Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto NC4000 del fabbricante Compaq
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Main tenan ce and Ser vice Gui de HP C ompaq Notebook nc4 000 Ser i es Doc ument P art Number : 3100 30 -001 May 200 3 This troubleshooting reference is used for maintaining and servicing the notebook.
© 2003 Hewlett-P ackard Dev elopment Company , L.P . Microsoft and W indows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Intel, Pe ntium, and SpeedStep are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Maintenance and S ervice Gui de iii Cont ent s 1 Product Description 1.1 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2 1.2 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–6 1.3 Clearing a Password .
i v Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Cont ent s 3 Illustrated Parts Catalog 3.1 Serial Number Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–1 3.2 Notebook Major Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–2 3.3 Miscellaneous Plastics Kit Components .
Cont ent s Maintenance and Se rvice Guide v 5.10 Heat Sink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–22 5.11 Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–26 5.12 Display Assembly . . . . . . .
Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 1–1 1 Product Des c ription The HP Compaq Notebook nc4000 Series of personal notebooks of fer advanced modularity , Intel Mobile Pentium-M processors with 64-bit architecture, industry-leading Accelerated Graphics Port (A GP) implementation, a nd extensiv e multimedia support.
1–2 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Product Description 1.1 M o d e l s Notebook models are sho wn in T ables 1-1 and 1-2. Ta b l e 1 - 1 HP Compaq Notebook nc4000 Model Naming Con ventions Key Cnc4.
Product Description Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 1–3 Ta b l e 1 - 2 HP Compaq Notebook nc4000 Models All HP Compaq Notebook nc4000 models use configuration code LN5Z and f eature: ■ Dual point pointing de vice (T ouchP ad and pointing stick) ■ 6-cell, 4.
1–4 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Product Description Cnc4000 P 150 X2 40 N G/c 25 O Asia P acific Fr a n c e Germany Italy DG993A UUF DG993A ABF DG993A ABD DG993A ABZ Jap an Spain United States D.
Product Description Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 1–5 Cnc4000 P 140 X2 40 N G/N 25 2 Asia P acific A ustralia Belgium Brazil Czech Repub lic Denmark Europe Fr a n c e F rench Canada Germany Greece .
1–6 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Product Description 1. 2 F e a t u r e s ■ Intel Pentium-M 1.6-, 1.5-, 1.4-, or 1.3-GHz processor with 400-MHz processor side bus and 1024-KB L2 cache, v arying by notebook model ■ 12.1-inch XGA (1024 × 768) TFT display with ov er 16.
Product Description Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 1–7 ■ 56-Kbps V .92 modem integrated on the system board ■ Integrated Secure Digital (SD) flash media slot ■ Integrated wireless support of 802.
1–8 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Product Description 1. 3 C l e a r i n g a P a s s w o r d If the notebook you are servicing has an unkno wn password, follo w these steps to clear the password. These steps also clear CMOS: 1. Prepare the notebook for disassembly (refer to Section 5.
Product Description Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 1–9 1. 4 P o w e r M a n a g e m e n t The notebook comes with po wer management features that extend battery operating time and conserv e power .
1–10 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Product Description 1 .5 External Com ponen ts The external components on the front and right side of the notebook are sho wn in below and described in T able 1-3.
Product Description Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 1–11 6 Security cable slot Attaches an op tional security cable to the notebook. 7 Hard drive ba y Holds the primar y hard drive. 8 Exhaust ve nt Enables airf lo w to cool inter nal components. Ä CA UTION: T o prev ent ov erheating, do no t obstru ct vents .
1–12 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Product Description The notebook rear panel and left side components are sho wn belo w and described in T able 1-4. Rear P anel and Left Side C omponents Ta b l e 1 - 4 Rear P anel and Left Side Components Item Component Function 1 Exhaust ve nt Enables airf lo w to cool inter nal components.
Product Description Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 1–13 4 USB connectors (2) Connect US B 1.1- and 2.0-compliant de vices to the notebook using a standard USB cable .
1–14 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Product Description The notebook ke yboard components are shown belo w and described in T able 1-5. K ey board C omponents Ta b l e 1 - 5 Ke yboard Components Item Component Function 1 Fn ke y Ex ecutes frequently used system functions when pressed in combin ation with another ke y .
Product Description Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 1–15 The notebook top components are sho wn below and described in T able 1-6. T op Components Ta b l e 1 - 6 T op Components Item Component Function 1 Displa y lid switch Secures the displa y when it is closed.
1–16 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Product Description 5 P ower button When the notebook is: ■ Off , press and release to tur n on the notebook. ■ In Standby , press and release to e xit Standby . ■ In Hibernation, press and release to exit Hibernation.
Product Description Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 1–17 The external components on the bottom of the notebook are sho wn below and described in T able 1-7. Bott om Components Ta b l e 1 - 7 Bottom Components Item Component Function 1 Hard drive ba y Suppor ts the primar y hard dr ive.
1–18 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Product Description 3 Intak e vents Enable airflo w to cool inter nal components. Ä CA UTION: T o prev ent ov erheating, do no t obstruct vents. Using the notebook on a soft surface , such as a pillow , blank et, rug, or thick clothing can bloc k airflow .
Product Description Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 1–19 1. 6 D e s i g n O v e r v i e w This section presents a design ov erview of k ey parts and features of the notebook. Refer to Chapter 3, “Illustrated Parts Catalog, ” to identify replacement parts, and Chapter 5, “Remov al and Replacement Procedures, ” for disassembly steps.
Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 2–1 2 T roubl eshooting Å W ARN IN G: Only au thori zed tec hnic ians tr ained by HP should r epair this equipment . All trouble shooting and repair pr ocedures ar e detailed to allo w only subas sembly/module le vel r epair .
2–2 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de T rouble shooting ■ Diagnostics f or Windows —A system information and diagnostic utility that is used within your W indows operating system. Use this utility whene ver possible to: ❏ Display system information.
T rouble shooting Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 2–3 Selecting fro m the Fi le Menu Ta b l e 2 - 1 File Menu Select T o Do This System Inf or mation ■ View identification inf or mation about the notebook, a docking base , and any battery packs in the system.
2–4 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de T rouble shooting Selectin g from the Securit y Menu Ta b l e 2 - 2 Security Menu Select T o Do This Setup P ass word Enter , change, or delete a setup pass word. The setup pass word is called an administrator pass word in Computer Security , a program accessed from the Windows Control P anel.
T rouble shooting Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 2–5 Selec ting from the Adv anced Menu Ta b l e 2 - 3 Adv a nced Menu Select T o Do This Language Change the Comp uter Setup language. Boot Options Enable/disab le: ■ QuickBoot, which starts the notebook more quickly b y eliminating some star tup tests.
2–6 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de T rouble shooting De vice Options (continued) ■ Change the parallel por t mode from Enhanced P arallel P or t (EPP , the def ault setting) to standard, bidirectional, EPP , or Enhanced Capabilities P or t (ECP).
T rouble shooting Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 2–7 2.2 Using Dia gnos tic s for Windo ws When you access Diagnostics for W indows, a scan of all system components is displayed on the screen before the diagnostics windo w opens.
2–8 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de T rouble shooting Obtainin g , Saving, or Printin g Dia gnosti c Te s t I n f o r m a t i o n 1. Access Diagnostics for W indows by selecting Start > Settings > Control Panel > Diagnostics for W indows. 2.
T rouble shooting Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 2–9 6. Select the Begin T esting button. 7. Select a tab to vie w a test report: ❏ Status tab —Summarizes the tests run, passed, and failed during the current testing session.
2–10 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide T rouble shooting 2.3 T roubleshootin g Flo wc h ar ts Ta b l e 2 - 4 T roubleshooting Flowc harts Over view Flowch ar t Description 2.1 Initial troubleshooting 2.2 No power , par t 1 2.3 No power , par t 2 2.4 No power , par t 3 2.
T rouble shooting Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 2–11 Flo wch art 2. 1—Initia l T roubl eshooting Connecting to network or modem? Begin troubleshooting. Is there power? Is the OS loading? Is there video? (no boot) Is there sound? Beeps, LEDs, or error messages? Keyboard/ pointing device working? Go to Section 2.
2–12 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide T rouble shooting Flo wch art 2.2—N o P ow er , P art 1 1. Reseat the power cables in the docking station and at the AC outlet. 2. Ensure the AC power source is active. 3. Ensure that the power strip is working.
T rouble shooting Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 2–13 Flo wc har t 2.3—No P ow er , Part 2 Continued from Section 2.2, No Power , Part 1. Visually check for debris in battery socket and clean if necessary . Done N Y Power on? Check battery by recharging, moving it to another notebook, or replacing it.
2–14 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide T rouble shooting Flo wch art 2.4—N o P ow er , P art 3 Continued from Section 2.3, No Power , Part 2. Reseat AC adapter in notebook and at power source. Internal or external AC adapter? Done Done Done Done Power on? Power on? Power on? Plug directly into AC outlet.
T rouble shooting Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 2–15 Flo wc har t 2.5—No P o wer , P art 4 Y N Continued from Section 2.4, No Power , Part 3. Reseat loose components and boards and replace damaged items. Open notebook. Loose or damaged parts? Y Close notebook and retest.
2–16 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide T rouble shooting Flo w ch art 2.6—N o Video, P art 1 A N Stand-alone or docking station? No video. Replace the following one at a time. T est after each replacement. 1. Cable between notebook and notebook display (if applicable) 2.
T rouble shooting Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 2–17 Flo w ch art 2.7—N o Video, P art 2 Y N Continued from Section 2.6, No Video, Part 1. Done Adjust external monitor display .
2–18 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide T rouble shooting Flo wch art 2.8—N onfunc tioning Doc king Sta tion (if applicable) Y N Reseat power cord in docking station and power outlet. N Replace the following docking station components one at a time. Check notebook operation after each replacement.
T rouble shooting Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 2–19 Flo wch art 2.9—N o Operatin g S ystem (OS) Loading No OS loading from hard drive, go to Section 2.10. Reseat power cord in docking station and power outlet. No OS loading from diskette drive, go to Section 2.
2–20 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide T rouble shooting Flo wc har t 2. 1 0—No OS Loa ding , Hard Driv e, P ar t 1 Go to Section 2.17, Nonfunctioning Device. Y Done N OS not loading from hard drive. Nonsystem disk message? Go to Section 2.11, No OS Loading from Hard Drive, Part 2.
T rouble shooting Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 2–21 Flo wch art 2. 1 1—No OS Loadin g, H ard Driv e, Part 2 Continued from Section 2.10, No OS Loading from Hard Drive, Part 1. Reseat hard drive. Done CD or diskette in drive? 1. Replace hard drive.
2–2 2 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide T rouble shooting Flo wc har t 2. 1 2—N o OS Loadin g, H ard Driv e, P art 3 Y System files on hard drive? Continued from Section 2.11, No OS Loading from Hard Drive, Part 2. Clean virus. Done N Install OS and reboot.
T rouble shooting Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 2–2 3 Flo wch art 2. 1 3—No OS Loa ding , Disk et te Driv e Done Y N Reseat diskette drive. OS not loading from diskette drive. Done Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N OS loading? Nonsystem disk message? Bootable diskette in drive? Install bootable diskette and reboot notebook.
2–2 4 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide T rouble shooting Flo wc har t 2. 1 4—No OS Loading , CD- or D VD-ROM Driv e Y Done N Bootable disc in drive? Disc in drive? No OS loading from CD- or DVD-ROM Drive. Install bootable disc and reboot notebook. Go to Section 2.
T rouble shooting Maintenance and Se r v ice Guide 2–2 5 Flo wch art 2. 1 5—No Audio, Part 1 No audio. N Notebook in docking station (if applicable)? Internal audio? Audio? Done Undock Audio? Done T urn up audio internally or externally . Go to Section 2.
2–2 6 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide T rouble shooting Flo wch art 2. 1 6—No Audio, Part 2 YN Continued from Section 2.15, No Audio, Part 1. Reload audio drivers. Audio driver in OS configured? Audio? Y Y Y N N N Correct drivers for application? Connect to external speaker .
T rouble shooting Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 2–2 7 Flo wch art 2. 1 7—Nonfunctionin g De vice Done Any physical device detected? Y N Unplug the nonfunctioning device from the notebook and inspect cables and plugs for bent or broken pins or other damage.
2–2 8 Maintenance and Servi ce Guide T rouble shooting Flo wch art 2. 1 8—Nonfun c tioning K e yboard Y N OK? Keyboard not operating properly . External device works? Replace system board. Replace system board. Connect notebook to good external keyboard.
T rouble shooting Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 2–2 9 Flo wch art 2. 1 9—Nonfunc tioning P ointing Dev ice Y N OK? Pointing device not operating properly . External device works? Replace system board. Replace system board. Connect notebook to good external pointing device.
2–30 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide T rouble shooting Flo wc har t 2.20—No Net work/Modem Connec tion Y Disconnect all power from the notebook and open. No network or modem connection. N Done Digital line? Network or modem jack active? Replace jack or have jack activated.
Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 3–1 3 I llustra ted P arts C atal og This chapter provides an illustrated parts breakdo wn and a reference for spare part numbers and option part numbers.
3–2 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Catalog 3.2 Notebook M ajor Com ponen ts Notebook Maj or Components.
Illustr ated P arts Catalog Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 3–3 Ta b l e 3 - 1 Spare P ar ts: Notebook Major Components Item Description Spare P ar t Number 1 Display assemb ly , 12.
3–4 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Catalog Notebook S ystem Major Components.
Illustr ated P arts Catalog Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 3–5 T able 3-1 (Continued) Spare P ar ts: Notebook Major Components Item Description Spare P ar t Number 4 Ke yboards, include pointing sti.
3–6 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Catalog Notebook S ystem Major Components.
Illustr ated P arts Catalog Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 3–7 T able 3-1 (Continued) Spare P ar ts: Notebook Major Components Item Description Spare P ar t Number 11 Processor s Intel P entium-M 1.6 GHz Intel P entium-M 1.5 GHz Intel P entium-M 1.4 GHz Intel P entium-M 1.
3–8 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Illustr ated P ar ts Catalog 3. 3 Miscell aneous Plas tic s Kit Comp onent s Miscell aneous Plastics Kit Components.
Illustr ated P arts Catalog Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 3–9 Ta b l e 3 - 2 Miscellaneous Plastics Kit Components Spare P ar t Number 325528-001 Item Description 1 Left and right displa y hinge cov ers 2 Speaker/microphone 3 R TC batter y 4 PC Card slot space sa ver 5 Modem cab le 6 Mini PCI compartment covers (one wi th a 2.
3–10 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Illustr ated P ar ts Catalog 3.4 P ort Repli cators and Mass St or age De v ice s P ort Repli cators and Mas s Stor age Dev ices Ta b l e 3 - 3 P or t Replicators.
Illustr ated P arts Catalog Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 3–11 3.5 Miscell aneous Ta b l e 3 - 4 Spare P ar ts: Miscellaneous (not illustrated) Description Spare P ar t Number 65-watt A C adapter .
3–12 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Illustr ated P ar ts Catalog P ower cor d, three-wire A ustralia Denmark Europe/Middle East/Africa Italy 246959-011 246959-081 246959-021 246959-061 Jap an Ko r e.
Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 4–1 4 Remo v al an d Repl a cement Preliminaries This chapter provides essential information for proper and safe remov al and replacement service.
4–2 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Remo val and Replaceme nt Preliminar ies 4.2 S er vice C onsidera tions The follo wing sections include some of the considerations that you should keep in mind during disassembly and assembly procedures.
Remo val and Replace ment Pr eliminarie s Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 4–3 4. 3 Pr e v enti ng Damage to Re mo v able Dri v es Remov able drives are fragile components that must be handled with care.
4–4 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Remo val and Replaceme nt Preliminar ies 4.4 Pre venting Elec trostatic D am ag e Many electronic components are sensiti ve to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Circuitry design and structure determine the degree of sensiti vity .
Remo val and Replace ment Pr eliminarie s Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 4–5 ■ Store reusable electrostatic-sensiti ve parts from assemblies in protecti ve packaging or nonconducti ve foam. ■ Use transporters and con veyors made of antistatic belts and roller bushings.
4–6 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Remo val and Replaceme nt Preliminar ies 4.7 G roundin g Eq uipm ent an d Methods Grounding equipment must include either a wrist strap or a foot strap at a grounded workstation. ■ When seated, wear a wrist strap connected to a grounded system.
Remo val and Replace ment Pr eliminarie s Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 4–7 ■ Metal tote boxes ■ Electrostatic voltage le vels and protecti ve materials T able 4-1 shows ho w humidity af fects the electrostatic voltage le vels generated by dif ferent activities.
Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 5–1 5 Remo v al an d Repl a cement Procedur es This chapter provides remo val and replacement procedures. T orx and Phillips screws are remo ved during disassembly .
5–2 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 5. 1 S e r i al N u m b e r Report the notebook serial number to HP when requesting information or ordering spare parts. The serial number is located on the bottom of the notebook.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 5–3 Section Description # of Screws Removed 5.4 Notebook feet 0 5.5 Memory expansion board 1 loosened 5.6 Mini PCI communications board 1 loosened 5.7 LED s witch cov er 2 5.8 K eyboard 1 5.
5–4 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 5 .3 Preparing t he N otebook for Disasse mbl y Perform the follo wing steps before disassembling the notebook: 1. T urn off the notebook. 2. Disconnect the A C adapter and all external devices.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 5–5 4. Remov e the hard driv e by follo wing these steps: a. T urn the notebook bottom side up with the left side facing forward. b . Remov e the PM2.5×3.0 screw 1 that secures the hard dri ve to the notebook.
5–6 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 5. Remov e the hard driv e bezel by follo wing these steps: Ä CAUT ION: The hard dr ive bez el should only be r emov ed if it is damaged and must be replaced .
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 5–7 c. Remov e the two T orx T5 M2.5×4.5 screws 1 and the tw o PM2.5×3.5 scre ws 2 that secure the hard driv e to the hard dri ve frame. d. Use a 4.0-mm socket to remo ve the two M2.
5–8 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 5 .4 N otebook Feet The notebook feet are adhesi ve-backed rubber pads. The notebook feet are included in the Miscellaneous Plastics Kit, spare part number 325528-001. The not ebook feet attach to the base enclosure as illustrated belo w .
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 5–9 5 .5 M emor y Expansion B oard 1. Prepare the notebook for disassembly (Section 5.3). 2. T urn the notebook bottom side up with the front facing forward. 3. Loosen the PM2.0×4.
5–10 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 6. Spread the retaining tabs 1 that secure the memory expansion board to the sock et. The board rises up at a 45-degree angle. 7. Pull the board aw ay from the socket at a 45-degree angle 2 .
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 5–11 ✎ The mini PCI compartment cov er on notebook models equipped with a 5-GHz wireless communica tions de vice is secured by a M2.0×4.0 security scre w . This screw can only be remo ved using a special security dri ver .
5–12 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 6. Disconnect the two antenna cables from the mini PCI communications board. Note that the longer cable 1 connects to the left socket and the shorter cable 2 connects to the right socket.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 5–13 5. 7 L E D Sw i t c h C ove r 1. Prepare the notebook for disassembly (Section 5.3). 2. T urn the notebook bottom side up with the rear panel facing forward. 3. Remov e the two T8M2.
5–14 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 6. Press do wn on the esc key 1 to rev e al the notch 2 in the left side of the LED switch cov er . 7. Insert a flat-bladed tool into th e notch and lift the left side of the LED switch cov er 3 .
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 5–15 5. 8 Keyb o a r d 1. Prepare the notebook for disassembly (Section 5.3). 2. Remov e the LED switch cov er (Section 5.7). 3. Close the notebook and turn it bottom side up with the rear panel facing forward.
5–16 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 4. Remov e the T8M2.0×8.0 screw that secures the k eyboard to the notebook. Re mov ing the Ke yboar d Scr ew 5. T urn the notebook top side up with the front facing forward. 6.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 5–17 7. Lift the rear edge of the ke yboard 1 . 8. Slide the ke yboard toward the display 2 until the notches on the front edge of the ke yboard clear the top cover . 9. Swing the front edge of the ke yboard up and back 3 until it rests on the display .
5–18 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 10. Release the zero insertion force (ZIF) connector 1 to which the pointing stick cable is attached and disconnect the pointing stick cable 2 from the system board.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 5–19 After the ke yboard is removed, the internal memory e xpansion socket is accessible. F ollow these steps to remo ve a memory expansion board from the internal memory e xpansion socket: 1.
5–20 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 5. 9 F a n ✎ The fan is also spared with the heat sink, spare part number 325520-001. 1. Prepare the notebook for disassembly (Section 5.3). 2. Remov e the LED switch cov er (Section 5.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 5–21 4. Disconnect the fan cable 1 from the system board. 5. Remov e the three PM2.
5–2 2 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 5 . 1 0 Heat Sink ✎ The fan is also spared seperately , using spare part number 291266-001. 1. Prepare the notebook for disassembly (Section 5.3). 2. Remov e the LED switch cov er (Section 5.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 5–2 3 4. Disconnect the fan cable 1 from the system board. 5. Loosen the two spring-loaded T8 M2.0×10.0 scre ws 2 that secure the heat sink to the base enclosure. 6. Fold back the insulator material 3 to e xpose the heat sink scre ws.
5–2 4 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es ✎ Note that the four T8 M2.0×4.0 heat sink scre ws should be remov ed and installed in the 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 sequence stamped on the heat sink.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and Se r v ice Guide 5–2 5 8. Lift the front edge of the heat sink until it clears the base enclosure 1 .
5–2 6 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es ✎ Each time the heat sink is remov ed, any thermal grease residue should be carefully cleaned from the heat sink 1 and processor surfaces 2 , and ne w thermal grease should be applied to both surfaces.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 5–2 7 4. Remov e the heat sink and fan (Section 5.10). 5. Use a flat-bladed tool to turn the processor locking scre w one-quarter turn counterclockwise 1 . 6. Lift the processor straight up 2 and remov e it.
5–2 8 Maintenance and Servi ce Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 5 . 1 2 Di splay Assembl y 1. Prepare the notebook for disassembly (Section 5.3). 2. Disconnect the antenna cables from the mini PCI communications board. Refer to Section 5.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 5–2 9 7. Position the notebook so the front faces forward and open the notebook as far as it will open. 8. Remov e the display hinge cov ers by inserting a flat-bladed tool under the cov ers and lifting them up.
5–30 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 9. Remov e the wireless antenna cables 1 and 2 from the routing channel in the top cov er 3 .
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 5–31 10. Disconnect the display in verter 1 and video cables 2 from the system board. 11. Remov e the two T8M2.0×8.0 scre ws 3 that secure the display assembly to the base enclosure.
5–3 2 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 5. 1 3 T o p C ove r ✎ When replacing the top cov er , determine if a Bluetooth wireless de vice is installed in the defectiv e top cov er .
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 5–3 3 6. Remov e the following scre ws: ❏ Four T8M2.0×4.0 scre ws 1 in the battery bay ❏ One T8M2.0×4.0 scre w 2 in the hard driv e bay ❏ Eight T8M2.0×8.0 scre ws 3 Re mov ing the T op Co ve r Scr ew s 7.
5–34 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 8. If present, disconnect the Bluetooth wireless de vice cable 1 from the system board.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 5–3 5 11. Lift the rear edge 1 of the top cov er until it disengages from the base enclosure. 12. Slide the top cov er to the right 2 until the speaker 3 and microphone 4 cables are exposed.
5–3 6 Maintenance and Servi ce Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 5 . 1 4 Bluetooth Wireless De vice 1. Prepare the notebook for disassembly (Section 5.3) and remov e the following components: ❏ LED switch cov er (Section 5.7) ❏ K eyboard (Section 5.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 5–3 7 5. 1 5 T o u c hPa d ✎ The T ouchPad is also included in the Miscellaneous Plastics Kit, spare part number 325528-001. 1. Prepare the notebook for disassembly (Section 5.3) and remov e the following components: ❏ LED switch cov er (Section 5.
5–38 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 3. Remov e the two PM2.0×4.0 scre ws that secure the T ouchPad bracket to the top co ver . Re mov ing the T ouchP ad Scr ew s 4. Lift the left side of the bracket 1 until it rests at an angle.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and Se r v ice Guide 5–3 9 6. Release the ZIF connector 1 to which the T ouchPad cable is attached and disconnect the cable 1 from the T ouchPad board. 7. Lift the T ouchPad straight up and remo ve it 3 .
5–40 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 5. 1 6 RTC B a t t e r y ✎ The R TC battery is included in the Miscellaneous Plastics Kit, spare part number 325528-001, and is also included with the top cov er , spare part number 325510-001.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 5–41 5 . 1 7 Spea k er/Micro phone ✎ The speaker/microphone is included in the Miscellaneous Plastics Kit, spare part number 325528-001, and is also included with the top cov er , spare part number 325510-001.
5–4 2 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 5. 1 8 Sw i t c h B o a r d 1. Prepare the notebook for disassembly (Section 5.3) and remov e the following components: ❏ LED switch cov er (Section 5.7) ❏ K eyboard (Section 5.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 5–4 3 5. 1 9 Sys t e m B o a r d ✎ When replacing the system board, ensure that the follo wing components are remov ed from the defectiv e system board and installed on the replacement system board: ■ Memory expansion boards (Section 5.
5–44 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 3. Remov e the following scre ws: ❏ T wo T8M2.0×6.0 scre ws 1 from the rear panel ❏ One T8M2.0×4.0 scre w 2 in the upper right corner of the system board ❏ One T8M2.0×4.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 5–4 5 5. Remov e the grounding tape 1 that grounds the RJ-11 and RJ-45 connectors to the base enclosure. 6. Lift the left side of the system board 2 until the battery connector 3 clears the base enclosure.
5–46 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Remo val and Replaceme nt Procedur es 5. 2 0 M o d e m B o a r d 1. Prepare the notebook for disassembly (Section 5.3) and remov e the following components: ❏ LED switch cov er (Section 5.7) ❏ K eyboard (Section 5.
Re mov al and Replacemen t Procedur es Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 5–4 7 3. Disconnect the modem board cable 1 from the modem board. 4. Remov e the two PM2.0×3.0 scre ws 2 that secure the modem board to the system board. 5. Lift the rear edge of the modem board 3 to disconnect it from the system board.
Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 6–1 6 Spec ifica tions This chapter provides physical and performance specif ications. Ta b l e 6 - 1 Notebook Dimensions Height Width Depth 2.79 cm 27.94 cm 23.37 cm 1.1 in. 11.0 in. 9.2 in. W eight (varies by configur ation) 1.
6–2 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Spe cificat ion s Altitude (unpressurized) Operating (14.7 to 10.1 psia) Nonoperating ( 1 4 . 7t o4 . 4p s i a ) 0 to 3,048 m 0 to 9,144 m 0 to 10,000 ft 0 to 30,000 ft Shock Operating Nonoperating 40 G, 2 ms, half-sine 240 G, 11 ms, half-sine Vibration Operating Nonoperating 0.
Spe cificat ion s Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 6–3 Ta b l e 6 - 2 12.1.0-inch XGA, TFT Displa y Dimensions Height Width Diagonal 26.1 cm 19.9 cm 30.
6–4 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Spe cificat ion s Ta b l e 6 - 3 Hard Drives 60 GB 40 GB 30 GB User capacity per drive 1 60 GB 40 GB 30 GB Dimensions Height Width We i g h t 9.
Spe cificat ion s Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 6–5 Ta b l e 6 - 4 External A C Adapter W eight 0.29 kg 0.65 lb P ower supply Operating v oltage Operating current Operating frequency range Maximum transient 90 to 264 V A C (auto-s witching) 1.
6–6 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Spe cificat ion s Ta b l e 6 - 6 6-cell, T ravel Li ion Battery Pa ck Dimensions Height Width Depth We i g h t 2.3 cm 6.3 cm 20.7 cm 306 g 0.90 in 2.48 in 8.15 in 0.67 lb Energ y Vo l t a g e Amp-hour capacity W att-hour capacity 11.
Spe cificat ion s Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 6–7 Ta b l e 6 - 7 System DMA Hard ware DMA System Function DMA0 A vailab le for audio DMA1* Entertainment audio (default; alternate = DMA0, DMA3, no.
6–8 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Spe cificat ion s T able 6-8 System Interrupts Hard ware IRQ System Function IRQ0 System timer IRQ1 K eyboard controller IRQ2 Cascaded IRQ3 COM2 IRQ4 COM1 IRQ5 A .
Spe cificat ion s Maintenance and Se rvice Guide 6–9 Ta b l e 6 - 9 System I/O Addresses I/O Address (he x) System Function (shipping configuration) 000 - 00F DMA controller no .
6–10 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Spe cificat ion s I/O Address (he x) System Function (shipping configuration) 0A2 - 0BF Unused 0C0 - 0DF DMA controller no .
Spe cificat ion s Maintenance and S ervice Gui de 6–11 I/O Address (he x) System Function (shipping configuration) 2F0 - 2F7 Unused 2F8 - 2FF Infrared port 300 - 31F Unused 320 - 36F Unused 370 - 37.
6–12 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Spe cificat ion s T able 6-10 System Memory Map Size Memor y Address System Function 640 KB 00000000-0009FFFF Base memor y 128 KB 000A0000-000BFFFF Video memor y .
Maintenance and Se rvice Guide A–1 A Conn ec tor P in As signm en ts Ta b l e A - 1 RJ-45 Network Interface Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 T ransmit + 5 Unused 2 T ransmit – 6 Receive – 3 Receiv e + 7 .
A–2 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Connec tor P in Assignments Ta b l e A - 2 RJ-11 Modem Pin Signal Pin Signal 1U n u s e d 4U n u s e d 2 Tip 5 Unused 3R i n g 6U n u s e d Ta b l e A - 3 Univers.
Connec tor P in Assignments Maintenance and Se rvice Guide A–3 Ta b l e A - 5 External Monitor Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 Red analog 9 +5 VDC 2 Green analog 10 Ground 3 Blue analog 11 Monitor detect 4 .
A–4 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Connec tor P in Assignments Ta b l e A - 6 Stereo Speaker/Headphone Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 A udio out 2 Ground 2 1 Ta b l e A - 7 Microphone Pin Signal Pin Signa.
Maintenance and Se rvice Guide B–1 B P o w er C ord Set Requirem ents 3-Con duc tor P o wer Cord Set The wide range input feature of the notebook permits it to operate from any line v oltage from 100 to 120 or 220 to 240 volts A C.
B–2 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de P ow er Cor d Set Requirements Countr y- Spec ifi c Requirements 3-Conductor P ower Cord Set Requirements Country Accredited Agency Applicable Note Number A ustra.
P ow er Cor d Set Requirements Maintenance and Se rvice Guide B–3 United Kingdom BSI 1 United States UL 2 Notes 1. The fle xible cord must be <HAR> T ype HO5VV -F , 3-conductor , 1.
Maintenance and Se rvice Guide C–1 C Scre w List ing This appendix provides specif ication and reference information for the scre ws used in the notebook. All screws listed in this appendix are av ailable in the Miscellaneous Screw Kit, spare part number 325529-001.
C–2 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Scr ew Listing Phillips M2 .5×3 .0 Sc re w Location Ta b l e C - 1 Phillips PM2.5×3.0 Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 1 3.0 mm 2.5 mm 5.0 mm Where used: One screw that secures the hard driv e to the notebook (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew Listing Maintenance and Se rvice Guide C–3 T orx T5 M2 .5×4. 5 and Phillips M2 .5×3 . 5 Scr ew Locati ons Ta b l e C - 2 T orx T5 M2.5×4.5 Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silver 2 4.5 mm 2.5 mm 5.0 mm Where used: 1 T wo scre ws that secure the hard drive to the hard drive frame (documented in Section 5.
C–4 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Scr ew Listing 4. 0 -mm Sock et M2 .0×10. 0 Alignment P in Locati ons Ta b l e C - 4 4.0-mm Socket M2.0×10.0 Alignment Pin Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silver 2 10.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.0 mm Where used: T wo alignment pins that secure the hard driv e to the hard dr ive fr ame (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew Listing Maintenance and Se rvice Guide C–5 Phillips P M2 .0×3 .0 Sc re w Locations Ta b l e C - 5 Black Phillips PM2.0×3.0 Scre w Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 2 3.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.5 mm Where used: T wo scre ws that secure the hard drive upper bezel to the hard driv e frame (documented in Section 5.
C–6 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Scr ew Listing Phillips M2 .0×4.0 Sc re w Locations Ta b l e C - 6 Phillips PM2.0×4.0 Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 6 4.0 mm 2.0 mm 5.0 mm Where used: 1 One screw that secures the memory expansion compartment cover to the notebook (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew Listing Maintenance and Se rvice Guide C–7 Phillips P M2 .0×4. 0 Scr ew L ocations Ta b l e C - 6 Phillips PM2.0×4.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 6 4.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.5 mm Where used: T wo scre ws that secure the T ouchP ad to the top cover (documented in Section 5.
C–8 Maintenance and Serv ice Guide Scr ew Listing Phillips P M2 .0×4. 0 Scr ew L ocations Ta b l e C - 6 Phillips PM2.0×4.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 6 4.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.5 mm Where used: T wo scre ws that secure the spea ker/microphone to the top co ver (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew Listing Maintenance and Se rvice Guide C–9 M2 .0×4.0 Secur it y Scr ew Location Ta b l e C - 7 M2.0×4.0 Security Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 1 4.
C–10 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Scr ew Listing Phillips P M2 .0×3 .0 Sc re w Locations Ta b l e C - 8 Silver Phillips PM2.0×3.0 Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silver 7 3.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.0 mm Where used: Three screws that secure the f an to the heat sink (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew Listing Maintenance and S ervice Gui de C–11 Phillips P M2 .0×3 .0 Sc re w Locations Ta b l e C - 8 Silver Phillips PM2.0×3.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silver 7 3.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.0 mm Where used: T wo scre ws that secure the s w itch board to the system board (documented in Section 5.
C–12 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Scr ew Listing Phillips P M2 .0×3 .0 Sc re w Locations Ta b l e C - 8 Silver Phillips PM2.0×3.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silver 7 3.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.0 mm Where used: T wo scre ws that secure the mode m board to the system board (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew Listing Maintenance and S ervice Gui de C–13 T orx T8 M2 .0×8. 0 Scr ew L ocations Ta b l e C - 9 T orx T8 M2.0×8.0 Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 15 8.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.5 mm Where used: 1 T wo scre ws that secure the LE D switch co ver to the notebook (documented in Section 5.
C–14 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Scr ew Listing T orx T8 M2 .0×8. 0 Scr ew L ocations Ta b l e C - 9 T orx T8 M2.0×8.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 15 8.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.5 mm Where used: T wo scre ws that secure the displa y hinge co vers to the notebook (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew Listing Maintenance and S ervice Gui de C–15 T orx T8 M2 .0×8. 0 Scr ew L ocations Ta b l e C - 9 T orx T8 M2.0×8.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 15 8.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.5 mm Where used: T wo scre ws that secure the disp lay assemb ly to the notebook (documented in Section 5.
C–16 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Scr ew Listing T orx T8 M2 .0×8. 0 Scr ew L ocations Ta b l e C - 9 T orx T8 M2.0×8.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 15 8.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.5 mm Where used: Eight screws that secure the top co ver to the notebook (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew Listing Maintenance and S ervice Gui de C–17 Spr ing-Loaded T orx T8 M2 . 0×10.0 S cr ew L ocations T able C-10 Spring-Loaded T orx T8 M2.0×10.0 Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silver 2 10.0 mm 2.0 mm 5.0 mm Where used: T wo scre ws that secure the heat sink to the notebook (documented in Section 5.
C–18 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Scr ew Listing T orx T8 M2 .0×4. 0 Scr ew L ocations T able C-11 T orx T8 M2.0×4.0 Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 12 4.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.5 mm Where used: F our screws that secure th e heat sink to the notebook (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew Listing Maintenance and S ervice Gui de C–19 T orx T8 M2 .0×4. 0 Scr ew L ocations T able C-11 T orx T8 M2.0×4.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 12 4.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.5 mm Where used: Five scre ws that secure th e top cover to the notebook (documented in Section 5.
C–20 Maintenance and S ervice Gui de Scr ew Listing T orx T8 M2 .0×4. 0 Scr ew L ocations T able C-11 T orx T8 M2.0×4.0 Screw (Continued) Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 12 4.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.5 mm Where used: Three screws that secure th e system board to the notebook (documented in Section 5.
Scr ew Listing Maintenance and S ervice Gui de C–21 T o r x T 8 M 2.0× 6 .0 Sc rew Lo c a t io n s T able C-12 T orx T8 M2.0×6.0 Screw Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Black 2 6.0 mm 2.0 mm 4.5 mm Where used: T wo scre ws that secure the s ystem board to the notebook (documented in Section 5.
C–2 2 Main tenance and Servi ce Guide Scr ew Listing 5.0 - m m S o cke t M 2.0× 9 .0 S t a n d of f Lo c a t i o n s T able C-13 5.0-mm Socket M2.0×9.0 Standoff Color Qty . Length Thread Head Width Silver 2 9.0 mm 2.0 mm 5.0 mm Where used: T wo standoffs that secure the syst em board to the base enclosure (documented in Section 5.
Maintenance and Se rvice Guide Index–1 Ind e x A AC adapter spare part number 3–11 specifications 6–5 advanced port replicator, spare part number 3–10 air adapter cable, spare part number 3–.
Index–2 Maintenance and Se r vi ce Guide Index components bottom 1–16 front 1–9 keyboard 1–13 left side 1–11 rear panel 1–11 right side 1–9 top 1–14 Computer Setup Advanced Menu 2–5 .
Index Maintenance and Se rvice Guide Index–3 F fan removal 5–20 spare part number 3–5 , 5–20 features 1–6 feet locations 5–8 Fn key 1–13 front components 1–9 function keys 1–13 G gro.
Index–4 Maintenance and Se r vi ce Guide Index microphone input jack location 1–12 microphone jack pin assignments A–4 Microsoft Windows logo key 1–13 mini PCI communications board removal 5�.
Index Maintenance and Se rvice Guide Index–5 Q Quick Launch buttons 1–14 R real time clock battery cable, disconnecting 5–34 real time clock battery, removal 5–40 rear panel components 1–11 .
Index–6 Maintenance and Se r vi ce Guide Index top cover removal 5–32 spare part number 3–5 , 5–32 TouchPad location 1–15 removal 5–37 spare part number 3–5 , 5–37 TouchPad bracket, re.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Compaq NC4000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Compaq NC4000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Compaq NC4000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Compaq NC4000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Compaq NC4000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Compaq NC4000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Compaq NC4000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Compaq NC4000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.