Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Agilent 8648A del fabbricante Agilent Technologies
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About this Manual We’ve added this manual to the Agilent website in an effort to help you support your product. This manual is the best copy we could find; it may be incomplete or contain dated information. If we find a more recent copy in the future, we will add it to the Agilent website.
1 HP 8920A & HP 8920B R F Comm uni catio ns Test Set, Appl i ca tio n H an dbo ok HP Part No. 08920-90126 Printed in U. S. A. April 1 996 Rev C DUPL E TX RX PR EV TESTS CONFI HELP MSSG HOLD PRINT .
2 Copyright © He wlett -Packard Company 1994 Not i ce Informat ion conta ined i n this document i s subject t o c hange without no- tice. All Rights Reser ve d. Repr oduc tion, adaptati on, or transl ation without prior wr itten perm ission is pr ohibited, exc e pt a s allowed under t he copy- right laws.
3 Manufacturer’ s De clar ation This stat e ment i s provided to comply wit h the requirements of the German Sound Emissi on Directive , fr om 18 January 1991. This product ha s a sound pressur e emission (at the opera tor position) < 70 dB(A). • Sound Pressure Lp < 70 dB(A).
4 Sa fet y Considerations GENERAL This pr oduct and related documentation must be r eviewed f or familia r - ization with sa fety markings and inst ructi ons before operation. This product is a Safe ty Class I instr ument ( pr ovide d with a protect ive earth ter m inal).
5 CAUTI ON A CAUTION note denot es a hazard. It c alls at tentiont o an operatio n proce dure, practic e , or t he like , which, i f not correctl y performed o r adher ed to, coul d re sul t in damage to or des truct ion of par t or all of the prod uct.
6 CERT IFIC ATIO N He wlett- Pac k ard C ompa ny cer tifi es that this produc t me t its publi shed specific ations at the time of shipment from the factory .
7 LIMITATION OF WARR ANTY The fore going wa r ranty sha ll not a pply to defects resul ting f r om im- proper or inadequa te maintenanc e by B uyer, B uye r-suppl ied softwar e or inte rfac ing, un a .
8 DE C LAR AT I O N O F CON FORMI TY Man u fa ct urer’ s Nam e: Hewl et t-P ack ar d Comp an y Man u fa ct urer’ s Address: Spokane Divi sion 24001 E.
9 In th is Boo k This boo k is a guide f or perfor m ing c om mon radio tests using the Test Set. This guide con ta ins the following ch apt e rs and appendic e s.
10 Chapter 8, Configu r ing For M eas u re ments This chapt er co ntains the inf o r m ation requi red to ins tall th e Te st Set in pr e paration of pe rforming mea sure ments. In formation provide d includes ins tructions f or power and p rinter c onnection, and initial power-u p and confi guration.
11 Contents 1 Getti n g St a rted W i th Th e Te st Set Conventions Used In This Manual 24 Product Description 25 The Test Set’s Features 28.
Contents 12 2 Measuremen t s Considerat ion s Measurement Guideline 1 44 Measurement Guideline 2 45 Measurement Guideline 3 46 Measurement Guideline 4 48.
13 Contents 3 Testin g FM Radios Introduc tion 50 List of Tests 51 FM Transm itters 52 FM Rec ei v ers 79.
Contents 14 4 Tes ti ng A M Rad ios Introduc tion 116 List of Tests 117 AM Transmitters 118 AM Receivers 136.
15 Contents 5 Tes ting S SB R ad ios Introduc tion 16 0 List of Tests 161 SSB T ran sm itt ers 1 62 SSB Re cei v er s 173.
Contents 16 6 Spec tru m An al yzer M easu rem e nts Introduc tion 188 List of Measurements 189 Using the Spectr um Analyzer 190 Using the Tracking Gen e rator 205.
17 Contents 7 Osci lloscope Measurements Introduc tion 23 4 Using th e Oscillo scope 235.
Contents 18 8 Con fi gu ring for M ea sur em en ts Prepari ng the Test Set for DC Operati on 244.
19 Contents 9 Ref ere nce s Manuals 250 Applicati on Note 251 Specific ations a nd Standar ds 252.
Contents 20 10 HP 8920A Specificat ions Signal Ge nerator S pecific ations 255 Audio Source Speci f icati ons 261 RF A n aly zer Sp e ci fica tions 262 AF Analyzer Specif ications 268 Oscillo sc ope S.
21 Contents 11 HP 8920B Specific ations Signal Gener a tor Specifica tions 28 5 Audio S ource Spec ifications 291 RF A na lyz er Spec if icat ions 292 AF Analyz er Specif ications 297 Oscill oscope Sp.
Contents 22.
23 1 Getting Started With Th e Test S et This chapte r provides the use r with a gener a l intro duct ion to the instr um ent. I nformation provided includ e s a gener a l de scription of the Test Set, and a general de scription of the fr ont and rear panel f e ature s.
Conventions Used I n This Manual 24 Convent ions Used I n Thi s Manu al The Test Set ke ys, screen titl es, fields, and shifted fu nc tions a re shown using th e followin g conventi ons: (Refer to t he RX TE ST s cre en a n d the i nstrument f ront pan e l.
Product Descr iption 25 Pro duct Des cr iption The Test Set is a s ingle instrum e nt t ha t c om bines t he feature s of 22 individua l radio test instr ument s.
Product Descr iption 26 Fea tu r es The fe a tures c urre ntly a vailable f or the Test Set include: • Synthesize d AM /FM signal gene rat or to 1000 MHz • Function gen erator (HP 8920A opt ion) �.
Product Descr iption 27 Sp ec ifi c a ti on s Abbrevia ted specif ications for the Test Set are provi ded in " H P 8920A Specifi cations" on p age 253 and "HP 8920B S p ec ifi cations" on page 283 . See the HP 8920A /B RF Communicatio ns Test Set Assembl y Level Repair Guide fo r a complete lis t of speci f icati ons.
The Test Set ’s Features 28 The Test Set’s Features This section co ntains a brief descr iptio n of the Test Set ’s keys, connecto r s, c ont rols, a nd screens. Addi tional ope rating i nfo r mation for all keys, co nnector s, controls, and scree ns can be found in the Test Set’s user guide.
The Test Set’s Features 29 The Test ’s Sets Fro nt-Pane l Featu res Sc re ens The CRT displays the var ious test screens, measurement resul ts, waveforms , and mess a ges. Th e a br ief descr iption i s provided in the follo w ing: • “Screens that are Sta ndar d to the Test S et” on page 30 .
The Test Set ’s Features 30 Sc re en s t ha t a r e S tan d ar d to th e Te st S e t •R X T e s t − recei ver test scre en wit h RF and aud io out put contro ls and re ceiv er measu r ement res u lt s. •T X T e s t − tran s mitter t est scre en with RF and aud io input/ outpu t con trol s an d tr a nsmi t t er meas u r ement resu lt s.
The Test Set’s Features 31 Screens that Requi re an Option • S pe ct r u m A na ly z er − used t o dis play the spec trum ana lyzer measur ement functio n, with cent er freque ncy, span , referenc e level, mar ker, and tra cking generator co ntrols.
The Test Set ’s Features 32 User K e ys User k1 - k5 keys − r efer red to as l ocal k eys , thes e key s e nab le you to instant ly enabl e a field for fast or repeti tive acces s. Local keys functi on for fields on the screen being displ ayed only.
The Test Set’s Features 33 Data Function Keys •T h e I N C R ÷ 10, INCR SET, an d INCR X1 0 keys change t he in crement/ decremen t field value (unit s, tens , hundr eds, etc). • The k eys incr ement /de crem ent fi el d val ues, se lect amon g various f ie ld c hoic es , or move th e c ursor withi n fiel ds.
The Test Set ’s Features 34 Kno bs The Cursor Cont ro l K nob • Mov es the cursor to an othe r fie ld (rotate CW/CCW). • Selects fie lds, screens , and sett ings from a list of choic es .
The Test Set’s Features 35 Sc re en C o n tro l K e y s These ke ys are used to access several instrumen t control a nd informati on scre e ns. • RX key − disp lays t he RX TEST sc reen for test o f rec eivers. • TX key − d i sp la ys th e T X T EST scr ee n fo r t est o f t r ans m it te rs.
The Test Set ’s Features 36 In strumen t Sta te Keys • LOCAL key − ret urns t he inst rum ent to manua l con t rol a fter HP- IB c ont r ol is us ed.
The Test Set’s Features 37 Data Keys Data Entry k eys − use d to enter or c ha nge alpha num e ric da ta (0-9, A-F, “.”, “+” , or “ − ”) for measure ments or fie ld ent ries . The EEX ke y i s used to enter the exp one nt for sci ent ific notation.
The Test Set ’s Features 38 Connectors RF IN/OUT C onnector − type - N female connector f or output signa ls from the RF Generator , and input sig na ls (60 Watts conti nuous, or 100 Watts for 10 sec/min) to the RF Analyzer. Nominal impeda nce is 50 Ω.
The Test Set’s Features 39 Non-Brac k ete d Keys and Memory Card Slo t No n- B ra cke te d K e ys The POWER key − turns the instr ument on or off. The SHI F T ke y is used to s elect the blue-l abele d funct ions liste d a bove certain ke ys. The CANCEL key i s used to cance l an entr y in progress, or stop a running IBASIC pr ogr am.
The Test Set ’s Features 40 The Te st Set’s Re ar-Panel Features Connectors • HP-IB Co nne ctor ( opti onal ) − 24-pin connec tor pro vide s com mun ic ation betwe en the Test Set and othe r instru m ents or a comput er using the IE EE 488 He wlett-Packard Int e rface Bu s (HP- IB ).
The Test Set’s Features 41 • EXT SCOPE TRIGGER INPUT Co nnect or − female B N C conne ctor to input an ext ernal osc illosco pe trigge r. Maximum input le vel is ≈ 20 V peak . • 10 MHz REF OUTPUT Connector − female BNC c onnector o utputs a 10 M Hz reference s ignal fo r locking external i n struments.
The Test Set ’s Features 42.
43 2 Measuremen ts Considerations The following guid elines must be adhered to when perfo rming an y of the FM /AM / SS B T ran smi t ter an d Rece ive r, Sp ec t rum A nal y zer, or Oscill oscope Measur e ments.
Measurement Gui deline 1 44 Measurement G u ideline 1 Co nn ect or Co nsi de rat ion s CAUTI O N: The R F pre se nt at any T e st Set inpu t connect or must not exce e d t he specifi ed level or permanent instr ument damage may result. If necess ary, use an ext ernal atte nuator.
Measurement Gui deline 2 45 Measurement G u ideline 2 Cabling and Adapter Considerations For most FM, AM, and SSB measurements, only the standard Test Set with correc t interconnecti ng cable s and adap te r s are requi r ed. Ou tput Pow er If output power is gr e ater than 60W (continuous) , an externa l attenua tor is also require d.
Measurement Gui deline 3 46 Measurement G u ideline 3 Specia l Test Considerat ion s Informat ion for perfor mi ng any of the F M, AM, or S SB measure ments: Coaxial Cab le Use sho r t r uns of high q.
Measurement Gui deline 3 47 interna l speaker conne c tion, either the Test Set AUDIO IN si gnal must be conne cted ac r oss t he speake r (in this c a se, e nter t he impedanc e value o f the s peaker in lieu of the te st load resistanc e ), or the in ternal speaker must be physically dis connected.
Measurement Gui deline 4 48 Measurement G u ideline 4 Additional Measurement Considerations Pressin g the PRESET and TX or RX keys at the beginn ing of each test automati c ally configure s the Test Set for “sta nda r d” tra nsm itte r / receive r measuremen ts.
49 3 Testi ng FM Rad ios.
Introduction 50 Int rodu ction Each pr oc edure may c ontain the following informati on: • A brief meas urement overvi ew and a referen ce to appli c able T I A/EIA spec- i f icat io n s for ea ch tes t. • A list o f the Tes t S e t optio ns and addi tional t est equi pm ent require d to per- form the proc edure.
List of Test s 51 List of Tests FM Transmitter M easurements "FM Off T he Air Monito ring/Determining Unkno wn Transmitter Carri e r Frequen cy" on pa ge 53 . "FM O utput Po wer, Deviation, and Freq uency/Frequency Er ror Measuremen t" on page 56 .
FM Transmitters 52 FM Tran smitters The following measu rements are provided f or te sting FM Transm itter s. The procedures a r e arrang ed in the order that test s are typical ly pe r- fo rmed .
FM Transmitter s 53 FM Off The Air Monitoring/D e t erm ining U nknown T ran sm itter Carrie r Fre- quency Descri ption This pr ocedure is used t o locate, demodula te, and mea sure an FM signal ’ s out put c arrier fr equ ency .
FM Transmitters 54 M easuremen t Procedure: 1 Co nnect the Antenna to the ANT IN con nector . CAUTI O N: Do not exceed the conne ctor’s rated i nput or permanent instru m ent damage ma y res ul t. On th e T e s t Se t: 2 Press the PRESET key. ❒ If monito ring an FM broadca st signal pe rform the fol lowing step s: a Press the TX k ey.
FM Transmitter s 55 Once the desire d carrier is f ound: 7 Fro m Contr ols , se lect Ma in . 8 Se le ct Marker from the Choice s field. 9 Us e t h e Marke r To field to select the desi red c arri er. On the Test Set freque nc y and le vel are di sp la yed as shown.
FM Transmitters 56 FM Out put Power, De viation, an d Freq uency/Frequency Error Meas urement Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n FM Trans m itter’ s output carrie r power and frequen cy (or frequency err or) into 50 Ω . For FM Transmitt e rs, d eviation a nd mo dulating fr e quency a re a lso measure d.
FM Transmitter s 57 Measurement P rocedure: 1 Connect the Transm it ter Under Test as sh own. CAUTI ON: The RF pr esent at th e Test Se t RF IN/ OUT con nector must n ot exce ed 60W conti nuous (or 100 Watts for 10 sec/ mi nute ). On the Test Set: 2 P ress the PRES ET k ey.
FM Transmitters 58 8. Dete rm ine if actual frequenc y readout or freque ncy error is the desire d me asu rem en t. ❒ For actua l freq ue ncy readout , continue with ste p 9 ❒ For frequency error: •S e t Tune M ode t o Manual. •S e t Tune F req to the expect e d carrier fre quency.
FM Transmitter s 59 FM Deviat ion an d Sym metry Measure ment This pr ocedure is used t o measure a n FM Tra nsm itter’ s frequency deviatio n and de viation symmetry. F M devia tion is d isplayed o n the Test Set. Deviati on symmetry r e quires mea suring the plus and minus peaks, the n calc ulating symmetry.
FM Transmitters 60 M easuremen t Procedure: 1 Conne ct the Trans m itter Under Te st as shown . CAUTI O N: T he RF pr ese nt at th e Te st Set RF I N/O UT co nne ct or mus t n ot ex ce ed 60 W contin uous (or 100 Watts for 10 sec/m in ute). On th e T e s t Se t: 2 Press the PRESET key.
FM Transmitter s 61 9 Record the dis played FM Deviat ion as Pk+. Cal cu l at e th e Me as u rem ent : 10 Calcul at e the Deviati on S ymme try a s fol lows: Deviati on Symmetr y (i n perc e nt) = For exam ple, = (Pk +) - (Pk -) (Pk +) X 100 (3.010 ) - (2.
FM Transmitters 62 FM M icroph one Sens itivity a nd Modu lation Limit ing Meas urement Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n FM Trans m itter’ s au dio input sensiti vity, and modulation limiting capa bility (if avai la ble ) . Modulation limitin g is ver ified over the Tra nsm itter ’ s a udio freque ncy range.
FM Transmitter s 63 Measurement P rocedure: 1 Connect the T ransmitte r as shown. CAUTI ON: The RF pr esent at th e Test Se t RF IN/ OUT con nector must n ot exce ed 60W conti nuous (or 100 Watts for 10 sec/ mi nute ). On the Test Set: 2 P ress the PRES ET k ey.
FM Transmitters 64 8 Set AFGen1 L vl mea surement units to dBm . 9 Increase AFGen1 Lvl by 20 dB . Disp layed FM devi ation shoul d not ex ce e d the Tra ns m itt er’s m axim um spe ci fied devi at ion. 10 Ch ang e AFGen1 F req from 300 Hz to 3 kHz (in 100 Hz increment s ).
FM Transmitter s 65 FM CTCSS Encoder F re quency and Deviation Measurement Descri ption This pr ocedure is used t o measure a n FM Tra nsm itter’ s C ontinuo us Tone Code d Squelch System (C TC SS) encode r frequ e ncy and frequenc y devia tion. Both freq uency and devi ation are rea d directl y off the Te st Set scree n .
FM Transmitters 66 M easuremen t Procedure: 1 Conne ct the Trans m itter as shown. CAUTI O N: T he RF pr ese nt at th e Te st Set RF I N/O UT co nne ct or mus t n ot ex ce ed 60 W contin uous (or 100 Watts for 10 sec/m in ute). On th e T e s t Se t: 2 Press the PRESET key.
FM Transmitter s 67 FM CDC SS Coding and Deviat ion Meas ur eme nts Descri ption This pr ocedure is used t o analyz e an F M Tr ansmitter’ s C ontinuous Digita l Coded Sque lch Syst e m (CDCSS) di gital data strea m and frequenc y de viat ion. The dat a rat e, bina r y data str eam, and octa l code are all displa yed on the Test Set sc ree n.
FM Transmitters 68 M easuremen t Procedure: 1 Conne ct the Trans m itter as shown. CAUTI O N: T he RF pr ese nt at th e Te st Set RF I N/O UT co nne ct or mus t n ot ex ce ed 60 W contin uous (or 100 Watts for 10 sec/m in ute). On th e T e s t Se t: 2 Press the PRESET key.
FM Transmitter s 69 NOTE: Beca use framing informati on to i ndicate whe n a c ode word is not sent , the decod ed da ta displ ayed can result in seve ra l possib le c ode combin ations as shown. NPC may ap pe ar, indicati ng that no primary c ode matche s the decod ed data.
FM Transmitters 70 FM D TMF En codes an d De viation Me asurem ent Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n FM Trans m itter’ s Dual Tone Multi-Fre quency (DTMF) frequency, deviatio n and freque ncy sequence (i f desire d) .
FM Transmitter s 71 Measurement P rocedure: 1 Connect the T ransmitte r as shown. CAUTI ON: The RF pr esent at th e Test Se t RF IN/ OUT con nector must n ot exce ed 60W conti nuous (or 100 Watts for 10 sec/ mi nute ). On the Test Set: 2 P ress the PRES ET k ey.
FM Transmitters 72 On the Radio: 13 Key the Transm itter and keep key ed until the rema ining s te ps are com plet- ed. 14 Pre s s the desi red DT MF key.
FM Transmitter s 73 To Measure devi ation of the DTMF on the Test Set: 15 Press the TX key. Tone deviat ion is display ed a s FM Deviatio n . ❒ If decodi ng a sequ ence of DTMF tones, proceed as foll ows: a Se t Gate Tim e to a value long enough to ca ptur e the ent i re seque nce (typica lly 1 to 5 second s ).
FM Transmitters 74 FM A udio Distortion Measurement Description This pr ocedu re is use d to m easure a n FM Transmi tter ’ s audio f requency harmonic d istorti on level.
FM Transmitter s 75 Measurement P rocedure: 1 Connect the T ransmitte r as shown. CAUTI ON: The RF pr esent at th e Test Se t RF IN/ OUT con nector must n ot exce ed 60W conti nuous (or 100 Wat ts for 10 sec/ minute) or p ermanent ins t rument da mage may re s ult.
FM Transmitters 76 FM Harm onics and Spurious Outpu t Meas uremen t Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n FM Trans m itter’ s co nducted harmonic a nd spuriou s emissions . The spe ctrum a na lyzer o ption is used t o display harmonic a nd spurious components f rom 400 kHz to 1000 MHz.
FM Transmitter s 77 Measurement P rocedure: 1 Connect the T ransmitte r as shown. CAUTI ON: The RF pr esent at th e Test Se t RF IN/ OUT con nector must n ot exce ed 60W conti nuous (or 100 Wat ts for 10 sec/ minute) or p ermanent ins t rument da mage may re s ult.
FM Transmitters 78 To s et Ref Level : • Fr o m th e Mar ker s creen, sele ct Marker To Peak • Sel ect Mar k er To Re f Lev el 11 Tune Center Freq in 1 MH z steps anywhere from 400 kHz to 1 GHz in se arch o f harmoni c s, sub-h armonics, multipl e s, or spurious emissions .
FM R ec e i ve rs 79 FM Receivers The following mea surements are provi ded for test ing F M Receivers . The procedur e s are arra nge d in the order that te sts a re typic a lly per- form ed.
FM Receivers 80 FM A udio Out put P ower Measurem ent Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n FM Recei ve r’ s maximum a udio output power ( or rate d output pow er) i nto a Test Load. Output powe r is display e d (in variou s measurement unit s, including watt s) on the Test Set screen.
FM R ec e i ve rs 81 Measurement P rocedure: 1 Connect the Rece iver as sho wn. On the Test Set: 2 P ress the PRES ET k ey. 3 Press the RX key. Using the knob and dat a ent r y key s : 4 Se t RF Gen Freq to the r ec eiv er operating frequency . 5 Se t Amplitude to − 47 dBm (1 mV).
FM Receivers 82 On the Radio set the Receiv er’s Controls as fol lows : 9 Set power t o ON. 10 If requi re d, set fre quency to the same value as st ep 4 11 Se t sq ue lch to mini mu m . 12 Se t RF Gain to maxi mu m (if e quip ped) . 13 Set coded squelch feature (if equi pped) to OF F.
FM R ec e i ve rs 83 FM SINA D, Receiver Center Fre quency, and Modul ation Accepta nce B and- widt h Meas ure ment Descri ption This pr ocedure is used t o measure a n FM Rece iver’ s sensit ivity (f or 12dB SI NAD) , ce nter fr e quency, a nd modulat ion accept ance bandwidt h.
FM Receivers 84 M easuremen t Procedure: 1 Conne ct the Rece iver as shown. On th e T e s t Se t: 2 Press the PRESET key. 3 Press the RX key. Using the knob an d data ent ry keys: 4 Set RF G en Fr eq t o the re ceiver operating frequency. 5 Set Amplitude to − 47 dBm (1 mV).
FM R ec e i ve rs 85 Refer to the audi o output spec ifi cations for the rece ive r bei ng te st e d. On the Test Set us ing th e knob and data ent ry keys: 15 Decr ease A mplit ude u ntil the SINAD me ter rea ds 12 dB. Sensit ivity (12dB SINAD) is displ ayed as Amplit ude a s shown.
FM Receivers 86 On the Te s t S et modula tion acce pta nce bandwidt h is displa yed as AFGen1 T o Deviation as s hown. Modula tion Ac cepta nce Bandwi dth To Sc reen RX TEST AC Level Filt er 1 50Hz HPF Filt er 2 15kH z HP F Atten Hold On/Off Ext Load R 8.
FM R ec e i ve rs 87 FM Variation Of Sensitivity With Signal Frequency Measurement Descri ption This pr ocedure is used t o measure a n FM Rece iver’ s usable b andwidth (at 12 dB SINAD). A r efer ence is estab lish e d (at 12 d B SIN AD ), t he n the leve l is inc rea se d by 6 dB.
FM Receivers 88 M easuremen t Procedure: 1 Conne ct the Rece iver as shown. On th e T e s t Se t: 2 Press the PRESET key. 3 Press the RX key. Using the knob an d data ent ry keys: 4 Set RF G en Fr eq t o the re ceiver operating frequency. 5 Set Amplitude to − 47 dBm (1 mV).
FM R ec e i ve rs 89 On t he Ra d io s e t t h e R e ceiv e r’s C o ntr o ls as fo ll o ws: 9 Set power to ON. 10 If requi re d, set freque nc y t o the same value a s step 4 . 11 Set squelch to m inimum. 12 Set RF Gain t o maxim um (i f equipped ).
FM Receivers 90 ❒ If desired, use the meter a ve ragin g funct ion for the SINAD indi c ator. a Sele ct dB on the SINAD meter. b Pres s th e AVG key. ❒ If desired, s elect the numbe r of read ings to a vera ge. • Ent er th e num b er of re ad ing s to av e rag e.
FM R ec e i ve rs 91 FM 20 dB Quieting Sensiti vity Measureme nt Descri ption This pr ocedure is used t o measure a n FM Rece iver’ s quieti ng sensit ivity (20 dB reduction in noise ) .
FM Receivers 92 M easuremen t Procedure: 1 Conne ct the Rece iver as shown. On th e Te st Set: 2 Press the PRESET key. 3 Press the RX key. Usin g the kno b and da ta e ntry keys: 4 Set RF G en Fr eq t o recei ve r ope rating fre quency. 5 Set AFGen1 to OFF.
FM R ec e i ve rs 93 On t he Ra d io s e t t h e R e ceiv e r’s C o ntr o ls as fo ll o ws: 9 Set power to ON. 10 If requi re d, set freque nc y t o same v alue as ste p 4 . 11 Set squelch to m inimum. 12 Set RF Gain t o maxim um (i f equipped ). 13 Set coded sque lch feature (if equ ipped) to OFF.
FM Receivers 94 FM Critic al and Maximum Squelc h Se ns itivit y Measurem en t Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n FM Recei ve r’ s crit ical squelc h and maxi m um squelch sensit ivity.
FM R ec e i ve rs 95 Measurement P rocedure: 1 Connect the Rece iver as sho wn. On the Test Set: 2 P ress the PRES ET k ey. 3 Press the RX key. Using the knob and dat a ent r y key s : 4 Se t RF Gen Freq to the r ec eiv er operating frequency . 5 Se t Amplitude to − 137 dB m .
FM Receivers 96 On the Test S e t u s ing the knob and da ta ent ry keys: 13 Sl owly increas e the Amplitud e un til s qu e lc h ju st re m a in s ope n . Cr itical Sque lch i s di splayed as Am plitude a s shown. • R e c o r d thi s le ve l. 14 Decrease Amplitude unt il t he Re ceiver’s squelch just c loses .
FM R ec e i ve rs 97 FM CTCS S Sensit ivity and Band width Measure me nt Descri ption This proc edure is used to m easure an FM Recei ver’ s Conti nuous Tone Code d Sque lch Sy st em (CTCSS) sensi tivity and bandwidt h.
FM Receivers 98 M easuremen t Procedure: 1 Conne ct the Rece iver as shown. On th e T e s t Se t: 2 Press the PRESET key. 3 Press the RX key. Using the knob an d data ent ry keys: 4 Set RF G en Fr eq t o the re ceiver operating frequency. 5 Set Amplitude to − 47 dBm (1 mV).
FM R ec e i ve rs 99 On t he Ra d io s e t t h e R e ceiv e r’s C o ntr o ls as fo ll o ws: 11 Set power to ON. 12 If requi re d, set freque nc y t o the same value a s step 4 13 If requi red, s e t CT CSS t one fr e quency t o the same va lue as st ep 4 14 Set RF Gain t o maxim um (i f equipped ).
FM Receivers 100 j u s t clo s es. • Record the fre quen cy. Calcu late th e Band widt h: 23 Bandwi dth = Larg er AFGen2 Fr eq - Smaller AFGen2 Freq NOTE: Calcula te d bandwidt h should be no less th an 1% or no more than 6% of the encoder freq ue ncy.
FM R ec e i ve rs 101 FM CDCSS Sens itivit y Measu rement Descri ption This pr ocedure is used t o measure a n FM Rece iver’ s Continuou s Digita l Coded Sque lch Syst e m (CTCSS) s ensitivity. The m inimum signal input at the Recei ver’ s an tenna (modulated with digita l code) that opens th e squel ch is measur ed and displa yed.
FM Receivers 102 M easuremen t Procedure: 1 Conne ct the Rece iver as shown. On th e T e s t Se t: 2 Press the PRESET key. 3 Press the RX key. Using the knob an d data keys : 4 Se lect th e ENCO DER screen. 5 Set Mode to CDCSS . 6 Set St anda rd to CDCSS .
FM R ec e i ve rs 103 Once the Sendi ng: 13 P res s th e PR EV key to r e tu rn t o t he RX TEST screen. 14 Se t RF Gen Freq to the receiv er operating freque ncy . 15 Se t Amplitude to − 47 dBm (1 mV). 16 Se t AFGen1 To 60 % o f the Receive r’s speci fied m aximum fr equency d e- viatio n (typi cally 3 kHz).
FM Receivers 104 On the Test S e t u s ing the knob and da ta ent ry keys: 24 Verify Receiver’s squel c h is closed. 25 Set Ampl itude to − 137 dBm. 26 Sl owly increas e the Amplitud e unti l the squel ch rema ins open and the SI- NAD indica tor shows 10 dB (minim um ).
FM R ec e i ve rs 105 FM Audio Fr eque nc y R espons e Measu r eme nt Descri ption This pr ocedure is used t o measure a n FM Rece iver’ s audio f requenc y response . A refe ren ce is e sta blished a t 50% of the R e ceiver’ s r a ted audio outpu t, then the output is measured whil e the audio freq uency is varied o ver the recei v ers ran ge.
FM Receivers 106 M easuremen t Procedure: 1 Conne ct the Rece iver as shown. On th e T e s t Se t: 2 Press the PRESET key. 3 Press the RX key. Using the knob an d data ent ry keys: 4 Set RF G en Fr eq t o the re ceiver operating frequency. 5 Set Amplitude to − 47 dBm (1 mV).
FM R ec e i ve rs 107 On the Test Set us ing th e knob and data ent ry keys: 15 Se t AFGen1 To 20% o f the Receive r’s maxim um fre quency deviati on (1 kHz for Receive rs with specifi ed m axi m um frequ enc y de viat ion of 5 kHz). 16 Sele ct AC Leve l.
FM Receivers 108 FM A udio Distortion Measurement Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n FM Recei ve r’ s audio d istorti on. Distort ion is m easured a t full rate d audio out put and 17 dB below full rated audio output . Mea s urem ent is read direct ly from the HP 8920A scr een.
FM R ec e i ve rs 109 Measurement P rocedure: 1 Connect the Rece iver as sho wn. On the Test Set: 2 P ress the PRES ET k ey. 3 Press the RX key. Using the knob and dat a ent r y key s : 4 Se t RF Gen Freq to the r ec eiv er operating frequency . 5 Se t Amplitude to − 47 dBm (1 mV).
FM Receivers 110 On the Test S e t u s ing the knob and da ta ent ry keys: 14 Ch ange S INAD meter to read Distort ion . Dist ort ion is displ ayed as shown. 15 Select AC L evel . 16 Press the RE F SET key. 17 Decr ease t he Re ceive r’s v olume c ontrol until the Test S et’s AC Leve l meter reads − 17 dB .
FM R ec e i ve rs 111 FM Spuriou s Response Atte nuat ion Meas ur eme nt Descri ption This proce dure is used to measure an FM Receiver ’ s spur ious r e sponse attenua tion (the recei ve r’ s ability to pr event unwant e d sig na ls f rom causing response in the audio output) .
FM Receivers 112 M easuremen t Procedure: CAUTI O N: Before c onnect ing the Signa l Ge nera tor, set RF Output power t o OFF (or maximum attenu a tion) . 1 Conne ct the Receive r and Signa l Gen erator as shown. On th e T e s t Se t: 2 Press the PRESET key.
FM R ec e i ve rs 113 On the Test Set us ing th e knob and data ent ry keys: 14 Decr ease A mplit ude u ntil the SINAD me ter rea ds 12 dB. ❒ If desired , use the meter averagi ng function for the SINAD indicator . a Select dB on t he SINAD meter. b Press t he AVG key.
FM Receivers 114 On the Signal Ge nerat o r: 17 Set RF Power to ON. 18 Se t Outpu t Level to 3 1.6 m V. 19 Set Outpu t Frequenc y to lowe s t f r equ ency bei ng checked (typ ic ally <1 M H z) . 20 Se t Modul ation to in te rnal FM. 21 Set Modul ation rate to 400 Hz.
115 4 Testing AM Radios.
Introduction 116 Int rodu ction Each pr oc edure may c ontain the following informati on: • A brief meas urement overvi ew and a referen ce to appli c able T I A/EIA spec- i f icat io n s for ea ch tes t. • A list o f the Tes t S e t optio ns and addi tional t est equi pm ent require d to per- form the proc edure.
List of Test s 117 List of Tests A M Transmitter Measurements "AM Off Th e Air Monito ring/Determining Unkno wn Tran smitter Carri e r Frequen cy" on pa ge 119 . "AM Outpu t Powe r, Deviation, and Fr equency/Frequency Error Measuremen t" on page 122 .
AM Transmitt ers 118 AM Transmitters The following meas ur ement s are provided f or testi ng AM Transmit- ters. The proced ures a r e arran ge d in the order tha t tes ts a re typic al ly performed.
AM Transmitters 119 AM Off The Air Monitoring/Det erm i ni ng Unknown Transm i tter Carrie r Fre- quency Descri ption This pr ocedure is used t o locate, demodula te, and mea sure an AM signal ’ s out put c arrier fr equ ency .
AM Transmitt ers 120 M easuremen t Procedure: 1 Co nnect the Antenna to the ANT IN con nector . CAUTI O N: Do not exceed the conne ctor’s rated i nput or permanent instru m ent damage ma y res ul t. On th e T e s t Se t: 2 Press the PRESET key. Using the knob an d data ent ry keys: 3 Set AF An l In to AM Demod .
AM Transmitters 121 Once the desire d carrier is f ound: 8 Fro m Contr ols , se lect Ma in . 9 Se le ct Marker from the Choice s field. 10 Us e t h e Marke r To field to select the desi red c arri er. On the Test Set freque nc y and le vel are di sp la yed as shown.
AM Transmitt ers 122 AM Output Po wer, Deviati on, and Frequen cy/Fr eq ue ncy Error Measu rem ent Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n AM Transmi tter’ s output c arrier power and frequen cy (or frequency err or) into 50 Ω . For AM Transmitt e rs, m odulation d e pth a nd modulating frequenc y are measured.
AM Transmitters 123 Measurement P rocedure: 1. Connect the Transm it ter Under Test as sh own. CAUTI ON: The RF pr esent at th e Test Se t RF IN/ OUT con nector must n ot exce ed 60W conti nuous (or 100 Watts for 10 sec/ mi nute ). On the Test Set: 2.
AM Transmitt ers 124 9. Dete rm ine if actual frequenc y readout or freque ncy error is the desire d me asu rem en t. ❒ For actua l freq ue ncy readout , continue with step 10. ❒ For frequency error: •S e t Tune M ode t o Manual. •S e t Tune F req to the expect e d carrier fre quency.
AM Transmitters 125 AM Mic rophone Se nsitivity and Modulation Limitin g Measurem ent Descri ption This pr ocedure is used t o measure a n AM Transm itter’ s audi o input sensit ivity, and modulati on limiting c a pabil ity (if available ) . Modulation limiti ng is v e rified over the Transmitter ’ s a udio fr e quency range .
AM Transmitt ers 126 M easuremen t Procedure: 1. Conne ct the Trans m itter as shown. CAUTI O N: T he RF pr ese nt at th e Te st Set RF I N/O UT co nne ct or mus t n ot ex ce ed 60 W contin uous (or 100 Watts for 10 sec/m in ute). On th e T e s t Se t: 2.
AM Transmitters 127 9. Se t AFGen1 Lvl meas ur e ment uni ts to dBm . 10. Increase AFGen1 Lvl by 20 dB . Displa yed AM depth shoul d not excee d 100% . 11. Chan ge AF Gen1 Freq fro m 300 Hz to 3 k Hz (in 100 Hz i ncrements ). 12. Verify tha t the dis pla yed AM depth does not exc e ed 100%.
AM Transmitt ers 128 AM Audio Distort i on Measurem en t Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n AM Transmi tter’ s audio frequenc y harmonic dis tortion level.
AM Transmitters 129 Measurement P rocedure: 1. Connect the T ransmitte r as shown. CAUTI ON: The RF pr esent at th e Test Se t RF IN/ OUT con nector must n ot exce ed 60W conti nuous (or 100 Wat ts for 10 sec/ minute) or p ermanent ins t rument da mage may re s ult.
AM Transmitt ers 130 AM Harmon ic s and Spurious Ou tput Me asurement Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n AM Transmi tter’ s conducte d harmonic a nd spuriou s emissions . The spe ctrum a na lyzer o ption is used t o display harmonic a nd spurious components f rom 400 kHz to 1000 MHz.
AM Transmitters 131 Measurement P rocedure: 1. Connect the T ransmitte r as shown. CAUTI ON: The RF pr esent at th e Test Se t RF IN/ OUT con nector must n ot exce ed 60W conti nuous (or 100 Wat ts for 10 sec/ minute) or p ermanent ins t rument da mage may re s ult.
AM Transmitt ers 132 7. Select SPEC ANL scr een. 8. Set Sp an to 1.1 MHz . 9. Set Ref Level t o pla ce t he ca rri er pea k at t he top gr at icule line . To s et Ref Level : • Fr o m th e Mar ker s creen, sele ct Marker To Peak • Sel ect Mar k er To Re f Lev el 10.
AM Transmitters 133 AM Envelop e Display Measu rem ent Descri ption This pr ocedure is used t o measure a n AM Transm itter’ s AM enve lope. In o r der t o display the enve lope on t he Oscill oscope, the SSB demodulat or is used to down convert the inc om ing RF signal to an IF frequenc y of 20 Hz.
AM Transmitt ers 134 M easuremen t Procedure: 1. Conne ct the Trans m itter as shown. CAUTI O N: T he RF pr ese nt at th e Te st Set RF I N/O UT co nne ct or mus t n ot ex ce ed 60 W contin uous (or 100 Watt s for 10 se c /minute ) or permanent i nstrume nt damage ma y res ul t.
AM Transmitters 135 On the Test Set us ing th e knob and data ent ry keys: 8. Se t Tune Mode to Man u al . 9. Se t T une Freq to a fr equ e ncy 20 kHz highe r than pre sent ly indic ated (e .g., if curr ent Tune Freq is 120.5 40000 MHz , change to 120.
AM Rec eiv ers 136 AM Receivers The following meas ur ement s are provided f or testi ng AM Receiver s. The procedures a r e arrang ed in the order that test s are typical ly pe r- fo rmed .
AM R ec ei v ers 137 AM Audio Output Power Measu rem en t Descri ption This pr ocedure is used t o measure a n AM Receive r’ s maximum audio output powe r (or rate d output power) into a Test Load. Output power is displa ye d (in vari ous m easurement uni ts, including wat ts) on the Test Set scre en .
AM Rec eiv ers 138 M easuremen t Procedure: 1. Conne ct the Rece iver as shown. On th e T e s t Se t: 2. Press the PRESET key. 3. Press the RX key. Using the knob an d data ent ry keys: 4. Set RF G en Fr eq t o the re ceiver operating frequency. 5. Set Amplitude to − 47 dBm (1 mV).
AM R ec ei v ers 139 On t he Ra d io s e t t h e R e ceiv e r’s C o ntr o ls as fo ll o ws: 9. Set power to ON. 10. If requi re d, set freque nc y t o the same value a s step 4 . 11. Set squelch to m inimum. 12. Set RF Gain t o maxim um (i f equipped ).
AM Rec eiv ers 140 AM Sens itivity Mea surement Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n AM Receive r’ s receiver sensiti vity. Sensitivit y is di splayed ( in various measuremen t units) on the Test Set sc reen.
AM R ec ei v ers 141 Measurement P rocedure: 1. Connect the Rece iver as sho wn. On the Test Set: 2. P ress the PRES ET k ey. 3. Press the RX key. Using the knob and dat a ent r y key s : 4. Se t RF Gen Freq to the r ec eiv er operating frequency . 5.
AM Rec eiv ers 142 On the Radio set the Receiv er’s Controls as fol lows : 9. Set power t o ON. 10. If requi re d, set fre quency to the same value as st ep 4 .
AM R ec ei v ers 143 AM AGC Measurem ent Descri ption This pr ocedure is used t o measure a n AM Receive r’ s Automatic Gain Control (AGC) . A referen ce is est abl ished at 13 dB below full rate d audio outpu t, and the Rece ive r ’ s output level and distor ti on are measured with i nputs vary ing from 500 m V to 5 Ω V.
AM Rec eiv ers 144 M easuremen t Procedure: 1. Conne ct the Rece iver as shown. On th e Te st Set: 2. Press the PRESET key. 3. Press the RX key. Usin g the kno b and da ta e ntry keys: 4. Set RF G en Fr eq t o the re ceiver operating frequency. 5. Set Amplitude to − 47 dBm (1 mV).
AM R ec ei v ers 145 17. Decrea se the receive r’s volume cont rol until the AC Leve l mete r r ea d s − 13 dB . 18. Se le ct AC Level 19. P ress the REF SET key. 20. Chan ge SINAD meter to r ea d Distortion . 21. Tune Amplit ude over th e rang e of 500 mV to 5 Ω V .
AM Rec eiv ers 146 AM Sque lch Sen sit i vity Measu rem ent Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n AM Receive r’ s critica l squelch and maxi m um squelch sensit ivity.
AM R ec ei v ers 147 Measurement P rocedure: 1. Connect the Rece iver as sho wn. On the Test Set: 2. P ress the PRES ET k ey. 3. Press the RX key. Using the knob and dat a ent r y key s : 4. Se t RF Gen Freq to the r ec eiv er operating frequency . 5.
AM Rec eiv ers 148 On the Test S e t u s ing the knob and da ta ent ry keys: 15. Sl owly increas e the Amplitud e un til s qu e lc h ju st re m a in s ope n . Cr itical Sque lch i s di splayed as Am plitude a s shown. • R e c o r d thi s le ve l. 16.
AM R ec ei v ers 149 AM Audio F requency Response Measurement Descri ption This pr ocedure is used t o measure a n AM Receive r’ s audio f requency response . A refe ren ce is e sta blished a t 50% of the R e ceiver’ s r a ted audio outpu t, then the output is measured whil e the audio freq uency is varied o ver the recei v ers ran ge.
AM Rec eiv ers 150 M easuremen t Procedure: 1. Conne ct the Rece iver as shown. On th e T e s t Se t: 2. Press the PRESET key. 3. Press the RX key. Using the knob an d data ent ry keys: 4. Set RF G en Fr eq t o the re ceiver operating frequency. 5. Set Amplitude to − 47 dBm (1 mV).
AM R ec ei v ers 151 On the Test Set us ing th e knob and data ent ry keys: 15. Sele ct AC Leve l. 16. P ress the REF SET key. 17. Chan ge AFGen1 Freq from 300 Hz to 3 kHz while obser vin g AC Level Me te r . Frequenc y Respon se is displ ayed on th e scre en as AC L evel in re lativ e dB (from 300Hz to 3 kHz) as shown.
AM Rec eiv ers 152 AM Audio Distort i on Measurem en t Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n AM Receive r’ s audio dist ortion. Distort ion is m easured a t full rate d audio out put and 17 dB below full rated audio output . Mea s urem ent is read direct ly from the Test Set scr een.
AM R ec ei v ers 153 Measurement P rocedure: 1. Connect the Rece iver as sho wn. On the Test Set: 2. P ress the PRES ET k ey. 3. Press the RX key. Using the knob and dat a ent r y key s : 4. Se t RF Gen Freq to the r ec eiv er operating frequency . 5.
AM Rec eiv ers 154 On the Test S e t u s ing the knob and da ta ent ry keys: 14. Ch ange S INAD meter to read Distort ion . Dist ort ion is displ ayed as shown. 15. Select AC L evel . 16. Press the RE F SET key. 17. Decr ease t he Re ceive r’s v olume c ontrol until the Test S et’s AC Leve l meter reads − 17 dB .
AM R ec ei v ers 155 AM Sp urious Resp onse Attenu ation M easurement Descri ption This procedu re is used to measure an AM R eceiver ’ s spuri ous response attenua tion (the recei ve r’ s ability to pr event unwant e d sig na ls f rom causing response in the audio output) .
AM Rec eiv ers 156 M easuremen t Procedure: CAUTI O N: Before c onnect ing the Signa l Ge nera tor, set RF Output power t o OFF (or maximum attenu a tion) . 1. Conne ct the Receive r and Signa l Gen erator as shown. On th e T e s t Se t: 2. Press the PRESET key.
AM R ec ei v ers 157 On the Test Set us ing th e knob and data ent ry keys: 14. Decr ease A mplit ude u ntil the SINAD me ter rea ds 10 dB. ❒ If desired , use the meter averagi ng function for the SINAD indicator . a. Select dB on t he SINAD meter. b.
AM Rec eiv ers 158 On the Signal Ge nerat o r: 17. Set RF Power to ON. 18. Se t Outpu t Level to 3 1.6 m V. 19. Set Outpu t Frequenc y to lowe s t f r equ ency bei ng checked (typ ic ally <1 M H z) . 20. Se t Modul ation to in te rnal AM. 21. Set Modul ation rate to 400 Hz.
159 5 Te st ing SSB Rad ios.
Introduction 160 Int rodu ction Each pr oc edure may c ontain the following informati on: • A brief meas urement overvi ew and a referen ce to appli c able T I A/EIA spec- i f icat io n s for ea ch tes t. • A list o f the Tes t S e t optio ns and addi tional t est equi pm ent require d to per- form the proc edure.
List of Test s 161 List of Tests SSB Tran s mitter Mea sur ement s "SSB Frequency o r Frequency Error Measurem ent" on page 163 . "SSB Rated O utput Power/Carrier Suppression M easuremen t" on page 16 6 . "SSB Harmo nics an d Spurio us O utput Measur ement" o n p age 170 .
SSB Tra ns m itt ers 162 SSB Transmi t ters The following meas ur ement s are provided f or testi ng SSB Transmit- ters. The proced ures a r e arran ge d in the order tha t tes ts a re typic al ly performed.
SSB Transmitters 163 SSB Fre que nc y or Freque nc y Erro r Meas ur eme nt This proce dur e is used to measure a SSB Transmitt e r’ s frequency (or frequenc y e rror ) into 50 Ω .
SSB Tra ns m itt ers 164 M easuremen t Procedure: 1. Conne ct the Trans m itter Under Te st as shown . CAUTI O N: T he RF pr ese nt at th e Te st Set RF I N/O UT co nne ct or mus t n ot ex ce ed 60 W contin uous (or 100 Watt s for 10 se c /minute ) or permanent i nstrume nt damage ma y res ul t.
SSB Transmitters 165 On the Test Set us ing th e knob and data ent ry keys: 8. Se t AFGen1 Lvl u ntil a measur a ble RF signal is di splaye d (typi cally >5-10 mV).
SSB Tra ns m itt ers 166 SSB Rate d Outpu t Powe r/Carri er S uppres si on Measu rem en t Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a SSB Transm itter’ s rate d output power into 50 Ω . The tr a nsm it te r i s m odulated wit h two sep a rate audi o signals at differe nt f reque nc ies .
SSB Transmitters 167 Measurement P rocedure: 1. Connect the T ransmitte r as shown. CAUTI ON: The RF pr esent at th e Test Se t RF IN/ OUT con nector must n ot exce ed 60W conti nuous (or 100 Wat ts for 10 sec/ minute) or p ermanent ins t rument da mage may re s ult.
SSB Tra ns m itt ers 168 10. Select SP EC ANL sc reen. 11. Set Center Freq to transmitter fre quency + 1 kHz (USB) or − 1 kHz (LSB) depe nding o n side-b a nd mode. 12. Set Ref Level to +50 dB m . To s et Ref Level : • Fr o m th e Mar ker s creen, sele ct Marker To Peak • Sel ect Mar k er To Re f Lev el 13.
SSB Transmitters 169 NOTE: Test s e t up and c a bling for thi s test are cri tical. RF feedbac k into the Transm itter audio input may caus e the dis played waveform to be dist orted. Use caut ion to care fully byp ass inpu t li ne s at the mic ropho ne conne ctor whe n perf o r m ing this te st.
SSB Tra ns m itt ers 170 SSB Harmonic s and Spu riou s Outp ut Measur e ment Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n SSB Transm itter’ s condu c ted harmonic a nd spuriou s emissions . The spe ctrum a na lyzer o ption is used t o display harmonic a nd spurious components f rom 400 kHz to 1000 MHz.
SSB Transmitters 171 Measurement P rocedure: 1. Connect the T ransmitte r as shown. CAUTI ON: The RF pr esent at th e Test Se t RF IN/ OUT con nector must n ot exce ed 60W conti nuous (or 100 Wat ts for 10 sec/ minute) or p ermanent ins t rument da mage may re s ult.
SSB Tra ns m itt ers 172 7. Select SP EC ANL sc reen. 8. Set Sp an to 1.1 MHz . 9. Set Ref Level t o pla ce t he ca rri er pea k at t he top gr at icule line . To s et Ref Level : • Fr o m th e Mar ker s creen, sele ct Marker To Peak • Sel ect Mar k er To Re f Lev el 10.
SSB Re c eiver s 173 SSB Receivers The following mea surements are provi ded for test ing S SB Receivers. The procedur e s are arra nge d in the order that te sts a re typic a lly per- form ed.
SSB Rece i vers 174 SSB Au dio Output Power and Distortion Measurement Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n SSB Receive r’ s audio out put power a nd distorti on into a Test Load. Output power i s displaye d (in various measu r ement uni ts, inclu ding wa t ts) on the Test Set sc reen.
SSB Re c eiver s 175 Measurement P rocedure: 1. Connect the Rece iver as sho wn. On the Test Set: 2. P ress the PRES ET k ey. 3. Press the RX key. Using the knob and dat a ent r y key s : 4.
SSB Rece i vers 176 On the Radio set the Receiv er’s Controls as fol lows : 10. Set power t o ON. 11. Se t mod e to L SB or USB. 12. If requi re d, set fre quency to the same value as st ep 4 . 13. Se t sq ue lch to mini mu m . 14. Set RIT t o cen t er or disabl e (if equipped).
SSB Re c eiver s 177 On the Test Set us ing th e knob and data ent ry keys: 18. Se t AF Freq mete r to m easur e Dis tortion . 19. Se le ct AC Level . 20. P ress the REF SET key. On t he Ra d io s e t t h e R e ceiv e r’s C o ntr o ls as fo ll o ws: 21.
SSB Rece i vers 178 SSB Sensi tivit y Measu rem ent Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a n SSB Receive r’ s receiv e r sensiti vity. Sensitivit y is di splayed ( in various measuremen t units) on the Test Set sc reen.
SSB Re c eiver s 179 Measurement P rocedure: 1. Connect the Rece iver as sho wn. On the Test Set: 2. P ress the PRES ET k ey. 3. Press the RX key. Using the knob and dat a ent r y key s : 4. Se t RF Gen Freq to the r ec eiv er operating frequency . 5.
SSB Rece i vers 180 On the Test S e t u s ing the knob and da ta ent ry keys: 16. C ha n ge t he va l ue o f RF Gen Freq un til t he AF F r eq meter reads 1 kHz . On the Radio set the Receiv er’s Controls as fol lows : 17. Set the Recei ver’s volume cont rol until the AC Leve l me te r indic at es the Rec e iver’s rated out put po we r.
SSB Re c eiver s 181 On t he Ra d io s e t t h e R e ceiv e r’s C o ntr o ls as fo ll o ws: 21. Decrea s e the Rece iv er’s vol ume cont rol until the AC L e vel meter reads − 6 dB. On the Test Set us ing th e knob and data ent ry keys: 22. Decr ease A mplit ude u ntil the SINAD me ter rea ds 12 dB.
SSB Rece i vers 182 SSB S quelch Se ns itivity Measureme n t Description This procedure is us ed to measure a n SSB Re ceiv er’ s crit ical s quelch a nd maximum squ e lch sensi tivity .
SSB Re c eiver s 183 Measurement P rocedure: 1. Connect the Rece iver as sho wn. On the Test Set: 2. P ress the PRES ET k ey. 3. Press the RX key. Using the knob and dat a ent r y key s : 4. Se t RF Gen Freq to the r ec eiv er operating frequency . 5.
SSB Rece i vers 184 On the Test S e t u s ing the knob and da ta ent ry keys: 16. C ha n ge t he va l ue o f RF Gen Freq un til t he AF F r eq meter reads 1 kHz . On the Radio set the Receiv er’s Controls as fol lows : 17. Set the Recei ver’s volume cont rol until the AC Leve l me te r indic at es the Rec e iver’s rated out put po we r.
SSB Re c eiver s 185 21. Se t Amplitude to − 137 dB m and ve rify squ elch c loses . If not , repea t st ep 19. & step 2 0. 22. Incre ase unti l the Rec eiv er’s s quelch j us t opens. • R ecor d this level. 23. Decr ease A mplit ude u ntil the Re ceiv er’s squelch ju st close s.
SSB Rece i vers 186.
187 6 Spectrum Analyzer Measurem ents.
Introduction 188 Int rodu ction Each pr oc edure may c ontain the following informati on: • A brief meas urement overvi ew and a referen ce to appli c able T I A/EIA spec- i f icat io n s for ea ch tes t. • A list o f the Tes t S e t optio ns and addi tional t est equi pm ent require d to per- form the proc edure.
List of Measurements 189 List of Measurements Spe ct rum A na lyzer Mea surem ents "Measuri ng Transmi tter High /Low Power Si gnals" on page 1 91 . "Field Strength Measure me n ts" on page 196 . "Analyz i ng Exter nal Transmitter Inter-modulation Distortion " on page 20 0 .
Using the S pectrum Analyzer 190 Using the Spectrum Analyzer The Spectrum Analyze r can be used to measure sig nal s from 400 kHz to 1 GHz , wit h variable s pans fr om 5 kHz to 1 GHz (full span). A tunable marker i s provide d for aut om atic re adout of frequency and amplitude , or relati ve freque nc y and amplitud e from a r e ferenc e.
Using the S pectr um Analyzer 191 Measuri ng Transmit ter High/Low Power Signals This proce dur e is provide d a s an overview of the option al Spe ctr um Analyzer’ s operatio n. The screen choices and displ ayed parameter s are descri be d and illustr a ted.
Using the S pectrum Analyzer 192 M easuremen t Procedure: 1. Conne ct the signal inp ut to the RF IN/OUT or ANT IN conne ct or. • Use the RF IN/OUT connec tor for m easur ing Transm it ter output or other high-power signals . • Use the ANT IN conne c tor fo r all ot her low l evel s i gnal s (pro vides high er s ens i tivit y).
Using the S pectr um Analyzer 193 Meas ureme nts Usin g the Ma in Contro l Fi eld s: •F r o m Controls se le ct RF In if th e input si gnal is conn ected to the RF IN/ OUT connector. •F r o m Controls s elect Ant if the i nput sig nal is connect e d to the ANT IN connector.
Using the S pectrum Analyzer 194 Meas ureme n t Using t he Marke r Cont rol Fi elds: • Pos it ion posit ions the marker on the scre e n. Disp layed m arke r Freq and Lvl ar e auto matic a lly updat ed.
Using the S pectr um Analyzer 195 Measuremen ts Using the Auxiliar y Control Fields: •F r o m Controls s ele ct Of f to updat e the d ispla y aft er e ach swe ep, o r Pk Hold to re ta in the high est input va lue for eac h point in succ essi ve sweeps .
Using the S pectrum Analyzer 196 Fi eld Stren g th Measu rem en t s Description This pr ocedure i s used to measure a nd calcula te field strength with t he Spectrum Analyzer /Tra cking Generator optio n.
Using the S pectr um Analyzer 197 Measurement P rocedure: 1 Connect the Ant enna to the ANT I N conne ctor. CAUTI ON: Do not exc e ed the conn ector’s ra ted input or per manent inst rument damage may re s ult. On the Test Set: 2 P ress the PRES ET k ey.
Using the S pectrum Analyzer 198 Antenna : 12 Rota te the Calib rated Antenna on each axi s until the maxi m um input si gnal str ength is achie ved. Rec ord the signal leve l (i n dB µ V) a s shown.
Using the S pectr um Analyzer 199 Calc ulate the Fie ld Strengt h: 13 Calcul a te Field Stre ngth a s follows: Field Str e ngth (in dB µ V ) = Signa l Leve l (s tep 7) + Antenna Facto r For exam ple, (3 4.
Using the S pectrum Analyzer 200 Analyzing Exte r nal Transmitt e r Inter-modulation Distortion This pr ocedures used to di splay, mea sure, and demodulate high-order int er-m odulat ion disto rtion produc ts using the S pectr um Analyzer/ Tracking Generator option.
Using the S pectr um Analyzer 201 NOTE: Wh e n two sign als F1 an d F2 are pr e sen t in a sy st em, th ey can mi x w i th th e second ha rm onic s genera ted 2F1 and 2F2 and create highe r order in ter- modul ation dis to rtion pr oducts .
Using the S pectrum Analyzer 202 M easuremen t Procedure: 1. Co nnect the Antenna to the ANT IN con nector . CAUTI O N: Do not exceed the conne ctor’s rated i nput or permanent instru m ent damage ma y res ul t. On th e T e s t Se t: 2. Press the PRESET key.
Using the S pectr um Analyzer 203 Deter m in e Dis to rtion Pro ducts: 8. Record the freq uen cy a nd l evel of a ll s igna ls of intere st . If further an a lysis is d esired: On the SPECTRUM ANALYZER scre en: 9. Fro m t h e Co n tr ol s select Main .
Using the S pectrum Analyzer 204 To De m odula te the Product: Thes e ste ps ar e used to h elp de termine which trans mitte r is causin g the dist ortion. 12. Posi tion the marker on the desire d c arrie r. 13. Select Mar ker To to Cen t er Fr eq . 14.
Using the Tracking G enerator 205 Using t he Track ing Gen era tor The Optional Tr a cking Genera tor allows for quick and accura te cha ract er iz ati on o f filters , dupl e xers, combiners, and RF to I F convers ions. Broadband RF devices can be char acte rized with single sweeps du e to the ful l-span swee p capab ility t o 1 GHz.
Using the Tracking G enerator 206 Ba sic Measu re ment s wi th the Track i n g Gener ator This pr ocedure i s provide d as an ove rview of the op tional Spec trum Analyzer/Tr acking Generat or ’ s operat ion. The sc reen c hoices and display e d parameter s a re descr ibe d and illustr ated.
Using the Tracking G enerator 207 Measurement P rocedure: 1. Connect the s i gnal input to the RF IN/OUT or DUPLEX OUT c onnector. CAUTI ON: Do not exc e ed the conn ector’s ra ted input or per manent inst rument damage may re s ult. On the Test Set: 2.
Using the Tracking G enerator 208 M easurements Using the Trac k Contro l Fields: •F r o m Controls select Track . • Offset Freq set s the difference between the insta ntaneous fre quencies of the T r ac king Genera to r RF output and the Cent er Frequency of the Sp ec tru m An al yze r.
Using the Tracking G enerator 209 Measurem ents Using the F i xed Control Fields: •F r o m Control s se lect Fix ed . • RF Gen F req sets the R F output freque ncy. • Amplitude set s th e RF o utput a mplitude . • Ou tput Por t rout es the RF out put t o the RF Out or Dupl exer Ou t conne ct or.
Using the Tracking G enerator 210 Anten na Return Loss (VSWR) Measurem en t & Tuning Description This procedu re is used to measu re the return loss of an antenna thro ugh a directiona l bridge and the Spectru m Analyzer /Tr a cki ng Generato r option.
Using the Tracking G enerator 211 Measurement P rocedure: 1 Connect the bridge or coupl er as sh own. CAUTI ON: Do not exc e ed the conn ector’s ra ted input or per manent inst rument damage may re s ult. On the Test Set: 2 P ress the PRES ET k ey. Using the knob and dat a ent r y key s : 3 Sele ct t he SPEC ANL scree n.
Using the Tracking G enerator 212 Normalize (to re move the effe ct s of the cables, bridg e /coup ler, e tc. ) as fo llows: 12 From Controls , s el ect RF Ge n . 13 Select Auxiliar y from the Choices field . 14 From Normali z e select A Only . 15 From Norm alize select Save B .
Using the Tracking G enerator 213 On the Test Set us ing th e knob and data ent ry keys: 20 Fro m Contr ols , sel ec t Ma in . 21 Se le ct Marker fro m the Choice s field. 22 Fro m Marker To se l ect Ref Level . 23 U se t he Marker p os iti on to measure the re s ponse t o the fre q uenc y(s ) of in - ter est.
Using the Tracking G enerator 214 1/4 Wave Coaxial Filter Tuning (Swept) This pr ocedure i s used to measure the notch depth and or band- pass of a 1/4 wave coaxial fil te r using the Spectr um Analyzer/T racking Generator option. P ass fre quency is me asure d, and c an be a djusted by trimming length f rom the coaxia l f ilte r.
Using the Tracking G enerator 215 Measurement P rocedure: 1. Connect the T e e as shown. CAUTI ON: Do not exc e ed the conn ector’s ra ted input or per manent inst rument damage may re s ult. On the Test Set: 2. P ress the PRES ET k ey. Using the knob and dat a ent r y key s : 3.
Using the Tracking G enerator 216 NOTE: Am plitude default of 0 dBm is typi cally s ufficient for perform ing measurem e nts on 1/4 Wave Coa xial Fi lters . The le vel can be c hange d as re qui r ed t o su it me as ur em e nt n e eds ( e.g . i n crea se m e as ure me n t ra n ge, minimiz e inciden t input from othe r sources, etc .
Using the Tracking G enerator 217 On the Test Set us ing th e knob and data ent ry keys: 22. Fro m Contr ols , sel ec t Ma in . 23. Se le ct Marker fro m the Choice s field. 24. Us e t h e Marke r pos ition to m easure t he resp onse. Notch de pth i s dis played a s Lvl .
Using the Tracking G enerator 218 Cable F ault Loc ations This pr ocedure i s used to locate br eaks i n coaxial c ables using th e Spectrum Analyz e r/Tra c king Gener a tor option and System Suppor t So ftw are Test C ard, HP 11807A option 100. Suspect e d faults are display e d as data (indic a ting the fault le ngth) or plotted on the screen.
Using the Tracking G enerator 219 Measurement P rocedure: On the Test S e t: 1. Insert the Sys te m Suppor t T est Card (HP 11807A Option 100) into th e M emo r y C a rd Slo t . 2. P ress the PRES ET k ey. 3. P ress the TEST S key. Using the knob and dat a ent r y key s : 4.
Using the Tracking G enerator 220 10. Pre ss the PREV key to r etu rn to the TE S T (Mai n Sc r ee n). 11. Select Run Test . 12. When prom pted, con ne ct t he equipme nt as shown on th e scree n, then s elect Continue .
Using the Tracking G enerator 221 13. Follo w the dis pl ayed inst ructions to connect and remove the 50 Ω Termination at the Power Divider cabl e t est port. Remembe r to sele ct C ontinue a fte r ea ch ste p . After the te s t ha s compl eted, test result s are displ ayed on the sc ree n in a table for m or plot te d in graphical form.
Using the Tracking G enerator 222 Pass ive Cavi ty I nsert ion an d Retu rn L oss Measu remen t This pr ocedure i s used to measure the inser tion los s and r eturn los s of passive cavitie s using the Spectrum Ana lyzer/Tr a cking Ge nerator option. The caviti es are tuned to the desired pass frequency and band- pass/in se rti on loss.
Using the Tracking G enerator 223 Measurement P rocedure: 1. Connect the Ada pter as shown. CAUTI ON: Do not exc e ed the conn ector’s ra ted input or per manent inst rument damage may re s ult. On the Test Set: 2. P ress the PRES ET k ey. Using the knob and dat a ent r y key s : 3.
Using the Tracking G enerator 224 17. Select Main from the Ch oi ces field. Pass Cav ity: 18. Conne ct the pass ca vity as shown. 19. Adjus t the tuni ng rod to the desir ed pass frequen cy. 20. Adjus t the coup ling loops for desi red band-pas s /inse rtion los s .
Using the Tracking G enerator 225 Retur n Los s Br idge: 21. Connect the Re turn L oss Br idge as shown. 22. Fro m t h e Co n tr ol s select Main . 23. Se le ct Auxi liary from the Choices fi e ld. 24. Fro m Normali z e select A Only . 25. Fro m Nor mali ze selec t Save B .
Using the Tracking G enerator 226 Meas ure/Adju st R etur n Loss as foll ows: 30. Measure and re c ord retur n loss 31. Reve rse the Pass Ca vit y outpu t and input a s shown. 32. Measure and re c ord retur n loss. 33. Repe at step whil e adj usting the Pass Ca vit y coupl ing loops for ma xim um (but bal anced) return los s in both direc ti ons.
Using the Tracking G enerator 227 Cal cu l at e th e Ret u r n Lo ss in V S W R : 34. Use the followi ng chart to conve rt loss int o VSWR: If Pas s Ca vity coupl ing l oops were c hanged: • Rep e at steps 1 th rough 20 t o measure inser tio n loss (perf orm at 1 or 2 dB/Div).
Using the Tracking G enerator 228 Repeater S ystem Eff ectiv e Sens itivity Meas uremen t Description This procedu re i s used to measure the effec tiv e sensi ti vity of a r epe ater sy stem using the Spectru m Analyzer/ T racki ng Gene rator option.
Using the Tracking G enerator 229 Measurement P rocedure: 1. Connect the Repea ter as show n. ALTE RNATE CONNECTIONS If your re peater doe s not emplo y a dupl exer as shown in the c onnec tion dia- g.
Using the Tracking G enerator 230 On th e Repe ater set th e Rec eive r’s C ontro ls as follo ws: 9. Set power t o ON. 10. If require d, dis able the COR (C arrier Opera ted Re lay) or equi valen t devic e tha t key s t h e tra ns mi tt er whe n a si gna l is pr es en t at t h e re ce i ver .
Using the Tracking G enerator 231 On the Test Set us ing th e knob and data ent ry keys: 17. Increase Amplitude until the SINAD meter a ga in reads 12 dB . Effective Sensit ivity is dis played as Amplit ude . Record the level (in dBm) for use lat er in the proc edu re .
Using the Tracking G enerator 232.
233 7 Oscilloscop e Measurem ents.
Introduction 234 Int rodu ction Each pr oc edure may c ontain the following informati on: • A brief meas urement overvi ew and a referen ce to appli c able T I A/EIA spec- i f icat io n s for ea ch tes t. • A list o f the Tes t S e t optio ns and addi tional t est equi pm ent require d to per- form the proc edure.
Using the O sci lloscope 235 Using t he Osci llos cope The bu ilt-in 50 kHz di gital osc illosc ope pr ovides • multi ple trigg ering formats (inte rnal, exte rnal , and encoder) • singl e-s hot a.
Using the Oscilloscope 236 Oscilloscope Overview This pr ocedure i s provide d as an ove rview of the Oscil loscope’s operati on. The scre en choic e s and displayed pa r ameter s a re descr ibe d and il lustrated. M easuremen t Procedure: 1. Co n n e ct the s ignal to th e app ropri ate con nector .
Using the O sci lloscope 237 to th e RF IN / OU T o r A NT I N c on ne cto r s. • Audio In for a signal conne ct e d to the AUDIO IN connect or. • Radio I n t for a signal c onnec ted to th e opti onal rear pane l Radio In ter- face c onnector. • Ext Mod for a signa l connec ted to the re a r pa nel MODULATI O N IN- PUT connecto r.
Using the Oscilloscope 238 M ea sur em en ts Usi n g t he Ma i n C ont r ol Fi el ds: • Vert/ div selec ts the verti cal ampli tud e per divisi on. Units for thi s field are in Volts , kHz, or perce nt depending on th e AF Anl In se le ct io n . • Ve rt Off set move s the di s pla ye d sig na l above or be low the center grat icule lin e.
Using the O sci lloscope 239 Me a s ure m en t U s in g th e Tr i gg e r C on t ro l Fi el d s: •F r o m Controls selec t the desired tri gger source : • Int ern al uses the s ignal be ing di s pla ye d. • Ext ( TTL) us es t h e s ign al con nec te d t o t he rea r p ane l EXT S COP E TRIGGER INPU T connector.
Using the Oscilloscope 240 M ea sur em en ts Usi n g t he Ma r ker Co nt r ol Fi el ds: • Posi tion positi ons the mark er on the s creen. Dis pla yed marker Time and Lvl a re a ut om a tic ally update d.
Using the O sci lloscope 241 The Delta marker fu nct ion is pe rfor m ed by: 1 Setting t he m arke r to the firs t poi nt desired . 2 Positi on the cursor to th e marke r time an d/or lv l readout s . 3 P ress the REF SET key. Note that the readou t now displays 0 and “Ref” belo w it.
Using the Oscilloscope 242.
243 8 Configuring for Measurements This chapte r provides the informa tion to c onfi gure and connec t the Test Set to DC power and configure the instr um ent for operation.
Preparing the Test Set for D C Operation 244 Preparing the Test Set for D C Operation NOTE: Instruct ions for connec ti ng the T est Set t o AC powe r, or to an opt ion al print er (if des ire d) are provide d in the Test Set’s Us er Guide. Connection/ C onfiguration f or DC P ower 1.
Preparing the Test Set f or DC O peration 245 CABLI NG RE STRIC TI ON S When cabli ng the DC connecto r, remembe r that vary ing wire gau ge, type, and length w ill yield diffe re nt resi stive l osses. Prope r opera tion of the Tes t Set req uires that a mini m um of 11 Vdc at 12 Adc be pres e nt at the DC input c onnector.
Preparing the Test Set for D C Operation 246 Prepari ng th e Test Set for Operat ion 1. Verify that t he in strument is conne cted an d configure d to the appro p riate power sourc e. NOTE: Because mos t paramete rs are saved whe n power i s remove d, sett ing configu ration is NOT ne cessary e very t ime power is appl ied to t he Test Set.
Preparing the Test Set f or DC O peration 247 4. In the CONFIGURE screen , use the knob and dat a entry keys to set th e fol- lowing para m eters (as required): •I n t e n s i t y − adjus t to co mforta ble leve l. •B e e p e r − adju st t o comf ortab le leve l.
Preparing the Test Set for D C Operation 248.
249 9 References This chapte r contains a listi ng of all documents tha t have been refere n ced in t his manual..
Manuals 250 Manual s • HP 8920A User's Guide • HP 8920B User's Gu ide • HP 11807A Option 001 Refer ence Guide • System Supp ort Te s ts , HP 11807A Option 100 User' s Guide.
Appli cation Note 251 Applic ation Not e • Demonstra tion Procedure s, HP 892 0A RF Communic ations Test S et.
Specifications and Standards 252 Specifications and Standards • ANSI/EIA 152-C-1988 - Minimum Standa rds for La nd Mobil e Communi- cat ion FM o r PM Trans mitters, 25-866 MHz. • ANSI/EIA/TIA 204-D- 1989 - Minimum Stand ards for Land Mobile Com- muni cation FM or P M Receiv e rs, 25-866 MHz .
253 10 HP 8920A Specifica ti ons.
254 Specific a tions de scribe the Test Set’ s warrant ed performance and are valid over the ent ire operating/e nvir onmental range unles s othe r wise noted. Supplemental Characte ristics are intend e d to provide addi tional information useful in ap plying the instrument b y giving typical, but non-wa rra nted perf ormance parameter s.
Signal Generator Specifications 255 Signal Gen erator Speci fications RF Freque nc y Ra ng e: 250 kHz to 1 GHz A ccuracy and Stability: Same as reference oscillato r ± 0.
Signal Generator S pecifications 256 DUP LEX OUT Co n n ector: Leve l Rang e: − 127 to +7 dBm into 50 Ω Leve l A ccu racy: ± 1. 5 dB (ty pic al ± 1. 0 dB fo r al l levels ) Reverse Power: 200 mW maxi mum SWR: RF I N /OUT: <1. 5:1 DUPLEX OUT: <2.
Signal Generator Specifications 257 Spect ral Pur ity Spuri ous Signal s: For ≤ 1 dBm output leve l at D UPLEX OUT or ≤− 25 dBm outp ut level at RF IN/OUT: Harmonics : < − 30 dB c Non-Harmo.
Signal Generator S pecifications 258 FM FM De viation: Rat es >25 Hz 100 kHz: for f c from 0.2 5 to < 249 MHz 50 kHz: for f c from 249 to < 501 MHz 100 kHz: for f c from 501 to 1000 MHz FM not specif ie d for (f c mi nu s F M de v .
Signal Generator Specifications 259 AM Freque ncy Range: 1.5 to 1000 MHz ( usabl e to 250 k Hz ) A M Depth: For RF IN/OUT levels ≤− 25 d B m or D UP LE X O U T le v el s ≤ +1 dB m: 0 to 9 0% (us.
Signal Generator S pecifications 260 TDMA S ignal Generat or (HP 8920D or 8920A with Option 050 and HP 83201A) Frequency Range: 824 MHz to 894 MHz Output Level Range: RF I n/Out: − 22 dBm to − 127 dBm Duplex Out: +4 dBm to − 127 dBm Residual Erro r Vector M agnitude: %<3.
Audio Source S pecifications 261 Audio Source Specifications (These spec ifications a pply to both inte rnal sources) F re q ue nc y Rang e : dc t o 25 kHz A cc ura cy: 0.
RF Anal yzer Specifications 262 RF Analy zer Specificat ions RF P ower Measureme nt Standard Frequ enc y Ra nge: 400 kHz to 1 GHz Mea s uremen t Ran g e: 1 mW to 60 W cont inuous 100 W for 10 se conds/minut e (meas ured at RF IN/ OUT connector ) Accuracy: ± 10 % o f r e ad i n g ± 1 mW SW R: < 1 .
RF Anal yzer Specifications 263 RF F requency Me asu rement Measurem ent Range: 400 kHz to 1 GHz Level Ra n ge: RF IN/OUT: Sta n dar d: 1 mW to 60 W conti nuous 100 W f or 10 se co nds/minut e Option 007 : 40 µ W t o 2.4 W continuou s 4.0 W for 10 seconds /m inute Option 008 : 0.
RF Anal yzer Specifications 264 FM M easurem ent Frequency Range: 5 MHz to 1 GHz ( usable to 4 00 kHz ) Deviat ion: 20 Hz to 75 kHz Sen siti v it y: 2 µ V (15 kHz IF BW, H igh S e nsi tivity Mode, 0.
RF Anal yzer Specifications 265 AM Measurement Freque ncy Range: 10 MHz to 1 GHz ( usabl e to 400 k Hz) D epth: 0 to 95 % A cc ura cy: ± 5% of rea ding ± 1.5% AM (50 Hz to 10 kHz rat es, mod ulati on ≤ 80%) THD+No ise: < 2% rms f or modulation ≤ 80% AM (1 kHz rat e in a 0.
RF Anal yzer Specifications 266 SSB Measu re ment Frequency Range: 400 kHz to 1 GHz Bandwidth (3 dB ): 20 Hz to 70 kHz Dist or tion a n d Nois e: <3% at 1 kHz rate in a 0.
RF Anal yzer Specifications 267 TDMA An alyzer (HP 8920D or 8920A with Option 050 and HP 83201A) Freque ncy Range: 824 MHz to 894 MHz Input L evel Range: RF In/Ou t: 1 m W to 60W (0 to +47.
AF Analyzer Specifications 268 AF Analy zer Specificat ions Frequ ency M easuremen t Mea surem ent R a n ge: 20 Hz to 400 kHz Ac cura cy: ± 0.02% pl us r e soluti on plus timebas e a ccuracy External In put: 20 mV to 30 Vrms Resol ution: f <10 kHz: 0.
AF Analyzer Specifications 269 Distort ion Meas urem ent Fundam en tal Frequen cy: 1 kHz ± 5 Hz Optional F reque ncy Range: 300 Hz to 10 kHz ± 5% (Option 019) Input L evel Range: 30 mV t o 30 V rms Display Range : 0.1% t o 100% A cc ura cy: ± 1 dB (0.
AF Analyzer Specifications 270 Audio Filt ers Standard < 20 Hz HPF 50 Hz HPF 300 Hz HPF 300 Hz LPF 3 kHz LPF 15 kHz LPF > 99 kHz LPF 750 µ de -e m ph a sis 1 kHz notch Optional C-Me s sa ge CCI.
Oscilloscope Specifications 271 Oscilloscope Specifications Freque ncy Range: 2 H z to 50 kHz (3 dB BW) Scale/Di vision: 10 mV t o 10 V A mpl i tu de Ac cu r acy : ± 1.5% of re adi ng ± 0.1 divi sion. (20 Hz to 10 kHz) Time/Di vision : 1 µ sec to 200 m se c 3 dB Bandwid th: Typi cally >100 kHz Inte r nal DC Offset: ≤ 0.
Spectrum A nalyzer Specifications (Option 102) 272 Spectru m Anal yzer Sp ecificat ion s (Opti on 102) Freque ncy Frequency Range: 400 kHz to 1 GHz Frequency Span/Resolution Bandwid th (coupled): Disp.
Spectrum A nalyzer Specifications (Option 102) 273 Tr a c kin g Ge ne r a to r (Incl ude d wit h Option 102) Freque ncy Range: 400 kHz to 1 GHz Freque ncy O ffset: Fre que ncy s pan end points ± freq.
Spectrum A nalyzer Specifications (Option 102) 274 Adjacen t Chan nel P ower (Includ e d with Option 1 02) Relative Me asurements: Leve l Rang e: Antenn a In: − 40 dBm to +20 dBm RF/ I nput : 0.
Spectrum A nalyzer Specifications (Option 102) 275 Abs o l ute Ac cu r a cy: RF pow er me asur ement acc ura cy f o r a bsolu t e in- cha n nel power: (for inputs > 200 mW): ± 10% of readi ng ± 1 mW (in dB) plu s AC P r e la ti ve ac cu rac y o f ± 2.
Signaling (Option 004) 276 Signa ling ( Opt ion 004 ) Capabilit y for gen e rating a nd analyzin g the f ollowing formats: CDCSS, DTMF, 1 TONE, 2 TONE, 5/6 TONE S EQUENTIAL, RPC1, POCSAG, EIA, CCITT, .
DC C urrent Meter (Option 103) 277 DC Current Met er (Option 103) Measurem ent Range: 0 to 10 A ( usable to 20 A ) A cc ura cy: The great er of 10% of re ading after zero ing or 30 mA (level s > 10.
Remote Programm ing (Option 103) 278 Rem ote Pr og ra mm ing (Opt ion 103) HP-I B: Hewle tt-Pack a rd’s implement a tion of IEEE S tand ard 488.2 Functions Im plemente d: S H1, A H1, T 6, L 4, S R1,.
Reference O sci llator Specif ications 279 Reference Oscillator Specif icati ons TCXO (Standard) Te mp er atu r e: 1 ppm (0 to +55 ° C) Ag in g: < 2 ppm/year Warm -up Time: < 30 secon ds to b e with in ± 2 ppm of fi nal f requency OCXO (Option 001) Te mp er atu r e: 0.
Save/Recall Registers 280 Save/Recall Regist ers Approximat e ly 128 kilobyte s R AM available for non-vola til e save/ recall of settings. This typic a lly will allow you to save >100 sets of instrume nt settings , de p endi ng on the type of informati on saved.
General S pecifications 281 Gener al Specificat i ons Si ze : 7.5 H x 1 3 W x 1 9 inch es ( 188 H x 330 W x 45 6 D mm) Wei ght: 35 lbs (17.1 kg) full y opti one d CRT S iz e: 7 x 10 cm Operating T em .
General Specifications 282.
283 11 HP 8920B Sp eci ficat ions Specific ations de scribe th e Te st Set’s warranted pe rformance a nd are valid over the entire operating/ environmenta l range unle ss otherwise noted.
284 Supplemental Characte ristics are intend e d to provide addi tional information useful in ap plying the instrument b y giving typical, but non-wa rra nted perf ormance parameter s. These characte r istic s are shown in italic s and are sometimes la beled “ typical ” , “usa ble to” , or “nominal”.
Signal Generator Specifications 285 Signal Gen erator Speci fications RF Freque nc y Ra ng e: 250 kHz to 1 GHz A ccuracy and Stability: Same as reference oscillato r ± 0.
Signal Generator S pecifications 286 Outp ut RF IN/O UT Connector: Standard: Lev el Range: − 137 to − 19 dBm into 50 Ω Leve l A c cur acy : ± 1.
Signal Generator Specifications 287 Spect ral Pur ity Spuri ous Signal s: For ≤ 1 dBm output leve l at D UPLEX OUT or ≤− 25 dBm outp ut level at RF IN/OUT: Harmonics : < − 30 dB c Non-Harmo.
Signal Generator S pecifications 288 FM FM De viation: Rat es >25 Hz 100 kHz: for f c from 0.2 5 to < 249 MHz 50 kHz: for f c from 249 to < 501 MHz 100 kHz: for f c from 501 to 1000 MHz FM not specif ie d for (f c mi nu s F M de v .
Signal Generator Specifications 289 AM Freque ncy Range: 1.5 to 1000 MHz ( usabl e to 250 k Hz ) A M Depth: For RF IN/OUT levels ≤− 25 d B m or D UP LE X O U T le v el s ≤ +1 dB m: 0 to 9 0% (us.
Signal Generator S pecifications 290 TDMA S ignal Generat or HP 8920B Option 500 (include s HP 83201B) Frequency Range: 824 MHz to 894 MHz Output Level Range: RF I n/Out: − 22 to − 127 dB m Duplex Out: +4 to − 127 dBm Residual Erro r Vector M agnitude: %<3.
Audio Source S pecifications 291 Audio Source Specifications (These spec ifications a pply to both inte rnal sources) F re q ue nc y Rang e : dc t o 25 kHz A cc ura cy: 0.
RF Anal yzer Specifications 292 RF Analy zer Specificat ions RF P ower Measureme nt 1 1. To a chi eve the sp eci fied accuracy when measuri ng power at the RF IN/OUT po r t , t he in t ernal signal generat or level mus t be 60 dB belo w the meas ur ed power or le ss than -20 dB m at the DUPLEX por t.
RF Anal yzer Specifications 293 RF F requency Me asu rement Measurem ent Range: 400 kHz to 1 GHz Level Ra n ge: RF IN/OUT: Sta n dar d: 1 mW to 60 W conti nuous 100 W f or 10 se co nds/minut e Option 007 : 40 υµ o 2.
RF Anal yzer Specifications 294 FM M easurem ent Frequency Range: 5 MHz to 1 GHz ( usable to 4 00 kHz ) Deviat ion: 20 Hz to 75 kHz Sen siti v it y: 2 µ V (15 kHz I F BW, Hig h Sens itivity Mode, 0.
RF Anal yzer Specifications 295 AM Measurement Freque ncy Range: 10 MHz to 1 GHz ( usabl e to 400 k Hz) D epth: 0 to 95 % A cc ura cy: ± 5% of rea ding ± 1.5% AM (50 Hz to 10 kHz rat es, mod ulati on ≤ 80%) THD+No ise: < 2% rms f or modulation ≤ 80% AM (1 kHz rat e in a 0.
RF Anal yzer Specifications 296 TDMA An alyzer HP 8920B Option 500 (include s HP 83201B) Frequency Range: 824 MHz to 894 MHz Input Level Range: RF In/Out : 1m W to 60W (0 to 47. 8 dBm) Antenna In: − 36 to +17 dBm Input Frequenc y Setting Error: 1kHz RX DSP Level Setting Range: − 23 to 0 dB f ull sc ale Residual Erro r Vector M agnitude: %<1.
AF Analyzer Specifications 297 AF Analyzer Specifications Freque ncy Meas uremen t Measurem ent Range: 20 Hz to 400 kHz A cc ura cy: ± 0.02% plus resol ution plu s timeba se accura cy Externa l Input: 20 m V to 30 Vr ms Resolut ion: f <10 kHz: 0. 01 Hz f <100 kHz: 0.
AF Analyzer Specifications 298 Distorti on Me asuremen t Fundame ntal Frequency Range: 300 Hz to 10 kHz ± 5% Input Level Range: 3 0 mV t o 30 V rm s Displ ay Range : 0.1% to 100 % Ac cura cy: ± 1 dB (0.5 t o 100% dis t ortion ) for tones from 300 to 1500 Hz meas ured with t he 15 kHz LPF ± 1.
AF Analyzer Specifications 299 Audio Fi lte r s Sta n da rd < 20 Hz HPF 50 Hz HPF 300 Hz HPF 300 Hz LPF 3 kHz LPF 15 kHz LPF > 99 kHz LPF 750 µ s de-em pha sis 300 Hz to 1 0 kHz (Vari able F re.
Oscilloscope Speci fications 300 Oscillosc o pe Speci f ications Frequency Range: 2 Hz to 50 kHz (3 dB BW) Scale /Divisio n : 10 mV t o 10 V Amp li tu de A ccu racy : ± 1.5% of rea di ng ± 0.1 di vis ion. (20 Hz to 10 kHz) Time /Divis ion: 1 µ sec t o 200 m sec Trig ger De lay Range : 20 µ se c to 3.
Spectrum A nalyzer Specifications (Option 102) 301 Spectrum Analyzer Specifications (Optio n 102) F re q ue nc y Frequency Range: 400 kHz to 1 GHz Freque ncy Span/R esolution Bandwidth (coupled): Disp.
Spectrum A nalyzer Specifications (Option 102) 302 Track ing Generat o r (Includ e d with Option 1 02) Frequency Range: 400 kHz to 1 GHz Frequenc y Offse t: Frequenc y span endpoint s ± frequency off.
Spectrum A nalyzer Specifications (Option 102) 303 A b so lut e L e ve l Me as ure me n t s: Leve l: Resu lts of absolut e power in W att s or dBm are met by addi ng the ACP ratio fr om the spect rum anal yzer to the car rie r power from the in - put se ct ion RF power dete ct or.
Signaling (Option 004) 304 Signa ling ( Opt ion 004 ) Capabilit y for gen e rating a nd analyzin g the f ollowing formats: CDCSS, DTMF, 1 TONE, 2 TONE, 5/6 TONE S EQUENTIAL, RPC1, POCSAG, EIA, CCITT, .
DC Cu r re n t M et e r 305 DC Current Met er Measurem ent Range: 0 to 10 A ( usable to 20 A ) A cc ura cy: The great er of 10% of re ading after zero ing or 30 mA (level s > 100 mA).
Remote Programm ing 306 Rem ote Pr og ra mm ing HP-I B: Hewle tt-Pack a rd’s implement a tion of IEEE S tand ard 488.2 Functions Im plemente d: S H1, A H1, T 6, L 4, S R1, R L1, L E0, TE0, PP0, DC 1.
Memory C ard Specifications 307 Memory Card S pecificat i ons Card Compatibil ity: Single indust ry st a ndard PCMCIA slot acce pts Type I or Type II SRAM a nd ROM memory card s.
Reference Osci llat or Specifications 308 Ref eren ce Osc ill ator Sp eci ficat ions T CX O ( S tan d ard ) Temp eratur e: 1 ppm ( 0 to +55 ° C) Agin g: < 2 ppm/year War m-up T ime : < 30 se c onds to be wi thin ± 2 ppm of final frequenc y OCXO (Option 001) Temp eratur e: 0.
General S pecifications 309 Gener al Specificat i ons Si ze : 7.5 H x 1 3 W x 1 9 inch es ( 188 H x 330 W x 45 6 D mm) Wei ght: 37 lbs (16.8 kg) full y opti one d CRT S iz e: 7 x 10 cm Operating T em .
General Specifications 310.
Glossar y 311 TERMS - Access- Acce ssi ng a scre en or fi eld means to displa y or go to it. Access- Acce ssi ng a scre en or fi eld means to displa y or go to it. Select To c hoose a s ele ction wit hin a fiel d or screen. Set C h oos e a s p ecif i c pa ram e ter or value withi n a field.
Glo ss ary 312 NPC No Prima r y Code OSC Oscill oscop e RF Radi o Fr eque ncy RFGen Radio F reque ncy Gener ator RIT Receiv er Incr ement al Tun ing RX Re ceive r SSB Singl e Side Band TX Transm itter.
313 Inde x Nu m eri cs 1/4 W ave Coa xia l Tunin g (Swep t) , 214 20 dB Quie ting S ensit iv ity Me as ure- ment , 91 A Add iti onal M easur ement In form atio n , 48 Addit ional T est Equi pment Re q.
Index 314 D Da t a En try Key s , 33 DC Power Configuration , 244 Det ermi ning Unkn own A M T ransm it ter Carri er Frequency , 119 Deviat ion Measur ement , 56 , 59 , 65 , 67 , 70 Di st or tio n Me .
315 Inde x Frequ ency Meas urement , 87 , 140 FM Ra dio Testi ng , 48 FM Recei ver Testin g , 79 , 173 FM T ra nsmit ter T est in g , 52 , 162 Fre que ncy Err or Measu rement , 163 Fre quency Me asure.
Index 316 I In sta lla tio n , 24 4 Int er modulat ion Disto rtion , 200 M Manu al Con vention s , 24 Mau na l Co nt en ts , 24 Max imu m Squ elc h Sen sitiv it y Mea- surement , 93 , 14 5 Measu remen.
317 Inde x P Passive Cavity Insertion Lo ss Measureme nt , 222 Retur n Lo s s Measu rement , 222 Perform ing Measu rements , 247 Pr ese ts , 48 R Rate d RF Ou tput P ower Measuremen t , 166 Rear P ane.
Index 318 Spur ious Re sponse A t ten uati on Mea- surement , 111 , 155 Squel ch S ensitiv i ty Measur eme nt , 146 , 182 SSB Audio O utput Power Meas ure ment , 174 Car rier S uppres sion M easure me.
319 Inde x V Varia tion Of Se nsi tivity W ith S igna l Fr eque ncy M easure ment , 87 , 140.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Agilent Technologies Agilent 8648A è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Agilent Technologies Agilent 8648A - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Agilent Technologies Agilent 8648A imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Agilent Technologies Agilent 8648A ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Agilent Technologies Agilent 8648A, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Agilent Technologies Agilent 8648A.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Agilent Technologies Agilent 8648A. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Agilent Technologies Agilent 8648A insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.