Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto PowerApp 120 del fabbricante Dell
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_________ ______ _____ Inf or mation in this doc ument is s ubject t o c hange wi thout notic e. © 200 0 Dell Comput er Cor poration. All r ight s r eserved . Reproduction in any manner whatsoev er without the writ ten permission of Dell Computer Corporation is strictly forbidden.
iii Safe ty Instructions Use the f ol lowin g saf et y guideli nes to ensur e yo ur ow n personal saf et y and to he lp protect y our ser ver , storage s ys tem, or applianc e from potential damage. F or com- plete sa f ety , regulatory , and w arra nt y in forma tion, ref er to you r sy stem’ s Sy s te m Inf ormation d ocument.
iv After insta lling system/c omponents in a rack, never pull more than one component out of the rack on its slid e assemblies at one time. The weight of mor e than o ne extend ed co mpone nt cou ld cau se the rac k to ti p ove r and injure s omeone.
v Cont ents Two-Post Center-Mount Ra ck Kit Insta llation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Rack Ki t Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Recomme nded Tools a nd Supplies .
vi Index Figures Figu re 1-1. Two-Post Center-Mount Ra ck Kit Cont ents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Figure 1 -2. Two-Post Ope n-Frame Relay Rack 1-U Hole Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Figure 1 -3. Securing the System in th e Rack .
suppo om Rac k Installation Guide 1 -1 Dell™ P owerEdge™ 1550 and P owerApp™ 120 Systems R ack Installation Guide Th is installati on guide p ro vides ins tr uctions for tra ined se r vice tec hnicians installing one or more De ll P owe rEdge 1 550 or Dell P ow erApp 1 20 sys tems in a rac k.
1 -2 Rac k Inst allatio n Guide R ef er to th e saf ety instr uctio ns pro vided i n your Sy stem I nformation book let f or addi- tional s af ety inf orma tion.
suppo om Rac k Installation Guide 1 -3 Marking the R ack CAUTION : If you are i nstalling more than one syst em, insta ll the fir st syste m in t he lowe st ava ilable position in t he rack . 1 . Determi ne where you w ant to place the b ot tom of the sy stem.
1 -4 Rac k Inst allatio n Guide At taching the Brackets 1 . Measure the rac k to determine if th e two-post rel ay rac k is 3 in c hes wide or 6 inc hes wide . Th e rearmost brac ket on eac h side can be pos itioned f or eith er 3- or 6-inc h wide rac ks.
suppo om Rac k Installation Guide 1 -5 Installing th e System in the R ack CAUTION : Due to th e size and we ight of the system, neve r attempt t o install the syste m by you rself .
1 -6 Rac k Inst allatio n Guide Ra ck Kit Co ntents T o in st all the system in a t wo-post flus h-mou nt con figu rati on, us e the followi ng it ems from the ra c k ki t (see Figure 1 -4): • T wo fro nt-pan el spac ers • T wo mounting bra c k ets • T wo 1 2-24 x 0.
suppo om Rac k Installation Guide 1 -7 Marking the R ack 1 . Determi ne where you w ant to place the b ot tom of the sy stem. CAUTION : If you are i nstalling more than one syst em, insta ll the fir st syste m in t he lowe st ava ilable position in t he rack .
1 -8 Rac k Inst allatio n Guide 6. S ecure the system chassis t o the rac k by ins t alli ng t wo 1 2-24 x 0.5 -inc h pa n-he ad Phillip s scre ws thro ugh the upper and lo w er holes of eac h mounting brac ket and into the tw o-post ra c k (se e Figure 1 -5).
suppo om Rac k Installation Guide 1 -9 1 0. Install a 1 2-24 x 0.75-inc h tr uss-h ead Phil lips scr ew through t he top co v er’ s mounting flange and the front pa nel spa cer and into the front of the rac k (see Fi g- ure 1 - 6). 1 1 . R epeat steps 9 and 1 0 to secure the syst em to the lef t side to the rac k.
1 -1 0 Rac k Inst allatio n Guide Four-P ost R ack Kit Installation Th is procedu re prov ides instr ucti ons f or installing a sy stem in a four -post rac k cabinet.
suppo om Rac k Installation Guide 1 -1 1 Before Y ou Begin R ef er to th e saf ety instr uctio ns pro vided i n your Sy stem I nformation book let f or addi- tional s af ety inf orma tion. NO TIC E : Thi s rack ki t is int ended to be ins talled in a Dell rack by tr ained servi ce tec hnici ans.
1 -1 2 Rac k Inst allatio n Guide R emoving the Doors From the 42-U Rack If y ou are installing the ra c k kit into a P ow erEdge 4 21 0 rac k, ref er to the d ocumenta- tion pro vide d with that rac k fo r instr uctions o n remov ing the doors .
suppo om Rac k Installation Guide 1 -1 3 2. R emo ve the front door fro m the rac k as sh own in Figure 1 -9. a. One pe rson shou ld grasp the top of the door to stabilize it.
1 -1 4 Rac k Inst allatio n Guide R emoving the Doors From the 24-U Rack CA UTION : T o prevent person al inj ury du e to t he size and w eight of the doors, never attem pt to remove or replace th e doors by yourself. 1 . U nloc k and tw ist th e ha ndle c loc kwis e (see Figu re 1 -1 0 ).
suppo om Rac k Installation Guide 1 -1 5 CA UTION : Store t he two doors where they wi ll not injur e some one if the doors ac ciden tly fall ov er . 3. R emo ve the front door fro m the rac k as sh own in Figure 1 -1 1 . a. With the door open, lif t out and fu lly retrac t all hin ge pins.
1 -1 6 Rac k Inst allatio n Guide Marking the R ack Y ou must allo w 1 U (1 .7 5 inc hes) of v ertical s pace fo r eac h P o we rEdge 1 550 or P ow erApp 1 20 yo u install in the rac k. NO TE: T he v ertical ra ils of th e rac k are mar ked by small ind entations in 1 -U incr ements (see Fi gure 1 -1 2).
suppo om Rac k Installation Guide 1 -1 7 3. Mark the ra c k’ s front v ertical rails with a f elt-tipped mark er or pla ce masking tape where th e sy stem’ s upper and lo w er edg es will be located (s ee Figure 1 -1 3). Mak e a mark or place tape on the v ertical rails nex t to the tem plate’ s V-shape d notc hes .
1 -18 Rac k Inst allatio n Guide Installing the Slide Assemblies in the Rack CAUTION : If you are i nstalling more than one syst em, insta ll the slid e assembli es so t hat the first syst em is ins talled in the lo west avai lable positio n in th e rack.
suppo om Rac k Installation Guide 1 -1 9 3. Secu re the mounting brac k et at the bac k of the slide asse mbly b y pushing ag ainst the insid e of the vert ical rail and pressing do wn until the square peg pops into the square hole in th e bac k ver tical rail.
1 -20 Rac k Inst allatio n Guide 5. P ush the top co v er onto the stu ds on the slide asse mblies unti l the top cov er stop s (see Figure 1 -1 6). Ensu re that t he slot s and s tud s ha ve complet ely eng aged.
suppo om Rac k Installation Guide 1 -21 Installing th e System in the R ack CAUTION : Because of the siz e and wei ght of the system, neve r attempt to install the syst em chassis in the rack by yourse lf . T o install the sy stem c hassis into the ra c k, perform the f ollo wing step s: 1 .
1 -22 Rac k Inst allatio n Guide Installing th e Support Bracket Th e support brac ket is installed at the ba c k of the two sli de assembl ies. T o ins t all the support b rac ket, perf orm th e f ollow ing step s: 1 .
suppo om Rac k Installation Guide 1 -23 F igure 1-18. Installing the Support Bracket pin o n sl ide assemb ly hole on support brac ke t align ed with threa ded hole on slide assemb ly 1 0 -32 x 0.
1 -24 Rac k Inst allatio n Guide Installing the Cable-Management Arm Th e cable- managem ent arm ca n be moun ted to eithe r side of th e rac k. T his proce dure secur es the ca ble -mana gemen t arm to the rig ht si de of th e system c hass is an d the right- hand slide as sembly ( as vie w ed from th e bac k).
suppo om Rac k Installation Guide 1 -25 6. Fa cing the b ac k of th e rac k cabinet, loca te the threaded hole near the bac k of the right- hand slide assembl y and se cure the o ther end of.
1 -26 Rac k Inst allatio n Guide 7 . Slide the s yst em in and ou t of the rac k to v erify that the c ables are route d corr ectly and do not bin d, stretc h, or pinc h with the mov ement of the cab le- manage ment arm. NO TE: As yo u pull the syste m out to its furthest e xtensio n, the sli de assembl ies will lo c k in the e xtended p osition.
suppo om Rac k Installation Guide 1 Inde x A attachi ng the brackets two-pos t center-mo unt kit, 1-4 two-post flush-mount kit, 1-7 C cable- managem ent arm 1-24 four-post rack .
2 Rac k Inst allatio n Guide I inst allati on four-post rack kit 1-10 two-pos t center-mo unt 1-1 two-post flush-mount kit 1-5 ins talli ng slide assemb lie s in four -pos t rack .
www suppor com .
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Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Dell PowerApp 120 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Dell PowerApp 120 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Dell PowerApp 120 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Dell PowerApp 120 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Dell PowerApp 120, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Dell PowerApp 120.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Dell PowerApp 120. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Dell PowerApp 120 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.