Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto C4 del fabbricante Citroën
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C I T R O Ë N C 4 H a n d b o o k c4_dd_couv_ed05-2008.indd 1 11/07/2008 12:31:00.
CAFEI NE - TOT AL LUBRIFI ANTS, Le D iaman t B, 16 ru e de la Ré publi que, 92922 P ARIS LA DEFENSE - 552 006 454 R CS Na nterr e - w ww .lubrif iants .
This handbook is compiled on the basis of all the equipment that is available (whether standard or optional) and of the technical specifications that were known at the time of going to print. The level of equipment on your vehicle depends on the model, the options chosen and the country where the vehicle is marketed.
GB . 08 C4 . 00 31 An gl ai s c4_dd_couv_ed05-2008.indd 4 11/07/2008 12:31:03.
We thank you for choosing to drive a new CITROËN and we congratulate you on your choice. Please read this handbook carefully before taking to the road. It contains essential information about driving your vehicle and operating its equipment, as well as other important advice to be rigorously followed.
2 Display A 31 Display C 34 NaviDrive Display 37 T rip computer 38 II - MUL TIFUNCTION DISPLA YS 31 40 Air distribution 41 V entilation/V entilation 43 Automatic air co.
3 T yre pressure sensors 84 Braking assistance systems (ABS) 85 T rajectory control systems (ESP/ASR) 86 Seat belts 87 Airbags 90 Safety advice 94 Lane departure warning sy.
4 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N Directional headlamps Th is lig hti ng fun ct ion au tom at ic ally i m- pr ov es f orw ar d vi sio n when co rn erin g. 68 65 96 EXTERIOR Lane departure warning system Above 50 mph, this system is activated automatically if you inadvertently wander from your lane.
5 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N Press once to lock the vehicle. Press again to unlock the vehicle. Remote control A. Unfolding/folding the key . B. Unlocking the vehicle. C. Locking the vehicle. 57 Manual central locking 63 OPENING In addition.
6 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N Un lo ck t he ve hi cle w it h th e re m ot e co nt ro l or t he k ey . Pr es s up on t he l eve r and lif t the tai lg ate. T ailgate Spare wheel and tools Access to the spare wheel Lift the carpet, then remove the tool holder to gain access to the wheel.
7 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N INTERIOR T ranslucent instrument panel This system gives optimum contrast, whatever the external light level. Cruise control/Speed limiter Th es e two s ys te ms al low the veh ic le’ s sp eed to be ma int ai ne d at a pro gr am me d le ve l.
8 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N DASHBOARD 1. Controls: • Mirrors. • Windows. • Child safety 2. Headlamp adjustment. 3. Controls: • ESP . • Parking assistance. • Lane departure warning system. • Anti-intrusion alarm. 4. Steering lock and ignition switch.
9 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N DASHBOARD 1. Bonnet release. 2. Fusebox cover . 3. Storage drawer (left and right). 4. Lateral air vent (left and right). 5. Side window demister vent (left and right). 6. Lo ud sp ea ke r (T w ee te r) ( lef t an d ri gh t) .
10 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N FIXED CENTRED CONTROLS STEERING WHEEL Controls for speed limiter and cruise control Audio system controls W arn ing l am ps : li gh ting an d dire cti on in di cato rs.
1 1 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N Controls for speed limiter and cruise control Audio system controls See "Audio" or your Navidrive instructions Selection of speed limiter or cruise control .
12 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N Display lighting rheostat Starting voice recognition (See "Audio" or your Navidrive instructions) Access to "Main menu"* Scrolling in the multifunc.
13 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N SITTING COMFORT ABL Y 51 Front seats Forwards-backwards Driver ’s seat cushion height and angle adjustment Seat back angle and lumbar adjustment Manual adjustmen.
14 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N SITTING COMFORT ABL Y 1. Unlock the steering column using the lever . 2. Adjust the position of the steering wheel for height and reach. 3. Lock the steering column with the lever . Manual adjustment of steering wheel height and reach 56 Front seat belt 1 .
15 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N Adjustment of exterior rear view mirrors A. Select the mirror . B. Adjust the mirror . C. Fold-back/Unfolding. Ad jus tme nt of in ter ior re ar vi ew m ir ro r 55 SITTING COMFORT ABL Y Electric windows 62 Child safety 5.
16 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N VISIBILITY Lighting Ring A Ring B Windscreen wipe Screen wipe Rear screen wipe Front foglamps and rear foglamps. 65 69 70 Lighting off. Automatic lighting. Sidelamps. Dipped or main beam. 2 Fast speed. 1 Normal speed.
– 17 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N GOOD VENTILA TION T o obtain the best from the system, we advise: I would like ... Heating or manual Air Conditioning Air distribution Air ow Air recirculation/ Fresh air intake T emperature A/C HEA TING COOLING DEMISTING DEFROSTING c4_dd_prise en main_ed05-2008.
18 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N MONITORING Instrument panel Controls A. Speedometer . B. Rev counter . C. Fuel gauge. D. Lighting rheostat. E. Warning lamp. Ignition on, the orange and red alert warning lamps come on. With the engine running, these same warning lamps should go out.
19 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N P ASSENGER SAFETY Activation/Deactivation of the front passenger ’ s airbag Child safety A. Insert the ignition key . B. Sele ct the "ON" or "OF F" p osit ion. C. Remove the key . A. Manual control.
20 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N Ignition switch • S: Steering lock T o free the steering, turn the steering wheel slightly at the same time as turning the key , avoiding any undue force. • M: Ignition • D: Starter Release the key as soon as the engine has started.
21 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N DRIVING 6-speed Electronic Gearbox System Automatic mode Neutral Do not select this position, even momentarily , when the vehicle is moving. Sport setting Reverse Using the lever Push the lever forwards to change up. Pull the lever backwards to change down.
22 F A M I L I A R I S A T I O N T o aid starting on a gradient, your ve- hicle is equipped with a system that keeps it temporarily immobilised. On a falling gradient, with the vehicle stationary and reverse gear engaged, the vehicle is held for a brief moment after releasing the brake pedal.
23 I D A S H B O A R D Display lighting rheostat On opening the driver ’s door or unlocking with the remote control, for approximately 30 seconds the instrument panel is activated, dis- playing the mileage recorders and if applicable, the maintenance indica- tor spanner .
24 I D A S H B O A R D W ARNING LAMPS LH direction indicator RH direction indicator Dipped beam If thiswarninglamp ashes, it is indicating a malfunctio- ning of the directional hea- dlamps.
25 I D A S H B O A R D Driver ’ s seat belt not fastened This lamp comes on if the driver's seat belt is not fas- tened when the ignition is switched on and while the vehicle is moving at up to 20 km/h (approx.
26 I D A S H B O A R D ESP/ASR warning lamp In operation When either the ESP or ASR system is brought into operation, the ESP/ASR warning lampashes. In the event of a problem When the vehicle is moving, the li- ghting of the ESP/ASR warning lamp indicates that the system is malfunctioning.
27 I D A S H B O A R D Th e mai nten anc e ind ic ator in for ms yo u when the nex t se rvi ce is due , in co nf ormi ty wi th th e se rvi ci ng pro - gr amme det ai le d i n t he ve hi cl e’ s Ma in tena nce G ui de .
28 I D A S H B O A R D Functioning if the service interval is exceeded Each time the ignition is switched on, the maintenance symbol and the extra mileage travelled (with a minus infront)willash. For exam ple: th e pr eset ser vice di s- tanc e ha s been exceed ed b y 30 0 km .
29 I D A S H B O A R D When the ignition is switched on, the oil level indicator is displayed for se- veral seconds. This display indicates normal ope- rating. A ashing of "OIL" indicates an oil level that is below the minimum. Check using the manual dipstick.
30 I D A S H B O A R D After the rst press on control C , only the top part of the display re- mains illuminated. A second press on control C triggers black panel mode. This function switches off certain of the displays, for night driving.
31 II II M U L T I F U N C T I O N D I S P L A Y Controls: A - Access to the "Main menu" B - Scrolling in the display menus. C - V alidation and selection in the menus of the function chosen or the value modied D - Cancellation of the operation or return to the previous display .
32 II II M U L T I F U N C T I O N D I S P L A Y II II T o activate/deactivate automatic guide-me-home lighting - Press on A . - Select, using B , the sub-menu to personalise-congure your vehicle, then conrm your choice by a press on C . - Select guide-me-home lighting, using B .
II II 33 II II M U L T I F U N C T I O N D I S P L A Y T o display the log of alerts - Press on A . - Using B , select the sub-menu for options. Conrm with two presses on C . Note: Y ou can cancel the start of the display by selecting E to abandon, validate with a press on C .
34 II II M U L T I F U N C T I O N D I S P L A Y II II Main menu Press control A to display the "Main menu" for the multifunction screen. Using this menu, you have access to the following functions: Presentation: 1 - Time.
II II 35 II II M U L T I F U N C T I O N D I S P L A Y Personalisation Conguration It allows you to activate/ deactivate: - Triggering of rear screen wipe. - Automatic guide-me-home lighting, with choice of duration. - Driving headlamps. Also to choose: - Brightness, the time, the date, units.
36 II II M U L T I F U N C T I O N D I S P L A Y II II T o choose units - Press on A . - Use B t o select the icon " P e r s o n a l i s a t i o n - C o n f i g u r a t i o n " then c onr m you r cho ice with a pres s on C . - Sel ect th e di sp la y con gu ra ti on us ing B .
II II 37 II II M U L T I F U N C T I O N D I S P L A Y Controls A - Access to the "Main menu". B - Scrolling in the display menus. C - V alidation and Selection in the menus, of the function chosen or value modied. D - Cancellation of the operation or return to the previous display .
38 II II M U L T I F U N C T I O N D I S P L A Y II II Display A The trip computer provides 5 types of information, which can be accessed by pressing successively on the end of the control stalk.
II II 39 II II M U L T I F U N C T I O N D I S P L A Y Display C or NaviDrive (continued) The journeys Journeys 1 and 2 are identical but independent of each other . For example, you can use Journey 1 for daily calculations and Journey 2 for monthly calculations.
40 II II M U L T I F U N C T I O N D I S P L A Y Display A Display C or NaviDrive (continued) Range This indicates the mileage that can still be travelled using the fuel remaining in the tank. When the distance remaining to be travelled is less than about 25 km (approx.
41 III III C O M F O R T VENTILA TION Air intake Make sure that the exterior air inlet grille at the base of the windscreen is clean (free of dead leaves, snow etc.). If washing the vehicle with a high pressure jet, take care to avoid tar- geting close to the air inlet.
42 III III C O M F O R T III III Air conditioning At an y tim e of y ear , th e air cond itio n- ing is usefu l for removi ng a ir h umi dity and mis ting . T o keep the air conditioning com- pressor well sealed, it is essential to operate the air conditioning at least once in every month.
III III 43 III III C O M F O R T Air ow to the face level vents. The heating/ventilation and manual air conditioning systems can only function with the engine running. 1 - Adjustment of the air distribution Demisting - Defrosting. Flow to the windscreen and front side windows.
44 III III C O M F O R T III III 6 - Air conditioning The air conditioning will only operate when the engine is running. 5 - Rear screen demisting Can only be operated with the en- gine running.
III III 45 III III C O M F O R T This system automatically regulates temperature, air ow and air distribu - tion in the passenger compartment according to the temperature select- ed (for each side, right and left).
46 III III C O M F O R T III III Notes: - When you ente r the vehi cle , the temp era ture insi de the v ehic le may be much colder (o r wa rmer ) than a comfo rtab le tempe ratu re. It is no use mo dify ing the displ ayed temp era ture to try to attai n the desi red level of comf ort.
III III 47 III III C O M F O R T 7 - Air ow Heater blower speed: press button: 9 - Demisting - deicing of the rear screen When this function is work- ing, the warning lamp comes on and the symbol appears on the display . This control is for rapid deicing or demisting of the rear screen.
48 III III C O M F O R T III III The scented air freshener is located to the right of the central air vent. Y ou can stop or adjust the ow of scented air , via control 1. T o remove the cartridge, take the cap A off the new cartridge that you will t and put it on the cartridge you are removing.
III III 49 III III C O M F O R T FRONT SEA TS c4_dd_chap-03_ed05-2008.indd 49 10/07/2008 13:40:36.
50 III III C O M F O R T III III T o raise, pull upwards. T o lower , press on the unlocking button and on the head restraint. The adjust- ment is correct when the upper edge of the restraint is level with the top of your head. The head restraint is also angle-adjustable.
III III 51 III III C O M F O R T Heated seats The front seats can be heated inde- pendently . Use the controls placed on the sides of the seats, turning them to select one of three heating levels: 0: Off. 1: Gentle heat. 2: Medium heat. 3: Strong heat.
52 III III C O M F O R T III III Memorisation of driving positions Y ou have the possibility to memorise two driving positions, via the buttons M/1 and M/2 .
III III 53 III III C O M F O R T Before folding the seat Before tipping the rear seat, make sure that the seat belts will not be snagged or trapped by the seat and its catches.
54 III III C O M F O R T III III Folding the backrest Stow the head restraints. Press on control A located on the extremity of the backrest and tilt fully forwards. When returning the seat backrest to the normal position, ensure that it locks into place: the red warning in- dicator , located on the control, must not be visible.
III III 55 III III C O M F O R T DOOR MIRRORS Adjustment of rear view mirrors Functions with ignition switched on. From the driver ’s position, select the rear view mirror via the control 1 , then adjust in the four directions by moving the control 2 .
56 III III C O M F O R T Automatic photochromic interior rear view mirror This provides an automatic and pro- gressive changing between day use and night use. T o av oi d ca us in g da zz le, th e mi rr or au - to ma ti ca ll y be co me s da rk er d e pe nd - in g o n t he in te ns it y of li gh t co mi ng f ro m th e r ea r .
57 IV IV A C C E S S The key operates all the vehicle’s locks as well as the ignition. Note: For safety reasons, a buzzer will sound if you have switched off the ignition and opened the driver ’s door without previously removing the ignition key .
58 IV IV A C C E S S IV IV Note: The simultaneous use of other high frequency equipment (mobile telephones, domestic alarms...) may momentarily hinder the operation of the remote control. In the event of a permanent fault, the remote control should be reini- tialised.
IV IV 59 IV IV A C C E S S Guide-me-home lighting A press on button C operates the guide-me-home lighting (illumination of the sidelamps and dipped beams for approx. one minute). A second press prior to the end of this timing cancels the guide-me- home lighting.
60 IV IV A C C E S S IV IV Arming the alarm using the remote control Switch off the ignition and leave the vehicle. Ensure that all doors and the boot are closed. Lock the vehicle using button A on the remote control. When the alarm is armed, the protections become active within 5 seconds (perimeter) and 45 seconds (volumetric).
IV IV 61 IV IV A C C E S S Deactivation of volumetric detection The alarm is able to operate with only perimeter protection if you deactivate the volumetric protection (if for example you wish to leave an animal in the vehicle). T o do this, switch off the ignition, then press immediately on control 1 for at least one second.
62 IV IV A C C E S S IV IV Electric windows The driver uses the controls located on the door to operate the vehicle’s electric windows. Note: the electric windows can also be operated for a limited time after the ignition has been switched off (including after the front doors have been opened).
IV IV 63 IV IV A C C E S S If you decide to drive with the doors locked, remem- ber that in the event of an accident this renders access more difcult for the emergency services. Locking the doors from the inside With the doors closed, press button B once to operate the electric central locking and unlocking.
64 IV IV A C C E S S Manual operation (emergency mode) In the event of an electrical fault, it is possible to lock the vehicle’s doors by actioning control C on each door . With the door open, insert the end of a key or similar item into the aperture and turn.
65 V V V I S I B I L I T Y LIGHTING CONTROLS 1 Off 2 Automatic lighting 3 Sidelamps 4 Dipped beam/Main beam Sidelamps on Dipped beams/ main beams on Pull the stalk towards you to change from dipped beam to main beam and vice versa. T urn the barrel A forward.
66 V V V I S I B I L I T Y V V V ehicles with front and rear foglamps (Ring B) In conditions of poor visibility , if the ambient brightness does not trigger the automatic light- ing, it is up to you to switch on your dipped beams manually , as well as your foglamps.
V V 67 V V V I S I B I L I T Y SIGNALLING Direction indicators Left: move the stalk downwards. Right: move the stalk upwards. Movement of the steering wheel returns the stalk to the of f position automatically . Hazard warning lamps Simultaneous operation of the direc- tion indicators.
68 V V V I S I B I L I T Y V V Function activated If there is a malfunction, the "Dipped beams" warning lamp ashes. Have the system checked by a CITROËN dealer . Y ou are recommended to have both Xenon bulbs changed if there has been a malfunction in either of them.
V V 69 V V V I S I B I L I T Y Windscreen wiper stalk 2 Fast speed 1 Normal speed I Intermittent 0 Off AUTO Automatic wiping. Position I: The timing of the inter- mittent wipe adjusts automatically to the speed of the vehicle. Position 1 or 2: when stationary , the windscreen wiper speed automati- cally reduces.
70 V V V I S I B I L I T Y V V A - Windscreen washer T o operate the windscreen wash, pull the wiper stalk towards you. Screen wash is accompanied by a timed screen wipe, the headlamp wash also operates if dipped beams are switched on.
V V 71 V V V I S I B I L I T Y 1 - Spotlamps A press on one of the buttons will switch the corresponding spotlamp on or off. They will not come on if the ignition is switched off or the vehicle is in economy mode. Automatic lighting of interior lamps - When you enter the vehicle: They come on immediately you unlock the vehicle or open a door .
72 V V V I S I B I L I T Y Glovebox lighting Comes on automatically when the cover is opened. Do not forget to close it again. Does not work with the ignition off. Boot lighting Operates automatically on opening the tailgate. Sill lighting These light up automatically with the interior lamps.
73 VI VI I N T E R I O R C O M F O R T Glovebox T o open, pull the handle and lower the lid. The glovebox has: - Storage locations for pens, spectacles, telephone cards, etc. - Three sockets for connecting audio/video equipment. - A ventilation nozzle A , which can be closed manually .
74 VI VI I N T E R I O R C O M F O R T VI VI Storage pockets in the front doors and rear panels Storage pockets Oddments tray on front central console c4_dd_chap-06_ed05-2008.
VI VI 75 VI VI I N T E R I O R C O M F O R T Sun visors Fold visors down to avoid dazzle from ahead. They can be disengaged from their centralfixing andpivotedoverto the side windows if required. The passenger ’s and driver ’s sun visors each have a mirror that can be covered.
76 VI VI I N T E R I O R C O M F O R T VI VI Cigar lighter Operates when the ignition is on. Push in and wait a few moments. The cigar lighter will release automatically . The cigar lighter will gradually emerge for easy removal. 12 V accessories socket (Maximumpower:120W atts) Operates when the ignition is on.
VI VI 77 VI VI I N T E R I O R C O M F O R T Luggage securing rings Usethe2sidefixingsat therear ,as well as the 6 anchoring rings on the boot oor and the rear seat backrest, to secure your loads.
78 VII VII C H I L D S A F E T Y VII VII When children are in the car For maximum safety , consult the relevant authority in your country to be sure that you know the rules for the carrying of children.
VII VII 79 VII VII C H I L D S A F E T Y CITROËN offers you a complete range of child seats that can be secured by means of the vehicle seat belt. These child seats have been tested on vehicles in colli- sion conditions and they guarantee maximum safety for your children.
80 VII VII C H I L D S A F E T Y VII VII CHILD SEA TS secured by means of the vehicle seat belt In accordance with European Reg- ulations, the table tells you to what extent each of the seat positions.
VII VII 81 VII VII C H I L D S A F E T Y ISOFIX anchoring points and the ISOFIX fastening system The lateral rear seat positions are equipped with the ISOFIX regulation anchorages. Some ISOFIX child seats also have a top belt, which is for attaching on the ISOFIX "top" ring c .
82 VII VII C H I L D S A F E T Y VII VII Incorrect installation of a child seat in a vehicle compromises protection of the child in the event of a collision. The ISOFIX fastening system enables you to reduce those risks posed by incorrect tting, offering you a convenient, strong and reliable tting for a child seat in your vehicle.
VII VII 83 VII VII C H I L D S A F E T Y Manual operation Rear doors are locked by operat- ing the lever on the rear face of the door in question. When the manual safety is in use, the aperture is horizontal. Electric operation The electrical safety is activated by pressing the control located to the rear of the electric windows panel.
84 VIII S A F E T Y Any rep air or any cha nge of tyre, on a whee l tte d with a senso r , should be carr ied out by a CITRO ËN Deal er . The system may be affected from time to time by interference from radio transmissions on similar frequencies.
85 VIII S A F E T Y Braking system Y our vehicle’ s most important safety feature, the braking system, is pro - vided by brake discs (or discs and drums) and a dual hydraulic circuit. When the engine is running, power assistance is provided so that pedal effort is reduced.
86 VIII S A F E T Y SAFETY RECOMMENDA TIONS The ESP system offers increased driving safety but is not in place to encourage the driver to take addi- tional risks or to drive at excessive speeds.
87 VIII S A F E T Y Holding the seat belt (3-door model) Raise then lock part A , to retain the seat belt buckle when it is unfas- tened. It is necessary to remove the seat belt from the buckle retainer before moving the seat to access the rear seat positions.
88 VIII S A F E T Y Legi slation mak es it comp ulsory for all the vehi cle' s occ upan ts to wear se at bel ts, i nc lud ing pr eg na nt wom en and however short the journey . Inside the cabin, the seat belt is the most important protection for pas - sengers.
89 VIII S A F E T Y Fastening Pull the belt down in front of you in a steady movement, making sure that it does not become twisted. Press the fastening into its buckle. Check that the seat belt has fas - tened correctly and that the auto- matic reel lock is working correctly by pulling the strap.
90 VIII S A F E T Y AIRBAGS Re pl ac em en t of th e p yr o- te ch ni c s ys te ms as so ci a- te d wi th t he a ir ba gs After the airbags have been deployed, the pyrotechnic sys - tems have to be changed in strict compliance with the manufac- turer's specications.
91 VIII S A F E T Y Area of side impact Area of side impact Area of frontal impact Side airbags and curtain airbags Depl oym ent of t hese ai rba gs requir es a viole nt late ral imp act app lied on all or part of one of the later al coll isio n zone s, comi ng in a horizo ntal plan e from the si de.
92 VIII S A F E T Y T o reactivate the front passenger ’ s airbag Don’t forget to reactivate the airbag function for a passenger or a forward facing child seat. T o do that, with ignition switched off: - Insert and turn the key to the "ON" position, the airbag is activated.
93 VIII S A F E T Y The wearing of seat belts is compulsory for all vehi- cle occupants. Inside the cabin, the seat belt is the most important protection for passengers. The airbag is a protection in addi- tion to the seat belt. Its effective- ness requires the seat belt to be worn correctly .
94 VIII S A F E T Y Any operation under the bonnet necessitates a number of safety pre - cautions. Be par tic ul arly ca refu l bot h bef ore a nd du ri ng a ll ch ecks un de r th e b on net: Allow the engine to cool down. Keep children away from the ve- hicle.
95 VIII S A F E T Y Radiator In normal usage, the coolant tempe- rature reaches or exceeds 100 °C. Never remove the cap of a radia- tor that is hot : there is danger from projection of scalding liquid and steam.
96 VIII S A F E T Y Th is d r iv in g as si st an ce de vi ce ale rt s yo u i f y o u a re wa nd er in g f r om y our la ne (c on ti nu ou s or do tt ed li ne ma rk in g on t he r oa d su rf ac e) . It is designed especially for use on motorways and dual carriageways, operating only at speeds above 80 km/h (approx.
97 IX IX D R I V I N G The parking brake is applied, with the vehicle stationary , by pulling on the lever with a force that is proportionate to the steepness of the slope. T o facilitate the action on the lever , you are recommended to press the brake pedal at the same time.
98 IX IX D R I V I N G IX IX Manual gearbox - Ensure that the gear lever is in the neutral position. - Do not touch the accelerator . - In the case of diesel engine vehicles: turn the key to the drive position. Wait for the pre-heater warning lamp to go off, if it is on.
IX IX 99 IX IX D R I V I N G 6 speed gearbox Reverse gear Lift the collar A to engage reverse gear . Do not select reverse gear until the vehicle is completely stationary . Depress the clutch pedal and wait a few moments before gently engaging reverse gear .
100 IX IX D R I V I N G IX IX The 6-sp eed elect roni c gearbo x of fers a choi ce of t wo d rivi ng mode s: 6-SPEED ELECTRONIC GEARBOX A manual mode with two methods of operation: Note: if you are in automatic mode, an instant manual mode activates whenever you action one of the controls at the steering wheel.
IX IX 101 IX IX D R I V I N G Neutral If the vehicle is moving, do not select this position, even momentarily . Reverse gear On ly eng ag e re ve rs e ge ar wh en t he ve hi cle i s st at io na ry .
102 IX IX D R I V I N G IX IX Starting the vehicle - T o start the engine, the gear lever has to be in position N . - Fully depress the brake pedal. - Action the starter . - With the engine running, depending on your preference place the lever on R , A or M .
IX IX 103 IX IX D R I V I N G Automated mode Place the selection lever in position A . "A" appears in the speedometer to conrm the selection made. The gearbox then operates in autoactive mode, without intervention on your part. It constantly selects the gear best adapted to the following parameters: - Style of driving.
104 IX IX D R I V I N G IX IX Manual mode Position the gear lever in position M , then: - push the lever to engage a higher gear , - pull the lever to change down.
IX IX 105 IX IX D R I V I N G HILL ST ART ASSIST (with 6-speed electronic gearbox system) T o aid starting on a gradient, your vehicle is equipped with a system that keeps it temporarily immobilised. It keeps the brakes applied for a brief moment, precisely the time taken for moving your foot from the brake pedal to the accelerator pedal.
106 IX IX D R I V I N G IX IX Gear lever position The position of the gear selector is displayed in the instrument panel. For safety: • The gear lever can only be disengaged from position P if you are pressing the brake pedal. • When a door is opened, an audible signal sounds if the lever is not in position P .
IX IX 107 IX IX D R I V I N G Drive The gearbox always selects the gear best adapted to the following parameters: - style of driving, - route prole, - vehicle load. In this way the gearbox operates in autoadaptive mode, without the need for your intervention.
108 IX IX D R I V I N G IX IX Operation in Sport or Snow automatic mode Select the driving mode: - Normal, for regular use, the warning lamps S and are not illuminated. - Sport, for more responsive driving, to provide maximum performance and acceleration.
IX IX 109 IX IX D R I V I N G Park - Never select position N if the vehicle is moving. - Never select positions P or R if the vehicle is not completely stationary . If , wh il e th e ve hi cl e is movi ng, po siti on N i s e ngag ed ina dve rt en tl y , le t the eng in e id le be fo re en gag in g po siti on D or M .
1 10 IX IX D R I V I N G IX IX This drivi ng ass ist ance funct ion allo ws you to dri ve at the spee d of your ch oice w itho ut the n eed to a ctio n the acc eler ator . This system is available above 40 km/h (25 mph), with 4th gear or higher on a manual gearbox or 2nd gear or higher on an automatic gearbox.
IX IX 1 1 1 IX IX D R I V I N G Deactivation of cruise control with memorised speed - Either by pressing the brake pedal or the clutch pedal. - Or with a press on button 3 . - Or when ESP or ASR is active. Note: cruise control is disengaged when the gear lever is in neutral position.
1 12 IX IX D R I V I N G IX IX This driving assistance device allows you to select a maximum speed that you wish not to exceed. This has to be a speed greater than 30 km/h (approx. 20 mph). The speed limiter controls are located on the steering wheel.
IX IX 1 13 IX IX D R I V I N G T o stop the function - move the control from position "LIM" to position 0 . - or stop the engine. The speed that you chose is memorised. In the event of a malfunction , a message is displayed, accompanied by a sound signal and lighting of the SERVICE warning lamp.
1 14 IX IX D R I V I N G IX IX Proximity sensors are located in the front and rear bumpers of your vehicle. When manoeuvring, whether forwards or in reverse, at a speed below approx.
IX IX 1 15 IX IX D R I V I N G Operation: - When you engage reverse gear , a sound signal informs you that the system is active. The outline of your vehicle is displayed on the screen. Any obstacles situated at the rear or at the front of the vehicle can be detected.
1 16 X X M A I N T E N A N C E X X This should only be operated if the vehicle is stationary . T o release the bonnet, pull control A located under the dashboard to the right. Move the lever A , located above the grille, to the right of the chevrons, then lift.
X X 1 17 X X M A I N T E N A N C E PETROL ENGINES They give access for checking the levels of the various uids and the replacement of certain items. 1. Power steering reservoir . 2. Screen and headlamp wash reservoir . 3. Engine coolant. 4. Brake uid reservoir .
1 18 X X M A I N T E N A N C E X X DIESEL ENGINES Th ey g ive a cc ess for c heck ing t he l eve ls of the v ario us u ids, th e repl ace me nt o f c er tain it em s an d p ri ming th e fu el sy stem . 1. Power steering reservoir . 2. Screen and headlamp wash reservoir .
X X 1 19 X X M A I N T E N A N C E Air lter Follow the recommendations in the Maintenance Guide. When working under the bonnet, when the engine is hot (even stopped and the ignition switched off), the cooling fan could operate at any time. Check the engine oil level frequently between routine service visits, as well as prior to long journeys.
120 X X M A I N T E N A N C E X X Radiator - coolant The coolant must only be checked or topped up if the power unit is cold. Engine hot As the cooling system is pressurised, wait for at least one hour after switching off the engine before intervening.
X X 121 X X M A I N T E N A N C E Windscreen and rear screen washer uid For best results as well as for your safety , use only CITROËN approved products which protect at te mp er a tu re s as low a s - 2 5 °C t o -30 °C. It is essential to have sufcient screen wash uid if your vehicle is equipped with Xenon headlamps.
122 X X M A I N T E N A N C E X X Protection cover HDi 135 and 140 engines Remove the protection cover by rst unclipping point 1 , then 3 and 4 . Detach point 2 by pulling towards you, then lift. T o reposition the protection cover , attach point 2 rst.
X X 123 X X M A I N T E N A N C E HDi 135 and 140 engines Detach the protection cover to access the priming pump. HDi engines are of a highly technical nature. All maintenance and repairs require specic qualications which only your CITROËN Dealer can guarantee.
124 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E XI XI If you have put in fuel that is wrong for your vehicl e, it is esse ntia l to have the tank draine d before you star t the e ngi ne. For petrol engines with catalytic converter , use of unleaded fuel is obligatory The ller neck has a narrower orice to admit only petrol ller nozzles.
XI XI 125 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E Access to the spare wheel Lift the boot oor . CHANGING A WHEEL Dimension of the spare wheel If your spare wheel is of a different dimension to those on.
126 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E XI XI Removing the wheel - Undo the yellow central screw by a quarter turn. - Raise the spare wheel towards you rearwards. - Remove the wheel from the bootspace. Repositioning the wheel - Ret the wheel in place.
XI XI 127 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E Removal 1 - Park the vehicle on stable, rm ground. Apply the handbrake. Switch off the ignition and engage rst gear or reverse gear , depending on any slope (for vehicles with automatic gearbox, select position P).
128 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E XI XI Inspect the tyres regularly for wear and damage such as cuts, cracks or bulges, etc. Remove any foreign bodies (stones, pieces of metal) that may have pierced the tyre. They could cause further damage to the tyre carcass.
XI XI 129 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E FRONT LAMPS Headlamp dipped beam Main beam Sidelamp Direction indicator Note: A light mist lm can appear on the internal surface of the headlamp lens in certain climatic conditions (low temperature, humidity).
130 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E XI XI Main beam Pull the rubber stops. Disconnect the bulb. Disengage the ends of the retaining spring to release it. Remove the bulb. Bulb: H1 For vehicles not equipped with Xenon headlamp bulbs. Headlamp dipped beam Pull the rubber stops.
XI XI 131 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E Front direction indicator Rota te the bulb- hold er A by a q uarter turn an d pu ll. Press to disengage the bulb.
132 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E XI XI Interior lamp Unclip the transparent cover of the interior lamp to reach the bulb. Bulb: W 5 W Boot lighting Unclip the lens unit to access the bulb. Bulb: W 5 W Glovebox lighting Unclip the lens unit to access the bulb.
XI XI 133 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E REAR LAMPS (5-door model) Identify the failed bulb. Bulbs: Sidelamp: W 5. Stop lamps and sidelamps: P21/5. Direction indicator: PY 21 W . Removal Open the boot: - First remove the top part of the rear lamp unit by undoing the screw A .
134 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E XI XI REAR LAMPS (3-door model) Identify the failed bulb. Bulbs: Direction indicator: P21 W. Reversing lamp: P21 W. Stop lamps and sidelamps: P21/5. Removal T o have acces s to the nut B , detac h the boo t re ar trim by remo ving the pin s.
XI XI 135 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E Rear number plate lamp - Insert a thin screwdriver into one of the holes on the outside of the plastic cover . - Push outwards. - Remove the plastic cover . - Replace the faulty bulb by simply pulling it out.
136 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E XI XI Fuse box There are two fuse boxes, one be - low the dashboard and one under the bonnet. Fuses under the dashboard T o access the fuses below the dash - board, pull back the access cover , undo the screws a quarter turn and tilt the whole unit.
XI XI 137 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E Fuse N° Rating Functions F1 15 A Central locking F2 30 A Central locking - Deadlocking F3 5 A Airbags and pretensioners F4 10 A Diagnostic socket - Brake.
138 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E XI XI Fuse box Fuse N° Rating Functions F36 30 A Hi Fi amplier F37 30 A Driver ’s electric seat F39 20 A Heated seats c4_dd_chap-11_ed05-2008.
XI XI 139 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E Fuse box T o access the engine compartment fusebox, detach and remove the cover . Only authorised personnel from the CITROËN network are allowed to carry out any work on the additional protection MAXI fuses located in the fuse boxes.
140 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E XI XI Fuse N° Rating Functions F10 30 A En gine ele ct ro valv e - W at er -in- die se l-fu el sens or - EC U engi ne m an ag emen t - I nj ec tors - Ig niti on co il - Ox yg en s ens or - C ani st er p urg e elec tro va lve (1.
XI XI 141 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E Fusible N° Intensité Fonctions F1 - Not used F2* 30 A Gearbox (electronic or automatic) F3 - Not used F4 - Not used F5* 80 A Power steering electro-pump.
142 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E XI XI If a metal object makes a contact between the two battery terminals or between the battery + and the bodywork, this causes a short-circuit (risk of re and serious burns). The battery releases minute quantities of hydrogen, a gas which is explosive under certain conditions.
XI XI 143 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E Access to the battery The battery is located in the engine compartment. For access to it: - open the bonnet using the interior release lever , then the ex.
144 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E XI XI Starting the engine for the rst time after disconnecting and connecting the battery: - Turn the ignition key . - Wait approx. one minute before actioning the starter, so as to allow the electronic systems to reinitialise.
XI XI 145 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E T owing (boat, caravan, etc.) Before departure: Check the tyre pressures of both car and trailer . Check all the exterior and signalling lamps of the car and trailer . Practice manoeuvring, especially reversing.
146 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E XI XI T owing with all wheels on the ground T owing ring xings are placed at the front and at the rear of the vehicle. T o access them: - at the front: push on the left to tilt the cover , then remove it. - at the rear: push at bottom, then pull on top.
XI XI 147 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E We recommend you to have this device tted by a CITROËN Dealer , who will be acquainted with your ve - hicle’s towing capability and with the procedures necessary for installing a safety item of this kind.
148 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E XI XI COLD WEA THER SCREEN "SNOW GUARD" Th e scr een su pp lie d wit h the ve hic le (d epe ndi ng on co un try ) sho uld be tt ed du ri ng th e wi nte r pe rio d. It i s e sse nti al t o r emo ve i t w hen te mp er atu res a re ab ove 1 0 deg ree s C el si us.
XI XI 149 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E A wide range of CITROËN replace - ment parts and accessories is avail - able from the dealer network. They are all from the CITROËN catalogue. After being tested for reliability and safety , these parts and accessories are all adapted for your CITROËN vehicle.
150 XI XI P R A C T I C A L A D V I C E Luggage cover This conceals the interior of the ve - hicle in combination with your rear shelf. Installation T ake care to insert the xings A on the frame B . Do not place hard or heavy objects on the luggage cover .
151 XII XII T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S (1) After an oil change with lter change Engine type Engine oil capacity in litres (1) 1.4i 16V - 65 kW 3.15 1.6i 16V - 80 kW 3.35 1.6i 16V - 88 kW - 1.6i 16V - 1 10 kW - 1.6i 16V - 103 kW - HDi 66 kW (90 hp) 3.
152 XII XII T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S XII XII WEIGHTS - PETROL 5-door model Engine type 1.4i 16V BVM 1.6i 16V BVM 1.6i 16V BV A 1.6i 16V 120 ch BVM 1.
XII XII 153 XII XII T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S 3-door model Engine type 1.4i 16V BVM 1.6i 16V BVM 1.6i 16V BV A 1.6i 16V 120 ch BVM 1.
154 XII XII T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S XII XII 5-door model Engine type HDi 90 BVM HDi 90 F AP BVM HDi 1 10 BVM H D i 1 1 0 F A P BV M H D i 1 1 0 F A P BV MP HDi 135 F AP BV A HDi 140 F AP BVM Fuel tank capacity Approximately 60 litres Recommended fuel Diesel fuel T urning circle between walls (in metres) 1 1.
XII XII 155 XII XII T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S WEIGHTS - DIESEL 3-door model Engine type HDi 90 BVM HDi 90 F AP BVM H D i 1 1 0 B V M H D i 1 1 0 F A P BV M H D i 1 1 0 F A P BV MP .
156 XII XII T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S XII XII GENERAL: C4 ENTERPRISE* 3-door model 5-door model Engine type HDi 90 BVM HDi 1 10 BVM HDi 90 BVM HDi 90 F AP BVM HDi 1 10 BVM French .
XII XII 157 XII XII T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S The fuel consumption gures quoted are correct at time of going to press. Engine type 1.4i 16V 1.6i 16V 1.6i 16V 120 ch 1.6i 16V 150 ch 1.6i 16V 140 ch 1.6i 16V manual BioFlex Saloon BVM BVM BV A BVM BV A BVM BV A BVM Recommended fuel Unleaded petrol RON 95 - RON 98 E85 Urban 8.
158 XII XII T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S XII XII Engine type HDi 90 HDi 90 F AP HDi 110 HDi 1 10 F AP HDi 135 F AP HDi 140 F AP Saloon BVM BVM BVM BVM BVMP BV A BVM Recommended fuel 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.0 5.8 9.1 - CO 2 emissions 154 161 164 161 154 242 - Extra urban 3.
XII XII 159 XII XII T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S Engine type HDi 90 HDi 1 10 Saloon BVM BVMP Recommended fuel - - CO 2 emissions - - Extra urban - - CO 2 emissions - - Combined - - CO.
160 XII XII T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S XII XII 3-door model 5-door model A 2.608 B 4.288 4.275 C 0.950 D 0.730 0.717 E 1.502/1.510 F 1.
XII XII 161 XII XII T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S A 0.903/1.067 B 0.513/0.518 C 0.794 D 1.034 E 0.791 F 1.385 G 0.725 H 0.791 3-door model A 0.862/1.044 B 0.492/0.515 C 0.794 D 1.034 E 0.791 F 1.385 G 0.725 H 0.791 5-door model DIMENSIONS (in metres) c4_dd_chap-12_ed05-2008.
162 XII XII T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S A Chassis number label 1 : EU t yp e ap pr ov al n um be r . 2 : V e hi cl e Id e n t i ca ti on N °. ( VI N) . 3 : Gr os s ve hi cl e we ig ht . 4 : Gr os s tr ai n we ig ht . 5 : Ma xi mu m we ig ht o n fr on t ax le .
A B C D E F G H I J K N P M R O Q L 10 S 1 2 1 1 3 4 2 1 5 7 8 9 6 163 XIII XIII A U D I O RADIO - RDS - CD c4_dd_chap-13_ed05-2008.indd 163 10/07/2008 13:51:32.
164 XIII XIII A U D I O XIII XIII BUTTON CONTROLS A On/Off. Volume adjust. B CD eject. C CD aperture. D S OU R CE One p re ss : S el ec tio n of so un d sou rc e (Ra di o, CD , CD changer). E BA ND/ AST Shor t pres s: Sel ecti on of fre quency ba nds an d memor y banks.
XIII XIII 165 XIII XIII A U D I O CO NTR OLS A T THE STE ER ING WH EEL The controls at the steering wheel give you access to certain functions, without you needing to use the radio-CD control panel. 1 VOL + Volume increase 2 Radio source: Shor t p ress : A utom atic se arch of hi gher fr eque n- cies.
166 XIII XIII A U D I O XIII XIII AUDIO SETTINGS On/Off With the key in Drive position M , press on control A to switch the radio on or off. Note: - If the radio was on the last time you switched off the ignition, it will resume automatically when you switch on the ignition again.
XIII XIII 167 XIII XIII A U D I O RADIO SOURCE Notes on radio reception Y our radio will be subject to certain phenomena that are not encountered by domestic systems.
168 XIII XIII A U D I O XIII XIII Manual pre-setting Select the waveband and memory bank required using button E . Select a station using either automatic or manual search. Keep pressing for more than two seconds on one of the pre-selection buttons 1 to 6 on the keypad P .
XIII XIII 169 XIII XIII A U D I O RDS SYTEM Using the RDS (radio data system) function on FM The majority of FM radio stations use the RDS system. The radio in your vehicle has this system. The RDS system enables these stations to transmit non-audible data in addition to the broadcasting of their programmes.
170 XIII XIII A U D I O XIII XIII Regional search mode Some stations, when they are organised in networks, broadcast regional programmes at certain times of day , and national programmes at other times. It is possible to search: - Either for a regional station only .
XIII XIII 171 XIII XIII A U D I O CD SOURCE Selecting CD source After inserting a CD, with the printed side facing upwards, the player will start playing the CD automatically . T o change manually to CD source (CD already inserted), press button D until you obtain the source you require.
172 XIII XIII A U D I O XIII XIII MP3 CD player Y our Audio CD system may be MP3 compatible. As you insert a CD recorded in MP3 format, playback starts of the rst song of the rst CD-cover . Y ou can select a particular track by using buttons N or K and CD-covers using buttons J or M .
XIII XIII 173 XIII XIII A U D I O CD CHANGER SOURCE CD Changer This unit (if tted) is located under the front centre armrest and can receive 6 CDs. Inserting CDs into the magazine - T o insert a CD, press the LOAD button, then the one for the slot in question.
174 XIII XIII A U D I O XIII XIII HANDS-FREE TELEPHONE Y our audio system may be Bluetooth ® compatible. It allows you to connect a mobile telephone for "hands free" use and even to use its directory . It permits you to twin up to four telephones, to be able then to connect whichever one you choose.
XIII XIII 175 XIII XIII A U D I O Main Menu Press on the Menu control O to access the Main Menu, then select the "T elephone" icon via buttons J , M or 8 and then validate the selection via button L or 7 . Y ou have access: - T o the Directory .
176 XIII XIII A U D I O XIII XIII Swapping a call During a telephone conversation, the system is able to tell you of a second call incoming. T o accept it, validate. T o change from one call to the other , select this choice. End a call This choice enables you to end a telephone conversation, for example if there is another call incoming.
XIII XIII 177 XIII XIII A U D I O JBL HI-FI SYSTEM Y our vehicle may be equipped with a JBL Hi-Fi system, specially designed to t in with your cabin interior . Adjustment in CD or radio mode The basic functions remain the same as those for the radio.
178 XIII XIII A U D I O XIII XIII FREQUENTL Y -ASKED QUESTIONS The table below provides answers to the questions that are asked the most frequently . QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION There is a discrepancy in sound quality between the different audio sources (radio, CD, CD changer etc.
XIII XIII 179 XIII XIII A U D I O QUESTION ANSWER SOLUTION The pre-set stations do not work (no sound, 87.5 Mhz is displayed, etc.). The waveband selected is not the correct one. Press on the button BAND AST to retrieve the wave band (AM, FM1, FM2, FMAST) where the stations have been memorised.
I N D E X 180 A A.B.S. ............................. 25-85 Access ............................ 57-64 Accessories socket 12 V.........................76 Adjusting the headlamps ...... 66 Adjusting the seat belts .................. 87 89 Adjusting the seats .
I N D E X 181 E Engine oil level indicator ......29 Engines ........................ 1 17-1 18 Engine levels ............... 1 17-1 18 ESP (Electronic stability programme) .......... 8-18-26-86 ESP deactivation .................. 86 F Filling the tank .
I N D E X 182 S Seat belt not-fastened detection .............................25 Seat belts .............. 19-87 89 Sidelamps ............. 16-24-65-66 Sill lighting ............................ 72 Spare wheel ........... 125 128 Speed limiter .
I N D E X 183 c4_dd_index_ed05-2008.indd 183 10/07/2008 13:53:45.
c4_dd_index_ed05-2008.indd 184 10/07/2008 13:53:45.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Citroën C4 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Citroën C4 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Citroën C4 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Citroën C4 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Citroën C4, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Citroën C4.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Citroën C4. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Citroën C4 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.