Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto SCE8000 del fabbricante Cisco Systems
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Americas Hea dquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Driv e San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco SCE80 0 0 Installation and Configuration Guide R ele ase 3 .
i Cisco SCE8000 Ins tallation and Co nfiguration Guide, Rel 3.1.7 OL-16478-02 CONTENTS About t his Guid e ix CHAPTER 1 Cisco Se rvice Control Overview 1-1 Cisco Servi ce Cont rol Solu tion 1-1 Servic .
Cont ent s ii Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Cisco SCE 8000 Comp onent Lis t 2-1 4 Cisco SCE 8000 In stal lation Checkl ist 2-1 5 CHAPTER 3 Cisco SCE800 .
Content s iii Cisco SCE8000 Ins tallation and Co nfigu ration Guide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Instal ling th e Cisco SCE8000 Chassis in the Rack 4-12 Unpacki ng the Cisc o SCE800 0 Chassis 4-12 Insta ll.
Cont ent s iv Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Cascade d Systems 6-15 How to Inst all a Ca scaded Sys tem 6-15 CLI Command s for Cas caded Systems 6-16 Top.
Content s v Cisco SCE8000 Ins tallation and Co nfigu ration Guide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 CHAPTER 8 Troubles hootin g 8-1 Troubl eshoo ting Ov ervi ew 8-1 Infor matio n About Troub lesh ooting To ols .
Cont ent s vi Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Instal ling a Modu le 9-13 Removing a Module 9- 17 Insert ing and Remo ving a Mod ule: Deta il 9-19 Verif yi.
ix Cisco SCE8000 Ins tallation and Co nfiguration Guide, Rel 3.1.7 OL-16478-02 About this Guide This pre face desc ribes w ho shoul d read t he Cisco SCE 8000 Installat ion and Configuration Guide , h ow it is organized, an d its documen t conv entions.
x Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 About this Guide Organization The major sections o f this guide are as follo ws: Chapter T itle Description 1 Cisco Servi ce Control Overvi ew , page 1-1 This chapter pro vides a brief introduction to Cisco Serv ice Cont rol.
xi Cisco SCE8000 Ins tallation and Co nfigu ration Guide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 About this Guide Related Publications Y o ur SCE800 0 pl atform and the so ftware ru nning on it c ontain extensive fea.
xii Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 About this Guide Note Means r eader ta ke no te . Ti p Mean s the follo wing informat ion will he lp you solve a pr oblem .
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 1 Cisco Service Control Overview This chapter pro vides a general o ver vie w of the Cisco Service Control solutio n. It introduces the Cisco service c ontrol co ncept an d capab ilities.
1-2 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapte r 1 Cisco Se rvice C ontrol Ove rview Cisco Serv ice Control Capa bilities • Report and an alyze networ k tra.
1-3 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 1 Cisco Service Con trol Overview SCE Platform Description SCE Platform Description The SCE fami ly of p rogra.
1-4 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapte r 1 Cisco Se rvice C ontrol Ove rview SCE Platform Descrip tion Figur e 1 -1 SCE Platf or m in the Netw or k LI.
1-5 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 1 Cisco Service Con trol Overview Managem ent and Collect ion Management and Collection The Cisco service cont.
1-6 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapte r 1 Cisco Se rvice C ontrol Ove rview Managem ent and Col lection Subscr iber Manage ment Where t he Cisco serv.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 2 Introduction to the Cisco SCE8000 Platform This cha pter provid es an introduc tion t o the Cisco SCE80 00 10GBE platfo rm, the Se rvice Con trol hardware compo nent .
2-2 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 2 Intro duction to the Cisco SCE8000 Pl atform Service Contr ol Module (SCE8000 -SCM-E) Figur e 2-1 Ci sco SCE.
2-3 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 2 Introduction to the Cisco SCE800 0 Platform Service Co ntrol Module (SCE8000 -SCM-E) T able 2-2 SCE80 00-SCM-E P or ts Port Quantity Description Connect This Port T o… GBE por t 2 Cur rent ly on ly one GBE po rt is suppor ted.
2-4 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 2 Intro duction to the Cisco SCE8000 Pl atform Introduction to SIPs and SPA s Introductio n to SIPs and SPAs S.
2-5 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 2 Introduction to the Cisco SCE800 0 Platform Introduction to SIPs and SPAs Specifying the SIP Subslo t Location for a SPA Cisco SCE80 00-SIP subslots begin their nu mberin g with “0” an d have a horizont al orienta tion.
2-6 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 2 Intro duction to the Cisco SCE8000 Pl atform Introduction to SIPs and SPA s Modular Optics The SP A s impl emen t 10GBE small form -factor pluggabl e (XFP) op tical tra nsceivers to provide n etwork connec tivity .
2-7 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 2 Introduction to the Cisco SCE800 0 Platform Introduction to SIPs and SPAs The XFP oper ating temperatur e range is 0°C to 70°C.
2-8 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 2 Intro duction to the Cisco SCE8000 Pl atform The Cisco SCE8000 Optica l Bypass The Cisco SCE8000 Optical Byp.
2-9 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 2 Introduction to the Cisco SCE800 0 Platform The Cisco SCE8000 Optical By pass • During a p ower failure —Th e Cisco SC E8000 h as two power supplies. A power failure occu rs only when both of th em f ail.
2-10 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 2 Intro duction to the Cisco SCE8000 Pl atform The Cisco SCE8000 Optica l Bypass • OPB-SCE8K-MM supp orts Multi-Mode optics an d should be used with SCE8000 equip ped with Multi-Mode o ptics.
2-11 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 2 Introduction to the Cisco SCE800 0 Platform The Cisco SCE8000 Optical By pass Optical Bypass Module Specific ations Fiber Cable Type The fi ber cable type with in the Optical Bypass Mo dule area as follo ws: • OPB-SCE8 K-MM: 50 um core.
2-12 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 2 Intro duction to the Cisco SCE8000 Pl atform The Cisco SCE8000 Optica l Bypass Powe r Suppli es The C isco SCE80 00 platfo rm supp orts redu ndant AC- or DC-in put power supplie s.
2-13 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 2 Introduction to the Cisco SCE800 0 Platform Checkin g the Shippin g Contai ner Cont ents Power Supply C ooling Po wer supplies ha ve bui lt-in fans and are completely self -cooling.
2-14 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 2 Intro duction to the Cisco SCE8000 Pl atform Checking the Shipping Cont ainer Cont ents Cisco SCE 8000 C omponent L ist Note Cisco does not ship the entire Cisco SCE8000 documentation set automatically with each system.
2-15 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 2 Introduction to the Cisco SCE800 0 Platform Cisco SCE8000 In stallation Ch ecklist Cisco SCE8000 Installati.
2-16 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 2 Intro duction to the Cisco SCE8000 Pl atform Cisco SCE8 000 Install ation Check list.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 3 Cisco SCE8000 Topology and Topology-Related Parameters This c hapter d escrib es the po ssible deployme nt to pologies of the Cisco SCE8000 and explai ns how to configure t he releva nt para mete rs correc tly for ea ch topol ogy .
3-2 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 3 Cisco SCE8000 Top ology and To pology-Re lated Para meters Topology Considera tions — W il l the system be.
3-3 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 3 Cisco SCE8000 Top ology and To pology-Re lated Param eters Physica l Topolog ies Physical Topologi es Following are descript ions of a numbe r of physica l topologie s that the Ci sco SCE80 00 supports.
3-4 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 3 Cisco SCE8000 Top ology and To pology-Re lated Para meters Physical To pologies Single Link: Inline Topology T ypi cally , the Cisc o SCE8000 is connect ed i n a full dupl ex 10GB E link betwee n two devices (Route r , BRAS, etc.
3-5 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 3 Cisco SCE8000 Top ology and To pology-Re lated Param eters Physica l Topolog ies Single Link: Receive-only Topology In this topology , an optical splitter resides physically on the 10GBE link between the subscribers and the networ k.
3-6 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 3 Cisco SCE8000 Top ology and To pology-Re lated Para meters Physical To pologies Figur e 3-5 Dua l Link: Rece.
3-7 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 3 Cisco SCE8000 Top ology and To pology-Re lated Param eters Physica l Topolog ies • The two Cisco SCE 8000s.
3-8 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 3 Cisco SCE8000 Top ology and To pology-Re lated Para meters Physical To pologies Type of SCE Platform Redundancy • All Ac tiv e All por ts in the EC and al l SCE pl atfor ms are act i v e.
3-9 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 3 Cisco SCE8000 Top ology and To pology-Re lated Param eters Link Continuity Link Continuity The interna l bypa ss mechanism of the Cisco SCE8000 allo ws tra ff ic to continue to flo w , if desired, e v en if the d ev ice itself is n ot fully f unctioning .
3-10 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 3 Cisco SCE8000 Top ology and To pology-Re lated Para meters Link Contin uity Figur e 3-9 Optic al Bypass Und.
3-11 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 3 Cisco SCE8000 Top ology and To pology-Re lated Param eters Topolo gy-Rel ated Pa ramet ers Topology-Rela te.
3-12 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 3 Cisco SCE8000 Top ology and To pology-Re lated Para meters Topology -Related Parame ters The connec tion m .
3-13 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 3 Cisco SCE8000 Top ology and To pology-Re lated Param eters Asymmetr ic Routi ng Topol ogy In a sing le Cisc.
3-14 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 3 Cisco SCE8000 Top ology and To pology-Re lated Para meters Asymmet ric Routing To pology.
CH A P T E R 4-1 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 4 Installing the Cisco SCE8000 Chassis This chapter describ es how to install a Cisco SCE8000 chassis. War ni n g Before you install, operate, or service the sy stem, read the Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco SCE8000 Platf orm .
4-2 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cisco SCE8000 Chassis Prepar ing for Inst allat ion War ni n g Blank faceplates and cover pan.
4-3 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cis co SCE8000 Chassis Preparing for Installation Preventing Electrost atic Discharge Damage .
4-4 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cisco SCE8000 Chassis Prepar ing for Inst allat ion Follow these re quire ments w hen pr epar.
4-5 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cis co SCE8000 Chassis Preparing for Installation T ab le 2-5 list s the A C-inp ut power cord option s, speci fications, and Cisco produ ct numbe rs for the 27 00 W A C-input power supplie s.
4-6 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cisco SCE8000 Chassis Prepar ing for Inst allat ion AC Power Cord Illustrations This section contain s the A C po wer cord illustrati ons.
4-7 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cis co SCE8000 Chassis Preparing for Installation Figur e 4-3 CA B-A C-2500W -EU= Figur e 4-4 CA B-A C-2500W -INT= Figur e 4-5 CA B-A C-2500W -ISRL= Cordset rating: 16 A, 250 V Length: 14 ft 0 in.
4-8 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cisco SCE8000 Chassis Prepar ing for Inst allat ion Figur e 4-6 CA B-A C-2500W -US1= Figur e 4-7 CAB-A C-C6K-TWLK= Figur e 4-8 CA B-7513A C= Cordset rating: 16 A, 250 V Length: 14 ft 0 in.
4-9 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cis co SCE8000 Chassis Preparing for Installation Figur e 4-9 CA B-7513A CSA= Figur e 4-1 0 CAB-ACS-16= Figur e 4-1 1 CAB-AC-16A -AUS Cordset rating: 16 A, 250 V Length: 14 ft 0 in.
4-10 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cisco SCE8000 Chassis Prepar ing for Inst allat ion Figur e 4-1 2 CAB-C19 -CBN DC-Powered Sy.
4-11 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cis co SCE8000 Chassis Preparing for Installation Site Planning Checklist T able 2 -6 lists the site planning activities that you should pe rform pr ior to installing the C isco SCE8000 chassis.
4-12 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cisco SCE8000 Chassis Installi ng the Cisc o SCE8000 Chassis in th e Rack Installing the Cisco SCE 8000 Chassis in the Rack This se ction de scribes how to insta ll a Ci sco SCE8 000 pl atform in a r ack.
4-13 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cis co SCE8000 Chassis Installing th e Cisco SC E8000 Chassis in th e Rack Note W e recommen.
4-14 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cisco SCE8000 Chassis Installi ng the Cisc o SCE8000 Chassis in th e Rack Figur e 4-1 3 Br ack ets on Cisco SCE8000 Chassis Step 2 Position one of the brack ets agains t the chassi s side , an d ali gn the scre w holes.
4-15 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cis co SCE8000 Chassis Installing th e Cisco SC E8000 Chassis in th e Rack Figur e 4-1 4 Ins.
4-16 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cisco SCE8000 Chassis Connecti ng the System Ground Step 2 Remov e the m odule f iller plat e cov ering the subslot in th e mounting pa nel by loosening th e two scre ws.
4-17 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cis co SCE8000 Chassis Connecti ng th e System Ground Y o u must comple te this proc edure be fore connecti ng system power or turnin g on the Cisc o SCE8000 chass is.
4-18 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 4 Installing the Cisco SCE8000 Chassis Installing the Power Supp lies in the Ci sco SCE800 0 Chassis Figur e .
CH A P T E R 5-1 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 5 Connecting the Manage ment Interfaces This c hapter explains h ow to conn ect the SCE80 00 Se rvice Con.
5-2 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 5 Co nnect ing the Manage ment Int erface s Init ial S etup Par ame ters Step 1 Plug the RS-232 serial cable provided wi th th e Cisc o SCE8000 into the CON port on the fr ont panel of the SCE 8000-SC M-E.
5-3 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 5 Connecting the Manage ment Interfac es Initial Setup Parameters – Mini mum leng th — 4 charac ters – M.
5-4 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 5 Co nnect ing the Manage ment Int erface s Connecti ng the Mana gement I nterface Connecting the Man agement Interface The SCE8000 -SCM- E is equipped with one activ e RJ-45 manage ment por t.
5-5 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 5 Connecting the Manage ment Interfac es Connecting the Manageme nt Interface Step 2 Connect the other en d of the Etherne t cable int o your man agemen t network.
5-6 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 5 Co nnect ing the Manage ment Int erface s Connecti ng the Mana gement I nterface EXAMPLE: The following exam ple d isplays a typ ical ping r esponse wher e t he target IP ad dress is 10.
CH A P T E R 6-1 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 6 Cabling the Line Ports and Completing the Installation This ch apt er provide s instr uctions for cabling the Ci sco SCE80 00 10 Gigabi t Ether net ports for singl e, casc aded , an d MG SCP t opolog ies .
6-2 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Line Po rts and Completing the Installation Connecti ng the Lin e Ports to the Net work Single L.
6-3 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Li ne Ports and Co mpleting the Installation Connecting the Line Ports to the Network • Dual link inline top ologies r equire b oth Recei ve and T ran smit f ibe rs.
6-4 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Line Po rts and Completing the Installation Connecti ng the Lin e Ports to the Net work Multi-Gi.
6-5 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Li ne Ports and Co mpleting the Installation Connecting the Line Ports to the Network The Firs t Ste p-Ord ering the EC Por ts This section e xplai ns how to order the EC ports and assign them to links.
6-6 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Line Po rts and Completing the Installation Connecti ng the Lin e Ports to the Net work • Lin k 1. S=0/ 1, N=2 /2 • Lin k 2. S=0/ 2, N=2 /4 • Lin k 3.
6-7 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Li ne Ports and Co mpleting the Installation Connecting the Line Ports to the Network • Router.
6-8 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Line Po rts and Completing the Installation The Opti cal Bypa ss Modul e • Router 1: S=0 /3, C.
6-9 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Li ne Ports and Co mpleting the Installation Cabling the 10GBE Line Interface Ports Sing le Lin k Topo logy A single link r equires o nly one bypass modu le.
6-10 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Line Po rts and Completing the Installation Cabling the 1 0GBE Li ne Interface Ports Fiber Specifications The fo llowing table pr esents th e fiber specificatio ns.
6-11 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Li ne Ports and Co mpleting the Installation Cabling the 10GBE Line Interface Ports Figur e 6-1 Ca bling the 1 0GBE Int erf ace Step 2 V erify that t he link L ED is gr een.
6-12 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Line Po rts and Completing the Installation Cabling the 1 0GBE Li ne Interface Ports Step 2 Usi.
6-13 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Li ne Ports and Co mpleting the Installation Cabling the 10GBE Line Interface Ports Testing Co .
6-14 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Line Po rts and Completing the Installation How to Loa d and Activat e a Service Co ntrol App l.
6-15 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Li ne Ports and Co mpleting the Installation Casc ade d Syst ems Cascaded Systems • How to In.
6-16 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Line Po rts and Completing the Installation Cascaded System s Step 9 Connect the traff ic port of Cisco SCE8000 platform #2.
6-17 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Li ne Ports and Co mpleting the Installation Casc ade d Syst ems • inline • physically c on.
6-18 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 6 Cabling the Line Po rts and Completing the Installation Cascaded System s • Link mode is relev ant only to inl ine topolo gies.
CH A P T E R 7-1 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 7 Basic Cisco SCE8000 Platform Op erations This chap ter describ es how to start up the Cisco SCE80 00 platfor m, reboot , and shutdown. It also describe s how to mana ge configura tions.
7-2 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Cha pter 7 Bas ic Ci sco S CE 8000 Platf orm Oper ati ons Starting the Cisco SCE8000 Pla tform – Direct co nnection .
7-3 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 7 Basic Cisco SCE80 00 Platform O peration s Starting the Cisco SCE8000 Platform Final Tests The proce dure s .
7-4 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Cha pter 7 Bas ic Ci sco S CE 8000 Platf orm Oper ati ons Starting the Cisco SCE8000 Pla tform Viewing the Ten Gigabit Ethernet Por t Status Step 1 At the Cisco SCE8000 # prompt, type show i nte rface T enGigabi tEther net 3 / baynumber /0 .
7-5 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 7 Basic Cisco SCE80 00 Platform O peration s Managing Cisco SCE8000 Configu rations Managing Cisco SCE8000 Con.
7-6 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Cha pter 7 Bas ic Ci sco S CE 8000 Platf orm Oper ati ons Managin g Cisco SCE800 0 Configurations RDR-formatter destination 10.
7-7 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 7 Basic Cisco SCE80 00 Platform O peration s Managing Cisco SCE8000 Configu rations Step 2 Check the displayed co nf iguration to m ake sure th at it is se t the way you want.
7-8 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Cha pter 7 Bas ic Ci sco S CE 8000 Platf orm Oper ati ons Managin g Cisco SCE800 0 Configurations management-agent property "
7-9 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 7 Basic Cisco SCE80 00 Platform O peration s How to Display the SCE Platform Version Information RDR-formatter forwarding-mode multicast RDR-formatter destination 10.
7-10 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Cha pter 7 Bas ic Ci sco S CE 8000 Platf orm Oper ati ons How to Displa y the SCE Platfo rm Vers ion In format ion SCE> show version System version: Version 3.1.6S Build 279 Build time: Jun 10 2008, 19:27:47 (Change-list 335658) Software version is: Version 3.
7-11 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 7 Basic Cisco SCE80 00 Platform O peration s How to Display the SCE Platform Version Information #cpus : 3 cp.
7-12 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Cha pter 7 Bas ic Ci sco S CE 8000 Platf orm Oper ati ons How to Displa y the SCE Platfo rm Inve ntory How to Display the SCE Platform Invent ory Unique De vice Identif ication (UD I) is a Cisco base line feature that is supporte d by a ll Cisco platf orms.
7-13 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 7 Basic Cisco SCE80 00 Platform O peration s How to Display the SCE Platform Inventory NAME: "SPA-1X10GE.
7-14 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Cha pter 7 Bas ic Ci sco S CE 8000 Platf orm Oper ati ons How to Displa y the SCE Platfo rm Inve ntory NAME: "SC.
7-15 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 7 Basic Cisco SCE80 00 Platform O peration s How to Display the SCE Platform Inventory NAME: "SCE8000 op.
7-16 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Cha pter 7 Bas ic Ci sco S CE 8000 Platf orm Oper ati ons How to Di spla y th e Sys tem Upti me How to Display the System Uptime Use this command to se e ho w lo ng the system has been running sin ce the last reboot.
7-17 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 7 Basic Cisco SCE80 00 Platform O peration s Rebooting and Shutting Down the SCE Platform How to Shu t Down the SC E Platfo rm Shutting do wn the SCE platfor m is required before turning the po wer off.
7-18 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Cha pter 7 Bas ic Ci sco S CE 8000 Platf orm Oper ati ons Rebooting and Shutting D own the SCE Platfo rm.
CH A P T E R 8-1 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 8 Troubleshooting Y o ur Cisco SCE8000 platf orm wen t throu gh extensive testing b efore le aving the factor y . Howev er , if you encounter proble ms starting it, use the i nformation in this c hapter to h elp isolate the cause of the problem s.
8-2 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 8 Trouble shooting Troubles hooting Overv iew . Informatio n Abou t Troubles hooting To ols There are two t oo.
8-3 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 8 Troublesh ooting Troublesh ooting Ove rview SCE(config)# boot system ftp://cisco:cisco@ Verifying package file SENum.pkg.pkg… Package file verified OK.
8-4 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 8 Trouble shooting Troubles hooting Overv iew L2 In total octets: 792000 In good unicast packets: 12000 In goo.
8-5 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 8 Troublesh ooting Troublesh ooting Ove rview Cisco SCE8000 Operational Status The f ollo wing table li sts th e ope rationa l sta tes of the C isco SCE8000 .
8-6 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 8 Trouble shooting Troubles hooting Overv iew Problem Solvin g Using a Su bsyste ms Approa ch • Identif ying.
8-7 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 8 Troublesh ooting Troublesh ooting Ove rview • If the Status LED is flas hing orange, in dicat ing a w arni.
8-8 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 8 Trouble shooting Troubles hooting Overv iew Troubleshooting the Firmw are Package Installation Check the follo wing to help isolate a pro blem in the insta llation of the f irmw are pa ckage.
8-9 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 8 Troublesh ooting Troublesh ooting Ove rview . T able 8-7 T ro ubleshooting the Manag ement S ubsyst em Sympt.
8-10 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 8 Trouble shooting Troubles hooting Overv iew Troubleshooting the Link Interface Subsystem Check the follo wing to help isolate a p roblem in the li nk interf ace subsy stem.
8-11 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 8 Troublesh ooting Troubleshooting with the User Log Troubleshooting with the User Log The us er log is an ASCII f ile that can be v ie wed in an y editor . It co ntains a recor d of system e ven ts, includi ng star tup, shu tdown an d errors .
8-12 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 8 Trouble shooting Troub leshooting wi th the User Log • How to Copy the User Log to an E xtern al Source, .
8-13 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 8 Troublesh ooting Troubleshooting with the User Log How to View the User Log Counters Ther e ar e two type s of l og c ount ers: • User l og co unters — count the numbe r of sy stem events l ogged from t he SCE platfor m last rebo ot.
8-14 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 8 Trouble shooting Troub leshooting wi th the User Log.
CH A P T E R 9-1 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 9 Removal and Replacement Pro cedures This ch apter d escrib es how to perfo rm removal and rep lacemen t procedur es for Cisco SCE 8000 pl atform fi eld-rep lacea ble un its (FR Us).
9-2 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapt er 9 Removal and Repl ace ment Proc edure s Prev ent ing El ect ros tat ic Dis cha rge D amage War ni n g Becaus.
9-3 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 9 Rem oval and Repla cement Proce dures Suppor ted Hardwa re Supported Hard ware The Cisc o SCE8000 pla tform supp orts the fo llowing hardware: • One Servi ce Co ntrol Module (SCE8 000-SCM -E), w ith an optio nal re dundant Servi ce Cont rol Module ( FRU ).
9-4 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapt er 9 Removal and Repl ace ment Proc edure s Removing and Repla cing the Power Supply Figur e 9-1 A C Po w er Sup.
9-5 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 9 Rem oval and Repla cement Proce dures Rem ovin g and Repl acin g the Powe r Su pply Installing an AC-Input Power Supply War ni n g This product requires short-circuit (over current) prot ection, to be provided as part of the building installation.
9-6 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapt er 9 Removal and Repl ace ment Proc edure s Removing and Repla cing the Power Supply Step 2 Remo ve the fo ur sc re ws secu ring the te rminal bl ock cov er , a nd s lide t he cov er of f t he t erm inal bloc k.
9-7 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 9 Rem oval and Repla cement Proce dures Rem ovin g and Repl acin g the Powe r Su pply Figur e 9-4 Han dling a .
9-8 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapt er 9 Removal and Repl ace ment Proc edure s Removing and Repla cing the Power Supply Step 2 Remove the plastic bag att ached t o the front panel and put aside.
9-9 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 9 Rem oval and Repla cement Proce dures Rem ovin g and Repl acin g the Powe r Su pply Step 6 Attach th e appropr iate lug s to the DC-i nput wir es and groun d wire.
9-10 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapt er 9 Removal and Repl ace ment Proc edure s Removi ng and Repla cing the Fa n Asse mbly Figur e 9-6 DC-In put Wir e s on Lef t Side When i nstalling the u nit, the gr ound con necti on must always be made first and d isconne cted last.
9-11 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 9 Rem oval and Repla cement Proce dures Removing and Repl acing t he Fan Assembly Removin g the Fa n Asse mbl.
9-12 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapt er 9 Removal and Repl ace ment Proc edure s Removing and Repla cing Modul es • Listen for the fans; y ou shou ld im media tely he ar the m ope rating.
9-13 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 9 Rem oval and Repla cement Proce dures Removin g and Re placing Modules Handlin g SIPs Each SI P circui t boa rd is m ounted to a metal ca rrier a nd is sensitive to elec trostati c discha rge (ESD) damage.
9-14 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapt er 9 Removal and Repl ace ment Proc edure s Removing and Repla cing Modul es Note If the capti v e inst allatio.
9-15 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 9 Rem oval and Repla cement Proce dures Removin g and Re placing Modules Step 7 Position the modul e in the slot. (See Figu re 9-1 1 .) Make sur e that you al ign the sides of the module carrier with the slot guides on eac h side of the slot.
9-16 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapt er 9 Removal and Repl ace ment Proc edure s Removing and Repla cing Modul es Step 8 Carefully slide the module .
9-17 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 9 Rem oval and Repla cement Proce dures Removin g and Re placing Modules Step 10 While pr essing down, simultane ously c lose th e lef t and right ej ector lev ers to fully se at the modu le in the backp lane con nector .
9-18 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapt er 9 Removal and Repl ace ment Proc edure s Removing and Repla cing Modul es Step 1 At t he S CE# p rompt , t ype reload shutdo wn and press Enter to po wer do wn the Ci sco S CE800 0 platfor m before inst alling or removing any module.
9-19 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 9 Rem oval and Repla cement Proce dures Removin g and Re placing Modules Inserting and R emoving a Module: De.
9-20 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapt er 9 Removal and Repl ace ment Proc edure s Removing and Repla cing Modul es Verifying the Installation Use the show versio n comm and to v e rify tha t the system softw are a nd f ir mware are installed proper ly .
9-21 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 9 Rem oval and Repla cement Proce dures Removin g and Re placing Modules cpld-1-ufm : 0xb803 cpld-2-ufm : 0xb.
9-22 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapt er 9 Removal and Repl ace ment Proc edure s Removing and Repla cing Shared Po rt Adapters After you verify i nstallat ion of an SCE80 00 module and check c onnect i vity , you must configure t he module .
9-23 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 9 Rem oval and Repla cement Proce dures Removing and Re placing Share d Port Adapt ers Figur e 9-1 5 Class 1 Laser W ar ning Labels f or SP A P orts War ni n g Class 1 laser product.
9-24 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapt er 9 Removal and Repl ace ment Proc edure s Removing and Repla cing Shared Po rt Adapters SP As ca n be i nserted o r removed inde pendentl y from the SI P . Re moval of a SIP wi th install ed SP As is also su pported .
9-25 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Con figuration Gu ide, Rel 3.1. 7 OL-16478-02 Chapter 9 Rem oval and Repla cement Proce dures Removing and Replacing the Optical Bypass Module Step 3 T o remov e the SP A from the SIP , unfasten the capt i ve inst allation scre ws on the SP A.
9-26 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Chapt er 9 Removal and Repl ace ment Proc edure s Removing and Repla cing the O ptical B ypass Mo dule Replacing the .
A- 1 Cisco SCE8000 Inst allation and Co nfigu ration Guide, Rel 3.1.7 OL-16478-02 APPENDIX A Using Optical Splitters with 10GBE Links • Supported Con figurations, page A -1 • Unsuppor ted Configur.
A- 2 Cisco SCE8000 Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide, Rel 3. 1.7 OL-16478-02 Appendix A Using Optical Splitters with 10GBE Links Figur e A -2 Support ed SP AN P ort Configur ation Note In the abov e conf iguratio n, it is essential that the SCE 8000 be operat ing in recei v e-only mode.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Cisco Systems SCE8000 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Cisco Systems SCE8000 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Cisco Systems SCE8000 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Cisco Systems SCE8000 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Cisco Systems SCE8000, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Cisco Systems SCE8000.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Cisco Systems SCE8000. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Cisco Systems SCE8000 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.