rranty repairs and bui lding replacement prod ucts. If D ell repairs or r eplace s a product , its warrant y t erm is not extend ed.
142 Appe nd ix | "T otal Satisfaction" Return Policy (U.S. and Canada Only) If you are an end-user customer who bou ght new produc ts d ir e ctly f rom a Dell co mpany , y ou may return t hem to Dell w ithin 30 d ays of the d a t e of invoic e for a r efund or credi t of the prod uct p urchase pri ce.
Appe ndix 143 One- Y ear E nd-U ser Manu f actu r er Guarantee (L atin Am erica and the Caribbean Only) Guarantee Dell Compu ter Corporat ion ("Dell") w arrants t o the end user i n accordan.
144 Appe nd ix | Limitatio n and Statutor y Rights Dell makes no other warranty , guarantee or like st atement other t han as explicitly state d abov e, and t his G uarantee i s giv en in p la c e of all other guarantees w hatsoev er , t o t he fullest extent permitt ed by law .
Index 145 Index A advanc ed po rt replic ator connect ing t o a net work, 2 8 APR connect ing t o a net work, 2 8 dock ing t he comput er , 7 6 B BIO S, 101 C CD-RW driv e fixing problems, 5 2 charact.
146 Index 146 Index N netw ork fixing problems, 5 3 sett ing up the A PR, 2 8 P port replicat or connect ing t o a net work, 2 8 dock ing t he comput er , 7 6 power fixing problems, 3 5 turning off , .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Dell PP01L è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Dell PP01L - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Dell PP01L imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Dell PP01L ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Dell PP01L, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Dell PP01L.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Dell PP01L. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Dell PP01L insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.