Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 90ACC1780 del fabbricante Datalogic Scanning
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GRYPHON™ Reference Manual 90ACC1780.
DATALOGIC S.p.A. Via Candini 2 40012 - Lippo di Calderara di Reno Bologna - Italy GRYPHON™ Ed.: 01/2003 This manual refers to softw are version 2.04 and later ALL RI GHTS RESERVED Datalogic reserves the right to mak e modifications and im provements without prior notification.
iii CONTENTS GENERAL VIEW ........................................................................................ viii 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1 2 INSTALLA TION ......
iv Stop Bits ..................................................................................................... 28 Handshaking ............................................................................................... 28 ACK/NACK Protocol ....
v Stand Operation .......................................................................................... 62 Hardware T rigger Mode .............................................................................. 62 Trigger-Off T imeout..............
vi Single Store .............................................................................................. 115 5 REFERENCES ......................................................................................... 116 5.1 RS232 Parameters ........
vii 6.1 GRYP HON™ D ......................................................................................... 136 6.2 GRYP HON™ M ........................................................................................ 137 6.3 OM-G RYPHON™ / C-G RYPHON™ .
viii GENERA L VIEW GRYPHON™ D/M READERS Figure A – Gry phon™ D and M Series Rea ders Figur e B – OM -GRYPHON™ and C-GRYP HON™ LED Reading Window Trigger Gry phon™ D Cable Connector Gry p.
INTRODUCTI ON 1 1 1 INTRODUCTION Datalogic has moved a step ahead in the concept of “instinctive reading. ”T he new Gry phon™ reader series has been developed to provide optimised reading performance through excellent ergonomic design, a natural instinctive reading approach and innovative good reading feedback.
GRYPHON™ 2 2 2 INSTA LLA TION CA UTION Connections should always be made w ith power OFF! 2.1 GRYPHON™ D I NTERFA CE CA BLE CONNECTIONS The GRY PHON™ D reader incorporates a multi-standard interface which can be connected to a Host by plugging an RS 232, W edge or Pen emul at ion cab le int o t he connector as shown below .
INSTALLATION 3 2 2.2 OM- G RYPHO N™ INTERFA CE CABLE CONNECTIONS OM-GRYPHON™ Connec tors The OM -GRYPHON™ incorporates a multi-standard interface w hich can be connected to a Host by simply plugging an RS 232, W edge or Pen e mul at ion ca bl e i nt o th e Ho st connector, placed on the base of the cradle.
INSTALLATION 5 2 2.5 PEN EMULA TION CONNECTIO N 2.6 GRYPHON™ M BAT TERY MA INTENA NCE 2.6.1 Battery Ty pe You can install NiMh, NiCd or Alk ali ne AA b att erie s in the GRYPH ON™ M .
GRYPHON™ 6 2 2.6.2 Batt ery Charging Once the system is connected and pow ered, you can place the GRY PHON™ M into the cradle to charge the battery. W hen the scanner is correctly inserted in the cradle, the red LED on the cradle goes on to indicate that the battery is charging.
INSTALLATION 7 2 2. 2. 2. 2. Open the battery cover. 3. 3. 3. 3. Replace the old batteries with new ones, then screw the battery cov er back into place. NiMh, NiCd, or A lkaline A A Batterie s CA UTION Dispose of used batteries properly. Do not disassemble, modify, heat or throw batteries into fire.
GRYPHON™ 8 3 3 GRYPHON™ M SYSTEM A ND NETWORK LAYOUTS There are tw o basic system layouts that can be employ ed: Stand Alone systems and Multidrop ST AR-System™ Networks. 3.1 STA ND ALONE LA YOUTS 3.1.1 Single Reader Layout 3.1.2 Multi pl e Reader Layout In stand alone systems, each cradle is connected to a single Host.
GRYPHON ™ M SYSTEM AND NETWORK LAYOUTS 9 3 3.1.3 Multi pl e Stand A l one Lay outs Many stand alone connections can operate in the same physical area w ithout interference, provided all readers and cradles in the sy stem have different addresses.
GRYPHON™ 10 3 3.2 MULTIDROP STA R-SYSTEM™ NETWORK LA YOUTS Even though many stand alone sy stems can operate in the same phy sical area without interfering with each other, it may be desirable to bridge data from multiple base stations in a network to a single H ost.
CONFIGURAT ION 11 4 4 CONFIGURA TION 4.1 CONFI GURA TIO N METHODS 4.1.1 Reading Configurat i on Barcodes This manual can be used for complete setup and configuration of your reader by following the setup procedures in this chapter (see par. 4.2 for an overv iew).
GRYPHON™ 12 4 4.1.4 Sending Configurat i on St ri ngs from Host An alternative configuration method is provided in Appendix A using the RS232 interface. This method is particularly useful when many devices need to be configured with the same settings.
CONFIGURAT ION 13 4 4.3 GRYPHON™ D SETUP 1. Read the restore default parameters code below. Restore GRYPHON™ D Defau l t iPk iPk iPk After reading the above code, go to par. 4.6 Interface Selection . 4.4 GRYPHON™ M/ O M-GRYPHO N™ STA ND A LONE SETUP Read the restore default parameters code below.
GRYPHON™ 14 4 5. Read the Bind code to pair the GRY PHON™ M to the OM-GRY PHON™ cradle. The reader is dedicated to the cradle. Any prev iously bound reader w ill be excluded. To connect several readers to the same cradle see the following paragraph 4.
CONFIGURAT ION 15 4 4.4.1 Using Multi pl e M - Series Readers With Same Cradle If you w ant to use several M -Series readers with the same O M-G RYPHO N™ cradle, you must first Bind the cradle with one of the readers (see prev iously described configuration procedure).
GRYPHON™ 16 4 4.4.2 GRYPHON™ M/STA R-Modem™ in St and Alone Mode To configure a GRY PHON™ M reader to communicate w ith STAR-M odem™ in Stand Alone Mode, follow the procedure in par. 4.4 substituting steps 4 and 5 with those below: STA R-Modem™ A ddress 4.
CONFIGURAT ION 17 4 4.5 GRYPHON™ M/ STA R-SYSTEM™ SETUP The following procedure allow s configuring a GRY PHON™ M reader to communicate with v arious STAR-System™ dev ices such as STAR GATE ™ RF base stations. Restore GRYPHON™ M Default 1.
GRYPHON™ 18 4 First STA R-Sy stem™ Address 5. i343k i343k i343k Read the code above and the four-digit address of the First STAR-Sy stem™ device in the system. Set Last STA R-Sy stem™ Address 6. i355k i355k i355k Read the code above and the four-digit address of the Last STAR -System™ device in the system.
CONFIGURAT ION 19 4 4.6 INTERFA CE SELECT ION Read the interface selection code for your application. RS232 Standard i$1k i$1k i$1k POS Terminals Nixdorf Mode A i$.k i$.k i$.
GRYPHON™ 20 4 WED GE IBM AT or PS/2 PCs i$1Bk i$1Bk i$1Bk IBM X T i$1Wk i$1Wk i$1.
CONFIGURAT ION 21 4 WEDGE (continued) IBM Terminals 31xx, 32xx, 34xx, 37xx: To select the interface for these IBM Terminals, read the correct KEY TRANSM ISSION code.
GRYPHON™ 22 4 WEDGE (continued) ALT MODE The ALT-mode selection allows barcodes sent to the PC to be interpreted correctly independently from the Keyboard Nationality used. You do not need to make a Key board Nationality selection. (default = Num Lock Unchanged).
CONFIGURAT ION 23 4 WEDGE (continued) DIGITAL TERMINA LS VT 2xx/ VT 3xx/ V T4xx i$1Vk i$1Vk i$1Vk APPLE APPLE ADB Bus i$1.
GRYPHON™ 24 4 4.7 CHA NGING DEFAULT SETTINGS Once your reader is setup, you can change the default parameters to meet your application needs. Refer to the preceding paragraphs for initial configuration in order to set the default values and select the interface for your application.
Enter configuration ik ik RS232 Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 26 B AUD R ATE 150 baud i$%6k i$%6k i$%6k 300 baud 600 baud i$%9k i$%9k i$%9k i$%.
Enter configuration ik ik RS232 Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 27 P ARITY none i$$4k i$$4k i$$4k even parity i$$7k i$$7k i$$7k odd parity i$$.
Enter configuration ik ik RS232 Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 28 S TOP B ITS 1 stop bit i$#2k i$#2k i$#2k 2 stop bit s i$#5k i$#5k i$#5k H AND.
Enter configuration ik ik RS232 Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 29 ACK/NACK P ROTOCOL disable i$':k i$':k i$':k enable i$'Ck i$'Ck i$'Ck See par. 5.1. 2 for details , particularl y on implem enting this parameter with GRYP HON™ M.
Enter configuration ik ik RS232 Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 30 I NTER -C HARACTER D ELAY delay between charact ers transm itted to Hos t ☞ i$,k i$,k i$,.
Enter configuration ik ik RS232 Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 31 S ERIAL T RIGGER L OCK (D S ERIES O NLY ) disable i$3Rk i$3Rk i$3Rk enable and selec t.
Enter configuration ik ik WEDGE Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 33 K EYBOARD N ATIONALITY Belgian i'+Zk i'+Zk i'+Zk English French i'+.
Enter configuration ik ik WEDGE Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 34 C APS L OCK caps lo ck OFF i'&;k i'&;k i'&;k caps lo ck ON i'&>k i'&>k i'&>k Select the appropriate code t o matc h your keyboard caps loc k stat us.
Enter configuration ik ik WEDGE Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 35 I NTER -C HARACTER D ELAY delay between charact ers transm itted to Hos t ☞ i$,k i$,k i$,.
Enter configuration ik ik WEDGE Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 36 K EYBOARD S ETTING A LPHA NUMERI C KEYBOA RD SETTING The reader can be used with t erminals or PCs with various k eyboard types and nationali ties through a sim ple keyboard s etting procedure.
WEDGE 37 01 : Shift 02 : Al t 03 : Ctrl 04 : Backspace 05 : SPA CE 28 : 7 51 : N 06 : ! 29 : 8 52 : O 07 : " 30 : 9 53 : P 08 : # 31 : : 54 : Q 09 : $ 32 : ; 55 : R 10 : % 33 : < 56 : S 11 : &.
Enter configuration ik ik WEDGE Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 38 C ONTROL C HARACTER E MULATIO N Ctrl + Sh ift + Key i'0Ok i'0Ok i'0Ok C.
PEN EMULA TION 40 The operat ing mode parameters are c omplete commands and do not require reading the Enter and Exit configuration code s. O PERATING M ODE interpret m ode i>k i>k i>k Interprets comm ands without s ending them to the decoder.
Enter configuration ik ik PEN EMULA TION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 41 M INIMUM O UTPUT P ULSE 200 µ s i%(=k i%(=k i%(=k 400 µ s 600 µ s i%(@k i%(@k i%(@k i%(Ck i%(Ck i%(Ck 800 µ s 1 ms i%(Fk i%(Fk i%(Fk i%(Ik i%(Ik i%(Ik 1.
Enter configuration ik ik PEN EMULA TION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 42 C ONVERSION T O C ODE 39 AND C ODE 128 ► disable c onversion to Code 39 i%"1k i%"1k i%"1k Transm its codes in their original format.
Enter configuration ik ik PEN EMULA TION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 43 O VERFLOW narrow i%)?k i%)?k i%)?k medium i%)Bk i%)Bk i%)Bk wide i%)Ek i%)Ek i%)Ek See par. 5.2. 3 for details .
Enter configuration ik ik PEN EMULA TION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 44 I DLE L EVEL normal (black level) i%&9k i%&9k i%&9k inverted (w hite leve l) i%&<k i%&<k i%&<k See par.
DA TA FORM AT 46 CODE IDENTIFIER TA BLE CODE A IM S TANDA RD DAT A LOGIC STA NDA RD Custom 2/5 interl eaved ] I y N 2/5 indust rial ] X y P 2/5 norm al 5 bars ] S y O 2/5 m atrix 3 bars ] X y Q EAN 8 .
DA TA FORM AT 47 • AIM st andard identifiers are not defined for all c odes: the X identifi er is assigned to the code f or which the st andard is not defined. The y value depends on the s elected opti ons (check digit test ed or not, chec k digit tx or not, etc.
Enter configuration ik ik DA TA FORM AT Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 48 C ODE I DENTIFIER disable ik ik ik Datalogic standard i&a.
Enter configuration ik ik DA TA FORM AT Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 49 C USTOM C ODE I DENTIFIER define cus tom c ode identifier(s ) ☞ i&)k i&)k i&)k Read the above code. (Code Ident ifiers def ault to Datalogi c standard, s ee table on previous page).
Enter configuration ik ik DA TA FORM AT Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 50 H EADER no header i&"k i&"k i&"k one .
Enter configuration ik ik DA TA FORM AT Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 51 T ERMINATOR no term inator i&"k i&"k i&".
Enter configuration ik ik DA TA FORM AT Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 52 F IELD A DJUSTMENT disable f ield adjustm ent i&'<k i&'<k i&'<k Field adjus tment al lows a number of charac ters n , to be added to or s ubtracted f rom the barcode read.
Enter configuration ik ik DA TA FORM AT Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 53 F IELD A DJUSTMENT C HARACTER Read the field adj ustm ent character c ode: field adjus .
Enter configuration ik ik DA TA FORM AT Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 54 C HARACTER R EPLACEMENT disable c haracter replacem ent i&0Nk i&0Nk i&0Nk This param eter allows up to t hree characters t o be replaced from the barcode read.
DA TA FORM AT 55 Exampl e : The following st rings define: 1. First Charact er Replac ement: substitution in Code 39 barcodes of all oc currences of the 0 charact er with the 1 character. 2. Second Charac ter Replacement: substitution in Code 39 barcodes of all occurrenc es of the A c haracter with the B charac ter.
Enter configuration ik ik DA TA FORM AT Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 56 A DDRESS S TAMPING (M S ERIES O NLY ) disable reader addres s stam ping i36gk i36gk i36gk enable reader address s tamping i36k i36k i36k See par.
57 POWER SAVE S CAN R ATE S LEEP S TATE E NTER S LEEP T IMEOUT S TANDBY 1. Read the Enter Configuration code ON CE , available at the top of each page. 2. Read configuration codes from the desired groups. ☞ = Read the code and follow the procedure giv en = Default value 3.
Enter configuration ik ik POWER SAVE Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 58 S CAN R ATE 67 scans per sec. i#5Uk i#5Uk i#5Uk 135 scans per sec. i#5Xk i#5Xk i#5Xk 270 scans per sec. i#5[k i#5[k i#5[k A lower scan rate reduc es power consum ption but can lengt hen reading response ti me.
Enter configuration ik ik POWER SAVE Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 59 E NTER S LEEP T IMEOUT enter sleep t imeout ☞ i#3!k i#3!k i#3!k Read 2 numbers i n the range 00-99: 00 = Enter Sl eep state im mediat ely 01-99 = corresponds to a max.
Enter configuration ik ik REA DING PARA METERS Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 61 O PERATING M ODE You c an pre-configure both Hand-Held and St and operating modes , and with the codes bel ow , you can switch between them.
Enter configuration ik ik REA DING PARA METERS Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 62 S TAND O PERATION hardware trigger i#6`k i#6`k i#6`k soft w are trigger *al.
Enter configuration ik ik REA DING PARA METERS Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 63 T RIGGER -O FF T IMEOUT trigger-off timeout ☞ i#%k i#%k i#%k Read 2 numbers i n the range 00-99: 00 = disabl es the trigger-off timeout 01-99 = corresponds to a m ax.
Enter configuration ik ik REA DING PARA METERS Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 64 R EADS PER C YCLE one read per cycle i#$3k i#$3k i#$3k mult iple reads per cyc le i#$6k i#$6k i#$6k See par. 5.5.
Enter configuration ik ik REA DING PARA METERS Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 65 B EEPER I NTENSITY * very low in tensity i#(;k i#(;k i#(;k low in tensity m.
Enter configuration ik ik REA DING PARA METERS Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 66 B EEPER T YPE monotone i#+Ak i#+Ak i#+Ak bitonal i#+Dk i#+Dk i#+.
Enter configuration ik ik REA DING PARA METERS Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 67 G OOD R EAD S POT D URATION disable i#7Yk i#7Yk i#7Yk short medium i#7.
68 DECODING PARAMETERS I NK -S PREAD O VERFLOW C ONTROL I NTERDIGIT C ONTROL D ECODING S AFETY P UZZLE S OLVER ™ CA UTION Before changing these parameter values read the descriptions in par. 5.6. 1. Read the Enter Configuration code ON CE , available at the top of each page.
Enter configuration ik ik DECODING PA RAMETERS Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 69 I NK -S PREAD disable i"9k i"9k i"9k enable i"9_k i"9_k i"9_k See par. 5.6. 1 for details .
Enter configuration ik ik DECODING PA RAMETERS Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 70 I NTERDIGIT C ONTROL disable i"7Xk i"7Xk i"7Xk enable i"7[k i"7[k i"7[k See par. 5.
Enter configuration ik ik DECODING PA RAMETERS Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 71 P UZZLE S OLVER ™ disable i"6Vk i"6Vk i"6Vk enable i&q.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 73 DISABLE ALL CODE FAM ILIES i";`k i";`k i";`k NOTE The reader allows up to 5 code selections. This does not limit the number of COD ES enabled to 5, as it depends on the code family.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 74 EAN/UPC F AMILY disable t he family i"".
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 75 WITH ADD ON 2 AND 5 EA N 8/EAN 13/UPC A / UPC E i""=k i""=k i&qu.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 76 EAN/UPC CHECK DIGIT TX SELECTIONS For each code t ype in this fam ily you can c hoose to t.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 77 CONVERSION OPTIONS UPC E to UPC A conversi on i"""ak i"""ak .
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 78 2/5 F AMILY disable t he family i"$2k i"$2k i"$2k Read the des.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 79 C ODE 39 F AMILY disable t he family i"#0k i"#0k i"#0k Read th.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 80 The pharmac eutical c odes below are part of the Code 39 fam ily but have no check digit selecti ons.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 81 C ODE 128 F AMILY disable t he family i"*>k i"*>k i"*>k .
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 82 ISBT 128 i"*$k i"*$k i"*$k Enabling IS BT 128 autom atically di sables Puzzle S olver .
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 83 C ODABAR F AMILY disable t he family i"%4k i"%4k i"%4k Rea.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 84 Codabar A BC Forced Conca tenation enable Codabar ABC with forc ed concatenat ion i"%.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 85 C ODABLOCK -A disable t he code i"0Jk i"0Jk i"0Jk Codablock- A i"0Mk i"0Mk i"0Mk Notes: • Enabling Codabloc k-A autom aticall y disables the ent ire Code 39 fami ly and vice-versa.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 86 MSI disable t he family i"&6k i"&6k i"&6k Enable the c ode by selecti ng one of the check digit selec tions.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 87 P LESSEY disable t he family i"'8k i"'8k i"'8k Enable the c ode by selecti ng one of the check digit selec tions.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 88 T ELEPEN disable t he family i"-Dk i"-Dk i"-Dk Enable the c ode by selecti ng one of the check digit selec tions.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 89 D ELTA IBM disable t he family i")<k i")<k i")<k Enable the c ode by selecti ng one of the check digit selec tions.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 90 C ODE 11 disable t he family i"(:k i"(:k i"(:k Enable the c ode by selecti ng one of the check digit selec tions.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 91 C ODE 16K disable t he code i"+@k i"+@k i"+@k Code 16K i"+Ck i"+Ck i"+Ck To read s tacked codes, simply move the illuminat ed bar over the code so that eac h line of the code is s canned.
Enter configuration ik ik CODE SELECTION Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 92 PDF417 disable t he code i"3Pk i"3Pk i"3Pk PDF417 i"3Sk i"3Sk i"3Sk Only for GR YPHO N™ D/M 200 series readers .
93 ADVANCED FORMATTING NOT FOR PEN INTERFACES C ONCATENATION A DVANCED F ORM ATTING NOTE Please follow the setup procedure carefully for these parameters. 1. Read the Enter Configuration code ON CE , available at the top of page . 2. Read configuration codes precisely following the numbered procedur e given.
Enter configuration ik ik A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 94 C ONCATENATION disable i&*Bk i&*Bk i&*Bk enable i&*Ek i&*Ek i&*Ek Permi ts the c oncatenation of t wo codes defined by code t ype and length.
A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 95 2 Code 2 code ID ☞ i&,Ik i&,Ik i&,Ik Read the code type f rom the Code Ident ifier Table begi nning in Appendix B. code length ☞ i&-Kk i&-Kk i&-Kk Read a number in t he range 01-99 from t he Hex /Num eric Table.
A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 96 5 Transmission after Tim eout no code trans mitted after ti meout i&.Jk i&.Jk i&.Jk only code 1 trans mitt ed (if read) aft er timeout i&.Mk i&.
A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING 97 A DVANCED F ORM ATTING Advanced form atting has been des igned to offer you com plete flexibility in changing the format of barcode data before tr ansmitting it to th e host system. This formatting will be perfor med when the barcode data meet s certain crit eria which you w ill define in the following procedure.
Enter configuration ik ik A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 98 1 Begin Format De finition begin Form at 1 definition ☞ i)"5k i)".
A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 99 4 Match w ith Predefi ned Characters no mat ch i)%)&ak i)%)&ak i)%)&ak OR mat ch with.
A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 100 5 Divide Code into Fields divide code int o fields ☞ i)'k i)'k i)'k Read one number in t he range 1 to 5 to divide the code int o fields.
A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 101 DEFINE FIELD 1 BY: EITHER field s eparator a) ☞ i)(Ak i)(Ak i)(Ak Read the field s eparator charact er from t he HEX table.
A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 102 DEFINE FIELD 2 BY: EITHER field s eparator a) ☞ i)(Ak i)(Ak i)(Ak Read the field s eparator charact er from t he HEX table.
A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 103 DEFINE FIELD 3 BY: EITHER field s eparator a) ☞ i)(Ak i)(Ak i)(Ak Read the field s eparator charact er from t he HEX table.
A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 104 DEFINE FIELD 4 BY: EITHER field s eparator a) ☞ i)(Ak i)(Ak i)(Ak Read the field s eparator charact er from t he HEX table.
A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 105 DEFINE FIELD 5 BY: EITHER field s eparator a) ☞ i)(Ak i)(Ak i)(Ak Read the field s eparator charact er from t he HEX table.
A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 106 7 First A dditional Fixed Field no fixed field i)*Ek i)*Ek i)*Ek 1 charact er fixed field ☞ i)*Hk i)*Hk i).
A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 107 8 Second A dditional Fixed Field no fixed field i)+Gk i)+Gk i)+Gk 1 charact er fixed field ☞ i)+Jk i)+Jk i.
A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 108 9 Field Transm ission number of fields to t ransmit i),k i),k i),k Read one number in t he range 1 to 7 for the number of f ields to trans mit. Include only fields to be transmi tted .
A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 109 10 Standard Formatt ing do not apply st andard format ting i)-Kk i)-Kk i)-Kk apply standard f ormatt ing i)-Nk .
Enter configuration ik ik A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 110 Enable Advanced Format no Advanced Form ats enabled i)/Ok i)/Ok i)/.
Enter configuration ik ik A DVA NCED FO RM A TTING Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 111 No Match Resu l t clear data - no t ransmis sion i)0Qk i)0Qk i)0Qk tra.
112 RADIO PARAMETERS GRYPHON ™ M Series readers only R ADIO P ROTOCOL T IMEOUT P OWER -O FF T IMEOUT B EEPER C ONTROL FOR R ADIO R ESPONSE B ATTERY T YPE S INGLE S TORE 1. Read the Enter Configuration code ON CE , available at the top of each page.
Enter configuration ik ik RA DIO PARA METERS Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 113 R ADIO P ROTOCOL T IMEOUT radio protocol timeout ☞ i3)k i3)k i3)k Read a number fro m the table wh ere : 02-19 = timeout from 2 to 19 seconds 2 seconds See par.
Enter configuration ik ik RA DIO PARA METERS Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 114 B EEPER C ONTROL FOR R ADIO R ESPONSE normal i#'9k i#'9k i#'.
Enter configuration ik ik RA DIO PARA METERS Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 115 S INGLE S TORE disable i30[k i30[k i30[k one attem pt two attempts i30.
GRYPHON™ 116 5 5 REFERENCES 5.1 RS232 PA RAMETERS 5.1.1 Handshaking Hardware handshaking: (RT S/CT S) The RTS line is activated by the decoder before transmitting a character. Transmission is possible only if the CTS line (controlled by the H ost) is active.
REFERE NCES 117 5 5.1.2 ACK/NA CK Protocol GRYPHON™ D Readers This parameter sets a transmission protocol in which the H ost responds to the reader after every code transmitted. The Host sends an AC K character (06 HEX) in the case of good reception or the NACK character (15 HEX ) requesting re- transmission, in the case of bad reception.
GRYPHON™ 118 5 OM-GRYPHON™ Host data cabl e NACK ACK data GRYPHON M data good RX beep A CK/NA CK enabled W hen ACK/NACK is enabled, the Host sends an ACK character (06 HE X) in the case of good reception or the NACK character (15 HEX ) requesting re-transmission, in the case of bad reception.
REFERE NCES 119 5 5.1.4 RX Timeout W hen the RS232 interface is selected, the Host can be used to configure the dev ice by sending it command strings (see appendix A). This parameter can be used to automatically end data reception from the Host after the specified period of time.
GRYPHON™ 120 5 5.2.3 Overflow This parameter generates a w hite space before the first bar and after the last bar of the code. The selections are as follow s: narrow = space 10 times the minimum output pulse. medium = space 20 times the minimum output pulse.
REFERE NCES 121 5 5.3 DA TA FORMAT The system alw ays provides gun to host data communication using the follow ing message formatting: Output M essage from GRYP HON™ D or G RYPH ON™ M Stand Alone Tow ards Host [Header] [Gun _Addr] [Gun_Addr_delimiter] ] [Code ID] [Cod e Length] CODE [Terminator] [Items in s quare brackets are optional.
GRYPHON™ 122 5 For the W EDGE interface, the following ex tended keyboard values can also be configured: EXTENDED KE YBOA RD TO HEX CONVERSI ON TABLE IBM A T IBM 3153 A PPLE AD B IBM X T IBM 31xx, 3.
Enter configuration ik ik Exit and Save Configuration i k i k 123 5.3.2 Set Custom Extended Header/Terminator Keys The ex tended Header/Terminator key s for Wedge Interface users can be customized by defining them through a simple keyboard setting procedur e.
GRYPHON™ 124 5 CUSTOM EXTENDED KEY BOARD SETTING T ABLE Custom Order HEX KEY 01 - Shift 02 - Alt 03 - Ctrl 04 - Backspace 05 83 06 84 07 85 08 86 09 87 10 88 11 89 12 8A 13 8B 14 8C 15 8D 16 8E 17 8.
REFERE NCES 125 5 5.3.3 A ddress Stamping It is possible to include the reader address in the message sent to the host. The reader Address Stamping parameter consists of a 4- digit number in the range 0000-1999. For message output format, refer to par.
GRYPHON™ 126 5 5.4.3 Standby If this command is enabled, part of the CCD circuitry shuts down (Standby), in order to optimize low pow er consumption when not reading. W hen the tr igger is pressed this circuitry pow ers up. This mode causes a minor delay of about 100 ms before the reader is ready.
REFERE NCES 127 5 5.5.3 Trigger-Of f Timeout W hen this timeout is selected, the reader turns OFF automatically after the desired period of time. 5.5.4 Reads per Cycle In general, a reading cy cle corresponds to the ON + OFF times of a device. The resulting effects of this parameter on code reading depend on other related configuration conditions.
GRYPHON™ 128 5 5.6 DECODI NG PA RAMETERS CA UTION These parameters are intended to enhance the decoding capability of the reader for particular applications. Used incorrectly, they can degrade the reading performance or increase the possibility of a decoding error.
REFERE NCES 129 5 5.7.2 Pow er-Off Timeout If this command is enabled, after the desired timeout in hours, the GRYPHON™ batteries are disconnected and all pow er consumption ceases. To restore pow er, press the trigger once. The reader w ill now be ready to read codes.
GRYPHON™ 130 5 5.8 CONFIG URATION EDITING COM M A NDS The follow ing commands carry out their specific function and then ex it the configuration environment.
REFERE NCES 131 5 5.9 CONFIG URATION COPYING CO MMANDS 5.9.1 Copy GRYPHON D- Seri es Procedure : Connect the master (correctly configured r eader) and the slave (reader to be configured) together through two RS232 serial interface cables and ex ternal power supply .
GRYPHON™ 132 5 5.9.2 Copy GRYPHON M - Seri es Procedure : Using the slave reader and its OM -GRYPHO N™ cradle, follow the initializ ation procedure in chapter 4 of this manual or from the Quick Reference M anual. W ith the master GRYPHON M (corr ectly configured reader) , read the Copy Configuration barcode below.
REFERE NCES 133 5 5.9.3 Copy OM-GRYPHO N™ Procedure : Using the slave reader and its OM -GRY PHON™ cradle, read the Restore Default barcode, set the radio address, and then read the RS232 interface barcode from chapter 4 of this manual or from the Quick Reference M anual.
GRYPHON™ 134 5 5.10 C-G RYPHON™ CONFIGURATION Battery selection is required only w hen the GRY PHON™ M reader has an Alkaline battery and you w ant to use C-GRY PHON™ either for serial configur ation, software upgrades or to hold GRY PHON™ M .
REFERE NCES 135 5 5.11 DEFAULT PA RA METERS FOR POS TERMINA LS The default values of the RS232 and Data Format parameters for POS terminals are listed in the following table: NIXDORF Mode A FUJITSU IC.
GRYPHON™ 136 6 6 TECHNICA L FEATURES 6.1 GRYPHON™ D Electrical Features Supply Voltage 5 Vd c ± 5% Consum ption Ma ximu m Operating Sleep Mode 330 mA 250 mA 250 µ A Optical Features Sensor CCD solid s tate (3648 pixels) Scan Rate (m ax) 270 scans /sec Reading field see reading diagram (par.
TECHNICA L FEATURE S 137 6 6.2 GRYPHON™ M Electrical Features Battery T ype 2 AA NiMh* batt eries 1.2 V – 1400 m Ah Tim e of recharge NiMh 3 hours Operating autonom y (typ.
GRYPHON™ 138 6 6.3 OM-GRYPH ON™ / C-GR YPHON ™ OM-GRYPHON™ C-GRYPHON™ Electrical and General Features Supply Volt age 9 to 28 Vdc Power Consumpt ion (max) 8 W (charging) * In dic at or s Bat.
TECHNICA L FEATURE S 139 6 6.4 SYSTEM A ND RADIO FEA TURES Radio Features European Models USA Models W orking Frequenc y 433.92 MHz 910 MHz Bit Rat e 19200 36800 Effec tive Radiated Power <10 mW &l.
GRYPHON™ 140 6 GRYPHON™ D/M READER DATA ENTRY Beeper ¹ LED Good Read Spot Meaning one beep ² ON ON Correct read of a c ode in normal m ode H L long TX buffer full (when FIFO is enabled) or TX er.
TECHNICA L FEATURE S 141 6 OM-GRYPHON™/C-GRYPHON™ CHARGE STATUS Red LED Green LED Meaning ON ON Charging OFF ON End of c harge OFF OFF No batte ry inserted Flashing OFF Discharging (see par.
GRYPHON™ 142 6 GRYPHON™ D /M200 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 -10 -5 0 5 10 M2 00 (PDF ) - R e ad ing Z on es ( 10 ° sk ew angl e) CODE39 0. 076 mm (3 mi ls) COD E39 0.
HOST CONFIG URATION STRI NGS 143 A A PPENDIX A HOST CONFIGURATION STRINGS In this section we provide a description of how to modify the device configuration using serial strings sent from the Host. This method requires the RS232 interface. The device configuration can be changed by r eceiving commands from the Host through the serial interface.
GRYPHON™ 144 A SERIAL CONFIGURA TION STRINGS ENTER/EX IT CONFIGURA TION COMM A NDS DESCRIP TION STRING Enter Configurat ion $+ Exit and Save Configuration $- Restore Default $* Transm it Software Release (not f or PEN em ulation) $! Transm it Device Configuration in A SCII (not for P EN emulation) $& These com mands do not require $-.
HOST CONFIGURA TION STRINGS 145 A RS232 DESCRIP TION STRING Baud rate 150 CD0 300 CD1 600 CD2 1200 CD3 2400 CD4 4800 CD5 9600 CD6 19200 CD7 38400 CD8 Parity none CC0 even CC1 odd CC2 Data b its 7 CA 0.
GRYPHON™ 146 A WED GE DESCRIP TION STRING Keyboard nationality Belgian FJ7 English FJ4 French FJ2 German FJ3 Italian FJ1 Spanish FJ6 Swedish FJ5 USA FJ0 Japanes e (IBM AT c ompatible only) FJ8 Caps .
HOST CONFIGURA TION STRINGS 147 A DA TA FORM A T NOT FOR PE N EMULATION INTERF ACE S DESCRIP TION STRING Code Identifier disable EB0 Datalogic standard EB1 AIM standard EB2 Custom EB3 Custom Code Iden.
GRYPHON™ 148 A DA TA FORM AT (continued) NOT FOR PE N EMULATION INTERF ACE S DESCRIP TION STRING Code Length Tx not t ransmitt ed EE0 transm itted in variable-digit form at EE1 transm itted in fixed.
HOST CONFIGURA TION STRINGS 149 A REA DING PARA ME TERS DESCRIP TION STRING Operating Mode hand-held operation BP0 stand operation BP1 automat ic BP2 Hand-Held Operation software trigger BK0 hardware .
GRYPHON™ 150 A DECODING PARA M ETERS DESCRIP TION STRING Ink-spread dis able AX 0 enable AX 1 Overflow control dis able AW 1 enable AW 0 Interdigit cont rol disable AV 0 enable AV 1 Puzz le Sol ver .
HOST CONFIGURA TION STRINGS 151 A CODE SELECT ION (continue d) DESCRIP TION STRING enable ISBN AP 1 enable ISSN AP 2 enable ISBN and I SSN AP 3 ISBN Convers ion codes disable ISB N and ISSN AP 0 Code .
GRYPHON™ 152 A CODE SELECT ION (continue d) DESCRIP TION STRING Codabar disable Codabar fam ily AD 0 Standard no start/stop c haracter equality cont rol nor transm ission A D111 no start/ stop chara.
HOST CONFIGURA TION STRINGS 153 A CODE SELECT ION (continue d) DESCRIP TION STRING MSI disable the family AE 0 no check AE 1 MOD10 no tx AE 2 MOD 10 w ith tx AE 3 MOD11-MOD10 no tx AE 4 MOD11-MOD10 wi.
GRYPHON™ 154 A RA DIO PA RA METERS DESCRIP TION STRING Radio Protocol Ti meout enable (sec onds) RH02-RH19 Power-Off Tim eout RP00-RP99 normal BF0 only good decode BF1 only good reception BF2 Beeper.
CODE IDEN TIFIER TABLE 155 B A PPENDIX B CODE IDENTIFIER TA BLE 2/5 Interl eaved i/0k i/0k i/0k 2/5 Industria l 2/5 norm al 5 b ars i12k i12k i12k i01k i01k i01k 2/5 matrix 3 b ars EA N 8 i23k i23k i2.
GRYPHON™ 156 B UPC A with 5 ADD ON i()k i()k i()k UPC E w i th 2 A DD ON UPC E w ith 5 A DD ON i)*k i)*k i)*k i*+k i*+k i*+k Code 39 Code 39 Full A SCII i78k i78k i78k i89k i89k i89k CODA BA R A BC .
CODE IDEN TIFIER TABLE 157 B CODA BLOCK-A iOPk iOPk iOPk CODA BLOCK-F Standard CODA BLOCK-F EA N iMNk iMNk iMNk iNOk iNOk iNOk MSI Plessey A nker i;<k i;<k i;<k iPQk iPQk iPQk Plessey Standar.
HEX AND NUMERIC TA B LE HEX / NUMERIC TA BLE C CHA RA CTER TO HEX CONVERSI ON TABLE char hex char hex char hex NUL 00 * 2A U 55 SOH 01 + 2B V 56 STX 02 , 2C W 57 ETX 03 - 2D X 58 EOT 04 .
GRYPHON™ Reference Manual 90ACC1780.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Datalogic Scanning 90ACC1780 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Datalogic Scanning 90ACC1780 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Datalogic Scanning 90ACC1780 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Datalogic Scanning 90ACC1780 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Datalogic Scanning 90ACC1780, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Datalogic Scanning 90ACC1780.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Datalogic Scanning 90ACC1780. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Datalogic Scanning 90ACC1780 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.