Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 7A300007 Rev. 2 del fabbricante Datamax
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APEX & ANDES Series Printer Command Language Developer’s Manual 7A300007 Rev. 2.
Copyrights Datamax-O’Neil is a registered trademark of Datamax-O’Neil Bluetooth is registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance Windows is a re.
Document Revision History Document Title : APEX and ANDES Series Printer Com mand Language Developer’s Manual Revision Date Revision History Revisions Since Last Issue 7/25/2008 Revision 1 Original .
i CONTENTS Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1 Datamax-O’Neil Printer Command Language (ExPCL) .................................................
ii Download – Logo................................................................................................................ ....43 Download – Fonts.............................................................................................
1 Intr oduction This manual is intended to be used by software developers and syste m integrators with the purpose of developing applications that can print output results using Datamax-O’Neil wide range of mobile thermal printers.
2 Parenthesis is not part of the command unless specified otherwise: For example Esc K n CR Escape Sequence: ESC K 1 CR Hexadecimal: 1B 4B 31 0D Decimal: 27 75 49 13 Note that CR means Carriage Return control character. The following pages describe Datamax-O’Neil Command Language (ExPCL) components in more details.
3 Character Set s Select Character Set Esc F n This command will select the character set that will be used when printing extended characters (Hexadecimal: 80 to FF; Decimal: 128 to 255).
4 This command (ESC K n CR) must be sent prior to any printable characters on the line in order to take effect. Example 1: The following escape sequence set the pitch to 12 CPI (Courier Font): Escape .
5 Character Size and Line Spacing – W id th and Height Double Wide ON SO This command sets any printed characters to double wide. Control Code: SO Hexadecimal: 0E Decimal: 14 Double Wide OFF SI This command disables the double wide feature. Control Code: SI Hexadecimal: 0F Decimal: 15 Double High ON FS This command enables double high printing.
6 Character Attributes Emphasized Printing Mode ESC U n The Emphasized printing mode command will cause the printer to print text with bold appearance. n Selection 0 Emphasized M ode Off 1 Emphasized Mode On Note that on power up the printer defaults to emphasized mode off.
7 Reverse Print ESC U n The reverse print command enables the user to print white letters on a black background .Reverse printing begins with the characters following the command. n Selection R Reverse printing ON n Reverse printing OFF Note that on power up the printer defaults to reverse printing off.
8 Horizont al Position Carriage Return CR This command prints the input buffer information and advances the paper to the next line. If the printer buffer is empty a line is advanced. Control Code: CR Hexadecimal: 0D Decimal 13 Backspace BS This command removes the previous character from the print buffer.
9 V ertical Position Line Feed LF This command prints the input buffer information and advances the paper to the next line. Total Feed Length = Vertical size of the current font + Text Line Spacin g A Carriage Return (CR) is also performed to place the current print position at the beginning of the next line.
10 Set Vertical Tab Height ESC T V n This command sets the vertical tab length in dot lines. 0 ≤ n ≤ 255. The default value of the vertical tab is 203 dot lines. Example: The following escape sequence sets the vertical tab to ten millimeters. Each dot is 0.
11 z bar code is non-human readable t barcode type. n number of character bytes in data array. 1 ≤ n ≤ 255 h height of bar code printed in i ncrements of 0.125mm data n characters to be encoded in the barcode. *The parameters for the PDF417 barcode diff er from the Linear Barcodes.
12 Code 128 Specifications Description Each symbol starts with Leading Quiet Zone, followed with Start Symb ol, Data Symbols, ending with Stop Symbol and Trailing Quiet Zone Character set Support for full 256 ASCII set among three subsets Elements per symbol 6 (3 bars, 3 spaces) Character density 9.
13 Example 1: The following escape sequence prints alphanumeric bar code "A2a", 12.5mm high, wit h human readable text: n = 3 printed characters + 1 start character = 4 L = 12.
14 Interleaved 2 of 5 Specifications Description Each symbol starts with Leading Quiet Zone, followed with Start Symb ol, Data Symbols, ending with Stop Symbol and Trailing Quiet Zone Character set numeric pairs Elements per symbol 10 (5 bars, 5 spaces) Character density 1.
15 Example 2: The following escape sequence will print a UPC-E bar co de with the following: human readable, 30 mm high, containing “1234565” where 5 is the check digit.
16 GS1 DataBar Specifications Description GS1 DataBar symbols can carr y mo re inf o rmati o n and identify small items than the current EAN/UPC bar code.
17 6) 1(SOH)-12(FF) - pixels per X 7) 0(NULL)-3(ETX) - X pixels to undercut 8) 0(NULL)-3(ETX) - Y pixels to undercut 9) 1(SOH)-12(FF) * 2 - separator row height 10) 2(STX)-22(SYN) - maximum segments per row (22 default).
18 27 90 54 3 13 1 0 0 1 22 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 48 49 50 51 Expected Result (not to scale): Example: The following escape commands encode the data “1234567890123” in RSS14 Stacked Omnidirection al Linear type.
19 Expected Result (not to scale): Example: The following escape commands encode the data “12345678901” in UPC-A type. Due to space limitation CR LF are not shown Escape Sequence: <ESC> ‘ .
20 Decimal: 27 90 54 9 12 1 0 0 1 22 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 48 49 50 Expected Result (not to scale): Example: The following escape commands encode the data “1234567” in EAN-8 type.
21 Decimal: 27 90 54 12 12 1 0 0 1 22 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 48 49 50 Expected Result (not to scale): QR CODE Specifications Description The code consists of black modules (square dots) arranged in a square pattern on a white background.
22 'M' --- MANUAL If you specify AUTO you do not need to specify the char acter mode. If you specify MANUAL you will need to specify the char acter mode.
23 Compaction Mode Description Encoding Capability ‘0’ (Future Use) B yte Compaction Mode (BC) All characters, (0-255) ‘1’ (Recommended) T ext Compaction Mode (TC) ASCII only, (0-127) + Shift to BC Mode is im plemented.
24 Example: The following escape commands encode the data “12345678”. Due to space limitation CR LF are not shown Escape Sequence: ESC z 9 1 2 0 0 2 6 0 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hexadecimal : 1B 7A 39 31.
25 The following 8-bit graphic command is used to print a single line of graphic Escape Sequence: ESC V SOH NUL 72 bytes of da ta Hexadecimal: 1B 56 01 00 72 bytes of data Decimal: 27 86 1 0 72 bytes .
26 This data may be represented in hexadecimal: 0x55 0x55 0x00 0x00 0xA A 0x11 0x55 0x00 0x55 0x55 0x55 0x55 The RLE compressed graphics command: ESC ‘v’ height width counter data… DEC 27 118 2 .
27 Print Buffer Contents (Buffer Mode) EOT This command allows the printer to process all of the commands stored in the printer buffer. This command is valid only when the printer is in the buffer mode.
28 Printer Contr ols - Reset Cancel CAN This command deletes the entire printer buffer and resets the printer to the power-up default values. Control Code: CAN Hexadecimal: 18 Decimal: 24 Reset printer and load default setup ESC @ This command initializes all programmable attributes to factory default values.
29 Example 1: The command Esc M 0 0 0 CR Disables the power out timer Example 2: The command Esc M 9 9 0 CR Sets the timer to 99 seconds Note that spaces are not part of the command Extended Auto Powe.
30 Printer S tatus Commands Query Print Buffer & Timer-MCR Status STX This command will cause the printer to print the battery status Printer Response Print Buffer Status ESC B <4 ASCII digits&.
31 Query Printer Model and Hardware Revision Level ESC P ) This command will cause the printer to send the hardware model to the host. Escape Sequence: ESC P ) Hexadecimal: 1B 50 29 Decimal: 27 80 41 .
32 Example: The following escape sequence sets the timer to 99 seconds and activates the MRC to read the track #1. Escape Sequence: ESC M 9 9 1 CR Hexadecimal: 1B 4D 39 39 31 0C Decimal: 27 77 57 57 4.
33 Cancel Magnetic Card Data Read Command ESC C This command cancels the MCR read process. The printer returns to online operation mode. Escape Sequence: ESC C Hexadecimal: 1B 43 Decimal: 27 67 Note that after executing this command the printer will send the message “, 09, Cancel Request” to the host.
34 Black Mark Sensing Command Mode Forward Seek Black Mark ESC Q F n CR This command sets the printer to black mark seek mode using a forward feed operation. The value of forward feed is determined by the user in dot lines (n) where 0 ≤ n ≤ 255 dots.
35 Enable Back Black Mark Sensor ESC Q b e CR This command will cause the printer to enable the back black mark sensor and automatically disables the front side sensor.
36 Printed Receipt/Label Presenter Negative Adjust (*) ESC Q D – n This command will cause the printer to move the paper backwards to a distance specified by n dots after a form or label has been printed.
37 Mark Beginning of a Page BeginPage(); This command follows Esc P P command and is used to indicate the beginning of a form in page printing mode. Define the Page Size SetPageSize ( width , height ); This command is used to define the valid drawing area for a label or form.
38 Command Name Description <b>, </b> Bold Text enclosed by <b> and </b> appear i n bold. <u>, </u> Underline Text enclosed by <u> and </u> are underlin ed. <h = value> Text Height Text height is magnified by the given numeri c value.
39 Type Value Barcode type 1 Code 39 2 Code 128 3 Code 2 of 5 4 UPC 5 Codabar height Sets the height of barcode in units of dots data Specifies the content of the barcode. It is the user’s responsibilit y to supply data that is appropriate for the chosen code.
40 Form Fiest a TM Form Fiesta is a Form and Label Generating Software that can be used to automate the label design process. It is provided to Datamax-O’Neil partners and customers at no charge. All supported commands are implemented in Form Fiesta and are automatically generated when an element is drawn onto the canvas on the screen.
41 Download - Printer Default Setup Select Setup Download mode ESC D S This command puts the printer into the Download mode. The printer will response with a ’?’ character. Escape Sequence: ESC D S Hexadecimal: 1B 44 53 Decimal: 27 68 83 Start Default downl oad process ESC S L This command alerts the printer that a file will now be downloaded.
42 Download – Self test Message Hardwar e Information Select Setup Download mode ESC D S This command puts the printer into the Download mode. The printer will response with a ’?’ character.
43 Download – Logo The Graphic Logo feature allows the storage of a formatted Bitmap file in nonvolatile memory. Up to eight memory sectors, of u p to 64,000 bytes each, are reserved to store a Graphic Logo in the printer. Upon receipt of a Graphic Logo print command, the Graphic Logo data is sent to the printer.
44 Escape Sequence: ESC L g 1 Hexadecimal: 1B 4C 67 31 Decimal: 27 76 103 49 Example 2: The following example replaces logo location 1 with the logo image contained in n file. The following escape commands must be sent sequentially and are necessary to complete logo d ownload.
45 Display Tables Information ESC D I CR Same description as the command directly above. This command is for Legacy printer’s compatibility. Escape Sequence: ESC D I CR Hexadecimal: 1B 44 49 0D Decimal: 27 68 73 13 Disable Font Download Mode ESC F X This command will disable the font download mode and put the printer in ready print mode.
46 Select Load Operating Mode ESC F M m CR This command selects the load operating mode. Possible values for parameter m are ‘0’: Standard response or ‘1’ : Response with diagnostics message (default).
47 Select Font Row ESC F F f CR This command selects the row value for the font tables. The parameter f can be set in the range of ‘0’ to ‘9’ Select Font Column ESC F K k CR This command selects the column value for the font tables.
48 Example 1: BBX 08 23 0 0 BITMAP 0008 000F INCORRECT 0002 0003 Example 2: BBX 08 23 0 0 BITMAP 08 0F CORRECT 02 03 The name of the font is indicated at the beginning of the .BDF file, therefore: FONT Font12C.BDF. If only the file is renamed, the firmware will not recognize it; in this case, the .
49 Bluetooth™ & W iFi Setup Command Datamax-O’Neil printers can be placed in pass-thru mode. In pass-thru mode, data communication will only o ccur between the two selected UARTS. This mode of operation is used to setup the Bluetooth ™ or 802.
50 Emulation The printer’s default mode of operation of Datamax-O’Neil Printers is the Datamax-O’Neil Printer Command Language (ExPCL). The emulations offered by Datamax-O’Neil Printers allow compatibility with printing systems and software created for printers offered by other mobile printer’s manufacturers.
51 Esc C n This command is ignor ed by the Datamax-O’Neil pr inter. It is recognized but no action is taken Esc A n This command sets the number of blank dot lines that are fed bet ween character lines. “n” is the number of interline spacing Originally n = (0x01.
52 Communications Settings Dip Switch Settings The Datamax-O’Neil printers support Serial RS232, IrDA compatible infrared communication interfac es and USB* 1 .
53 Serial Communication (RS232C) The RS232C Interface signals for the Datamax-O’Neil printers are terminated on a 6 PIN RJ type data connector located on the side of the printer. Six connections are provided from the Serial Interface to the host computer.
54 RS232C Technical Specifications Name Value Data Transfer Rate 1200 – 115200 Baud Word Length 10 or 11 bits Start Bit 1 Data Bits 8 Parity Bit None, Odd or Even Stop Bits Auto Select 1 or 2 Signal.
55 Software Driver Installation You must install the USB driver before you can use USB communication on the printer. Turn on the printer and connect it to the PC with a USB cable. If the driver has never been installed befor e, a dialog box will appear.
56 Settings Value Name APEX#, w here # matches the printer model Serial Settings 115200,8,n,2,n USB Settings 57600, 8, n, 2, n Discoverability mode Generally Discoverable Connectivity mode GAP Connect.
57 W i-Fi Communication (Option) The printer control card communicates with the Wi-Fi interface at 115.2 K Baud/sec for serial interface printers and 57.6 K for USB interface printers. To select the WiFi interface, Dip Switch # 1 or Dip Switch # 2 (See Dip Switch Settings ta ble above) must be ON and all other Dip Switches must be OFF.
58 Error/ Warning LED Panel LED # LED Color/ Status Description Action Required LED # 1 Communication RED/ Steady Low power indication: Charge battery (#1) GREEN/ Flashing (#3) RED/ Flashing Printer is in RS232 or USB mode and Printer Buffer is not empty.
59 Appendix A: Flash Font T ables The tables below show the Font Table organization in the Data max-O’Neil Printers. There are two classes of font tables: Replaceable and Factory Fonts. Please note each font table represents either the first or the second half of a font, not the complete 255 character set.
60 Courier International Font Table Courier PC Line Graphic Table.
61 Monospace Font Table Rotated Font Table.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Datamax 7A300007 Rev. 2 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Datamax 7A300007 Rev. 2 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Datamax 7A300007 Rev. 2 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Datamax 7A300007 Rev. 2 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Datamax 7A300007 Rev. 2, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Datamax 7A300007 Rev. 2.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Datamax 7A300007 Rev. 2. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Datamax 7A300007 Rev. 2 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.