Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 1230c del fabbricante Dell
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Dell 1230c Color Laser Printer User’s Guide ll. com | support .del
2 | Feat ures of your new laser p rinter features of your new laser printer Your new print er is equip ped with a numb er of special feature s that impr ove the qualit y of the docum ents you print.
Features of your n ew laser pri nter | 3 ABOUT THIS USER’S G UIDE This us er’s guide provi des inform ation ab out bas ic under standi ng of the p rinter a s well as det ailed exp lanati on on eac h step du ring the ac tual usa ge. Both novice users an d profe ssional users ca n refer to this gui de for i nstallin g and usi ng the printer.
4 | Feat ures of your new laser p rinter FINDING MORE INFORM ATION You can fi nd inf ormation f or setting up and using y our printer f rom the following resources , either a s a print-o ut or on screen.
Safety i nformatio n | 5 safety information IMPORTANT SAFETY SY MBOLS AND PREC AUTIONS What the icons and signs in this user’ s guide mean: These wa rning signs are he re to prevent in jury to you and othe rs. Follow them explici tly. After reading this section, k eep it i n a s afe place for futu re reference .
6 | Safety info rmation 13. Unpl ug the pri nter fro m the tel ephone ja ck, com puter and AC wal l outlet and ref er servicin g to qu alified s ervice personnel unde r the followi ng condit ions: • When any part of the power cord, p lug or connecti ng cab le is da maged or fray ed.
8 | Contents contents 2 Features of yo ur new l aser printe r 5 Safety information INTRODUCTION 10 10 Printer overvi ew 10 Fron t vi ew 10 Rear vie w 11 Control panel ov erview 12 Understandi ng the c.
Content s | 9 contents TROUBLESHOOTING 31 31 Tips for avoidi ng paper j ams 31 Clearing pa per jams 33 Solving other prob lems 33 Pape r fe edi ng 33 33 Prin ti ng pro ble ms 34 Prin ting qua lit y pr.
10 | Introd uction introduction These are the main compon ents of your printer: This chapte r include s: • Pr int er ov erv iew • Control pan el overvi ew • Underst anding the contro l panel •.
Introductio n | 11 CONTROL PANEL OVE RVIEW 1 status LED Shows t he status of your printer. (Se e "Under standi ng the co ntrol pa nel" on p age 12 .) 2 stop button Stops an o perati on at an y time a nd also p erforms other functions . (See "Un dersta nding the contro l panel" on page 12.
12 | Introd uction UNDERSTANDING THE C ONTROL PANEL The colo r of the status an d tone r colors L ED indic ates t he prin ter's cur rent sta tus. LEDs Stop bu tton STATUS TONER COLORS LED DESCRIPTION lig hts gree n all LEDs of f The prin ter is ready to p rint.
Introductio n | 13 SUPPLIED SOFTWARE You must install the prin ter sof tware usi ng the supplie d CD af ter you ha ve set up your printer and con nected i t to y our com puter.
14 | Getti ng started getting started This chapter gives you step-by-step in structions for setting up the printer. This chapte r include s: • Setting up the har dware • Printin g a demo p age •.
Getting s tarted | 15 Macintosh INSTALLING THE SOFT WARE You have to ins tall the p rinter s oftware for pri nting. The software incl udes drivers, applic ations, a nd other u ser frie ndly prog rams. The follo wing pro cedure is base d on Windo ws XP.
16 | Getti ng started PRINTER'S BASIC SETTIN GS After insta llatio n is compl ete, yo u may want to set the printer's default settings . Refer to the ne xt secti on if y ou woul d like to set or change v alues.
Selec ting a nd loadin g pri nt media | 17 selecting and loading print media This chapter intr oduces yo u how to lo ad origi nals and print m edia into your printer .
18 | Se lecting a nd loa ding pr int medi a Specificat ions on print media TYPE SIZE DIMENSIONS WEIGH T A CAPACITY B Plain paper Letter 216 x 2 79 mm (8 .
Selec ting a nd loadin g pri nt media | 19 Guidelines f or special pri nt media MEDIA TYPE GUIDELINES Envelopes • Suc cess ful printin g on en velop es depen ds upo n the quality of t he envelope s.
20 | Se lecting a nd loa ding pr int medi a CHANGING THE SIZE O F THE PAPER IN THE PAPER TRAY To load d ifferen t size s of pape r, such as Legal -sized p aper, y ou need to adjust th e pape r guides to extend the pap er tray. To chang e the tra y size to othe r size , you mus t adjust the pap er length guide pro perly.
Selec ting a nd loadin g pri nt media | 21 manua lly. Adjust th e pape r length g uide a nd paper w idth gui de. 5. Close the paper cov er. 6. Slide the tray ba ck into th e prin ter unti l it clic ks. 7. After loadi ng pap er, set the paper type and size for the tray .
22 | Se lecting a nd loa ding pr int medi a PRINTING ON SPECIA L PRINT MATERIALS The printe r can hold specia l sizes and ty pes of pri nt materia l, such a s postcard s, no te cards, and envelope s. Esp ecially , it i s useful for sing le pa ge printing o n letterhe ad or c olored pap er.
Basic p rinti ng | 23 basic printing This chapter explain s common printing tasks. This chapte r include s: • Printin g a document • Canc eling a print job PRINTING A DOCUMENT Your printe r allows you t o print from various Windows, o r Maci ntosh applica tions.
24 | Mai ntenance maintenance This chapter pr ovides i nformation for m aintaining you r printer and th e toner cart ridge. This chapte r include s: • Printing rep orts • Cleani ng your pri nter .
Maintena nce | 25 5. Pull the i maging un it out of the p rinter usi ng the groove on the fron t of the imag ing un it. 6. With a dry lint-fre e cloth, wi pe away any dus t and spi lled to ner from th e toner cartri dges area and th eir ca vities.
26 | Mai ntenance MAINTAINING THE CARTRIDGE Toner cartridge storage To get the most from th e toner ca rtridge, keep t he follow ing guid eline s in mind: • Do not re move the toner cartr idge from its pa ckage un til read y for use . • Do not re fill the to ner cartrid ge.
Maintena nce | 27 REPLACING THE TONE R CARTRIDGE The pr inter use s four c olors and has a dif ferent tone r cartri dge for e ach o ne: yellow (Y), magenta (M), c yan (C), and bl ack (K).
28 | Mai ntenance REPLACING THE IMAG ING UNIT When the life span of the imaging unit has expired , the Dell Toner Man agem ent Sy stem™ program wi ndow app ears o n the com puter, indicati ng the imaging unit need s to be replaced . Otherw ise your printer stops pri nting.
Maintena nce | 29 8. Insert the waste tone r conta iner into p osition a nd the n push it to ensure that it is firmly s eated in place. 9. Slide the toner c artridge ba ck into th e print er. 10. Close the fron t cover firml y. 11. Turn th e printer on .
30 | Mai ntenance 6. Insert the new containe r into posi tion and then pus h it to ensure tha t it is firmly s eated in p lace. 7. Close the front cove r firmly.
Troubles hootin g | 31 troubleshooting This chapter gives he lpful inform ation for what to do if you encounter an error. This chapte r include s: • Tips f or avoidi ng paper j ams • Clearin g pape r jams • Solving other p roblems TIPS FOR AVOIDING P APER JAMS By selec ting th e correct media types, m ost pape r jams can be a voide d.
32 | T roubleshoo ting 4. Push th e fuse r leve rs upwar ds. 5. Open the top co ver and i nner co ver. 6. Holdin g the inner cov er open, care fully ta ke the jamm ed paper out of the printer . The inner cover will the n close automati cally. 7. Close th e top c over.
Troubles hootin g | 33 SOLVING OTHER PRO BLEMS The follo wing ch art lists some conditio ns tha t may oc cur and th e recomme nded solu tions . Follow th e suggest ed solutions unti l the pro blem is corrected . If the problem p ersists, call f or servic e.
34 | T roubleshoo ting Printing quality problems If the insi de of t he prin ter is dirty o r paper h as been l oaded improperl y, you may notic e a reduc tion i n print qua lity. See the table belo w to cl ear the problem. The printer selects pr int material s from the wrong p aper source.
Troubles hootin g | 35 Ton er specks • The paper may not mee t specifi cation s; for example , the pa per is too moist or too rough. See " Selec ting print m edia" on page 17. • The paper path may need clea ning. See "Cleani ng the inside" on page 24.
36 | T roubleshoo ting Misfor med charac ters • If characters are improp erly form ed and producing hollo w imag es, the pa per sto ck may be to o slick . Try a dif ferent p aper. See "Selectin g print media " on page 17. Page sk ew • Ensure that the paper is loaded properly.
Troubles hootin g | 37 Common Windows problems Common Macintosh problems An unk nown i mage repet i tiv ely ap pear s on a ne xt f ew shee ts o r loos e tone r, light p rint, or con tamin ation occu rs. Your pr inter is pr obably be ing us ed at an altitude of 1,00 0 m (3,281 ft) or ab ove.
38 | Or dering suppl ies and ac cessor ies ordering supplies and accessories This chapter pr ovides i nformation on p urchasing ca rt ridges and accessor ies available for y our printer.
Spec ificatio ns _3 9 specifications This chapter gui des you about this printer’ s specific ations such as vario us features. This chapte r include : • General spe cificati ons • Printe r specifica tions GENERAL SPECIFICAT IONS The sym bol * opti onal fe ature d epending on prin ters.
40 | Specif icati ons PRINTER SPECIFICATI ONS ITEM DESCRIPTION Printing method Color laser bea m printing Printing sp eed a a. It w ill be a ffec ted by op erat ing syst em us ed, co mput ing p erfo rma nce, applica tion s oftware, connecti ng met hod, medi a type, m edia siz e and job com plexi ty.
Glossary _4 1 glossary ADF An Automati c Docu ment Feed er (ADF) is a mechanis m that wil l automati cally fee d an o riginal sheet of paper s o that the machine can scan so me am ount of the paper at once. AppleTalk AppleTalk is a proprietary suite of protocols devel oped b y Apple, I nc for compute r netw orking.
42 | Glossary An emulat or dupl icates th e functio ns of one syste m with a d ifferent system , so th at the sec ond sys tem behav es li ke the fi rst sy stem.
Glossar y | 43 LED A Light-Emi tting Di ode (LED) i s a semic onductor d evice th at indica tes the st atus of a m achine. MAC address Media Ac cess C ontrol (MAC) add ress is a unique i dentifi er assoc iated with a net work adapter.
44 | Glossary Subnet Mask The subn et mask i s used i n conjun ction with the network address t o determine which part of the addres s is the network address a nd which part is th e host address.
Index | 45 index A adju stment al titu de 16 C cleaning insi de 24 outs ide 24 contro l panel 11 D demo page, pri nt 14 driver installa tion 15 J jam tips for av oiding p aper ja ms 31 L LED Status 12.
© 2008 Del l Inc. All rights res erved. This use r’s guide is provi ded for informatio n purpo ses only. Al l info rmation in clude d herein i s subjec t to chan ge witho ut noti c e. Dell is no t respo nsible fo r any dire ct or in direct da mages , arising from o r related to use of this use r’s guide .
Software section.
1 S OFTWARE SECTION C ONTENTS Chapter 1: I NST AL LIN G P RI NTER S OFTWARE IN W INDOWS Installing Printer Software .............. ................... ............... ......... .......... .............. ......... ......... ..... 3 Installing Softwar e for Local Pri nting .
2 Creating a Watermark .. ......... .......... .............. .......... ......... .............. ................... ............ 16 Editing a Watermar k ............. .......... .............. ................... .............. .......... ......... .
Installing Printer Software in Windows 3 1 Installing Printer Software in Windows This ch a pte r in clu de s: • Installing P rinter Software • Reinstalling Printer Software • Removing Prin ter .
Installing Printer Software in Windows 4 N OTE : If your pri nter is not already connect ed to the comput er , the fol lowi ng wi ndow wil l a ppear . • After connecting the printer , click Next . • If you do n’t want to connect the printer at this time , click Next , and No on the f ollowi ng scr een.
Installing Printer Software in Windows 5 N OTE : If your pri nter is not already connect ed to the comput er , the fol lowi ng wi ndow wil l a ppear . • After connecting the printer , click Next . • If you do n’t want to connect the printer at this time , click Next , and No on the f ollowi ng scr een.
Installing Printer Software in Windows 6 Removing Printer Software 1 Start Windows. 2 From the Start menu select Programs or All Pro grams → Dell → Dell Pr inters → yo ur p rin ter dr ive r na me → Main ten anc e . 3 Select Remove and click Next .
Basic Printing 7 2 Basic Printing This chapter exp lains the printing options and comm on printing tasks in Windows. This ch a pte r in clu de s: • Printing a Docu ment • Printing to a file (PRN) .
Basic Printing 8 Printing to a f ile (PRN) Y ou will sometim es need to save the print data as a file for yo ur purpose. T o create a file: 1 Check the Print to file box at the Print wind ow. 2 Select the fo lder and assi gn a nam e of the file a nd then click OK.
Basic Printing 9 Layout T ab The Lay out tab provide s option s to adjust how the docu men t appear s on th e printed page . The Layout O ptions includes Multiple Pages per Side , Poster Printin g and Booklet Printing . See “Print ing a Document” on page 7 for more information on accessing printer properties.
Basic Printing 10 Source Make sure that Source is set to the corr esponding paper tray . Use Manual Feed er whe n prin ting on specia l mat eria ls lik e envelopes and t ransparencies . Type Set Type to correspond to th e paper loaded in the tray from whic h yo u w ant to pr int .
Basic Printing 11 Advanced O ptions Y ou can set adva nced settings by clicking the Advanced Options button. • Print All Text To Black : When the Print All T ext To Blac k option is checked, all text in your document prints solid black, regar dless of the color it appears on the screen.
Basic Printing 12 About Tab Use the About tab to display the copyr ight notice and the version number of the dri ver . If you have an Internet browser , you can connect to the I nternet by clicking on the web si te icon. See “Print ing a Document” o n page 7 for more i nformation about accessing printer properties.
Adv anced Prin ting 13 3 Advance d Printing This chapter e xplains pri nting options and advanced print ing tasks. N OTE : • Y our pr inter driver Properties window that appears in this User ’s Guide may diffe r depend ing on the pr inter in use .
Adv anced Prin ting 14 Printing Posters This featur e allows you to pri nt a singl e-page document onto 4, 9, or 16 sheet s of paper , f or t he purpo se of p asti ng the sheets togethe r to form o ne poste r-siz e docum ent. N OTE : The poster pr inting option is available when 600 dpi is selected in the r esolution option on the Gr aphic tab .
Adv anced Prin ting 15 Printing on Both Sides of Paper Y ou ca n pri nt on both s ides of a sheet of paper . Bef ore pr inti ng, decide how you want your document orie nted. The opt ions are : • None • Long Edge , whi ch is th e con ven tional lay o ut use d in book bi ndin g.
Adv anced Prin ting 16 Using Watermar ks The W atermar k option allows you to print text ove r an existing document. For example, you may want to have large gray lett ers r eadi ng “DRA FT” or “CONF IDENTIAL ” print ed d iagonall y acros s the f irst page or a ll pa ges of a d ocument.
Adv anced Prin ting 17 Using Overlays What is a n Overlay? An overlay is text and/ or i mages stor ed in th e computer hard dis k dr iv e (H DD) a s a s pe cia l file for ma t th at can be p rinted on any do cume nt. Ov erlay s are often used to take the place o f preprinte d forms and lett erhead paper .
Sha rin g th e Pr inte r Lo ca lly 18 4 Sharing the Printer Locally Y ou can connect the printer directly to a selected computer , which is called “hos t com puter , ” on the ne twork. The follo wing procedure i s for Windows XP . For other Windows OS, refer to the corr esponding Windows User's Guide or online help.
Using other soft ware 19 5 Using other soft ware Using the Dell™ Toner Management System The print er status monitor disp lays the status of the printe r (print er ready , pri nter off line, and error-check print er) and the toner l evel (100%, 50%, T oner Low) for your print er .
Using other soft ware 20 Dell Toner Re-order ap plica tion T o order r eplac ement tone r cartr idg es or suppl ie s from Dell : 1 Do ub le- cli ck the Dell T o ner Reorder Program icon on your deskt op. OR Click Star t Programs DELL DELL Printers your printer dr iver name Toner Reorder .
Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 21 6 Using Your Printer with a Macin tosh Y our printer support s Macintosh systems with a built-in USB interface. Whe n you print a file from a M acintosh comput er , you can use the C UPS driv er by installing the PPD file.
Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 22 Printing N OTES : • The Macintosh pri nter ’s properties window that appears in this User’s Guide may diff er dependi ng on the p rinter in use . Howev er the com p osition of the p rinter properties win dow is similar .
Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 23 Graphics The Graphics tab provid es options f or sel ecting Resolution(Quality) and Col or Mo de . Select Graphics form the Preset s ' drop-down list to access the graphic featu res. • Resolution(Quality) : Y ou can select the printing resolution.
Using Your Prin ter with a Macintosh 24 Printing Multiple Pa ges on One Sheet of Pa per Y ou can pri nt more than one page on a singl e sheet of paper . This feature pr ovides a co st-effecti ve w ay to p rint draft p ages. 1 From your Macintosh applicatio n, select Print from the File menu.
25 S OFTWARE SECTION I NDEX A advanced printing, use 13 B booklet printing 14 D document, print Macintosh 22 Windows 7 double-sided printing 15 E Extras properti es, set 11 F favorites setti ngs, use .
26 Windows 6 W waterm ark create 16 delete 16 edit 16 print 16.
REV 1.00.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Dell 1230c è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Dell 1230c - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Dell 1230c imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Dell 1230c ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Dell 1230c, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Dell 1230c.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Dell 1230c. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Dell 1230c insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.