Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto DES-3500Series del fabbricante D-Link
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C L I M a n u a l P r o d u c t M o d e l : TM D E S - 3 5 0 0 S e r i e s L a y e r 2 M a n a g e d S t a c k a b l e F a s t E t h e r n e t S w i t c h R e l e a s e 5 .
Table of Contents INTRODUC TION ......................................................................................................................... 1 USING THE CONSOL E CLI ........................................................................
BASIC IP C OMMANDS ........................................................................................................... 1 4 6 IGMP SNOOPING C OMMA NDS .............................................................................................
GRATUITOUS A RP COMMAN DS .......................................................................................... 30 9 A RP SPOOFING PREVENTION COM MA NDS ....................................................................... 313 TECHNICAL SUPPORT COMMA NDS.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 1 1 I NTRODUCTIO N The Switch can be managed t hrough the S witch’s ser ial p ort, T elnet, or the Web -based manage ment age nt. T he Co mmand Line Interface (CLI) c an be used to configure a nd manage the S witch via the ser ial port o r Telnet interface s.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 2 Setting the Switch’s IP Add ress Each Switch must be assigne d its o wn IP Address, which is used for c ommunicatio n with a n SNM P net work manager or other TCP/IP a pplication (for example B OOTP, T FTP).
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 3 2 U SING THE C ONSOLE CLI The DES-350 0 Series suppor ts a console mana gement interf ace that allows the user to connect to the Switch’s ma nagement agent via a serial po rt and a te rminal or a co mputer ru nning a terminal emulatio n p rogram.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 4 .. ? cable_diag ports clear clear address_binding dhcp_snoop binding_entry ports clear arptable clear counters clear fdb clear log clear port_security_entry port config 802.1p default_priority config 802.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 5 <u sername> DES-3526:admin# Figure 2-4. Using t he Up Arrow t o Re-enter a Com mand In the above exa mple, the co mmand config a ccount was entered without t he required parameter <userna me> , the C LI returned the Next possible completion s: <userna me> pro mpt.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 6 DES-3526:admin#show Command: show Next possible completions: 802.1p 802.1x access_profile account address_binding arp_spoofing_prevention .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 7 3 C OMM A ND S YNT A X The follo wing symbols are us ed to describe how comma nd entries are made and values an d arguments ar e specified i n this manual. The o nline help contained in the CLI and a vailable t hrough the co nsole interface uses the sa me syntax.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 8 {braces} however the effec t of the system reset is dependent on which, if an y, value is specifie d. Theref ore, with this exam ple there a re three possible outcom es of performing a s ystem r eset.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 9 4 B A SIC S WITCH C OMM ANDS The basic s witch co mmands in the Co mmand Line Inter face (CLI) are listed ( along with the app ropriate p arameters) in the following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 10 enable/disable pass word encry ption encryption is e nabled, the p assword will be in an encr ypted form . W hen password encrypt ion is disabled , t he user can s pecif y the password in p lain text f orm, which means th e pass word will be in plain text form .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 11 Success. DES-3526:admin# NOTICE: In c ase of lost pa sswords or p assword corr uption, ple ase refer to th e D-Link websit e and the W hite Paper ent itled “Passwor d Recover y Procedure”, which will guide you throug h the steps n ecessar y to resolve th is issue.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 12 To display the acc ounts that have been cre ated: DES-3526:admin#show account Command: show account Current Accounts: Username Access Level --------------- ------------ dlink Admin Total Entries: 1 DES-3526:admin# delete account Purpose Used to delete user accou nts.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 13 Example usage: To display the way that the us ers logged in: DES-3526:a dmin#show session Command: show session ID Login Time Live Time F.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 14 show serial_port Description This comm and displa ys the current ser ial port sett ings.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 15 enable clipaging Purpose Used to pause the scrolling of the conso le screen when a comm and displays m ore than one p age. Syntax enable clipaging Description This comm and is used whe n issuing a comm and which causes th e console scree n to rapidl y scroll throug h several pa ges.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 16 enable telnet Parameters <tcp_port_num ber 1-65535 > − The T CP port num ber. TCP ports are numbered b etween 1 a nd 65535. T he “well-k nown” T CP port for the Telnet prot ocol is 23.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 17 DES-3526:admin#telnet tcp_port 23 Command: telnet tcp_port 23 enable web Purpose Used to enabl e the HTT P-based managem ent softwar e on the Sw itch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 18 save Purpose Used to save c hanges in th e Switch’s co nfiguration to non-volatile RAM. Syntax save Description This comm and is used to e nter the curr ent switch conf iguration into non-volatile RA M.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 19 DES-3526:admin#reboot force_agree Command: r eboot for ce_agree Are users sure want to proceed with the system reboot? (y|n) Please wait, the switch is rebooting... reset Purpose Used to reset th e Switch to the factor y default settings.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 20 DES-3526:admin#login Command: login UserName: logout Purpose Used to log ou t a user f rom the Switch’s c onsole. Syntax logout Description This comm and terminates t he current us er’s session on the Sw itch’s console.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 21 5 M ODIFY B A NNE R A ND P ROMPT C OMM ANDS Administrator level users can modify the lo gin banner (greet ing message) and co mmand prompt by usin g the co mmands described belo w.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 22 config greeting _ message Purpose Used to conf igure the login banner (gr eeting m essage). Syntax config greeting _ messag e {default} Description Users can use th is comm and to m odify the login ban ner (greeti ng message).
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 23 show greeting_m essage Purpose Used to vie w the currentl y configured greeting m essage configured on t he Switch. Syntax show g reeting_message Description This comm and is used to v iew the curr ently conf igured greet ing message on the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 24 disable greeting_messag e Restrictions None. Example usage: To disable viewing of the curr ently con figured greeting mes sage: DES-3526:a dmin#disa ble greeti ng_messag e Command: disable greeting_message Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 25 6 S WITCH P ORT C OMM ANDS The switch p ort co mmands i n the Co mmand Line Interfac e (CLI) a re listed (along with the app ropriate p arameters) in t he following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 26 Command: config ports 1-3 speed 10_full learning enable state enable Success. DES-3526:admin# show ports Purpose Used to displa y the current configuration of a range of por ts.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 27 Example usage: To display the co nfiguration o f all ports on a standalone s witch, with descriptio n: DES-3526:admin#show ports descript.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 28 7 P ORT S ECURI TY C OMM A ND S The S witch’s port security com mands in the Co mmand Line Interface (CLI) a re listed (alo ng with the app ropriate parameters) in the following tab le.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 29 Example usage: To configure the po rt security: DES-3526:admin#config port_security ports 1-5 admin_state enable max_learning_addr 5 lock_address_mode DeleteOnReset Command: config port_security ports 1- 5 admin_state enable max_learning_addr 5 lock_address_mode DeleteOnReset Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 30 clear port_securit y _entr y Purpose Used to clear MAC addres s entries lear ned from a specified port for the port securit y function.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 31 enable port_secur ity trap_log Purpose Used to enabl e the trap log for port s ecurity. Syntax enable port_se curity trap _log Descriptio.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 32 8 N ETWORK M ANAGEMENT (SN MP) C OMMANDS The DES-350 0 Switch serie s suppor ts the Simple Net work M anagement Pr otocol ( SNMP) versions 1 , 2c, and 3. Users can spe cify which version of t he SNM P users want to use to monitor an d control the S witch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 33 Command Parameters <auth_string 32> delete snm p host <ipaddr> show snm p host <ipaddr> create trusted_h ost <ipaddr.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 34 create snmp user privacy. The k ey is defined by specif ying the ke y in hex form below. This method is not r ecomm ended. auth - The user m ay also c hoose the t ype of authen tication a lgorithms used to authenticate the s nmp user .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 35 delete snmp user Restrictions Only Administrat or and Op erator-level user s can iss ue this comm and. Example usage: `To de lete a previously entere d SNMP user on the Switch: DES-3526: DES-3526: admin#dele te snmp u ser dlink Command: delete snmp user dlink Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 36 create snmp vie w Purpose Used to assign views to co mm unity strings to lim it which MIB objects and SNMP m anager can a ccess .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 37 Success. DES-3526:admin# show snmp vie w Purpose Used to displa y an SNM P view previous ly created on t he Switch. Syntax show sn mp view {<view _name 32> } Description The show snmp v iew comm and displays an SNM P vie w previousl y created on the S witch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 38 DES-3526:admin#show snmp view Command: show snmp view Vacm View Table Settings View Name : restricted Subtree : View Type : Included View Mask : View Name : restricted Subtree : 1.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 39 create snmp commu nity the Switch. read_write − Spec ifies that SNMP comm unity m embers using t he comm unity string created with this comm and can read fr om and write to the contents of the MIBs on th e Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 40 show snmp comm unity Restrictions None. Example usage: To display the curre ntly entere d SNMP community strin gs: DES-3526:a dmin#show s.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 41 DES-3526:admin#show snmp engineID Command: show snmp engineID SNMP Engine ID : 0035636666 DES-3526:admin# create snmp grou p Purpose Used to cr eate a new SNMP gro up, or a tabl e that m aps SNMP users to SNMP views.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 42 create snmp grou p SNMP m anager is allowed to access on t he Switch. Restrictions Only Adm inistrator and Op erator-leve l users can is sue this com m and.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 43 DES-3526:admin#show snmp groups Command: show snmp groups Vacm Access Table Settings Group N ame : Group3 ReadView N ame : ReadView Write.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 44 create snmp host v3 – Specifies th at the SN MP version 3 will be used. SNMP v3 provides secure access to devices thro ugh a com bination of authentication a nd encr ypting pack ets over the networ k .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 45 DES-3526:admin#delete snmp host Command: delete snmp host Success. DES-3526:admin# show snmp host Purpose Used to displa y the recipient of SNMP traps generate d b y the Switch’s SNM P agent.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 46 create trusted_ho st https - Specifies tr usted ho st for HTTPs. Restrictions Only Administrat or and Op erator-level user s can iss ue this comm and. Example usage: To create the trusted host: DES-3526:admin# create trusted_host 10.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 47 create trusted_ho st network specified, then there is noth ing to prevent an y IP address fr om accessing the s witch, pro vided the user k nows the Us ernam e and Password. W hen the access interf ace is not specif ied, the trusted host will be created for all interfaces.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 48 delete trusted_ho st ipaddr Purpose Used to delete a trust ed hos t entry made us ing the cre ate trusted_host c omm and above.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 49 To delete all trusted host entries: DES-3526: admin#del ete truste d_host al l Command: delete trusted_host all Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 50 show snmp traps Description This comm and is used to v iew the SNMP trap support status currentl y configured on the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 51 config snmp sy stem_contact Purpose Used to enter the nam e of a contact pers on who is r esponsible f or the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 52 DES-3526:admin#config snmp system_location HQ 5F Command: config snmp system_location HQ 5F Success. DES-3526:admin# config snmp sy stem_name Purpose Used to conf igure the name f or the Switch .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 53 disable rmon Purpose Used to disable RMON on t he Switch. Syntax disable rmon Description This comm and is used, in c onjunction with the enable rmon comm and above, to enable and disable r emote m onitoring (RMON) on the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 54 9 S WITCH U TILITY C OMM ANDS The s witch utility co mmands in the Co mmand Line Interf ace (C LI) are listed (along with the a pprop riate pa rameters) in t he following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 55 DES-3526:a dmin#down load cfg_f romTFTP 1 1 c:cfg setting.tx t Command: d ownload c fg_fromTFT P 10.48.7 4.121 c:c fgsettin g.txt Connecting to server................... Done. Download configuration.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 56 config firm ware image_id Restrictions Only administrator- level us ers c an issue this com mand. Example usage: To configure fir mware section 1 as a b oot up section: DES-3526:admin# config firmware section_id 1 boot_up Command: config firmware section_id 1 boot_up Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 57 show config 1. Basic (serial p ort, Telnet an d web managem ent status) 2. storm c ontrol 3. IP group m anagement 4. syslog 5. QoS 6. port mirr oring 7. traffic segmentation 8. port 9. port lock 10.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 58 upload Purpose Used to uploa d the current switch settings or t he switc h histor y log to a TFT P.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 59 Example usage: To enable autoc onfiguration o n the Switc h: DES-3526:a dmin#enab le autocon fig Command: enable autoconfig Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 60 disable autocon fig Purpose Use this to deac tivate auto configuration f rom DHCP. Syntax disable autoco nfig Description This instructs the Switch no t to accept autoc onfiguratio n instruct ion from the DHCP server.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 61 ping Purpose Used to test the connec tivity bet ween net work devices . Syntax ping <ipadd r> {times <value 1-25 5>} {timeou t <sec 1-99>} Description T he ping comm and sends Internet Con trol Mess age Protocol (ICMP) echo mes sages to a rem ote IP address .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 62 10 N ETWORK M ONITORIN G C OMM A NDS The network mon itoring co mmands in the Co mmand Line I nterface (CLI) ar e listed (alon g with the app ropriate parameters) in the following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 63 DES-3526:admin#show packet port 2 Command: show packet port 2 Port number : 2 Frame Size Frame Counts Frame/sec Frame Type Total Total/se.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 64 show utilization Purpose Used to displa y real-tim e port and CP U utilization sta tistics . Syntax show u tilization [cp u | ports {<portlist >}] Description This comm and will displa y the real-tim e port and CPU utilization statistics for the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 65 clear counters Purpose Used to clear t he Switch’s statistics coun ters. Syntax clear counters {po rts <po rtlist>} Description This comm and will clear th e counters used by the S witch to com pile statistics.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 66 To display the s witch histor y log : DES-3526:admin#show log index 5 Command: show log index 5 DES-3526:admin#show log index 5 Command: .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 67 disable sy slog Purpose Used to enabl e the system log to be sent to a rem ote host. Syntax disable syslog Description The disable syslog comm and enables t he s y stem log to be sent t o a rem ote host.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 68 create syslog host Numerical Severit y Code 0 Emer gency: system is unusa ble 1 Alert: actio n mus t be taken imm ediately 2 Cr itical: c.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 69 create syslog host 0 k ernel m essages 1 user -level m essages 2 m ail system 3 s ystem dae mons 4 s ecurit y/authorization m essages 5 m.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 70 config sy slog host Purpose Used to conf igure the s yslog protocol to s end s ystem log data to a rem ote host.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 71 Parameters Numerical Fa cility Code 0 k ernel m essages 1 user -level m essages 2 m ail system 3 s ystem dae mons 4 s ecurit y/authorizat.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 72 DES-3526:admin#config syslog host 1 severity all facility local0 Command: config syslog host all severity all facility local0 Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 73 show sy slog host Purpose Used to displa y the syslog hosts currentl y configured on the Switch. Syntax show syslog host {<index 1-4>} Description The show syslog host co mmand is used t o displa y the syslog hosts that are cur rentl y configured on the S witch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 74 config sy stem_severity Purpose To conf igure system_s everity level of an alert requ ired for log entr y or trap message.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 75 show sy stem_severity Purpose To displa y system_sever ity level of an alert r equired fo r log entr y or trap message. Syntax show system_sev erit y Description This comm and is used to di splay system _severit y level of an a lert required for log entr y or trap mes sage.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 76 11 M ULTIPLE S P ANNING T REE P ROTOCOL (MSTP) C OMM ANDS This Switch supp orts three versions of t he Spanning T ree Proto col; 802.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 77 Command Parameters show stp instance {<value 0-4>} show stp m st_config id Each co mmand is listed, in det ail, in the follo wing sections. enable stp Purpose Used to globall y enable ST P on the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 78 config stp version Protocol (MST P) globall y on the Switch. rstp - Selecting th is param eter will set the Ra pid Span ning Tree Pr otocol (RSTP) global ly on the Sw itch. stp - Selecting t his param eter will set the Spanning T ree Protoc ol (STP) globall y on the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 79 config stp txholdcount <1- 10> - T he maximum number of BPDU Hello pack ets transm itted per interval. De fault value = 6. fbpdu [enable | d isable] − A llows the for warding of ST P BPDU pack ets from other network devices when STP is dis abled on t he Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 80 config stp ports Purpose Used to setup STP on the port level. Syntax config stp po rts <portlist > {externalCost [ auto | <v alu.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 81 (for exam ple if the port is fo rced to half -duplex operat ion) the p2p st atus cha nges to operate as if the p2p val ue were false .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 82 DES-3526:admin# config stp instanc e_id Purpose Used to add or delete a n ST P instance ID.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 83 delete stp instance_id Description T his comm and allows the us er to delete a prev iousl y configured STP instance ID f rom the Switch. Parameters <value 1- 4> Enter a value bet ween 1 and 4 to identif y the Spanning Tr ee instance on the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 84 config stp mst_co nfig_id Description T his comm and will uniquely identif y the MSTP c onfigur ation currentl y configured on the Switch. Infor mation entered here will be attached to BPDU pack ets as an ident ifier for the MSTP region to which it belo ngs.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 85 config stp mst_ports priority <value 0-240> - Ent er a value bet ween 0 and 2 40 to set the priority for the port interf ace. A higher pri ority will des ignate the interface to for ward pack ets firs t.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 86 Status 3 : STP enabled for MSTP DES-3526:admin#show stp Command: show stp STP Status : Enabled STP Version : MSTP Max Age : 20 Forward De.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 87 show stp instance _id configuration for the CIST internally set on t he Switch. Restrictions None Example usage: To display the ST P inst.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 88.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 89 12 F ORW A RDIN G D A TAB A SE C OMM ANDS The layer 2 for warding d atabase comma nds in the Co mmand Line I nterface (C LI) are listed (along with t he appr opriate parameters) in t he following t able.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 90 DES-3526:admin#create fdb default 00-00-00-00-01- 02 port 5 Command: create fdb default 00-00-00-00-01-02 port 5 Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 91 config multicast_f db Purpose Used to conf igure the Sw itch’s multicast M AC address forwarding database.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 92 config fdb aging_t ime Purpose Used to set th e aging tim e of the forwardin g database. Syntax config fdb aging_time <s ec 10-100000 0> Description The aging tim e affec ts the learning pr ocess of the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 93 To delete a multicast FDB ent ry: DES-3526:admin#delete fdb default 01-00-00-00-01-02 Command: delete fdb default 01-00-00-00-01-02 Success. DES-3526:admin# clear fdb Purpose Used to clear t he Switch’s f orwarding data base of all dynam ically learned MAC ad dresses .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 94 DES-3526:admin#show multicast_fdb vlan default Command: show multicast_fdb vlan default VLAN Name : default MAC Addres s : 01 -00-5E-00- .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 95 1 default 00-02-3F-63-DD-68 10 Dynamic CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page ENTER Next Entry a All config multicast p ort_filtering_mod e Purpose Used to conf igure the m ulticast pack et filtering m ode on a port per port basis.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 96 DES-3526:admin#show multicast port_filtering_mode Command: s how multi cast port_ filtering _mode Port Multicast Filter Mode ------ -----.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 97 13 T RAFFIC C ONTROL C OMM ANDS On a co mputer network, packets such as Multicas t p ackets and Bro adcast packets continuall y flood the net work as normal proced ure.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 98 config traffic cont rol Group 6 - Inclusi ve for port s 41-48 (D ES-3550 on ly). Group 7 - Inclusi ve for G igabit port 49 (DE S-3550 onl y). Group 8 - Inclusi ve for G igabit port 50 (DE S-3550 onl y).
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 99 DES-3526:admin# config traffic control 1,3,5 broadcast enable threshold 25000 Command: config traffic control 1,3,5 broadcast enable thre.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 100 Example usage: To display tra ffic control setti ngs for ports 1 -3: DES-3526:admin#show traffic control port 1-3 Command: show traffic .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 101 config traffic cont rol_trap Purpose Used to conf igure the trap settings f or the packet stor m control mechanism .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 102 14 Q O S C OMMANDS The DES-350 0 switch supp orts 802 .1p pr iority q ueuing. The S witch has 4 p riorit y que ues. T hese priorit y que ues are numbered from 3 (Clas s 3) — the highest priority queue — to 0 ( Class 0) — the lo west p riorit y q ueue.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 103 config band width_control above ports will be allowed to receive. tx_rate − Specifies t hat one of the param eters below ( no_lim it or <value 1-100 0> ) will be a pplied to th e rate at which the above specified ports will be allo wed to transm it pack ets.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 104 9 no_limit no_limit no_limit no_limit 10 no_limit no_limit no_limit no_limit DES-3526:admin# config scheduling Purpose Used to conf igure the traf fic scheduling m echanism for each COS queue.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 105 config scheduling 3 specifies 3 X 1 6 = 48 m s. The queue will continue tra nsmitting the last pack et until it is finishe d when the m ax_latency t im er expires. Restrictions Only Administrat or and Op erator-level user s can iss ue this comm and.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 106 config 802.1p use r_priority 0 1 Mid-low 1 0 Lowest 2 0 Lowest 3 1 Mid-low 4 2 Mid-high 5 2 Mid-high 6 3 Highest 7 3 Highest. This m apping scheme is ba sed upon recom mendation s contained in IEEE 802.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 107 Priority-2 -> <Cl ass-0> Priority-3 -> <Cl ass-1> Priority-4 -> <Cl ass-2> Priority-5 -> <Cl ass-2> Priority-6 -> <Cl ass-3> Priority-7 -> <Cl ass-3> DES-3526:admin# config 802.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 108 show 802.1p defa ult_priority the highest s witch num ber, and the highest p ort num ber of the range (also sep arated b y a colon) ar e specified. T he beginning and end of the por t list range ar e separated by a dash.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 109 15 P ORT M IRRORING C OMM A NDS The port mirror ing co mmands in t he Co mmand Line I nterface (CLI) a re li sted ( along with the appro priate parameter s) in t he following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 110 DES-3526:admin# config mirror port 1 add source ports 2-7 both Command: config mirror port 1 add source ports 2-7 both Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 111 To disable mirroring configur ations: DES-3526:admin#disable mirror Command: disable mirror Success. DES-3526:admin# show mirror Purpose Used to sho w the current p ort m irroring configuratio n on the Sw itch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 112 16 VLAN C OMMA ND S The VLAN co mmands in the Command Li ne Interface (C LI) ar e listed (along with the approp riate parameters) in t he follo wing table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 113 DES-3526:admin# delete vlan Purpose Used to delete a previous ly configured VL AN on the Switch. Syntax delete vlan <vlan_name 3 2> Description This comm and will delete a previousl y configured VLA N on the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 114 DES-3526:admin# To delete ports from a VLAN: DES-3526:a dmin#conf ig vlan v1 delete 6 -8 Command: config vlan v1 delete 6-8 Success. DES-3526:admin# create vlan vlanid Purpose Used to create a VLAN b y VLAN ID list on the s witch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 115 config vlan vlanid Purpose Used to add ad ditional port s to a previous ly configure d VLAN.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 116 config gvrp check ing for the specified p ort list. acceptable_frame [tagged_ only | admit_a ll] – This par am eter states the fram e type that will be a ccepted b y the Switch f or this function.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 117 Example usage: To disable the Generic VL AN Registration P rotocol (GVRP): DES-3526:admin#disable gvrp Command: disable gvrp Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 118 Command: show gvrp 1-10 Global GVRP : Disabled Port PVID GVRP Ingress Checking Acceptable Frame Type ------ ---- -------- --------------.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 119 17 A SYMMETRIC VLAN C OMMA NDS The asymmetric V LAN com mands in the Co mmand Li ne Interface (C LI) are listed (along with the a pprop riate parameters) in the following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 120 show asy mmetric_vlan Purpose Used to vie w the asymm etric VLAN state o n the Switc h. Syntax show asymmet ric_vlan Description This comm and displa ys the asymm etric VLAN state o n the S witch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 121 18 L INK A GGREGATION C OMM ANDS The link aggre gation comman ds in the Co mmand Line Inter face (CLI) ar e listed (along with the approp riate par ameters) in the following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 122 delete link_aggre gation group_id Purpose Used to delete a previous ly configured l ink aggregati on group. Syntax delete link_agg regation g roup_id <valu e 1-6> Description This comm and is used to d elete a previo usl y configured link aggregation gr oup.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 123 DES-3526:admin# config link_aggre gation algorithm Purpose Used to conf igure the link aggregati on algorithm .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 124 DES-3526:a dmin#show link_aggr egation Command: show link_aggregation Link Aggregation Algorithm = MAC-source-dest Group ID : 1 Type : T.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 125 show lacp_ports Purpose Used to displa y current LAC P port m ode settings. Syntax show lacp_p orts {<portli st>} Description This comm and will displa y the LACP m ode settings as the y are currentl y configured.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 126 19 IP-MAC B INDING The IP network la yer uses a fo ur-byte add ress. T he Ethernet lin k layer uses a s ix-byte MAC add ress. Bindi ng these two addr ess types together a llows the transmission of data b etween t he layers.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 127 Command Parameters create address _binding ip_mac ipaddres s <ipaddr> m ac_address <m acaddr> {ports [<portlist > | al.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 128 create address_bi nding ip_mac ipa ddress Purpose Used to crea te an IP- MAC Bindi ng entry.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 129 DES-3526:admin#show access_profile Command: show access_profile Access Profile Table Access Profile ID : 1 Type : Packet Content Filter .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 130 DES-3526:admin#config address_binding ip_mac ipaddress mac_address 00-00-00-00-00- 05 Command: config address_binding ip_mac ipaddress mac_address 00-00-00-00-00- 05 Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 131 DES-3526:admin#config address_binding ip_mac ports 2 state enable Command: config address_binding ip_mac ports 2 state enable Success. DES-3526:admin# config address_b inding ip_mac ports Purpose Used to conf igure an IP-M AC state to ena ble or disab le for specified ports.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 132 DES-3526:admin#config address_binding ip_mac ports 2 forward_dhcppkt enable Command: config address_binding ip_mac ports 2 forward_dhcppkt enable Success. DES-3526:admin# show address_bin ding Purpose Used to displa y IP-MAC Binding e ntries.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 133 delete address_bin ding Purpose Used to delete IP-MAC Binding en tries. Syntax delete add ress_bind ing ip- mac [ipaddress <ipaddr &g.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 134 enable address_bi nding acl_mode Purpose Used to enabl e the ACL mode f or an IP-M AC binding entry.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 135 To disable IP-MAC Binding A CL mode on t he Switch: DES-3526:admin#disable address_binding acl_mode Command: disable address_binding acl_mode Success. DES-3526:admin# enable address_bi nding trap_log Purpose Used to enabl e the trap log for the IP-M AC binding f unction.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 136 DES-3526:admin#disable address_binding trap_log Command: disable address_binding trap_log Success. DES-3526:admin# show address_bi nding dhcp _snoop Purpose To show address _binding e ntries created b y DHCP pa cket.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 137 DES-3526:admin# show address_binding dhcp_snoop max_entry Command: show address_binding dhcp_snoop max_entry Port Max entry ---- -------.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 138 DES-3526:admin#enable address_binding dhcp_snoop Command: enable address_binding dhcp_snoop Success. DES-3526:admin# disable address_ binding dhcp _snoop Purpose Used to disable address_bi nding dhcp_sn oop.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 139 config address_b inding dhcp _snoop max_entry Purpose Specifies the m ax num ber of entries which can be learned by the specified ports .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 140 DES-3526:admin# create address_binding permit_ip_pool start_ip end_ip ports 1 Command: create address_binding permit_ip_pool start_ip end_ip 10.10 .10.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 141 DES-3526:admin# delete address_binding permit_ip_pool start_ip end_ip Command: delete address_binding permit_ip_pool start_ip end_ip Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 142 20 L IMITED IP M ULTIC AST A DDRESS The Limited IP Multicast command allo ws the ad ministrato r to per mit or deny acces s to a port or range of p orts by sp ecifying a range of multicast addresse s.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 143 delete multicast_r ange Purpose Used to create d elete a m ulticast address profile. Syntax delete multicast_ range<r ange_name> D.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 144 config limited_mu lticast_addr Purpose Used to conf igure limited IP m ulticast address range.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 145 3 permit enable DES-3526:admin#.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 146 21 B A SIC IP C OMM A NDS The I P interface co mmands in the Co mmand Line I nterface (CLI) are listed (along with t he app ropriate para meters) in t he following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 147 show ipif Purpose Used to displa y the configu ration of an I P interface o n the S witch. Syntax show ip if <ipif_name 12> Description This comm and will displa y the configurati on of an IP in terf ace on the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 148 DES-3526:a dmin#enab le autocon fig Command: enable autoconfig Success. DES-3526:admin# NOTE: More det ailed infor m ation for this comm and and relate d comm ands can be found in the sect ion titled Switch U tilit y Comm ands.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 149 22 IGMP S NOOPING C OMM ANDS The IGMP Snooping comman ds in the Co mmand Line Inter face (CLI) ar e listed (alo ng with the appro priate par ameters) in the following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 150 config igmp_snoop ing Switch receiving a host m ember ship report. The defau lt is 260 seconds. leave_timer <sec 0-16711 450> − Specif ies the am ount of tim e a Multicast addres s will sta y in the database before it is deleted, af ter it has sent out a l eave group message.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 151 config router_port s_forbidden Description This comm and allows desi gnation of a port or range o f ports as being forbidden to m ulticast-enab led routers. T his will ensure that multicast packets will not be for warded to this port − reg ardless of protocol, etc.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 152 disable igmp_sno oping traffic to flood within a give n IP interf ace. Parameters forward_mcr outer_only – Adding this p aram eter to this com mand will disable for warding all m ulticast traf fic to a multicast-en abled routers .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 153 Leave Timer : 2 Querier S tate : Disa bled Querier R outer Beh avior : Non- Querier State : Disa bled VLAN Name : vlan2 Query Interval :.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 154 Port Member : 18,22 VLAN Name : default Multicast group : MAC addres s : 0 1-00-5E-7F -FF-FA Reports : 2 Port Member : 9,19 VLAN Name : default Multicast group : 239.255.255.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 155 Example usage: To view the IGMP snooping f orwarding table for VLAN “T rinity”: DES-3526:admin#show igmp_snooping forwarding vlan Trinity Command: show igmp_snooping forwarding vlan Trinity VLAN Name : Trinity Multicast group : 224.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 156 create igmp_snoop ing multicast_vlan Purpose Used to create a multicast VLAN on th e switch. Syntax create igmp_ snooping mu lticast_vlan <vlan_name 32> <vlanid 2-4094> Description This comm and will create a m ulticast VLAN on the s witch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 157 DES-3526:admin#create igmp_snooping multicast_vlan trinity 2 Command: create igmp_snooping multicast_vlan trinity 2 Success. DES-3526:admin# config igmp_snoop ing multicast_vla n Purpose Used to conf igure a m ulticast VLAN pre viousl y created on the switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 158 delete igmp_snoo ping multicast_vla n Purpose Used to delete a multicast VLAN prev iously created on the switch. Syntax delete igmp_sn ooping m ulticast_vlan <vlan_nam e 32> Description This comm and will delete a m ulticast VLAN previousl y created on the switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 159 23 DHCP R ELAY The DHCP r elay co mmands in the Co mmand Line Inter face (CLI) are listed ( along with the app ropriate p arameters) in the following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 160 Success. DES-3526:admin# config dhcp_relay add ipif Purpose Used to add an IP destinat ion address to the sw itch's DHCP/BOOT P relay table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 161 config dhcp_relay option_82 state Purpose Used to conf igure the state of DHCP re lay agent inform ation opti on 82 of the switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 162 DES-3526:admin# config dhcp_relay option_82 check enable Command: config dhcp_relay option_82 check enable Success. DES-3526:admin# config dhcp_relay option_82 pol icy Purpose Used to conf igure the refor warding pol icy of rela y agent inf ormation option 82 of the switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 163 DES-3526:admin# DES-3526:admin#config dhcp_relay option_82 remote_id default Command: config dhcp_relay option_82 remote_id default Success. DES-3526:admin# show dhcp_relay Purpose Used to displa y the current DHCP/BOOT P relay config uration.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 164 enable dhcp_relay Parameters None. Restrictions Only Administrat or and Op erator-level user s can iss ue this comm and. Example usage: To enable DH CP relay: DES-3526:admin#enable dhcp_relay Command: enable dhcp_relay Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 165 DES-3526:admin# config dhcp_relay option_60 state enable Command: config dhcp_relay option_60 state enable Success DES-3526:admin# config dhcp_relay option_60 add Purpose Used to add an entr y for dhcp_rela y option_60.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 166 config dhcp_relay option_60 defau lt Purpose Config dhcp_re lay option_ 60 defau lt rela y servers.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 167 DES-3526:admin# config dhcp_relay option_60 delete string “abc” relay Command: config dhcp_relay option_60 delete string “ab c” relay Success DES-3526:admin# show dhcp_relay option_60 Purpose Used to sho w dhcp_rela y option_60 entr y.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 168 config dhcp_relay option_61 state Purpose Used to conf ig dhcp_rela y opton_61 s tate. Syntax config dhcp_rel ay option _61 state [enabl e|disable] Description This decides whether dhcp _relay will process the DH CP option 61 or not.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 169 DES-3526:admin# config dhcp_relay option_61 add mac_address 00-11-22-33-44-55 drop Command: config dhcp_relay option_61 add mac_address 00-11-22-33-44-55 drop Success DES-3526:admin# config dhcp_relay option_61 defau lt Purpose Used to conf igure the defa ult ruler for option 61.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 170 DES-3526:admin# config dhcp_relay option_61 delete mac_address 00-11-22-33-44-55 Command: config dhcp_relay option_61 delete mac_address 00-11-22-33-44-55 Success DES-3526:admin# show dhcp_relay option_61 Purpose Used to sho w all ruler f or option 61.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 171 24 802.1X C OMMANDS (I NCLUD ING G UEST VLAN S ) The DES-35 00 implements the server-side o f the IEEE 802 .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 172 enable 802.1x Parameters None. Restrictions Only Administrat or and Op erator-level user s can iss ue this comm and. Example usage: To enable 8 02.1x switch wide : DES-3526:a dmin#enab le 802.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 173 show 802.1x auth _configuration Capabilit y: Authenticator/N one − Shows the capabi lity of 802.1x functions on the port num ber displa yed above. T here are t wo 802.1x capabilities that can be set on the Switch: Authenticato r and None.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 174 show 802.1x auth _state Purpose Used to displa y the current authentication stat e of the 802.1x ser ver on the Switch. Syntax show 802.1x auth_state {ports <portli st>} Description The show 802.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 175 DES-3526:admin#show 802.1x auth_state Command: show 802.1x auth_state Port number : 1:1 Index MAC Address Auth PAE State Backend State P.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 176 config 802.1x capab ility po rts all − Specifies a ll of the port s on the Switch. authenticator − A us er m ust pass the aut hentication pr ocess to gain access to the network . none − The port is not contr olled by the 802.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 177 config 802.1x auth _parameter supp_timeout <sec 1-655 35> - Conf igures the tim e to wait for a response fr om a supplicant (user) for all EAP pack ets, except f or the Request/Identi ty pack ets.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 178 config 802.1x init Description The config 802.1x init co mmand is used t o imm ediately initialize t he 802.1x func tions on a speci fied range of ports or for s pecif ied MAC addresses oper ating from a specif ied range of ports .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 179 Success. DES-3526:admin# config radius add Purpose Used to conf igure the setti ngs the S witch will use t o com municate with a RADIUS server .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 180 Example usage: To delete previously configur ed RADIUS server c ommunic ation settings: DES-3526:a dmin#conf ig radius delete 1 Command: config radius delete 1 Success. DES-3526:admin# config radius Purpose Used to conf igure the Sw itch’s RADIUS sett ings.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 181 show radius Restrictions None. Example usage: To display R ADIUS settings o n the Switch: DES-3526:admin#show radius Command: show radius Index IP Address Auth-Po rt Acc t-Port S tatus Key Number Number ----- ------------- --------- --------- ----------- --------- 1 10.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 182 config 802.1x gue st_vlan ports Guest VLAN. all – Specif y this param eter to configure a ll ports for the 802.1x Gues t VLAN. state [enable | disable] – U se these param eters to en able or dis able port listed here as e nabled or d isabled f or the 802.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 183 delete 802.1x gue st_vlan Syntax delete 802.1x gu est_vlan {<vlan_na me 32>} Description The delete 802.1 x guest_v lan comm and is used to d elete an 802.1x Guest V LAN. Guest 802.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 184 25 A CCESS C ONTROL L IS T (ACL) C OMM A NDS The DES-3500 implements Access Control Lists that enable the Switch to deny net work a ccess to specific devices or device groups based o n IP settings a nd MAC add ress.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 185 Command Parame ters <hex 0x0-0xf fffffff >| o ffs et 16-31 <hex 0x0- 0xffffffff > <hex 0x0-0xfffffff f> <hex 0x0- 0.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 186 further sp ecify in t he new rule to deny ac cess to a range of IP addresses through an ind ividual p ort: Here, we want to filter an y packets that have a n IP source addr ess between 10.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 187 create access_pro file <hex 0x0 - 0xffff> | dst_p ort_mask <hex 0x0 - 0xffff>} | protocol_id _mask <hex 0x0 - 0xFF> {u.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 188 create access_pro file src_port_mask <hex 0x0-0 xffff> − Specifies a UDP po rt mask for the source port. dst_port_mask < hex 0x0-0 xffff> − Specifies a UD P po rt mask for the destination port.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 189 delete access_profile Purpose Used to delete a previous ly created acc ess prof ile. Syntax delete access_p rofile [pro file_id <value 1-2 55> | al l] Description The delete acce ss_profile comm and is used to del ete a previous ly created access profile on th e Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 190 config access_pr ofile comm and. Priority is set rel ative to other pr ofiles where the lowest prof ile ID has t he highest priority. The user m a y enter a profile ID number bet ween 1 – 255, yet, rem ember onl y 9 access profiles can be cr eated on t he Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 191 config access_pr ofile Parameters ip − Specifies that the Switc h will look into the IP fields in each pack et. vlan <vlan_name 32> − Sp ecifies that the ac cess prof ile will appl y to only this VL AN.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 192 config access_pr ofile Parameters port < portlist> - S pecifies the p ort num ber on the Swit ch to perm it or den y access for the rul e. permit - Specifies th e rule perm it acc ess for incom ing packets on the previousl y specified port.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 193 Example usage: To display all o f the currently configured access pro files on the Switch: DES-3526:admin#show access_profile Command: s.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 194 create cpu access _profile address. • dscp − Specif ies that the Switch will exam ine the Diff Serv Code Po int (DSCP) f ield in each fram e’s header.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 195 delete cpu access_p rofile Purpose Used to delete a previous ly created CPU access pr ofile. Syntax delete cpu acc ess_profile profile_id <value 1-5> Description The delete cpu a ccess_pr ofile com mand is used to delete a pr eviousl y created CPU access prof ile.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 196 config cpu access_p rofile Parameters ethernet − Specifies t hat th e Switch will look onl y into the layer 2 p art of each pack et. vlan <vlan_name 32> − Sp ecifies that the access prof ile will appl y to only to this VLAN.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 197 config cpu access_p rofile • offset_32-47 - Enter a valu e in hex form to m ask the pack et from byte 32 to byte 47. • offset_48-63 - Ent er a valu e in hex form to mask the pack et from byte 48 to byte 63.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 198 show cpu_access _profile Purpose Used to vie w the CPU acc ess prof ile entry currentl y set in the S witch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 199 disable cpu_interf ace_filtering Purpose Used to disable CPU interf ace filtering on t he Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 200 config flo w_meter profile that wi ll be configure d with this c omm and. This value is assigned to the access prof ile when it is created with the create access_profile comm and.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 201 DES-3526:admin#show flow_meter Command: show flow_meter Flow Metering Information Profile Id Access Id Metering Rate(Kbps) Rate Exceed A.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 202 config time_rang e start_time - Specifies the st arting tim e in a day. (24-hr t im e) For exam ple, 19:00 means 7PM.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 203 26 S A FEGU A RD E NGINE C O MM ANDS Period ically, malicious hosts on the network will attac k t he S witch b y ut ilizing packet flo oding (ARP Storm) or o ther methods. These atta cks may increase t he CPU utilizatio n be yond its capabilit y.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 204 config safeguard_ engine Restrictions Only Administrator an d Operator- level users can issue this c omm and.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 205 27 F ILTER C OMMANDS (D HCP/N ET BIOS) DHCP Server Screening Setting a nd DHCP Client Filtering Setting Due to this fu nction allow you .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 206 config filter dhcp_ server Purpose DHCP server p ackets eccept those that h ave been IP/ client MAC boun d will be filtered. This c omm and is used to conf igure the stat e of the functi on for filtering of DHC P server pa cket and to a dd/delete the DHCP server/c lient binding entr y.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 207 show filter dhcp_ server Purpose Used to displa y current DH CP server/c lient filter list c reated on the switch. Syntax show d hcp_server Description This comm and is used to di splay DHCP ser ver/client fi lter list cre ated on the switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 208 show filter netbio s Description This comm and will displa y the switch setti ngs to filter N etBIOS pack ets from the specified p orts.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 209 Example usage: To display the exte nsive NetB IOS filter status: DES-3526:admin#show filter extensive_netbios Command: show filter exten.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 210 28 L OOPB A CK D ETECTION C O MM A NDS These commands a re used to c onfigure, conduct and displa y the results of loo pback dete ction b y the switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 211 config loopdetect p orts Purpose Used to conf igure loop-bac k detection on the switch. Syntax config loopd etect ports [ <portlist> | all] | state [en able | disabl e] Description Used to conf igure loop-bac k detection on the switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 212 DES-3526:a dmin#disa ble loopde tect Command: disable loopdetect Success DES-3526:admin# show loopdetect Purpose Used to displa y the current loop-back detection setting s on the s witch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 213 29 T RAFFIC S EG MENT ATION C OMMANDS Traffic segmentatio n allo ws users to further sub-di vide VLANs in to smaller gro ups of po rts that will help to reduce tra ffic on the VLAN. The VL AN rules take preced ence, and then the traf fic segmentation r ules are ap plied.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 214 show traffic_segmen tation traffic segmentation conf iguration on the Switch will b e displa yed. Restrictions The port lists for segm entation and the forward list m ust be on t he same Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 215 30 T IME A ND SNTP C OMM A NDS The Si mple Net work T ime Pr otocol (SNTP) (an adaptation of the Net work Ti me Proto col ( NTP)) commands i n the Command Line Interface ( CLI) are listed (along with the app ropr iate parameters) in the following ta ble.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 216 DES-3526:admin#config sntp primary secondary poll-interval 30 Command: config sntp primary secondary poll-interval 30 Success. DES-3526:admin# show sntp Purpose Used to displa y the SNT P inform ation.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 217 disable sntp Purpose To disable SNT P server su pport. Syntax disable sntp Description This will disabl e SNT P support. SNT P service m ust be separate ly configured (see config snt p ).
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 218 config time_zone Purpose Used to determ ine the tim e zone use d in order to adjust the s ystem clock. Syntax config time_zo ne {operat or [+ | -] | hou r <gmt_hour 0-13> | min <minute 0-59> } Description This will adjust s ystem clock settings acc ording to the tim e zone.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 219 config dst disable - Disab le the DST seasonal t ime adjustm ent for the S witch. repeating - Usin g repeating mode will en able DST seasonal tim e adjustm ent. Repeating m ode requires t hat the DST beginning an d ending dat e be specified using a form ula.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 220 DES-3526:admin# config dst repeating s_week 2 s_day tue s_mth 4 s_time 15:00 e_week 2 e_day wed e_mth 10 e_time 15:30 offset 30 Command: config dst repeating s_week 2 s_day tue s_mth 4 s_time 15:00 e_week 2 e_day wed e_mth 10 e_time 15:30 offset 30 Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 221 31 ARP C O MM ANDS The ARP commands in the Command Line Interface ( CLI) a re listed (along with the appropria te parameters) in the follo wing table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 222 config arpentry Restrictions Only Administrat or and Op erator-level user s can iss ue this comm and. Example usage: To configure a static arp entr y for the IP addr ess and MAC a ddress 00 :50:BA:00:0 7:36: DES-3526:admin#config arpentry 10.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 223 To configure ARP aging time: DES-3526:admin#config arp_aging time 30 Command: config arp_aging time 30 Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 224 clear arptable Purpose Used to rem ove all d ynamic ARP tab le entries. Syntax clear arptable Description This comm and is used to r emove dynam ic ARP table entries from the Switch’s A RP table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 225 32 R OUTING T A BLE C OMM ANDS The ro uting table commands i n the Co mmand Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with t he ap propriate p arameters) in the following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 226 DES-3526:admin#delete iproute default Command: delete iproute default Success. DES-3526:adm in# show iproute Purpose Used to displa y the Switch’ s curr ent IP routing tab le.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 227 33 MAC N OTIFICATION C OMM ANDS The MAC notification co mmands in t he Command Li ne Interface (CLI) are listed, in the follo wing table, along with their appropria te parameters.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 228 config mac_notifi cation Purpose Used to co nfigure MAC ad dress notificat ion. Syntax config mac_notific ation {in terval <int 1-214.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 229 show mac_notific ation Description This comm and is used to di splay the Switch ’s MAC a ddress tabl e notification globa l settings.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 230 20 Disabled CTRL+C ESC q Quit SPACE n Next Page p Previous Page r Refresh.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 231 34 A CCESS A UTHENTIC ATION C ONTROL C OM M A NDS The TACACS / XTAC ACS / T ACACS+ / RADIU S co mmands allo ws secure ac cess to the S witch using the TAC ACS / XTACACS / TACACS+ / RADIU S pro tocols.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 232 The Access Authenticat ion Control co mmands in the Command Line I nterface (CLI) are listed (along with t he app ropriate parameters) in t he following t able.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 233 Each co mmand is listed, in det ail, in the follo wing sections. enable authen_po licy Purpose Used to enabl e system access authe ntication pol icy.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 234 show authen_p olicy Restrictions User Account C omm and Level – Administrat or. Example usage: To display the s ystem access a uthenti.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 235 config authen_login authentication t akes place using the xt acacs list, the local accoun t database set in the Switch is used to authenticate the user . W hen the local m ethod is used, the pr ivilege level will be depen dant on th e local account privilege configure d on the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 236 config authen_login NOTE: Entering none or local as an a uthentication protocol will override any other authentication that follo ws it on a method list or on the default method list. Restrictions User Account C omm and Level – Administrat or.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 237 show authen_log in Purpose Used to displa y a previousl y configured user defin ed m ethod list of authentication m ethods for users logging o n to the S witch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 238 create authen_enab le method_list_name Switch, he or she m ust be authenticated by a method on the Switch to gain adm inistrator pri vileges on the Switch, which is define d by the Adm inistrator.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 239 config authen_en able authenticated us ing the XTACA CS protoco l from the rem ote XTACACS serv er hosts of t he XT ACACS server gr oup list.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 240.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 241 Example usage: To configure the de fault method list with authentication met hods XT ACACS, TAC ACS+ and lo cal, in that order : DES-3526:admin#config aut hen_enable default method xtacacs tacacs+ local Command: config authen_enable default method xtacacs tacacs+ local Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 242 show authen_en able queried for aut hentication when a user attempts to log on to the Switch. Priorit y ranges from 1(highest) to 4 (lowest). Method Nam e – Defines which securit y protocols are implem ented, per method list nam e.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 243 config authen application (console, telnet, ss h, web) login m ethod. login – Use this p aram eter to configure an applicatio n for norm al login on the user level, us ing a previous ly configure d method list.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 244 create authen ser ver_host Purpose Used to create a n authent ication server hos t. Syntax create authen s erver_hos t <ipaddr> pr.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 245 config authen se rver_host Purpose Used to conf igure a user-d efined authent ication ser ver host.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 246 DES-3526:admin# delete authen serv er_host Purpose Used to delete a user-def ined authentica tion server host.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 247 show authen server_ho st Key - Authentica tion ke y to be share d with a conf igured T ACACS+ server onl y.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 248 config authen se rver_group categories f or authenticatio n using m ethod lists. T he user m ay define the type of server gro up by prot ocol or b y previousl y defined server group.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 249 delete authen serv er_group Parameters <string 15> - Enter an alph anumer ic string of up to 1 5 charac ters to define the prev iously create d server group to be del eted. Restrictions User Account C omm and Level – Administrat or.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 250 config authen para meter response_timeou t Description This comm and will set the t ime the Switc h will wait for a response of authentication f rom the user.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 251 show authen para meter authentication a ttempts . This comm and will displa y the following f ields: Response tim eout – The co nfigur.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 252 config admin loca l_enable Description This comm and will configur e the locall y enabled pas sword for the enable admin c omm and.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 253 state disable Success. DES-3526:admin# show authen enab le_admin Purpose Used to displa y the enable _admin conf iguration stat us. Syntax show au then enable_adm in Description Display the ena ble_adm in configuration st atus.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 254 35 SSH C OMMANDS The steps required to use the Secure S hell (SSH) p rotoco l for secure communication bet ween a r emote PC ( the SSH C.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 255 To enable SSH: DES-3526:admin#enable ssh Command: enable ssh Success. DES-3526:admin# disable ssh Purpose Used to disable SSH. Syntax disable ssh Description This comm and allows user s to disabl e SSH on the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 256 DES-3526:admin#config ssh authmode password enable Command: config ssh authmode password enable Success. DES-3526:admin# show ssh authmo de Purpose Used to displa y the SSH au thentication m ode settin g.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 257 To configure the SSH server: DES-3526:admin# config ssh server maxsession 2 contimeout 300 authfail 2 Command: config ssh server maxsession 2 contimeout 300 authfail 2 Success. DES-3526:admin# show ssh server Purpose Used to displa y the SSH se rver setting.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 258 config ssh user SSH user. password – T his param eter should b e chosen to us e an adm inistrator defined pass word for authe ntication. publickey – T his parameter should b e chosen to use the publ icke y on a SSH server f or authenticatio n.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 259 config ssh algorit hm Purpose Used to conf igure the SSH algorithm . Syntax config ssh algo rithm [3D ES | AES128 | AES192 | AES256 | ar.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 260 Usage Example: To display SSH al gorithms c urrently set o n the Switch: DES-3526:a dmin#show ssh algor ithm Command: show ssh algorithm.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 261 36 SSL C OMMANDS Secure Sockets Layer or SSL is a securit y feature that will provide a secure co mmunication path bet ween a host and client through t he use of aut hentication, digital si gnatures a nd e ncryption.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 262 enable ssl Purpose T o enable the SSL function on t he Switch. Syntax enable ssl {ciphersuit e {RS A_with_RC4_128 _M D5 | RSA_with_3DE S.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 263 disable ssl Purpose T o disable the S SL function on the Switch. Syntax disable ssl {ciphersuite {RS A_with_RC4_128 _M D5 | RSA_with_3DE.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 264 config ssl cacheti meout timeout host, therefor e speeding u p the negoti ation proces s.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 265 show ssl cacheti meout Purpose Used to sho w the SSL cache t imeout. Syntax show ssl cachetim eout Description Entering this c omm and will allow the user to view the S SL cache timeout curr ently im plemented on the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 266 show ssl Description This comm and is used to vi ew the SSL st atus on the S witch. Parameters None.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 267 download certific ate_fromTFTP Purpose Us ed to download a certific ate file for the SSL functio n on the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 268 37 D-L INK S INGLE IP M ANAGEMENT C OMM ANDS Simply put, D -Link Si ngle IP Manageme nt is a concept t hat will stac k s witches together over Ethernet instead of using stacki ng ports or modules.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 269 When a CS beco mes a MS, it auto matically bec omes a member o f the first SNMP co mmunity (include read/ write and read only) to which the CS belongs.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 270 enable sim Purpose Used to enabl e Single IP M anagem ent (SIM) on the S witch Syntax enable sim Description This comm and will enable SIM globall y on the S witch. SIM feat ures and functions will not functi on properl y unless this f unction is enabled.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 271 show sim MAC Address - Displa ys the MAC Addres s of the S witch. Capabilities – D ispla y s the type of s witch, be it La yer 2 (L2) or La yer 3 (L3). Platform – Switch Descript ion includin g nam e and model num ber.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 272 ID MAC Address Platform / Hold Firmware Device Name Capabil ity Time Versi on --- ----- -------- ------- --- ---- - ----- ---- --- --------- --- 1 00-01-02-03-04-00 DES-3526 L2 Switch 40 5.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 273 Port MAC Address Role ------ ------------------ --------- 23 00-35-26- 00-11-99 Commande r 23 00-35-26- 00-11-91 Member 24 00-35-26- 00-.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 274 DES-3526:a dmin# con fig sim de lete 1 Command: config sim delete 1 Please wait for ACK... Success. DES-3526:admin# config sim Purpose Used to configure role para m eters for the SIM prot ocol on the Switch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 275 To change the hold time of the discover y protocol: DES-3526:admin# config sim commander hold_time 120 Command: config sim commander hold_time 120 Success.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 276 download sim will receive th e firm ware or switch conf iguration. Restrictions Only administrator- level us ers c an issue this com mand. Example usage: To do wnload firmware: DES-3526:admin# download sim firmware 10.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 277 upload sim_ms Restrictions Only administrator- level us ers c an issue this com mand. Example usage: To upload configuration files t o a TFTP server: DES-3526:admin# upload sim_ms configuration 10.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 278 38 C OMM A ND H ISTORY L IS T The switch history commands in the Co mmand Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the appro priate parameters) in the following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 279 DES-3526:admin# config stp Command:? config stp Command: config stp Usage: {maxage <value 6-40> | maxhops <value1-20> | hell.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 280 config command_ history Purpose Used to co nfigure the com m and history. Syntax config command_hi story <value 1-4 0> Description T his comm and is used to configure t he comm and histor y.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 281 39 LLDP C OMM ANDS The LLDP co mmands in t he Co mmand Line Interface ( CLI) ar e listed (along with the ap propriate p arameters) in t he follo wing table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 282 enable lldp Purpose Used to enabl e LLDP oper ations on the s witch. Syntax enable lldp Description T his is a global con trol for the L LDP function . W hen this function is enabl ed, the s witch can start to tr ansm it LLDP packets and receive and pr ocess the L LDP pack ets.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 283 config lldp messa ge_tx_interval Purpose Used to chang e the pack et transm ission interva l. Syntax conf ig lldp message _tx_int erval <sec 5 - 32 768 > Description T his interval contro ls how of ten active ports retransm it advertisem ents to their neighbors .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 284 config lldp tx_de lay Purpose Used to chang e the m inimum time (delay-interva l) of any LLDP port . It will delay ad vertising succe ssive LLD P advertisem ents due to a change in LLDP MIB cont ent.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 285 config lldp notific ation_interv al Purpose Used to conf igure the tim er of the notif ication interv al us ed to send notifications to c onfigured SNMP trap rec eiver(s).
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 286 config lldp adm in_status Purpose Used to conf igure per-port t ransm it and receive modes .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 287 config mgt_addr Purpose Used to enabl e or disable t he port(s) which h ave been specified for advertising the indicated m anagem ent address instan ces.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 288 config lldp basic_ tvls Purpose Used to conf igure an indi vidual port or gro up of ports t o exclude o ne or mor e of the optional TLV d ata types f rom outbound L LDP advertisem ents.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 289 config lldp dot1_tlv _pvid Purpose Used to conf igure an indi vidual port or gro up of ports t o exclude o ne or mor e of IEEE 802.1 Organ izationall y port vlan ID T LV data t ypes com e from outbound LLDP ad vertisem ents.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 290 config lldp dot1_tlv _vlan_name Purpose Used to conf igure an indi vidual port or gro up of ports t o exclude o ne or mor e of the IEEE 802.1 Or ganizational VLAN nam e TLV data t ypes from outbound LLDP advertisem ents.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 291 config lldp dot1_tlv _protoco l_identity Purpose Used to conf igure an indi vidual port or gro up of ports t o exclude o ne or mor e of IEEE 802.1 organi zation protoc ol identit y TLV data types f rom outbound LLDP advertisem ents.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 292 config lldp dot3_tlv s Purpose Used to conf igure an indi vidual port or gro up of ports t o exclude o ne or mor e of IEEE 802.3 organi zation specif ic TLV data t ypes fr om outbound LLDP advertisem ents.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 293 config lldp for ward_message Purpose Used to conf igure forward ing of lldpdu pack et when L LDP is disa bled.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 294 show lldp mgt_ad dr Purpose Used to displa y the lldp m anagem ent address infor mation. Syntax show lldp mg t_addr {ipv4 <ipaddr >} Description Displa ys the lldp m anagem ent address i nformation.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 295 DES-3526:admin#show lldp ports 1 Command: show lldp ports 1 Port ID : 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 296 Example usage: To display outbou nd LLDP advertiseme nts for individual p orts in detail: DES-3526:a dmin# sho w lldp loc al_ports 1 mod.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 297 Port ID : 1 ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- Port Id Su btype : LOC AL Port Id : 1/1 Port Description : RMON Port 1 on Unit 1 DES-3526:admin# show lldp remote _ports Purpose Used to displa y the inform ation learne d from the ne ighbor.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 298 Example usage: To display re mote table entrie s in brief mod e: DES-3526:admin#show lldp remote_ports 1-2 brief Command: s how lldp rem.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 299 To display re mote table entrie s in nor mal mode: DES-3526:admin# show lldp remote_ports ports 1 normal Command: show lldp remote_ports.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 300 To display re mote table entrie s in detailed mode: DES-3526:a dmin# sho w lldp rem ote_ports 1 mode de tailed Command: show lldp remote.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 301 Aggregation status : not currently in aggregation Ag gregation port ID : 0 Maximu m Frame S ize : 15 36 Unknow n TLVs co unt : 0 (None) DES-3526:admin# show lldp statist ics Purpose Used to displa y the system LLDP statist ics inform ation.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 302 show lldp statist ics ports Purpose Used to displa y the ports L LDP statistics inform ation. Syntax show lldp stat istics ports{<portli st>} Description T he per-port LLDP st atistics c ommand displa ys per-por t LLDP statistics .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 303 40 CPU F ILTERING C OMM ANDS The CPU Filtering commands in the Co mmand Line I nterface (CLI) are listed (along with the appr opriate parameters) in the following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 304 show cpu_filter 13 _control_pkt Purpose Used to displa y the l3 contr ol pack et CPU filtering stat us. Syntax show cpu_filt er l3_contro l_pkt {<portlist >} Description Used to displa y the l3 control pac ket CPU filt ering status .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 305 41 C A BLE D IAGNOSTICS C OMM ANDS The Cable Diagnostics co mmands in the Co mmand Line I nter face ( CLI) are listed (along w ith the appro priate parameters) in the following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 306 42 DHCP L OCAL R EL A Y C OMMANDS The DHCP Loca l Relay co mmands in the Co mmand Line I nterface (CLI) are listed (along with the ap prop riate p arameters) in the following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 307 enable dhcp_local_relay Purpose Used to enabl e the DHCP local rela y function on th e switch. Syntax enable dh cp_loca l_relay Description T he enable dhcp_ local _rela y comm and globall y enables the DHCP local relay function o n the s witch.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 308 show dhcp_local_ relay Purpose Used to displa y the current DHCP local rel ay configura tion. Syntax show dhcp_lo cal_relay Description T he show dhcp_loca l_rela y command disp lays the curr ent DHCP loca l relay configur ation.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 309 43 G RATUITOUS ARP C OMMANDS The G ratuitous ARP co mmands in t he Co mmand Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along with the app ropriate parameters) in the following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 310 config gratuitous_arp send duplicat e_ip_detected system has received an AR P request pac ket that was sent b y an IP address that m atched the s ystem’s own IP address . In this case, the system knows that som ebody out there uses an IP add ress that is conflicting with the system .
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 311 config gratuitous_arp per iodical_sen d Purpose Used to conf igure the interv al for period ical sending of gratuitous ARP request pack ets.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 312 show gratuitous_ arp Parameters <ipif _name 12 > - Interfac e name of L3 int erface.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 313 44 ARP S POOFING P REVENTION C OMMANDS The ARP Spoo fing Pr evention co mmands in the Com mand Li ne Inter face (C LI) are listed (along with the appro priate pa rameters) in the following table.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 314 To display the ARP Spoo fing Prevention state : DES-3526:admin#show arp_spoofing_prevention Command: show arp_spoofing_prevention Gateway IP Gateway MAC Ports ----------- ----------------- ------- 10.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 315 45 T ECHNIC AL S UPPORT C OMM ANDS The Technical Support commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) are listed (along w ith the ap propr iate pa rameters) in the following table. Command Parameters show tech_supp ort Each co mmand is listed, in det ail, in the follo wing sections.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 316 Subnet Mask : Default Gateway : Boot PROM Version : Build 3.00.008 Firmware Version : Build 5.01-B47 Hardware Version : 0A3G Serial number : System Name : D-Link System Location : System Contact : Spanning Tree : Disabled GVRP : Disabled IGMP Snooping : Disabled 802.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 317 A T ECHNIC AL S PECIFICATION S General Standards IEEE 8 02.3 Nwa y auto-negotiatio n IEEE 802.3 10B ASE-T Ethernet IEEE 802.3u 100 BASE-T X Fast Ethernet IEEE 802.3ab 10 00BASE- T Gigabit Eth ernet IEEE 802.
DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Eth ernet Switch CLI Reference Manual 318 Physical and Environmental Internal pow er supply AC Input: 100 – 120 ; 200 – 240 VAC, 50/60 H z DC 60W DC Power Input: 48V Output: 12V Power Consum ption For DE S-3526/ D ES-3526DC, Max.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il D-Link DES-3500Series è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del D-Link DES-3500Series - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso D-Link DES-3500Series imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul D-Link DES-3500Series ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il D-Link DES-3500Series, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del D-Link DES-3500Series.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il D-Link DES-3500Series. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo D-Link DES-3500Series insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.