Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto ASR 9001-S del fabbricante Cisco Systems
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Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, In c. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 951 34-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco A SR 90 0 1 and Cisco.
iii Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide CONTENTS Preface ix Changes to This Document ix Audience x Purpose x Document Organization x Document Conventions x Obtaini.
Contents iv Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Console Port Signals 1-23 Auxiliary Port Signals 1-23 Management LAN Ports Connection Guidelin es 1-24 Management .
Contents v Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Optical Device Installa tion and Removal 3-11 Cleaning Optical Devices 3-11 Checking the In stallation 3-11 Verifyin.
Contents vi Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide RP Front Panel Indica tors 4-10 Ethernet Ports and Status LEDs 4-11 Auxiliary and Console Ports 4-11 Monitoring Cr.
Contents vii Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide APPENDIX A Technical Specif ications A-1 Physical Specifications A-2 Environmental Specifications A-2 AC Electrica.
Contents viii Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide.
ix Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Preface This Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Routers Hardw are Installation Guide pref ace contains these sections: • .
x Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Preface Audience This guide is written for hardware installers and system admi nistrators of Cisco routers. These users must have a substantial background i n installing and conf iguring router and switch-based hardware.
xi Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Preface • Elements in square brackets ([ ]) are optional. • Alternati ve but required k eyw ords are grouped in br aces ({ }) and separated by vertical bars (|). Caution Means be car ef ul .
xii Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Preface.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide 1 Preparing for Installation Cisco ASR 9001 Router The Cisco ASR 9001 Router is a compact high-capaci ty provider edge (PE) rout er that deli vers 120 Gbps of non-blocking , full-duplex fabric capacity in a two-rack-uni t (2R U) form factor .
1-2 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 1 Preparing for Installatio n Safety Guidelines Figure 1 -2 Front P anel of the Cisco ASR 900 1 -S Rou ter In order to achie ve the full bandwidth of 120 Gbps an d to enable the disabled ports, a C isco license can be obtained.
1-3 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 1 Pre paring for Installation Safety Guidelines General Safety Guidelines • Nev er attempt to lift an object that might be too hea vy for you to lift by yourself.
1-4 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 1 Preparing for Installatio n Safety Guidelines Preventing Electrostatic Discharge Damage Many router components c an be damaged b y static el ectricity .
1-5 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 1 Pre paring for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines • Do not lift equipmen t alone; hav e another person help yo u to lift the equipment. • Ensure that your fo oting is solid; ba lance the wei ght of the object between your feet.
1-6 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 1 Preparing for Installatio n Site Requirement Guidelines – W eight of the router does not mak e the frame unstable. – Frame is bolted to the floor and is secured to the bui lding structure using either w all brackets or over he ad b ra cke ts .
1-7 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 1 Pre paring for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines Site Wiring Guidelines When planning the locati on of the router , consider distance limitations for si gnaling, electromagnetic interference (EMI), and connector compatibility .
1-8 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 1 Preparing for Installatio n Site Requirement Guidelines Figur e 1 -5 Air Flow P ath through the Cisco ASR 900 1 Router When selecting a site to instal l the router , observe these guidelines: • Dust free area—Site should be as dust fre e as possible.
1-9 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 1 Pre paring for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines Rack-Mounting and Air Flo w Clearance Guidelines The rout.
1-10 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 1 Preparing for Installatio n Site Requirement Guidelines Note The mounting brack ets on the Cisco A SR 9001 Router chassis ha ve a pair of holes at the top and botto m of each bracket and three slot s (e longated holes).
1-11 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 1 Pre paring for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines Enclosed Rack with Perforated Sides Item c in Figure 1-6 sho ws a free-st anding 4-post en closed rack with perforated sides and two mounting posts in the front.
1-12 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 1 Preparing for Installatio n Site Requirement Guidelines Figur e 1 -8 ASR 900 1 Clearance Requir ements fo r an .
1-13 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 1 Pre paring for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines Caution Proper grounding is necessary to av oid damage from lightning and po wer sur ges. See NEBS Supplemental Unit Bonding and Groundin g Guidelines, page 1-20 for g rounding requi rements.
1-14 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 1 Preparing for Installatio n Site Requirement Guidelines Figur e 1 -9 AC P ower Cor d CAB-A C Figure 1 -1 0 AC P.
1-15 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 1 Pre paring for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines Figur e 1 -12 AC P ow er Cord CAB-A CI Figur e 1 -13 AC P ow er Cord CAB-A CR Figur e 1 -14 AC P ow er Cord CAB-A CS Cordset rating: 10 A, 250 V Length: 8 ft 2 in.
1-16 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 1 Preparing for Installatio n Site Requirement Guidelines Figur e 1 -15 AC P ow er Cord CAB-A CU Figur e 1 -16 AC.
1-17 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 1 Pre paring for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines Figur e 1 -18 AC P ow er Cord CAB-9K1 0A -EU Figur e 1 -19 AC P ow er Cord SFS-250V -1 0A -IS DC Powered Router Connections to DC power modules are rated at 20 A ma ximum.
1-18 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 1 Preparing for Installatio n Site Requirement Guidelines Figure 1-20 sh ows the ty pe of terminal block required fo r DC-input cable connections.
1-19 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 1 Pre paring for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines Figur e 1 -21 DC Po wer Sour ce Cabling Sc heme for a Single DC P ower Module The color coding of the source DC po wer cable leads depends on the color coding of the site DC po wer source.
1-20 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 1 Preparing for Installatio n Site Requirement Guidelines NEBS Supplemental Unit Bonding and Grounding Guidelines.
1-21 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 1 Pre paring for Installation Cisco ASR 9001 Router Port Connection Guidelines Cisco ASR 9001 Router Port Connection Guidelines This section contains detail ed cabling and sign al information for all in terface and port conn ections to the RP .
1-22 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 1 Preparing for Installatio n Cisco ASR 9001 Router Port Connection Guidelines Console Port and Auxiliary Port Co.
1-23 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 1 Pre paring for Installation Cisco ASR 9001 Router Port Connection Guidelines Console Port Signals The RP console port is an RJ -45 interface for connecti ng a terminal to the router .
1-24 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 1 Preparing for Installatio n Cisco ASR 9001 Router Port Connection Guidelines Management LAN Ports Connection Guidelines The RP has two RJ45 media-depend ent interface ( MDI) Ethernet management LAN ports: M GT LAN 0 an d MG T LAN 1 ( Figure 1-23 ).
1-25 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 1 Pre paring for Installation Cisco ASR 9001 Router Port Connection Guidelines Figur e 1 -24 RP Manag ement LAN P .
1-26 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 1 Preparing for Installatio n Cisco ASR 9001 Router Port Connection Guidelines Sync Ports Connection Guidelines The SYNC 0 and SYNC 1 ports are ti ming synchronizat ion po rts.
1-27 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 1 Pre paring for Installation Cisco ASR 9001 Router Port Connection Guidelines RP External USB Port The Cisco ASR 9001 Router RP card has an external US B T ype A slot accessible on the front panel.
1-28 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 1 Preparing for Installatio n Cisco ASR 9001 Router Port Connection Guidelines.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide 2 Unpacking and Installing the Chassis This chapter contains the proc edures for unpacking and insta lling the Cisco ASR 9001 Router.
2-2 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installing the Chassis Unpacking the Cisco ASR 9001 Router Unpacking the Cisco ASR 9001 Router Follo w these steps to unpack the Cisco ASR 9001 Router from it s shipping container ( Figure 2-1 ).
2-3 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installin g the Chassis Unpacking the Ci sco ASR 9001 Router Figure 2-1 Unpacking the Cisco ASR 900.
2-4 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installing the Chassis Installing the Cisc o ASR 90 01 Chassis Installing the Cisco ASR 9001 Chassis This chapter describes how to install a Cisco ASR 9001 chassis in a rack.
2-5 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installin g the Chassis Installing the Cisco ASR 9001 Chassis Verifying Rack Dimensions Before you .
2-6 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installing the Chassis Installing the Cisc o ASR 90 01 Chassis Installing the Chassis in a Two-Post Rack Before you install the chassis in the rack, make sure that you hav e the ne cessary tools and equipment (see Before you Be gin, page 2-4 ).
2-7 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installin g the Chassis Installing the Cisco ASR 9001 Chassis Step 6 Fully tighten all the scre ws on the chassis mounting fl anges and bracket flanges (e ach side) to secure the chassis to the rack rails.
2-8 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installing the Chassis Installing the Cisc o ASR 90 01 Chassis Installing the Chassis in a Four-Po.
2-9 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installin g the Chassis Supplemental Bonding and Ground ing Connection s Supplemental Bonding and G.
2-10 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installing the Chassis Installing the Optional Air Plenum Kit Installing the Optional Air Plenum .
2-11 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installin g the Chassis Installing the Optional Air Plenum Kit Installing the Air Plenum Kit The air plenum ki t is mounted in the rack before the Cisco ASR 9001 Router is installed.
2-12 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installing the Chassis Installing the Optional Air Plenum Kit Figur e 2-7 Installing the Plen um .
2-13 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installin g the Chassis Installing the Optional Air Plenum Kit Figure 2-8 Attaching the Rear A d apter Plat es (Four -P ost Rack) Step 8 Place the Cisco ASR 9001 Router on a flat and stable su rface.
2-14 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installing the Chassis Installing the Optional Air Plenum Kit Figur e 2-9 Rear Grounding Br ack e.
2-15 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installin g the Chassis Installing the Optional Air Plenum Kit Step 10 After the chassis is installed, attach the cable guide to the front left side post of the rack.
2-16 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installing the Chassis Installing the Optional Air Plenum Kit Installing the Air Plenum Kit in an ETSI Two-Post to Four-Post Rack Note The air plenum kit is assembled and mounted in the rack before the Cisco ASR 90 01 Router is installed.
2-17 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installin g the Chassis Installing the Optional Air Plenum Kit Figure 2-1 1 Attac hing the Air Baf.
2-18 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installing the Chassis Installing the Optional Air Plenum Kit Step 3 Position th e air filter assembly at the front of the plenum assembly usin g the two ke y locators.
2-19 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installin g the Chassis Installing the Optional Air Plenum Kit Step 4 Position t he cable management tray at the front of t he plenum assembly ( Figure 2-13 ).
2-20 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installing the Chassis Installing the Optional Air Plenum Kit Figure 2-14 Installing the Pl enum Assembly in a Rack Step 6 Attach the plenum assembly to th e left and right rack rails usin g customer-suppl ied rack-mounting scre ws.
2-21 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installin g the Chassis Installing the Optional Air Plenum Kit Figure 2-15 Attac hing th e Rear Adapte r Plates Step 8 Place the Cisco ASR 9001 Router on a flat and stable su rface.
2-22 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 2 Unpacking and Installing the Chassis Installing the Optional Air Plenum Kit.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide 3 Installing Modules and C ables in the Chassis This chapter contains the procedures for installing cards an d modules into th e chassis, after it has been installed in a rack.
3-2 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 3 Installing M odules and Cables in the Chassis Modular Port Adapte rs Figure 3-1 sho ws the front pane l of the ch assis and connectors of the fixe d 4x10-Gig abit Ethernet ports.
3-3 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 3 Installing Modul es and Cables in the Chassis Modular Port Adapte rs Figure 3-2 sho w s an example of the 20-Port Gigabit Et hernet Modular Port Adapter .
3-4 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 3 Installing M odules and Cables in the Chassis Modular Port Adapte rs Figure 3-3 sho ws an example of the 4-Port 10 Gigabit Ethernet modular port adapter .
3-5 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 3 Installing Modul es and Cables in the Chassis Modular Port Adapte rs Figure 3-4 sho ws an example of the 2-Port 10 Gigabit Ethernet modular port adapter .
3-6 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 3 Installing M odules and Cables in the Chassis Modular Port Adapte rs Figure 3-5 sho ws an example of the front pane l of the 2-Port 40 Gig abit Ethernet modular port adapter .
3-7 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 3 Installing Modul es and Cables in the Chassis Modular Port Adapte rs 1-Port 40 Gigabit Ethernet Modular Port Adap.
3-8 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 3 Installing M odules and Cables in the Chassis Installing and Removing Modular Port Adapters Ta b l e 3 - 5 describes the 1-Port 40 Gigabit Ethernet modular port adapt er LEDs.
3-9 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 3 Installing Modul es and Cables in the Chassis Installing and Removing Modular Po rt Adapters Figur e 3-7 Handling.
3-10 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 3 Installing M odules and Cables in the Chassis Installing and Removing Modular Port Adapters – Insert a 20 GE .
3-11 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 3 Installing Modul es and Cables in the Chassis Installing and Removing Modular Po rt Adapters Optical Device Installation and Removal Any contami nation of the f iber connection can cause f ailure of the component or f ailure of the whole system.
3-12 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 3 Installing M odules and Cables in the Chassis Installing and Removing Modular Port Adapters Step 3 If the modular port adapters (MP As) do not become acti ve within three minutes, r efer to the system console messages.
3-13 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 3 Installing Modul es and Cables in the Chassis Installing and Removing Modular Po rt Adapters Using the ping Comm.
3-14 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 3 Installing M odules and Cables in the Chassis Installing and Removing SFP and XFP Modules Installing and Removi.
3-15 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 3 Installing Modul es and Cables in the Chassis Cable Management Installing a Cable Management Tray T o install a cable-management tray , follow these steps: Step 1 Attach an ESD-pre venti ve wr ist or ankle strap and follo w its instructio ns for use.
3-16 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 3 Installing M odules and Cables in the Chassis Cable Management Step 4 Repeat Step 3 for all remaining interf ace cables, proceeding from the bottom ports u pward, then pr oceed to Step 5 .
3-17 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 3 Installing Modul es and Cables in the Chassis Cable Management Figur e 3-1 1 Cable-Management Br ac k et Installa tion and Re mov al Step 3 Insert and tighten the captiv e scre w(s) to secure the bracket ( Figure 3-11 ).
3-18 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 3 Installing M odules and Cables in the Chassis Connecting Route Pro cessor Cables Connecting Route Processor Cables This section describes ho w to connec t cables to the console, auxiliary , and Ethernet ports on the RP .
3-19 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 3 Installing Modul es and Cables in the Chassis Connecting Route Processor Cab les Connecting to the RP Console Port The system console port on the RP is an RJ-45 recep tacle for connecting a data terminal to perform the initial conf iguration of the router .
3-20 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 3 Installing M odules and Cables in the Chassis Connecting Power to the Router Caution Ethernet management ports .
3-21 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 3 Installing Modul es and Cables in the Chassis Connecting Power to the Router Step 5 Close the cable wrap to secu re the A C power cord plug to the po wer module receptacle.
3-22 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 3 Installing M odules and Cables in the Chassis Connecting Power to the Router Connecting Power to a DC-Powered Router This section contains the pr ocedures to connect th e DC source po wer cables to a DC -po wered router .
3-23 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 3 Installing Modul es and Cables in the Chassis Powering on the Router Figure 3-14 T ypical P ower Connection s f or a Single DC P ower Module Step 4 Proceed to Powerin g on the Router , page 3-23 .
3-24 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 3 Installing M odules and Cables in the Chassis Powering on the Router.
CH A P T E R 4-1 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide 4 Troubleshooting the Installation This chapter contains g eneral troubleshoot ing information to help isolate the cause of an y dif fi culties you might encounter durin g the installation and ini tial startup of the system.
4-2 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 4 Troubleshoo ting the Installation Troubleshootin g Overview • Po wer subsystem—Router chassis i s shipped with up to tw o A C-input or DC-input po wer supply modules installed in the Ci sco ASR 9001 Router chassis.
4-3 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 4 Troubl eshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Power Subsystem Troubleshooting the Power Subsystem • T r.
4-4 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 4 Troubleshoo ting the Installation Troubleshooting the Power Subsystem Figur e 4-1 P ower Module Status Indicat o.
4-5 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 4 Troubl eshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Power Subsystem • F AIL (amber) LED —Indicates the power suppl y fail ure, includes ov er volt age, ov er current, over temperature and f an failure cond itions.
4-6 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 4 Troubleshoo ting the Installation Troubleshooting the Power Subsystem Additional Power Subsystem Troubleshooting Information This section contains additional troubleshootin g information to help you isol ate the cause of a po wer problem.
4-7 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 4 Troubl eshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Power Subsystem 0/RSP0/* host 5.0V 5000 n/a host VP3P3_CAN 3299 n/a host 0.75V 750 n/a host 3.3V_RSP 3299 n/a host 2.
4-8 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 4 Troubleshoo ting the Installation Troubleshooting the Power Subsystem host 1.8V_ZAR_LDO 1799 n/a host 3.3V_ZAR_LDO 3300 n/a host 2.5V_SKT_SKM 2500 n/a host 1.8V_LGTNG 1800 n/a host 1.
4-9 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 4 Troubl eshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Route Processor Subsystem • If the fan tr ay is still not operating, there could be a problem with either the fan tray o r with the +12 VDC distrib ution through backplane.
4-10 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 4 Troubleshoo ting the Installation Troubleshooting the Rou te Processor Subsystem RP Front Panel Indicators The RP card has eight discrete LED i ndica tors for display of system information.
4-11 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 4 Troubl eshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Route Processor Subsystem Ethernet Ports and Status LEDs The RP has two 8-pin media- dependent interface (MDI) RJ-45 Management LAN ports for 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and 1000Mbps Ethernet con nections.
4-12 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 4 Troubleshoo ting the Installation Troubleshooting the Line Card Monitoring Critical, Major, and Minor Alarm Sta.
4-13 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 4 Troubl eshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Line Card Configuring and Troubleshooting Line Card Interf.
4-14 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 4 Troubleshoo ting the Installation Troubleshooting the Line Card Line Card Interface Address A Cisco ASR 9001 Ro.
4-15 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 4 Troubl eshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Line Card RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router(config-if)# no shutdown The no shutdown comm and passes an enable command to t he line card.
4-16 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 4 Troubleshoo ting the Installation Troubleshooting the Line Card NAME: "module mau 0/0/0/0", DESCR: &q.
4-17 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 4 Troubl eshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Line Card PID: SFP-GE-S , VID: V01 , SN: FNS15501AJX NAME:.
4-18 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 4 Troubleshoo ting the Installation Troubleshooting the Cooling Subsystem Note It is important to collect the sho w tech-support command da ta before doing a reload or po wer cycle.
4-19 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 4 Troubl eshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Cooling Su bsystem For additi onal po wer supply troublesh ooting information, see T roubleshooting the Po wer Subsystem, page 4-3 .
4-20 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 4 Troubleshoo ting the Installation Troubleshooting the Cooling Subsystem Step 2 Eject and reseat the fan tray maki ng sure the capti ve scre ws are securely tightened to a torque of 10 +/–1 in-lb.
CH A P T E R 5-1 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide 5 Replacing Cisco ASR 90 01 Router Components The router is equip ped as ordered and is r eady for inst allation and start up when it is ship ped. As network requirements change, you may need to up grade the system by adding or changing components.
5-2 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 5 Replacing Cisco ASR 9001 Router Components Prerequisites and Preparation Online Insertion and Removal Some f ield-replaceable units (FR Us) for the Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers can be remo ved and replaced with the p ower on and the system operati ng.
5-3 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 5 Replacing Cisco ASR 9001 Router Components Removing and Replacing the Fan Tray Removing and Replacing the Fan Tray Note Fan tray OIR (Online I nsertion and Remov al) is supported from Cisco IOS XR Release 4.
5-4 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 5 Replacing Cisco ASR 9001 Router Components Removing and Replacing the Air Filter Step 7 V erify that the (green) OK st atus indicator on t he front of the fan tray goes on.
5-5 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 5 Replacing Cisco ASR 9001 Router Components Removing and Replacing the Air Filter Figur e 5-2 Replacing the Air Filter Step 3 Install the replacement air filter . Note V erify the air flo w direction when installing t he ne w air fi lter .
5-6 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 5 Replacing Cisco ASR 9001 Router Components Removing and Replacing AC or DC Power System Components Removing and .
5-7 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Chapter 5 Replacing Cisco ASR 9001 Router Components Removing and Replacing AC or DC Power System Components Figur e 5-3 Re.
5-8 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Chapter 5 Replacing Cisco ASR 9001 Router Components Removing a Chassis from the Equ ipment Rack Removing a Chassis fr om .
A-1 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide APPENDIX A Technical Specifications This appendix lists certain tech nical specificatio ns for the Cisco ASR 9001 an d ASR 9001-S Router s.
A-2 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Appendix A Technical Specific ations Physical Specifications Physical Specifications Environmental Specifications T able A-1 Ph ysical Specifications Description V alue Chassis heig ht 3.
A-3 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Appendix A T echnical Specifications AC Electrical Specifications AC Electrical Specifications Caution Be sure that the chassis conf iguration complies with the required po wer budgets.
A-4 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Appendix A Technical Specific ations AC Input Voltage Range AC Input Voltage Range DC Input Voltage Range Power System DC Output Levels Source DC service requirement 1 Suf ficient to supp ly the rated input current.
A-5 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Appendix A T echnical Specifications RP Port Specifications. RP Port Specifications. Power Consumption Specifications The follo wing table lists the p ower consumption specif ications for a fully con figured ch assis.
A-6 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Appendix A Technical Specific ations Fast Ethernet and G igabit Ethernet SFP Module s Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet S.
A-7 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Appendix A T echnical Specifications 10-Gigabi t Ethernet S FP+ Transceiv er Modules 10-Gigabit Ethernet SFP+ Transceiver M.
A-8 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Appendix A Technical Specific ations SFP+ Transceiver Modu les SFP+ Transceiver Modules T able A -12 Cisco SFP+ T ransceiver Modules Part Number Description Wavelength Fiber T ype T ypical Maximum Distance ONS-SC+-10G-EP30.
A-9 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Appendix A T echnical Specifications DWDM SFP+ Tra nsceiver Mo dules DWDM SFP+ Transceiver Modules DWDM XFP Transceiver Modules Note In Ta b l e A - 1 4 , MR refer s to multi-rate.
A-10 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Appendix A Technical Specific ations CWDM SFP Transceiver Modu les CWDM SFP Transceiver Modules ONS-XC-10G-EP43.7 10G MR, XFP , 100 GHz, LC 1543.7 SMF 31.1 miles (50 km) ONS-XC-10G-EP44.
A-11 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Appendix A T echnical Specifications 10GBASE CWDM SFP+ 40km Transceiver Modules 10GBASE CWDM SFP+ 40km Transceiver Modules.
A-12 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Appendix A Technical Specific ations DWDM SFP+ Transceiver Modules Caution Use only the SFP modules supplied by Cisco Systems, Inc.
A-13 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Appendix A T echnical Specifications DWDM SFP+ Tra nsceiver Mo dules D WDM-SFP10G-58.17 Cisco 10GB ASE-DWDM SFP+ (100 GHz ITU grid) 1558.17 nm 24 D WDM-SFP10G-57.36 Cisco 10GB ASE-DWDM SFP+ (100 GHz ITU grid) 1557.
A-14 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Appendix A Technical Specific ations 10-Gigabit Ethernet XFP and 40-Giga bit QSFP Modules 10-Gigabit Ethernet XFP and 40-.
A-15 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide Appendix A T echnical Specifications DWDM XFP Tra nsceiver Mod ules D WDM-XFP-50.92 Cisco 10GB ASE-D WDM XFP (100 GHz ITU gr id) 155 0.92 nm 33 D WDM-XFP-50.12 Cisco 10GB ASE-D WDM XFP (100 GHz ITU gr id) 155 0.
A-16 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Appendix A Technical Specific ations DWDM XFP Transceiver Modules.
B-1 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Rout ers Hardware Installation Guide APPENDIX B Site Log The site log pro vides a historical record of all operation an d maintenance actions performed on the router . Keep your site log at a con venient place near the router where it can be easily acce ssed.
B-2 Cisco ASR 9001 and Cisco ASR 9001-S Ro uters Hardware Instal lation Guide Appendix B Site Lo g Date Description of Action Performed or Symptoms Observed Initials.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Cisco Systems ASR 9001-S è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Cisco Systems ASR 9001-S - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Cisco Systems ASR 9001-S imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Cisco Systems ASR 9001-S ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Cisco Systems ASR 9001-S, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Cisco Systems ASR 9001-S.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Cisco Systems ASR 9001-S. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Cisco Systems ASR 9001-S insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.