Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Cisco 12016 del fabbricante Cisco Systems
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Corporate Headquarters: © 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Systems, I nc., 170 West Tas man Drive, San Jose, C A 95134-1706 USA Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions This document contains i mportant instructions fo r unpacking Cisco 12 016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 128 16 Routers.
2 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 This document incl udes the follo wing topics: • System Unpacking Overview , page 3 • T ools and Equipment, pa.
3 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 System Unpacking Overview System Unpacking Overview Figure 1 sho ws an exploded vie w of the shipping package for the router .
System Unpacking Overview 4 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 When it is packaged for shipment, the rout er is equipped as ordered, wi th all components installed.
5 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 System Unpacking Overview The shipping pallet consist s of a U-shaped wood and foam pallet body and a wood and foam pallet front bar ( Figure 2 ).
System Unpacking Overview 6 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 The accessories for the router ship in fi ve boxes that are assembled into an accessory package ( Figure 3 ).
7 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 System Unpacking Overview The fi ve accessory boxes include: • One box that contains the rack-mount ing platform, which must be installed in the equipment rack bef ore inserting the r outer .
Tools and Equip ment 8 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Tools and Equipment Y ou need the f ollo wing tools and eq uipment to unpack th e router: •.
9 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Unpacking the Router Step 2 T o r emo ve the corrugated t op cap f rom the ship ping cont ainer , follo w these steps: a. Cut the four straps that wrap around the sides of th e container from top to bottom.
Unpacking the Router 10 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Removing the Router from the Shipping Pallet This section describes how to remove the ro uter from the shipping pallet. Refer to Figure 4 and Fi gure 5 for the location of it ems referred to in t he steps.
11 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Unpacking the Router Figure 5 sho ws a summary view of ho w to se parate the chassis and scissor-jack platform from the shipping pallet.
Unpacking the Router 12 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 T o remo ve the router from t he shipping pallet and mov e it to the rack, follo w these steps: Step 1 Remov e the tw o hold-do wn brackets attached to the fr ont of the scissor-jack platform.
13 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Unpacking the Router b. Remov e the blocking plates from the tw o front hold-dow n brackets. c. Remove the bolts that fasten th e two hold-do w n brackets to the fr ont side of the scissor-jack p latform ( Figure 7 ).
Unpacking the Router 14 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Step 2 Remov e the pallet f ront bar from the U-shaped pallet b ody ( Figure 8 ). e. Pi vot t he butterfly h andle on the hinge lock so th at it is perpendicular to t he body of the hinge lock .
15 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Unpacking the Router Step 3 Use the 3/4-inch (19-mm) sock et and ratchet wren ch to turn the scissor -jack screw counter clockwise to expand th e scissor-j ack platform and lo wer the base of the scissor-jack platform to the floor ( Figure 9 ).
Unpacking the Router 16 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Step 6 Remov e the lateral bolts that fast en the remaining six hol d-do wn brackets to the sides of the scisso r-jack platform.
17 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Unpacking the Router Step 8 Cut the plastic tie-wrap and remo ve it from the upper left hinge br acket ( Figure 11 ). Note The plastic tie-wrap secures the front door to the chassis during shipment.
Unpacking the Router 18 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Step 9 Open the front door and remov e the labe ls (labeled REMO VE) that protect the rubber b umpers during shipment ( Figure 12 ). Close the front door .
19 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Unpacking the Router Figure 13 Loading th e Router and Scissor -Jac k Platfor m on the Hand Tr u c k 29159 Front .
Unpacking the Router 20 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Step 11 T ilt the hand truck onto its outrig ger wheels to mo ve the router t o the rack site ( Figure 14 ).
21 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Regulatory, Compliance, an d Safety Information Step 12 At the rack site, tilt the chassi s upright so that it stands o n the scissor-j ack platform, then remo ve the hand t ruck.
Obtaining Documentation 22 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Product Documentation DVD Cisco documentation and additi onal lite rature are a v ailable in the Product Documentation D VD package, which may ha ve shipped with your p roduct.
23 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Documentation Feedback • Nonregist ered users can order documentation throu gh a local account repres.
Obtaining Technical Assistanc e 24 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Cisco Technical Support & Documentation Website The Cisco T echnical Suppor t.
25 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Obtaining Te chnical Assistance For S1 or S2 service requests or if you do not hav e Interne t access, contact the Cisco T A C by telephone. (S1 or S2 servi ce request s are thos e in which yo ur production netw ork is do wn or sev erely de graded.
Obtaining Additional Publ ications and Information 26 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Obtaining Additional Publications and Information Information ab out Cisco products , technologies, and netw ork solutions is av ailable from v arious online and printed sources.
27 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 Obtaining Additional Pub lications and Information • Internet Pr otocol Journal is a quarterly journal published b y Cisco Systems for engineering professi onals in volv ed in designing, de veloping, and operating public an d pri v ate internets and i ntranets.
Obtaining Additional Publ ications and Information 28 Cisco 12016, Cisco 12416, and Cisco 12816 Router Unpacking Instructions 78-16081-02 This document is to be used in co njunction with the d ocuments listed in the Cisco12016, Cis co 12416, and Cisco 12816 Rout er Install ation an d Configuratio n Guide .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Cisco Systems Cisco 12016 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Cisco Systems Cisco 12016 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Cisco Systems Cisco 12016 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Cisco Systems Cisco 12016 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Cisco Systems Cisco 12016, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Cisco Systems Cisco 12016.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Cisco Systems Cisco 12016. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Cisco Systems Cisco 12016 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.