Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto BC-109 del fabbricante Cisco Systems
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Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-109 Configur ing Source-Route Br idging This chapter describes source-route bridging (SRB) co nfiguration tasks. F or a discussion of remote source-route bridging (RSRB) con figuration tasks, refer to the “Configuring Remote Source-Rou te Bridging” chapter in this publi cation.
Configure Source-Route Brid ging BC-110 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide Configure Sour ce-Route Bridging Our implementation of source-route bridgi ng enables you to connect two or more T oken Ring networks using either T oken Ring or Fibe r Distrib uted Data Interface (FDDI) media.
Configure a Multiport Bridge Using a Virtual Ring Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-111 A dual-port bridge is a limitation imposed by IBM T oken Ring chips; the chips can process only two ring numbers. If you hav e a router with two or more T oken Ring interfaces, you can work around the two-ring number limitation.
Configure Source-Route Brid ging BC-112 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide Figure 47 Multiport Bridge Using a Vir tual Ring T o take adv antage of this virtua l ring feature, each T oken Ring in terface on the router must be configured to belong to the same ring group.
Configure SRB over FDDI Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-113 Enable SRB and Assign a Ring Group to an Interf ace After you have def ined a ring group, yo u must as sign that ring group to thos e interfaces you plan to include in that ring gro up.
Configure Source-Route Brid ging BC-114 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide Configure F ast-Swit ching SRB ov er FDDI Fast-Switching SRB o ver FDDI enhances performance. F or example, if you w ant to use access-lists, fast-switching SRB ov er FDDI provides fast performance and access-li st filters capability .
Enable the Auto matic Spanning-Tree Function Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-115 Forw arding all-routes explorer pack ets is the defa ult. Howe ver , in complicated source-route bridging topologies, using this default can generate an exponentially large number of explorers that are trav ersing the network.
Configure Source-Route Brid ging BC-116 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide T o create a bridge group that r uns an automatic spanning-tree fu nction compatibl e with the IB M SRB spanni.
Configure Brid ging of Routed Protoc ols Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-117 Configure Bridging of Routed Pr otocols Source-route bridges use Media Access Control (M A C) information, specifically the information contained in the RIF , to bridge packets.
Configure Bridging of Routed Protocol s BC-118 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide • VINES • XNS Enable use of the RIF only on T o ken Ring interfaces on the route r .
Configure Tra nslation betw een SRB an d Transparent Bridging Environments Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-119 Configure T ranslation between SRB and T ransparent Bridging En vironments Source-r.
Configure Trans lation between SRB and Transparent Brid ging Environments BC-120 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide Figure 50 Example of a Simple SR/T LB T opol ogy Note The Spanning-Tr.
Enable Bridging between Tran sparent Bridging and SRB Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-121 W e currently know that problems occur wi th the following protocols when bridged between T oken Ring and other media: Nov ell IPX, DECnet Phas e IV , AppleT alk, VINES, XNS, and IP .
Configure Trans lation between SRB and Transparent Brid ging Environments BC-122 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide Enab le T ok en Ring LLC2-to-Ether net Conv ersion The Cisco IOS soft.
Configure NetBIOS Support Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-123 Configure NetBIOS Suppor t NetBIOS is a nonroutable protocol that was originally designed to transmit messages between stations, typically IBM PCs, on a T oken Ring networ k. NetBIOS allows messages to be e xchanged between the stations using a name rather than a station address.
Configure NetBIOS Support BC-124 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide • Create Static Entries in the NetBIOS Name Cache • Specify Dead-T ime Interv als for NetBIOS Pack ets Enab le th.
Configure the NetBIOS Cache Name Length Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-125 Configure the NetBIOS Cache Name Length T o specify ho w many characters of the NetBIOS type name that the name cache .
Configure LNM Support BC-126 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide The Cisco IOS software also con verts pair s of FIND_N AME and NAME_RECOGNIZED pack ets recei ved from explorers, which tra v erse all rings, to specif ic route frames that are sent only between the two machines that need to see these packets.
Configure LNM Support Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-127 Figure 51 LNM Linking to a Sour ce-Route Bridge on Each Local Ring If LNM requires info rmation about a stati on some where on a T oken Ring, it uses a proprietary IBM protocol to query to one of the source-route bridge s connected to that ring.
Configure LNM Support BC-128 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide Figure 52 LAN Network Manager Monitorin g an d T ranslating Notice that the proprietary protocol LNM uses to communicate with the source-route bridge is an LLC2 connection.
Configure LNM Software on th e Management Stations to Communicate with the Router Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-129 When SRB is enabled on the router, conf iguring the Cisco IOS software to perform the functions of an IBM Bridge for communication with LNM occu rs automatically .
Configure LNM Support BC-130 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide The command can be used to terminate all LN M server input and reporting links.
Apply a Password to an LNM Reporting Link Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-131 T o enable other LR Ms to change router parameters, use th e following command in interface configuration mode: Appl.
Configure LNM Support BC-132 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide Change an LNM Repor ting Inter val All stations on a T oken Ring notify the Ring Error Monitor (REM) when they detect errors on the ring.
Secure the SRB Network Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-133 Secure the SRB Netw ork This section describes how to conf igure three features that are us ed primarily to provide network security: NetBIOS access filters, administrati ve filt ers, and access expressions that can be combined with administrative f ilters.
Secure the SRB Network BC-134 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide The NetBIOS station access list contains the station name to match, along with a permit or deny condition. Y ou must assign the name of the access list to a station or set of stations on the network.
Configure Admi nistrative Filte rs for Token Ring Traffic Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-135 Configure Administrativ e Fi lters f or T ok en Ring T raffic Source-route bridges normally f i lter frames according to the routi ng information contained in the frame.
Secure the SRB Network BC-136 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide T o enable filtering on input or ou tput, use one of the follo wing co mmands in interface configuration mode: Y ou can filter SN AP-encapsulated packets on either input or output.
Configure Access Expressions that Combine Administrative Filters Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-137 Configure Access Expressions that Co mbine Administrativ e Filters Y ou can use access expressions to combine access f ilters to establish co mple x conditions under which bridged frames can enter or lea ve an in terf ace.
Secure the SRB Network BC-138 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide Configure Access Expressions T o configure an access e x pression perform the following tasks: • Design the access expression. • Configure the access lists used by the e xpression.
Tune the SRB Network Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-139 The access lists defined in the pre vious section create the foll owing configuration: interface tokenring 0 access-expression in ~lsap(2.
Tune the SRB N etwork BC-140 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide Enab le or Disab le the Sour ce-Route F ast-Switching Cache Rather than processing packets at the process lev el, the fast-switching feat ure enables the Cisco IOS software to process pack ets at the interrupt lev el.
Enable or Disable the SSE Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-141 Enab le or Disab le the SSE The Silicon Switch Engine (SSE) acts as a programmable cache to sp eed the switching of packets.
Tune the SRB N etwork BC-142 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide Figure 54 Controlling Explor er Storms in Re dundant Network T opolog ies The source-bridge explor er -dup-AR E-f ilter command can be used to reduce explorer traf fic by filtering e x plorer frames.
Configure Proxy Explorers Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-143 Configure Pro xy Explorers Y ou can use the proxy explorers f eature to limit the amo unt of explorer traff ic propagatin g through the source-bridge network.
Monitor and Maintain the SRB Network BC-144 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide Repor t Spur ious F rame-Copied Errors An IBM 3174 cluster controller can be configur ed to report frame-copi ed errors to IBM LAN Network Manager software.
SRB Configuration Examples Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-145 T o maintain th e SRB network, use any of the follo wing commands in privile ged EXEC mode: In addition to the EXEC-mode comman ds .
SRB Configuration Examples BC-146 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide • NetBIOS Support with a Stat ic NetBIOS Cache Entry Example • LNM for a Simple Network Example • LNM for a Mo.
SRB with Automatic Span ning-Tree Function Configuration Example Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-147 SRB with A utomatic Spanning-T ree Function Configuration Example The following e xample of a.
SRB Configuration Examples BC-148 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide SRB and Routing Cer tain Protocols Example In the following configuration, IP , XNS, and IPX are routed, while all other protoco ls are bridged between rings.
SRB with Multiple Virtu al Ring Groups Exampl e Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-149 The following is a sample conf i guration file: source-bridge ring-group 7 ! interface tokenring 0 source-brid.
SRB Configuration Examples BC-150 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide Configuration f or Router B source-bridge ring-group 200 ! interface tokenring 0 source-bridge 3 1 200 source-bridge.
SRB over Frame Relay Configuration Example Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-151 SRB ov er F rame Rela y Configuration Example Figure 59 illustrates a network with the following characteristics: .
SRB Configuration Examples BC-152 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide Configuration of Router A source-bridge ring-group 100 ! interface Serial1 encapsulation frame-relay ! interface Serial1.1 point-to-point frame-relay interface-dlci 30 ietf source-bridge 200 1 100 conserve-ring source-bridge spanning ! interface Serial1.
Adding a Static RIF Cache Entr y for a Two-Hop Path Example Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-153 Figure 60 Assigning a RIF t o a Source-Route Bridge The static RIF entry would be submitted to the router on the left as follows: rif 1000.5A12.3456 0630.
SRB Configuration Examples BC-154 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide Assume that the following configuration for SRB and transparent bridging existed before you wanted to enable SR/TLB:.
SR/TLB with Access Filtering Example Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-155 Once you have determined the ring number and t he bridge number , you can add the source-bridge transparent command to the f ile, including these two va lues as parameters for the command.
SRB Configuration Examples BC-156 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide The command for the T oken Ring interface specif ies that the access list 701 be applied on the source address of fr.
LNM for a Simple Network Example Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-157 LNM f or a Simple Network Example Figure 65 shows a router with two T oken Rings configured as a local source-route bridge.
SRB Configuration Examples BC-158 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide LNM f or a More Comple x Network Example Figure 66 shows a router with three T oken Rings configured as a multiport bridge, thus employing the concept of the virtual ri ng.
NetBIOS Access Filters Example Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-159 The show lnm config command displays the logical configuration of this bridge, including all the pertinent information for configuring this router into LNM: Wayfarer# show lnm config Bridge(s) currently configured: From ring 001, address 0000.
SRB Configuration Examples BC-160 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide Access lists are scanned in order . In the foll owing e xample, the first list denies all entries beginning with the letters ABC, including one named ABCD .
Administrative Access Fi lters—Filtering SNAP Fr ames on Output Example Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-161 Administrativ e Access Filters—Filter i ng SNAP F rames on Output Example Figure 68 shows a router connecting four T oken Rings.
SRB Configuration Examples BC-162 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide access-list 203 permit 0xE0E0 0x0101 access-list 203 deny 0x0000 0xFFFF Note that it is not necessary to check for a.
Access Filters Example Configuring Source-Route Bri dging BC-163 Access Filters Example Figure 69 shows two routers connecting two T oken Rings to an FDDI backbone. Figure 69 Network Configuration Using NetBI OS Access Filters Suppose you want to pe rmit the IBM 3174 cluster controll ers to access the FEP at address 0110.
SRB Configuration Examples BC-164 Bridging and IBM N etworking Configuratio n Guide A utonomous Switching Example The following e xample enables use of autonomous switching between two ciscoBus T oken Ring interfaces in the same router . Frames entering T oken Ring interf aces 0 or 1 will be autonomously switched to the other interface.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Cisco Systems BC-109 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Cisco Systems BC-109 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Cisco Systems BC-109 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Cisco Systems BC-109 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Cisco Systems BC-109, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Cisco Systems BC-109.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Cisco Systems BC-109. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Cisco Systems BC-109 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.