Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto XR 12406 del fabbricante Cisco Systems
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Americas Headquarters Cisco S yste ms, Inc . 170 W est Tasma n Drive San Jose , CA 95134 -1706 USA http://ww com Tel: 408 526-400 0 800 55 3-N ETS ( 6387 ) Fax: 408 527- 0883 Cisco XR 1 2406 .
Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in t his document are not intended to be act ual addre sses. Any examples, command displ ay outp ut, and figures included in the do cument are shown f or illustr ativ e purpo ses only. Any use of actual I P addresses in illus trative conte nt is un intentional and coincidental.
v Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guide OL-13831-01 CONTENTS About Th is Guide xi Audienc e xi Pur pose xi Instal lati on Gu ide O rganiz atio n xii Document Conventions xiii Obtain ing Documentat .
Contents vi Cisco XR 12406 Router Installati on Guide OL-13831-01 CHAPTER 2 Prepari ng for Ins tallati on 2-1 Tools an d Equipment 2-2 Safety and Compl iance 2-2 Gene ral Sa fety Gu ide lines 2-3 Comp.
vii Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guide OL-13831-01 Conte nts Conn ecti ng to the Co nsole and Aux iliar y Ports 3-15 PRP Con sole Port Signals 3-17 PRP Auxil iar y Port Sign als 3-17 Insta lling.
Contents viii Cisco XR 12406 Router Installati on Guide OL-13831-01 Powe ring O ff t he Ro uter 5-3 Remo ving and In stal ling t he F ront C over 5-4 Remo ving th e Fron t Cover 5-4 Instal ling th e F.
ix Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guide OL-13831-01 Conte nts Transl ated Sa fety Warnings and Agency App rovals A-9 Electr omagnetic Co mpatibility Regulato ry Stat ements A-9 Complia nce Label A.
Contents x Cisco XR 12406 Router Installati on Guide OL-13831-01.
xi Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 About This Guide Audience The Cisc o XR 12406 Router Instal lation G uide is written for hardwar e installers and system administrators of Cisco routers.
About Th is Guide Installation Guide Or ganization xii Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Installation Guide Organization The Cisco XR 12406 R outer Inst allation Guide contains t he fol lowing chapter s, appendi x, and index.
xiii Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 About Thi s Guide Docum ent Conv entions Document Co nventions This public ation uses the followin g con venti ons: • Ctrl repr esents the k ey labele d Contr ol . For example , the key combinat ion Ctrl-z me ans hold down the Contr ol key while you press the z key .
About Th is Guide Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines xiv Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 T imesaver Means t he d escri bed ac tion saves ti me . Y ou can s ave time b y perfor ming the action describe d in th e parag raph.
1-1 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 CH A P T E R 1 Cisco XR 12406 Router Overview This chapt er provid es an overview of th e Cisc o XR 12406 R outer . It con tains physical de scripti ons of the route r hardware and major com ponen ts, and functi onal descr iptions of t he hardware -related fe ature s.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Rout er Descr iptio n 1-2 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Figur e 1 -1 Cisco XR 12 406 Router—F ront V iew 1 Line c ard slots ( fi ve).
1-3 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Rout er De scripti on Figur e 1 -2 Cisco XR 12 406 Router—Re ar Vi ew W i th a chassis he ight of 18 .5 inches (46.9 cm), f our Cisc o XR 12406 R outers ca n be insta lled i n a si ngle sta ndard 7 -foot ( 2.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Feature s 1-4 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Features Cisco XR 12406 Rou ter has the fo llowing key features: • Route Proce ssor (PRP-2)— Slot 5 (bottom slot) is the recommended sl ot for the f irst route processor .
1-5 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Fea tures • Network Equi pment Building Systems—Cisco X R 12406 Router co mplies with the N.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Physic al and Funct ional De scrip tion 1-6 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Physical and Functio nal Descrip tion The following ar e the.
1-7 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Physical and Functional Description The Cisco PRP-2 deli vers al l these functions with en hanced per formance and capabiliti es.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Line C ar ds 1-8 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Line Cards The C isco XR 1240 6 Router is shipp ed pre-i nstalled with th e numb er and t ype of line cards that y ou ordere d.
1-9 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Line Car ds Note For i nstructions on rem oving, rep lacing, and configur ing the line c ards, see the configurati on note shi pped with each line car d when orde red as an FRU.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Line C ar ds 1-10 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Multigigabit Crossbar Switch Fabric The Cisc o XR 12406 Router switch fabric c ircuity provide s synchroniz ed gigabit- speed inte rconne ctions for th e line car ds and the rou te processor .
1-11 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Line Car ds The CSC conta ins the follo wing functiona lity: • System cloc k—The system clock synchro nizes data transfers bet ween line cards or bet ween the ro ute pr ocess or and a line card, th rough the swit ch fabric.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Line C ar ds 1-12 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Switch Fabric Red undancy Equippin g the ro uter w ith two CSCs provides data p ath, sche duler, and refer ence clock redundancy . Th e inte rfaces betw een the line card s and the swit ch fabric ar e monit ored constan tly .
1-13 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Line Car ds Figu re 1 -5 Alarm Card Features Note Th e Cisco XR 124 06 Router must be populat ed with two ala rm cards, to meet EMI stan dards.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Line C ar ds 1-14 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 The IOS XR soft ware run ning on t he rout e proces sor dete rmines w hether a giv en alar m cond ition is a criti cal, m ajor , or mino r al arm.
1-15 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Line Car ds Alarm Relay Contact Connec tor The 9-pin D- type alarm r elay contac t connector o.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Line C ar ds 1-16 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Note A Ci sco XR 12406 Ro uter op erating from an A C po wer so urce can be con verted to oper ate from a DC po wer source, and vice v ersa.
1-17 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Line Car ds Figur e 1 -6 AC P ow er Distri bution Unit Depen ding on whether the router is configured for nonr edundant or redundant power opera tion, th e route r ships wi th eith er one o r two 14- foot (4.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Line C ar ds 1-18 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 AC-Input Power Supply The A C-input p o wer supply is a remov able po wer mo dule that installs in one of the bo ttom two ba ys on t he fron t of the chassi s (see Fi gure 1- 1).
1-19 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Line Car ds An A C -input power supply has the following feature s (see Figure 1-7 ): • Orig.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Line C ar ds 1-20 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 DC Power Subsyst em The D C power subsyste m co nsists o f the fo llowing system comp .
1-21 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Line Car ds Figur e 1 -8 DC P owe r Distr ibution Unit DC-inp ut power is connec ted throug h the DC PDU on the chass is rear pane l. The DC PDU is eq uipped with two DC power c onnector blocks.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Line C ar ds 1-22 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 DC-Input Power Entry Module The DC-input PEM (Figure 1-9) is a remov able powe r module tha t installs in on e of the bottom t wo bays on t he fro nt of t he chassi s (see Figure 1-1).
1-23 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Line Car ds A DC -inp ut P EM (sho wn in Figu re 1-9) ha s th e fo llo wing f eatures : • A circ uit brea ker swi tch on the face plate turns t he PEM on and off.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Line C ar ds 1-24 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Power Distribution The ro uter c hassis b ackplane d istributes -48 VDC p ower throughou t the router and t o all cards i n the card cages .
1-25 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Line Car ds If the air temp erat ure insi de the rout e proce ssor and lin e card cage rises, the system en vironmenta l monitor sh uts do wn all internal p o wer to pre vent equipment damage f rom excess i ve heat.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Line C ar ds 1-26 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 The two LEDs o n th e blower m odule p rovide a visual i ndicati on of bl ower modul e statu s. Both LEDs are vi sible on th e bl o wer module f rom the rear of the chas sis.
1-27 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Line Car ds Power-on and Power- off Control Each MB us modu le di rectly contro ls the DC- DC .
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Line C ar ds 1-28 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Environmental Monitoring and Alarms The MB us module on each comp onent mo nitors the .
1-29 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Line Car ds Air Filters The Cisc o XR 12406 Rout er is equi pped with two use r-servi ceable ai r filters (Fi gure 1-1 1). Figur e 1 -1 1 Air Filt er Locatio ns The air filters are l o cated on the r ight of the front sid e of the chassis.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Line C ar ds 1-30 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Cable-Mana gement Sys tem The Ci sco XR 12406 Router cable- manageme nt syst em organizes the inte rface cables e ntering a nd exiting the system, keep ing them f ree of sharp bends and out of the way .
1-31 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Line Car ds Figur e 1 -12 Chassis Cable-Ma nagement S ystem 101833 S L O T - 0 GIGABIT ROUTE P.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Line C ar ds 1-32 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Field-Replac eable U nits The field-replac eable units ( FR Us) fo r the C isco XR 124.
1-33 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Cha pter 1 Ci sco XR 12 406 Ro uter Ove rvi ew Upgrading a C isco 12000 Ser ies Router to a C isco XR 120 00 Series Router Upgrading a Cisco .
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12406 R outer Overview Technic al Specificatio ns 1-34 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01.
2-1 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 CH A P T E R 2 Preparing for Installation This chapte r provide s specif ic informatio n about prepari ng your site for the installati on of the Cisco XR 12406 Route r .
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Tools an d Equipm ent 2-2 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Tools and Equ ipment The Cisc o XR 12406 Router can be instal led with a mini mum numbe r of tools.
2-3 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 2 Preparing f or Installa tion Safety and Compliance General Safety Guidelines The fol lo w ing are so me gene ral safety guidelin es you sh ould be a ware of wh en installing or maintain ing the Cisco XR 12406 Router.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Safety and Comp liance 2-4 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 • A Cisco XR 12406 Route r with an AC power distribution un it (PDU) and A C- in.
2-5 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 2 Preparing f or Installa tion Safety and Compliance Preventing E lectrosta tic Discharge D amage Electr ostatic d ischarge ( ESD) da mage to circ uit boar ds can occu r if p roper groundi ng is no t establ ished.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Safety and Comp liance 2-6 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Figur e 2-1 Attac hing an ESD-Pr eventiv e Strap to the Cisc o XR 1240 6 Rout er Ch assis Cautio n Periodica lly check the resistanc e v alue of the anti static wrist strap.
2-7 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 2 Preparing f or Installa tion Safety and Compliance Lase r Safety Single-m ode Cisco XR 1200 0 series rou ter line cards ar e equippe d with laser s. The laser s emit in visible r adiation .
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Safety with El ectr icity 2-8 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 • Keep your back straight and lift with yo ur legs, not your back. If you must bend do wn to lift the equip ment, be nd at t he knees, not at the w a ist, t o reduce the strain on you r lower back muscles.
2-9 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 2 Preparing f or Installa tion Installation Site Requirements Installation Site Requirements This sect ion provides the site requi rem.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Installati on Site Requirem ents 2-10 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Equipment Dimensions and Site Layout Figure 2-2 shows the foot print a nd outer dimensio ns of th e chassi s for t he Cis co XR 1240 6 Route r.
2-11 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 2 Preparing f or Installa tion Installation Site Requirements T o help maintain trou ble-free ope ration, consi d er the foll ow in g.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Installati on Site Requirem ents 2-12 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Ventilation The blo wer module is mounted at the rear of the chassis; air flo w to the air filte r s and bl ower module should n ot be blocked.
2-13 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 2 Preparing f or Installa tion Installation Site Requirements Environmental Guidelines This se ction offers guideli nes for operat ing a Cisco X R 12406 Router i n various en viro nments.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Installati on Site Requirem ents 2-14 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Temperature and Humidity The op erating en v ironmental site requirement s are listed in Ap pendix A, “Cisco XR 12406 Rout er T ech nical Spe cification s and W arnings.
2-15 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 2 Preparing f or Installa tion Installation Site Requirements Power Connec tion Guidelines for AC-Power ed Routers When the Ci sco XR.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Installati on Site Requirem ents 2-16 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Figur e 2-3 AC P ow er Plugs Power Connec tion Guidelines for DC-Power .
2-17 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 2 Preparing f or Installa tion Installation Site Requirements Grounding Connections Before yo u connect power or turn on your Ci sco XR 12406 Ro uter, you must provide an ad equate system grou nd for the rou ter .
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Installati on Site Requirem ents 2-18 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Figur e 2-4 Supplementa l Bonding and Gr ounding P ort for NEB S Compliance Use a c able lug with two holes a t 0.63 " (16 mm ) cent ers to connect to the chassis with two 6.
2-19 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 2 Preparing f or Installa tion Installation Site Requirements The dual -hole lug i s crimped onto a ground ing wire of a wire size and leng th determined by your router location and facility en vironme nt.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Installati on Site Requirem ents 2-20 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Site Wiring This secti on presen ts site wir ing guideli nes for setting up the plan t wiring and cablin g at you r sit e.
2-21 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 2 Preparing f or Installa tion Unpa ckin g and R epa cking the Route r Distance Limitations If wire s exceed recomm ended dist ances, or if wir es pas s betwe en b uildin gs, g i v e spec ial consi deratio n to the ef fect of a lightnin g strik e in your vicinit y .
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Transpo rting a Cisco XR 12 000 Seri es Router 2-22 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Transporting a Cisco XR 12000 Series Router The shi pping.
2-23 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 2 Preparing f or Installa tion Site Prep arat ion Check list T able 2-2 Sample Site Log Date Description of Action Performed or Sympt.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Prepa ration Checklist 2-24 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01.
3-1 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 CH A P T E R 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router This c hapter desc ribes how to inst all the Cisco X R 12406 r outer.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Installing a Router 3-2 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Required To ols Y ou need the follo wing item s to inst all the Cisc o XR 1.
3-3 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Install ing a Router • Po wer cab les and po wer supplies ha ve been check ed for compat ibility w ith your power service .
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Installing a Router 3-4 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Figur e 3-1 Installing the Option al Rack-Mount Br ack ets 57802 3/4" .
3-5 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Install ing a Router Installing Center-Mounti ng Brackets (optional) T o i nstall t he Ci sc.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Installing a Router 3-6 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Figur e 3 -2 Low er and U pper Cent er -Mounting Brac kets 57772 S L O T - .
3-7 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Install ing a Router Installing the Chassis in a Rack Y ou install the cha ssis in the e qui.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Installing a Router 3-8 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 4 Repeat Step 3a through Step 3d for additio nal mount ing holes.
3-9 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Supplem ental Bon ding and Ground ing Con nection s Installing the Chassis on a Tabletop or Flat Surface Use the following proce dure to inst all the Ci sco XR 12406 router on a tablet op or other stab le flat sur face.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Supplemen tal Bond ing and Groundi ng Connect ions 3-10 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 • On Cisco XR 12406 route rs configured f.
3-11 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Supplem ental Bon ding and Ground ing Con nection s Use a dual -hole lu g to connect to the chassis with two 6.3-mm (M6) scre ws on the 0.63-in ch (16- mm) ce nters as shown in Figu re 3-4 and Fig ure 3-5.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Supplemen tal Bond ing and Groundi ng Connect ions 3-12 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Figur e 3-6 Cr imping the Lug Note Th e thr.
3-13 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Connect ing RP and Line C ard Cabl es Connecting RP and Lin e Card Cables Refer to Figure 3-7 and use th e follo wing proc edure t o conn ect RP and line card cable s.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Connecting RP an d Line Card Cab les 3-14 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Figur e 3-7 Chassis Cable-Manag ement Brac ket 101833 S L.
3-15 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Connect ing Al arm Car d Cable s Connecting Al arm Card Cables The C isco XR 1240 6 rout er has two a larm car ds. Each alarm card is e quipped w ith a stan dard D B-9 c onnecto r , labeled ALARM .
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Connecti ng to the Console an d Auxiliary Ports 3-16 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Check your termi nal’ s document ation to determine the baud rate of the terminal you plan to use.
3-17 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Connecting to the Console and Auxiliary Ports Note The console and auxiliar y ports are both asynch ronous serial ports; an y dev ices connec ted to these por ts must be capa ble of asyn chronous t ransmissio n.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Installing a Flash Mem ory Card 3-18 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Installing a Flash Memory Card By default , a Flas h memor y card (Figu re 3-9) c ontaining a valid Ci sco IOS XR softwar e image is ins erted in PCMCIA slot 0 befo re the router is shipped.
3-19 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Connect ing the PRP to an Ethern et Network Figur e 3-9 Flash Memory Car d Slot Opening Ens.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Connecting t he PRP to an Ethernet Network 3-20 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Note Us e cables that co mply wi th EIA/ TIA-56 8 standards. See T able 3-4 o n page 3-23 and T a ble 3-5 on page 3 -24 for cabl e recomme ndations and specifications.
3-21 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Connect ing the PRP to an Ethern et Network Figur e 3-1 0 Using the Ether net P ort on the P RP PRP Ethernet Connecti ons Figure 3-11 shows a PRP RJ-45 rec eptacle a nd cable conn ector .
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Connecting t he PRP to an Ethernet Network 3-22 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 War ni ng The ports labeled Ethernet, 10BASE-T , T oken Ring, Console, and AUX are safety extra-low voltage (SEL V) circuits.
3-23 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Connect ing the PRP to an Ethern et Network Figur e 3-13 Cros sov er Cable Pinout f or Connecting T w o PRPs T able 3-4 lists the cab ling spec ifica tions for 100-Mbps tr ansmission o ver unshiel ded twiste d-pair (UTP) cabl es.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Connecting t o an AC Power Sourc e 3-24 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 T able 3-5 lists IEEE 802.3u ph ysical charact eristics for 100B ASE-TX. Connecting to an AC Power Sou rce This se ction pres ents t he proc edur e for c onnec ting yo ur rou ter t o an A C power source.
3-25 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Connect ing to an AC Pow er Source Refer to Figure 3-14 and use the f ollowing proce dure to connec t A C power to the A C PDU.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Connecting t o an AC Power Sourc e 3-26 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 3 Plug the sock et end of each A C po wer co rd into a re ceptacle on the PDU (Fi gure 3 -14).
3-27 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Connecting to a DC Power Source Step 4 Inse rt the plug en d of each A C po wer co rd into the A C po wer sou rce ou tle t.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Connecting t o a DC Power Sou rce 3-28 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 2 Locat e the DC power blocks on the ba ck of the PD U (Figure 3-15 ).
3-29 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Connecting to a DC Power Source Step 3 Connect t he source D C po wer leads to the three te.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Powering O n the Router—F irst Time 3-30 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Powering On the Router—First Time Use the follo wing procedure to po wer on the router for the firs t time.
3-31 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Powering On the Rout er—First Ti me Step 2 Power on the r outer by swit ching on a ll the.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Powering O n the Router—F irst Time 3-32 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 6 V isua lly check the LEDs o n the two alarm cards.
3-33 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter External Network In terface If the router does not po wer on, or if any interfa ces d o not initializ e properly , see Chapter 4, “T roubleshooting the Installatio n”.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Manuall y Booting t he System 3-34 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 The follo wing is an example of a typical boo t process: • The RP MBus mod ule rec eive s the correc t DC volta ge and st arts e xecutin g MBus softwa re.
3-35 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Manual ly Booting t he System Cautio n Do not overtighten th e captive scre ws on the c ards; you mi ght strip the threads on the scre w or in the insert in the component fa ceplate.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Manuall y Booting t he System 3-36 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 RP Alphanumeric LED RP alp h anume ric LEDs are lo cated a t one end of the RP f aceplate , near the ej ector le ver .
3-37 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Manual ly Booting t he System RP Interfaces Using the RP LEDs The Ci sco XR 12000 se ries ro uter u ses the Pe rforman ce Route Processo r (PRP2).
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Manuall y Booting t he System 3-38 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 PRP Interfaces Usi ng the PRP LEDs The PRP f aceplate has ei ght de vice o r port LED ac tivity in dica tors ( Figure 3-19).
3-39 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 3 Instal ling the Cisc o XR 12406 Ro uter Manual ly Booting t he System Manually B ooting th e System If your rou ter doe s not find .
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12406 Router Manuall y Booting t he System 3-40 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01.
4-1 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 CH A P T E R 4 Troubleshooting the Installation This c hapter p rovides trou bleshooti ng gui delines for Cisco XR 1 2406 route r. If the solutions pro vided in this chapter do not mak e the router full y functional , conta ct your Cisc o servic e repres enta tiv e for assi stance .
Chapt er 4 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Iden tify ing S tartu p Pro blem s 4-2 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 When you start up the router for the first tim e, y ou should observe the start up sequenc e.
4-3 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 4 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Identifying Startup Problems Using the Sy stem LED s to Troubles hoot Y ou can det ermine when a .
Chapt er 4 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Pro blem -Solv ing with S ubsys tem s 4-4 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 – All internal DC v oltages are within tolerance.
4-5 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 4 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Problem-Solving with Subsystems For troublesho oting p urposes, t he Cisco XR 12406 r outer cons .
Chapt er 4 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Troublesho oting an AC Pow er Subsystem 4-6 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Troubleshooting an AC Power Subsystem A C PEMs provi de –48 VDC OUTPUT . The +5 VDC OUTPU T from the CSF po wers the MBus module on eac h card in the sy stem.
4-7 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 4 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Troubl eshoo ting an AC Power Subs ystem T able 4-1 su mmarizes the fun ction of these in dicators.
Chapt er 4 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Troublesho oting an AC Pow er Subsystem 4-8 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 2 Check th e A C power source . • Check the A C po wer c ord fro m the power source to t he rou ter .
4-9 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 4 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Troubl eshootin g a DC Po wer Subs ystem Step 6 Is the power suppl y DC LED on ? • If yes, the power su pply is f unctioni ng norm ally .
Chapt er 4 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Troub leshooting a DC Power Subs ystem 4-10 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Figur e 4-2 DC-Input P ow er Entry Module LE Ds T able 4-2 su mmarizes the fun ction of these in dicators.
4-11 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 4 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Troubl eshootin g a DC Po wer Subs ystem The follo wing conditions must exists for a DC PEM to operate nor mally: • The PEM is ful ly seated in its bay and th e ejecto r le vers are secu red.
Chapt er 4 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Troub leshooting a DC Power Subs ystem 4-12 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 4 Power off the PEM c ircui t breake r switc h and ch eck th e DC power sourc e. • Check t he DC power wire s from the po wer source t o the r outer .
4-13 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 4 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Troublesh ooting the Processo r Subsystem If you a re una ble to resolve t he probl em or if you determ ine tha t either the PE M or po wer wiring is fa ulty , cont act a servi ce representati ve for assis tance .
Chapt er 4 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Troubles hooting t he Proce ssor Subsystem 4-14 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Figur e 4-3 RP Alphanumer ic LED Displa ys Each four-digi t display shows part of a two-li ne system mes sage.
4-15 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 4 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Troublesh ooting the Processo r Subsystem The RP has 8 de vice or port LED activity indica tors that show the statu s of the Ether net conne ctions (F igure 4- 4).
Chapt er 4 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Troubles hooting t he Proce ssor Subsystem 4-16 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Check the follo wing to help isolate a problem wi th the RP: • Are bo th alphanu meric LED di splays on? – The two displ ays are powered se parately .
4-17 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 4 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Troublesh ooting the Processo r Subsystem Cautio n The RP reset switch r esets the RP and the entire system. T o prev e nt system errors and pro blems, use it only at the dir ection of a Ci sco-ce rtified servic e represen tati ve.
Chapt er 4 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Troubles hooting t he Proce ssor Subsystem 4-18 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Troublesho oting the Lin e Cards As each lin e card po wers up, a po wer- on self- test (POST) is perf ormed on the line card mem ory .
4-19 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 4 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Troublesh ooting the Processo r Subsystem During the line ca rd boot proce ss, whi ch occu rs imm ediate ly afte r the RP boo t process, you can observe the a lphanum eric LE D displays on each line car d (T a ble 4-5).
Chapt er 4 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Troubles hooting t he Proce ssor Subsystem 4-20 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 T ab le 4-6 provides a list of me ssages that ca n be displayed by the lin e card alpha numeric LE D display .
4-21 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 4 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Troublesh ooting the Processo r Subsystem Troublesho oting the Alarm Cards The Ci sco XR 12406 ro uter u ses t wo alarm c ards to monitor the sta tus of the CSCs and SF Cs and to i ndicate v arious alarm cond itions.
Chapt er 4 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Troubles hooting t he Proce ssor Subsystem 4-22 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Figure 4-5 shows the l ocat ion of t he alar m ca rd LEDs .
4-23 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 4 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Troublesh ooting the Processo r Subsystem Monitoring Alarm Card Stat us The MB US LEDs ind icate the op erational sta tus of the alarm ca rd.
Chapt er 4 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Troubles hooting t he Proce ssor Subsystem 4-24 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Monitoring Critical , Major, and Minor Alarm Status The alarm card uses t hre e pair s of alar m sta tus L EDs to id entif y syst em a larm condit ions de tected t hrou gh the MBus.
4-25 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 4 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Troubl eshoot ing the C ooling S ubsystem Troubleshooting t he Cooling Subsystem The Cisc o XR 12406 rout er has a blower modul e located on th e rear of the chass is, which provides co oling air fo r the ro uter co mpone nts.
Chapt er 4 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Troubles hooting t he Cool ing Subs ystem 4-26 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Figur e 4-6 Blow er Modul e Location a nd F eat ur es Ther e are two LE Ds on the blower modu le at the rear of the ch ass is.
4-27 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 4 Troubles hooting the I nstallation Troubl eshoot ing the C ooling S ubsystem • List en for t he bl o wer f ans. In no isy en vir onmen ts, place yo ur ha nd behi nd t he blo wer module to feel for a ir being f orced out th e exhaust v ents.
Chapt er 4 Troublesho oting the Insta llat ion Troubles hooting t he Cool ing Subs ystem 4-28 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 • The precedi ng messa ge could also indica te a fa ulty com ponen t or te mperat ure sensor .
5-1 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 CH A P T E R 5 Maintaining the Router The Ci sco XR 124 06 rou ter is equip ped as ordered and i s ready to ins tall and start up when it leaves the factory .
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer 5-2 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 The fol lo w ing sec tions descr ibe tools and procedures nec essary to m aintain th e Cisco XR 12406 ro uter.
5-3 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Tools an d Equipmen t Tools and Equ ipment The following sect ion l ists too ls and equipm ent fo r unp acking , perfo rming mainte nance, a nd setting up y our Cisco XR 12 406 route r.
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and I nstalling t he Front Cover 5-4 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 1 T urn off t he power switche s (A C ) or circuit bre aker switche s (DC) on the PEMs. Step 2 T urn of f the f acility cir cuit break ers for po wer source l ines connec ted to the PDU.
5-5 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removing and Installing the Front Cover Figur e 5-1 Remo ving or Installing the F ront Co ver 1 Rele as e bu.
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing t he Air Filters 5-6 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Removing and Replac ing the Ai r Filters The C isco XR 1 2406 ro uter i s equippe d with two use r-serviceab le air filters th at remove dust drawn i nto the rou ter by the blower module .
5-7 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removing a nd Replacing th e Air Filt ers Figur e 5-2 Removing the Air Filt ers 1 Air filter doo r 2 Air fil.
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing t he Blower Mod ule 5-8 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 3 Reinstall the air f ilter into t he chassis n oting the d irection of the a irflo w arrows on the top of the air f ilter f rame (Fig ure 5-3 ).
5-9 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removing and Replacing th e Blower Mo dule Cautio n Although the blower module supp orts OIR an d can be rep.
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing t he Blower Mod ule 5-10 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 2 Install the ne w blower mod ule (Figure 5-5): a. Position the alig nment holes on the blo wer module with the guide pi ns at the top of the chassis and on the PDU at the bottom of the chassis.
5-11 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removing and Replacing th e Blower Mo dule Figur e 5-5 Installing the Blo wer Modu le 1 Carr ying handle 3 .
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing t he Blower Mod ule 5-12 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Troublesho oting the Blowe r Installation Use the follo wing procedure to troubleshoot the blo wer module if it is not operati ng properly a fter installati on.
5-13 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removing and Rep lacing a n AC Power Entry Mo dule Installation Guidelines The Cisc o XR 12406 rout er support online insert ion and removal (OIR).
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing an AC Power Ent ry Module 5-14 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 1 Power off the fau lty PE M (se e item 3 in Figur e 5-6). Figur e 5-6 A C Po wer Supply Compo nents Step 2 Unplug the power su pply cord from its AC outlet.
5-15 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removing and Rep lacing a n AC Power Entry Mo dule Step 4 Remove th e PEM fro m th e chas sis (Figu re 5 -7): a. Loosen the capti ve scre w on each ejector le ver .
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing an AC Power Ent ry Module 5-16 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 5 Install t he new power supply (Fig ure 5-8 ): a. Slide the po wer supply into the bay until it mates with its backplane conn ector .
5-17 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removing and Rep lacing a n AC Power Entry Mo dule Step 6 Plug the pow e r supply cable into its A C outlet. Step 7 Po wer on the circui t breaker to that A C outlet.
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing an AC Power Ent ry Module 5-18 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 3 Check th e power supp ly sta tus indi cators : .
5-19 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removing and Rep laci ng an AC PDU Removing and Re placing an AC PDU The A C PDU does not support online inserti on and removal (OIR) and ca nnot b e replace d while the syst em is oper ating.
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing an AC PDU 5-20 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 4 Loosen the capti ve sc rew on each eje ctor le ver and p ivo t the le ve rs open t o unsea t the power supply from its PDU conne ctor (Figu re 5-9).
5-21 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removing and Rep laci ng an AC PDU Step 5 Release t he retention cl ip and disc onnect each power supply cord from the PD U (items 2 and 3 in Figure 5-10).
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing an AC PDU 5-22 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 6 Remov e the blo wer module (Figure 5-11): a. Lift the blow er modul e handle to its raised (ca rrying) position. b. Loosen the (4) capti ve sc rews on the blo wer m o dule.
5-23 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removing and Rep laci ng an AC PDU Step 7 Remove the PDU from the chassi s (Figure 5-1 2): a. Loosen the ( 4) capti ve scre ws on the PDU. b. Grasp the PDU and pu ll it out slightly .
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing an AC PDU 5-24 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 9 Install the bl ower module ( Figur e 5-13) : a. Position the a lignment holes on the bl o wer module with the guid e pins on the chass is and PDU .
5-25 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removing and Rep laci ng an AC PDU Step 13 Reinstall the power supplies (Fi gure 5-14) : a. Push the po wer supply into its bay until it mates with its PDU connect o r .
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing a DC PEM 5-26 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 14 Set the power switch on both power supplies to the on (1) posit ion. The A C Input Power and DC Outp ut Power indicators on th e po wer supp lies should be on.
5-27 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removi ng and Repl acing a DC PEM Step 1 Po wer of f the fa ulty PEM (item 3 in Figure 5-15). Figur e 5-15 DC P owe r Entry Modul e Components Step 2 Power off the circ uit brea ker assigne d to th e power supp ly .
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing a DC PEM 5-28 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Figur e 5-16 Releasing the DC P ow er Supply 101116 O U TP U T O K IN P U.
5-29 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removi ng and Repl acing a DC PEM Step 4 Install t he new power supply : a. Slide the po wer supply into the bay until it mates with its backplane conn ector .
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing a DC PEM 5-30 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 5 Po wer on the circ uit break er . Step 6 Po wer on the PEM. The A C Input an d DC Output power indicator s on the fro nt of the power supp ly should be on.
5-31 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Remov ing a nd Rep lacin g a DC PDU • Input OK (gree n)—Indicat es that t he power supply is oper ating nor mally , and the source DC input v oltage is within the nominal operati ng range of -4 0.
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing a D C PDU 5-32 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Use the foll owing pro cedure to remov e and replac e a DC PDU.
5-33 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Remov ing a nd Rep lacin g a DC PDU Step 2 Power off the circ uit brea kers assi gned to t he PEM s. Step 3 Loosen the capti ve sc rew on each eje ctor le ver and p ivo t the le ve rs open t o unsea t the power supply from its PDU conne ctor (Figu re 5-19).
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing a D C PDU 5-34 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 4 Remov e the blo wer module (Figure 5-20): a. Lift the blow er modul e handle to its raised (ca rrying) position. b. Loosen the (4) capti ve sc rews on the blo wer m o dule.
5-35 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Remov ing a nd Rep lacin g a DC PDU Step 5 Disconne ct th e DC p ower lead s from t he PDU power co nnector b locks i n the following orde r (Figur e 5-21 ): a.
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing a D C PDU 5-36 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 6 Remove the PDU from the chassi s (Figure 5-2 2): a. Loosen the ( 4) capti ve scre ws on the PDU. b. Grasp the PDU and pu ll it out slightly .
5-37 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Remov ing a nd Rep lacin g a DC PDU Step 7 Install the ne w PDU and tighten its (4) captiv e screws to secure it to the chassis. Step 8 Install the bl ower module ( Figur e 5-23) : a.
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing a D C PDU 5-38 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 9 Recon nect the DC po wer leads to eac h of the PDU powe r connector blo cks in the following orde r (Figur e 5-24 ): a.
5-39 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Remov ing a nd Rep lacin g a DC PDU Step 10 Reinstall the PEMs: a.
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing a D C PDU 5-40 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 11 Po wer on the circ uit break ers assigned to the PEMs. Step 12 Po wer on the PEMs. The Output Po wer OK and Input Po wer OK indicators on the po wer supplies should be on.
5-41 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Remov ing a nd Rep lacin g an RP or a Line Ca rd Step 1 If the Inp ut OK and Output OK LEDs are of f, make sure th at the: • PEM is fir m ly se ated in the bay and the captiv e scr e ws ar e tigh tened securely .
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing an RP or a Line Card 5-42 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Figur e 5-27 Cisco XR 12 406 Rou ter Ca rd C age Slot Locat i.
5-43 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Remov ing a nd Rep lacin g an RP or a Line Ca rd Use the foll owing pr ocedu re to remo ve and repl ace an RP or line ca rd.
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing an RP or a Line Card 5-44 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 5 Simulta neously pivot the ejector levers away from each other t o unseat the car d from the b ackplan e connec tor (Fi gure 5-28) .
5-45 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Remov ing a nd Rep lacin g an RP or a Line Ca rd Step 6 Grasp th e edges of th e card ca rrier with bo th hand to support it and re move the card . Caution R emo ve ea ch RP or line c ard completely from the slots .
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing an RP or a Line Card 5-46 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 9 T ighten the cap ti ve scre ws on the ca rd. Note The card capti ve scre ws must be tig htened to meet EMI specific ation standards.
5-47 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Remov ing a nd Rep lacin g an RP or a Line Ca rd Use t he fo llowing proc edure to att ach t he cab le-mana gement bracke t and cables to a l in e c ard.
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Replacing an RP or a Line Card 5-48 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 5 Attac h an ap propria te nu mber of velcro str aps thr ough th e slots i n the cable-m anagem ent brac ket to support the network int erface cab les (Figure 5-30 ).
5-49 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Remov ing a nd Rep lacin g an RP or a Line Ca rd Step 6 Proceeding from th e left p ort on the line card to.
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Installing a Clock and Sche duler Card, Switc h Fabric Card , or Alarm Card 5-50 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Removing and Ins.
5-51 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removing and Installing a Clock and S cheduler Card, Switch Fabric Card, or Alarm Ca rd Cautio n When oper .
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Installing a Clock and Sche duler Card, Switc h Fabric Card , or Alarm Card 5-52 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 2 Grasp t h e c ard eje ctor le vers and pi vot th em a way from th e CSC face plate (see Figure 5-3 2).
5-53 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removing and Installing a Clock and S cheduler Card, Switch Fabric Card, or Alarm Ca rd Removi ng and Replac ing a Switch Fa bric Card Use the foll o wing pr ocedu re to remo ve and replac e a SFC.
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Installing a Clock and Sche duler Card, Switc h Fabric Card , or Alarm Card 5-54 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 2 Grasp t h e c ard eje ctor le vers and pi vo t them a way f r om th e SFC f aceplate (see Figur e 5-33) .
5-55 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removing and Installing a Clock and S cheduler Card, Switch Fabric Card, or Alarm Ca rd Remov ing an d Replacing an Alarm Card Use the foll owing pr ocedure to remo ve and replac e an alarm car d .
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Removing and Installing a Clock and Sche duler Card, Switc h Fabric Card , or Alarm Card 5-56 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 Step 2 Grasp the handl e on the fro nt of the ala rm card and slid e the alar m card ha lfway out of the slot, then stop .
5-57 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 Chapter 5 Maintaini ng the Router Removing and Installing a Clock and S cheduler Card, Switch Fabric Card, or Alarm Ca rd Verifying the Insta.
Chapt er 5 Maintain ing the R outer Upgradi ng the RP and Line Card Memory 5-58 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Gui de OL-13831-01 • The fo llowing amb er LED s are nor mally off: – The MB US s.
A-1 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 APPENDIX A Cisco XR 12406 Router Technical Specifications and Warnings This appendi x prov ides technica l specif ication s, regula tory info rmation, and transla ted safety warnings an d agency appr ov als for t he Cisco X R 12406 Ro uter.
Append ix A Cisco XR 12406 Router Tech nical Specifica tions and W arnings Specifica tions A-2 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guid e OL-13831-01 The elect r ical spe cif ications and v alues liste.
A-3 Cisco XR 12406 Route r Installation Guide OL-13831-01 Append ix A Cisco XR 12406 Router Tech nical Speci fications and Warnings Specifications Cautio n T o ensure that the chassis conf iguration complies with the requir ed po wer budgets, use th e on-line power cal culator .
Append ix A Cisco XR 12406 Router Tech nical Specifica tions and W arnings Specifica tions A-4 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guid e OL-13831-01 Cautio n Exhaust fr om other equipm ent vented dir ectly int o the Cisc o XR 12406 R outer ai r inlet may cause o verheating.
A-5 Cisco XR 12406 Route r Installation Guide OL-13831-01 Append ix A Cisco XR 12406 Router Tech nical Speci fications and Warnings Specifications Alarm Card Alarm Relay Connector Specifications The ala rm card al arm rel ay conne ctor is a s tanda rd DB-9 connect or .
Append ix A Cisco XR 12406 Router Tech nical Specifica tions and W arnings Complianc e Infor mation A-6 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guid e OL-13831-01 Compliance Information Complian ce in form.
A-7 Cisco XR 12406 Route r Installation Guide OL-13831-01 Append ix A Cisco XR 12406 Router Tech nical Speci fications and Warnings Compliance Information T able A -7 Immunity T ests T est T ype or Sp.
Append ix A Cisco XR 12406 Router Tech nical Specifica tions and W arnings Complianc e Infor mation A-8 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guid e OL-13831-01 T a ble A -8 Networ k Equi pment Build ing.
A-9 Cisco XR 12406 Route r Installation Guide OL-13831-01 Append ix A Cisco XR 12406 Router Tech nical Speci fications and Warnings Regulatory, Compliance, and Safety Information Regulatory, Complianc.
Append ix A Cisco XR 12406 Router Tech nical Specifica tions and W arnings Regulat ory, Compliance, an d Safety Info rmation A-10 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guid e OL-13831-01 Y o u can determ ine whet her your equ ipment is c ausing int erferenc e by turning it of f.
A-11 Cisco XR 12406 Route r Installation Guide OL-13831-01 Append ix A Cisco XR 12406 Router Tech nical Speci fications and Warnings Regulatory, Compliance, and Safety Information VCCI Class A Notice .
Append ix A Cisco XR 12406 Router Tech nical Specifica tions and W arnings Regulat ory, Compliance, an d Safety Info rmation A-12 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guid e OL-13831-01 Class A Notice f.
A-13 Cisco XR 12406 Route r Installation Guide OL-13831-01 Append ix A Cisco XR 12406 Router Tech nical Speci fications and Warnings Regulatory, Compliance, and Safety Information Compliance Label The comp liance inf ormatio n label is locate d on the Cisco 12006 and Cisco 12406 Router a s shown in Figur e A-1.
Append ix A Cisco XR 12406 Router Tech nical Specifica tions and W arnings Regulat ory, Compliance, an d Safety Info rmation A-14 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guid e OL-13831-01 Router Performan.
B-1 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installat ion Guide OL-13831-01 APPENDIX B Repacking the Router T o r epack your Cisco XR 12406 router fo r shipme nt, use t he following rep acking inform ation and pro cedu.
Appendix B Repack ing the Router Shippin g Package Ov erview B-2 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guid e OL-13831-01 Shipping Package Overview Figure B-1 shows a Cisco XR 1240 6 router in an exploded view of t he route r ship ping package.
B-3 Cisco XR 12406 Route r Installation Guide OL-13831-01 Append ix B Repacking the Ro uter Shipp ing P ackag e Ov ervi ew Figur e B-1 Cisco XR 12406 Router P acking Com ponents 1 Pal let b ase 4 Plas.
Appendix B Repack ing the Router Tools an d Equipm ent B-4 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guid e OL-13831-01 Tools and Equ ipment Y ou will need the f o llo wing tools and eq uipment to r epack th.
B-5 Cisco XR 12406 Route r Installation Guide OL-13831-01 Append ix B Repacking the Ro uter Re packi ng th e Route r Figur e B-2 Secur ing the Rout er to the P allet Base T o repa ck the router , f ollo w these st eps: Step 1 Place the router on the pallet base.
Appendix B Repack ing the Router Repackin g the Router B-6 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guid e OL-13831-01 Step 3 Install th e angle br ackets on the side s of the chassis (see Figure B- 2): a.
B-7 Cisco XR 12406 Route r Installation Guide OL-13831-01 Append ix B Repacking the Ro uter Re packi ng th e Route r Figu re B-3 Pac kaged Ro uter Sec ured to P all et 50835.
Appendix B Repack ing the Router Repackin g the Router B-8 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guid e OL-13831-01.
IN- 1 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guide OL-13831-01 INDEX Numerics 100BASE- T Ethern et port maximu m cable lengt hs 3-24 specifi cations Fast E therne t specifi cations 3-23 A AC-inp ut power .
Index IN-2 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installati on Guide OL-13831-01 auxiliary port 3-15 console port 3-15 DC power 2-16 Ether net port 3-22 captive scre ws, overtighte n ing 3-30, 3-35, 5-47, 5-52, 5-54 .
IN- 3 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guide OL-13831-01 Index eject or lever s 5-52, 5-54 remo va l and ins tall ati on 5-51 verify ing replac ement C SC 5-57 curr ent ratin g AC-inp ut power suppl.
Index IN-4 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installati on Guide OL-13831-01 fiel d diagnost ics 4-18 fiel d repl aceable unit See FRU G groundi ng connect ion guideline s 2-17 DC powered installatio ns 2-17, 3-10 GRP LEDs 3-36 H handles for lifting 2-7 I IEEE 8 02.
IN- 5 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guide OL-13831-01 Index supplem ental bond ing an d grou nding connect ion 2-17, 3 -10 O observing initial conditions 3-34 OIR 1-4 online in sertio n and r emo.
Index IN-6 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installati on Guide OL-13831-01 Fla sh memo ry card, installing/re moving 3-19 power-on sel f-tes t (POST) 4-13 troublesh ooting 4-13 S safety appr oval agen cy requ i.
IN- 7 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installation Guide OL-13831-01 Index processor su bsystem 4-13, 4-16 startup pro blems 4-1 twisted-pa ir wiring 2-20 U uninterr uptible p ower so urce See UPS unpacki ng in.
Index IN-8 Cisco XR 12406 Router Installati on Guide OL-13831-01.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Cisco Systems XR 12406 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Cisco Systems XR 12406 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Cisco Systems XR 12406 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Cisco Systems XR 12406 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Cisco Systems XR 12406, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Cisco Systems XR 12406.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Cisco Systems XR 12406. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Cisco Systems XR 12406 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.