Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DS4300 del fabbricante Datalogic Scanning
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We DA TALOGIC S.p.A . Via Candini, 2 40012 - Lippo di Calderara Bologna - Italy declare under our sole respons ibility that t he produc t DS4300-XXXX , Laser Scanner and all i ts m odel s to which thi.
iii CONTENTS GUIDE TO INSTALLA TION ............................................................... v General View ..................................................................................... vi SA FET Y PRECA UT IONS ........................
iv 3 REA DING FEA TURES .................................................................... 3.1 3.1 Advanced Code Reconstruc tion ...................................................... 3.1 3.1.1 Tilt Angle f or Advanced Code Recons truction .........
v GUIDE TO INSTA LLA TION The following can be used as a check list to verif y all of the s teps neces sary for c omplete ins tallation of the DS4300 s canner. 1) Read all inf orm ation in the section "Saf ety Precautions" at the beginning of this m anual.
vi DS4300 General View 1 11 10 9 8 2 7 6 5 4 3 Figure A Cable wit h 25 - p in conn ecto r Mount ing hole s Good R ead LED Externa l Trigger LE D Ready LED 1 2 4 5 3 10 11 6 Data TX LED Lase r be am ou.
vii DS4300 General View 11 10 9 8 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 Figure B Cable with junction box Mounting holes Good Read LED External Trig ger LED Ready LED 1 2 4 5 3 10 11 6 Data TX LED Laser beam output window 8 7.
viii SA FETY PRECA UTIONS LA SER SA FETY The f ollowing inform ation is pr ovided to com ply with the rules im posed by international authorities and r efers to the c orrect us e of the DS4300 sc anner. Standard Regulations This scanner utilizes a low-power laser diode.
ix W arning labels indicating expos ure to laser light and the device clas sific ation are applied onto the body of the scanner (F igure A/B, 8 and 7 ). DATA LOGIC S.p .A . Via Cand in i, 2 40012 L IPPO DI CA LDERARA (BO) ITA LY Model No. Serial N o. Volt Amp .
x POWER SUPPLY For Model DS4300-1000: T his devic e is intended to be supplied by a UL Listed Direc t Plug-In Power Unit m arked "Clas s 2", output rated 10-30 V, minim um 0.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 General Features - 1. 1 1 GENERA L FEA TURES 1.1 INTRODUCTION The DS4300 is a com pac t laser sc anner com plete with decoder which employs Datalogic’s powerf ul A CR™ (Advanced Code Reconstruc tion) technology.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 1.2 - General Features 1.2 DESCRIPTION Some of the m ain features of this s canner are given below: • code reconstr uction • high scanning speed ( 800 scans /sec) • com pletel.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 General Features - 1. 3 Electrical c onnection is pr ovided through a cable on the side of the reader; this cable is ter m inated with a 25-pin connector (25-pin c onnector models , see paragraph 1.3, F igure A, 1 ) or by a junction box (junc tion box m odels, see paragraph 1.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 1.4 - General Features 1.3 A VA ILA BLE MODELS The DS4300 scanner is available in versions that dif fer in regard to the following charac teristics : • Opti cal Re soluti on • C.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Inst al l at i on - 2. 1 2 INSTA LLA TION 2.1 PACKA GE CONTENTS Verify that the DS4300 reader and all the parts supplied with the equipment are present and intac t when opening the .
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 2.2 - Installatio n 2.2 MECHANICA L INSTA LLA TION DS4300 can be installed to operate in dif fer ent positions. T he four s crew holes (M4 x 5) on the body of the reader are f or m echanic al f ixture ( Figure A/B, 2 ). The diagram below gives the overall dimens ions of the s canner and m ay be used for its installation.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Inst al l at i on - 2. 3 2.3 JUNCTION BOX INSTA LLA TION The j unction box provides a passive c onnection between y our s canner and the outside world in a fast and pr actical way. It represents an alternative to the 25-pin connector models .
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 2.4 - Installatio n The j unction box is des igned to be mounted to a panel of m etal, plas tic or other appropriate m aterial using the m ounting sc rews provided in the pack age. To do this: 1) O pen the junction box by unscrewing the 4 cover s crews.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Inst al l at i on - 2. 5 2.3.2 Junction Box Electrical C onnections The c onnection and wiring procedure f or the junction box is desc ribed as follows: 1) O pen the junction box by unscrewing the 4 cover s crews. 2) Pas s all System cables through the glands in the junc tion box housing.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 2.6 - Installatio n Figure 2.7 - Junction box connector and pinout To allow connection of an NEC Class 2 Power Unit, use a corr ect f em ale plug adapter. Figure 2.8 - NEC Cl ass 2 P o w er unit connections * The signals on pins 24, 25 and 26 are repeated on pins 29, 30 and 31 to f acilitate network connect ions (i.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Inst al l at i on - 2. 7 4) Af ter wiring the junction box and while the scanner is unplugged from the power supply , place the Scanner cable so that the r ubber seal f its into the cutout in the housing of the junction box and plug the 24-pin connector into connector J 1 on the PCB inside the junction box as shown in f igure 2.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 2.8 - Installatio n 2.4 ELECTRICA L CONNECTIONS FOR 25 -PIN MODELS 25-pin connector m odels (see par agraph 1.3) are equipped with a cable term inated by a 25-pin D-s ub connector f or connec tion to the power supply and input/output signals.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Inst al l at i on - 2. 9 2.4.1 Powe r Supply Power can be supplied to the sc anner through the pins provided on the 25- pin connector us ed for c omm unic ation with the host (Figure 2.11): DS4300 13 25 VS GND 1 CHASSI S Earth Ground USER INT ERFACE CHASS IS GND V+ (10 - 30 Vdc) Figure 2.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 2.10 - Installatio n 2.4.2 Main Serial Interface The signals relative to the following serial inter face types are available on the input/output connector: RS232 RS485 FULL DUPLEX RS485 HA LF DUPLEX An active 20-m A Current Loop interf ace is available if the optional INT- 24 acces sory is installed.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Installatio n - 2.11 RTS/ CTS HARDW ARE HANDSH AKI NG ENABLED DS4300 USER INT ERF ACE 7 SGND Main SGND RTS232 4 DCD CTS232 5 DTR RX232 3 TXD TX232 2 RX D Figure 2.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 2.12 - Installatio n RS485 Full-Duplex The RS485 f ull-duplex inter face is used for non-polled com m unication protocols in point- to-point connections over longer dis tances than those acceptable f or RS232 com m unications or in electric ally noisy environments .
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Installatio n - 2.13 RS485 Half-D uplex The RS485 half -duplex ( 3 wires + shield) inter face is used f or polled com m unication protocols . It can be used for Multidrop connections in a m aster/slave layout or with a Datalogic Multiplexer, ( see par.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 2.14 - Installatio n The f igure below shows a m ultidrop conf iguration with DS4300 scanners connected to a Multiplexer . 1 1 CHASSIS # 1 RTX485+ RTX485- SGND M ain # 0 m ax . 1200 m . three wi res + sh ield 7 4 2 7 4 2 120 Ohm MULTIPLE XER RTX485+ RTX485- RS485 REF SHIE LD 1 120 Ohm DS4300 DS4300 DS4300 (up to 31 ) # x ma x.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Installatio n - 2.15 20 mA Current Loop (INT-24 A ccessory Only ) W hen the INT-24 ac cess ory board is installed, the DS4300 is equipped with a 20 mA ac tive current loop inter face.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 2.16 - Installatio n 2.4.3 A uxiliary RS232 Interf ace The auxiliary serial interface is used ex clusively for RS232 point-to-point connections.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Installatio n - 2.17 The pinouts are indicated below: Pin Name Function 18 EXT TRIG + external trigger + 19 EXT TRIG - external trigger - 6 IN1+ input 1 + 10 IN1- input 1 - 14 IN2+ input 2 + 15 IN2- input 2 - The EXT TRIG inputs are used in the ON-Line O perating mode and tells the scanner to scan for a code.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 2.18 - Installatio n 18/6/14 + 19/10/ 15 - + 5V DS4300 US ER INTERF ACE V Sign al Ground 30 Vdc m ax. Vext Figure 2.22 - Input PNP command using external power 18/6/1 4 + 19/10/ 15 - USER INTERFACE DS4300 VS 9 25 GND V Sign al + 5V Figure 2.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Installatio n - 2.19 2.4.5 Outputs The f ollowing pins are present on the 25-pin c onnector of the scanner: Pin Name Function 8 OUT1+ output 1 + 22 OUT1- output 1 - 11 OUT2+ output 2 + 12 OUT2- output 2 - The meaning of the two outputs OUT1 and OU T2 can be defined by the us er (No Read, Right or W rong).
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 2.20 - Installatio n 2.5 POSITIONING The DS4300 s canner is able to decode m oving barc ode labels at a var iety of angles, however signific ant angular distortion m ay degrade reading perfor manc e.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Installatio n - 2.21 2.6 TYPICA L LA YOUTS The f ollowi ng typical lay outs ref er to sy stem hardware conf igurations. Dotted lines in the figures r efer to optional har dware configurations within the particular layout. These layouts also require the correc t setup of the softwar e configuration parameters.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 2.22 - Installatio n 2.6.2 Pass Through Pass through m ode allow s two or m ore devices to be c onnected to a single external ser ial interfac e. Each DS4300 transm its the m es sages rec eived by the auxiliary interf ace onto the main inter face.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Installatio n - 2.23 2.6.3 RS232 Master/Slav e The RS232 m aster /slave connec tion is used to collect data fr om several scanners to build either an om ni-direc tional or a m ulti-sided reading s y stem ; there can be one m aster and up to 9 s laves connected together .
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 2.24 - Installatio n 2.6.4 RS485 Master/Slav e The RS485 m aster /slave connec tion is used to collect data fr om several scanners to build either an om ni-direc tional or a m ulti-sided reading s y stem ; there can be one m aster and up to 5 s laves connected together .
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Installatio n - 2.25 NOTE The auxiliary serial interfac e of the slave sc anners c an be used in Local Echo c ommunication mode to control any single scanner ( visualize collected data) or to configure it us ing the WinHos t utility or Host Mode Programming pr ocedure.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 2.26 - Installatio n This page is i nt ent ionally left blank..
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Reading Features - 3. 1 3 REA DING FEA TURES 3.1 A DVA NCED CODE RECONSTRUCTION The traditional way of barcode reading c ould be called "Linear Reading". In this case, the laser beam c rosses the barcode s y m bol from its beginning to its end as shown in Figure 3.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 3.2 - Reading Features 3.1.1 Tilt A ngle for A dv anced Code Reconstruction The m ost im portant par ameter in Advanced Code Recons truction is the value of the maxim um tilt angle ( α max imu m) under which the code reconstr uction proc ess is s till possible.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Reading Features - 3. 3 3.2 DECODING CA PA CITY IN LINEA R MODE W hen in Linear Reading mode, the number of reads perf orm ed by the DS4300 and therefor e the decoding capacity, is .
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 3.4 - Reading Features For exam ple, the DS4300 (800 s cans/sec .), for a 25 m m high code moving at 1250 mm /s perform s: [(25/1250) * 800] - 2 = 14 ef fective s cans. 3.2.2 Picket Fence Mode FW LW Code motion moving at LS speed Laser Beam DS4300 Figure 3.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Reading Features - 3. 5 3.3 PE RFORMA NCE The DS4300 s canner reads codes with densities f rom 0.20 m m (8 m ils) to 1.00 mm ( 40 m ils) in the zone between 50 mm ( 1.9 in) and 400 m m (15.7 in) from the em iss ion window . DS4300 can be optimized for reading high density codes (between 0.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 3.6 - Reading Features 3.4 READING DIA GRA MS The following diagram s show the reading distance f or bar codes with diff erent densities.
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Reading Features - 3. 7 DS4300-100X (Code Resolut ion High) 0.20 mm (8 mils) 0.30 mm (12 mils) NOTE: (0,0) is the c enter of the laser beam output window CONDITIONS: Tes t Codes use.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 3.8 - Reading Features This page is i nt ent ionally left blank..
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Maintenance - 4.1 4 MAINTENA NCE 4.1 CLEANING Clean the laser beam output window periodically for continued correc t operation of the r eader. Dust, dirt, etc. on the window may alter the reading perf orm ance. Repeat the operation fr equently in particular ly dirty environments.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 4.2 - Maintenance This page is i nt ent ionally left blank..
DA TA LOGIC DS4300 Technical Feat ures - 5.1 5 TECHNICA L FEA TURES ELECTRICAL FEA TURES Power Supply volt age 10 to 30 Vdc Power consum ption m ax. 5.
DS4300 DA TA LOGIC 5.2 – Technic al Feat ures SOFTWARE FEA TURES REA DA BLE CODE SYM BOLOGIES • EAN/UPC • Code 93 • 2/5 Interleaved • Code 128 • Code 39 • EAN 128 • Codabar • Pharmac.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Datalogic Scanning DS4300 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Datalogic Scanning DS4300 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Datalogic Scanning DS4300 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Datalogic Scanning DS4300 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Datalogic Scanning DS4300, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Datalogic Scanning DS4300.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Datalogic Scanning DS4300. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Datalogic Scanning DS4300 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.