Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 7921G del fabbricante Cisco Systems
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Americas Headquarters Cisco S yste ms, Inc . 170 W est Tasma n Drive San Jose , CA 95134 -1706 USA http://ww com Tel: 408 526-400 0 800 55 3-N ETS ( 6387 ) Fax: 408 527- 0883 Cisco Unif ied Wireless IP Phone 7921G Phone Guide f or Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7 .
Cisco, Cisco Systems, the Cisco logo, and the Cisco Systems logo a re registered trademarks or trademark s of Cisco Syst ems, Inc. and/o r its affiliates in the Uni ted States and certain other countries. All ot her trademarks mentioned in this document or W ebsite are the property of their respective owners.
Softkey De finitions AbbrDial Dial using a speed dial index number Barge Add yourself to a cal l on a shar ed lin e Call Back R eceive notific ation when a busy ext ensi on beco mes availabl e CFwdA l.
Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 v Contents Getting Started 1 Usin g this Guide 1 Findin g Ad ditio nal In form ation 2 Safety and Perf o.
vi OL-161 31-01 Underst andi ng Out-of- Range Alerts 29 Underst andi ng Feat ure Avail abil ity 30 Cleani ng t he Ph one 30 Basic Ca ll Handling 31 Placi ng a Call—Basic Op tions 31 Placin g a Call�.
Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 vii Underst andi ng Barge Feat ures 55 Using Bar ge Features 55 Preven ting Others fro m Viewing or Join.
viii O L-161 31-01 Acce ssi ng Voi ce M essa ges 81 Accessing Your User Opt ions Web Pages 82 Cisco Uni fie d CallMa nager Rel ease 4. 3 and Lat er User Opti ons Web Pa ges 82 Loggi ng I n to th e Us er Op tion s We b Page s 82 Subsc ribin g to P hone S ervic es 83 Cisco Unifi ed C omm unica tion s Ma nager Rele ase 5.
Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 1 Getti ng Started Using this Guide This guide p rovides you with an overview of the features available on your phone.
2 OL-161 31-01 Finding Additiona l Inf ormation Y ou can access the mo st cur rent Cisco documentation on the W orld W ide W eb at this U RL: http:// w ww.cis m/en/US /pr oduct s/hw/p hones/ ps379/ts d_products_ supp ort_se ries_ home. html Y ou can access the Cisco website at this URL: http:/ /ww w.
Getting Started Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 3 Wa r ni n g V oi ce over IP (V oIP) s ervice and the emergency calling service do not function if power fails or is disrupted.
4 OL-161 31-01 Wa r ni n g Do not dispose of the battery pack in fire or water . The battery may explode if placed in a fire. Caution T he bat tery pack i s inten ded fo r use only with this devic e. Caution Do not disas semb le, cru sh, punc ture , or inci nerat e the batte ry pack .
Getting Started Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 5 Caution Use only the Cisco power supply that is compat ible with your phone.
6 OL-161 31-01 • Shorten the length of th e extern al device c a ble. • Apply fe rrites or othe r such devices on the cables for the e xternal d evice. Cisco ca nnot guar antee the per forman ce of the system becaus e Cisco has no control ov er the qu ality of exte rnal de vices, c ables, a nd co nnecto rs.
Connecting Y our Ph one Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 7 Connec ting Your P hone Y our sy stem ad minis trator will c onfigure yo ur new Cisco Unifi ed W irele ss IP Phone t o connect to the corpo rate wirel ess netwo rk and the IP tele phony ne twork.
8 OL-161 31-01 Charging the Phone Batt ery Y ou can ch arge the b attery in y our w ireless IP ph one by co nnecting the AC power supply or the US B cable to your phon e.
Connecting Y our Ph one Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 9 Note Y ou can also charge your battery by using a desktop charger or a mul ti-charger . For more inform ation, see the Cisco Uni fied Wir eless IP Pho ne 7921 G Accesso ry Guide .
10 OL-161 31-01 T o charge t he batter y in the ph one u sing the AC power suppl y , use t h is dia gra m: 1 AC plug adap ter—Ins ert th e AC p lug ada pter in to the slot o n the power supply .
Connecting Y our Ph one Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 11 Using the USB Cable and USB Port on the PC to Charge the Battery Y ou can char ge the batte ry in the phone by conne cting you r phone w ith a USB ca ble to a USB port o n your P C.
12 OL-161 31-01 Powering On the Phone After ch arging the battery , you mus t powe r on th e phone to ma ke an d rec eive cal ls. Tip Y our idle p hone sc reen can turn of f after a time int erval.
Connecting Y our Ph one Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 13 Setting Use rname an d Passwords When p owering on your p h one for the first time, in some networ ks, yo u might need to set you r user name and passw ord to ac cess th e wirel ess netw ork .
14 OL-161 31-01 Registering with TAPS After y our pho ne is con necte d to the w irele ss LAN net work, your sys tem admi nistr ator might as k you to auto-r egister your phone using T A PS (T ool for Au to-Register ed Phon es Support). T APS might be used for a new phone o r to re plac e an exi sting phone .
Connecting Y our Ph one Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 15 deployed , there is not a singl e “best” sol ution that is optima l for all e nvironme nts.
16 OL-161 31-01 Securing the Ph one with a Lock Set and Cable Lock Y ou can s ecure th e Cisco Unifie d Wireles s IP Phone 7921G to a des k top by order ing the lock set from Cisco . For more informat ion, re fer to the Ci sco Unified Wir eless IP Pho ne 7921 G Accesso ry Guide .
Connecting Y our Ph one Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 17 Y ou can se cure you r Cis co Uni fied W ire less IP Phon e 7921G Desktop Charger by us ing a la ptop cabl e lock.
18 OL-161 31-01 An Over view of Your Pho ne Yo u r C i s c o Unified Wi reless IP Phone 7921G is a full-featur e telepho ne that provi des voic e communication over the same wireless LAN that your comput er uses, allowing you to place and receiv e phon e calls, put c a lls o n ho ld, tra nsfer c alls, make conferen ce calls, and so on.
An Overview of Y our Phone Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 19 Understanding Butto ns and Ha rdware Y ou can use the grap hic belo w to identify but tons and hardwar e on your phone.
20 OL-161 31-01 2 Headse t port Port for plugging i n a headset or ear bud. 3 Speake r button T oggle s the sp eaker mo de on or off for the phon e. 4 Right softkey button Activates the Option s menu for acces s to the list o f softkeys. So metimes displays a softkey label.
An Overview of Y our Phone Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 21 10 Asterisk (*) key T oggles between Ring and V ibrate mode.
22 OL-161 31-01 Understan ding Phone Screen Fea tures Becaus e the Cisco Unified Wirele ss IP Phon e 7921G ha s onl y two so ftke ys, the Opti ons soft key displa ys the list of available featur e options for the phone. The features in the Options lis t change depe nding on whethe r the phon e is idle or in an ac tive call .
An Overview of Y our Phone Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 23 1 Phone Status lin e Displays these icons (if active) and your directo ry .
24 OL-161 31-01 Understanding the Home Screen D isplay The h ome scr een i s the displ ay on your phon e scree n when it is i dle. A home screen can be th e main pho ne sc reen or Li ne V iew . Y our syst em ad ministra tor dete rmines how the home scr een is displ ayed on y our phone .
An Overview of Y our Phone Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 25 Home Screen in Lin e View This is a home screen in Li ve V iew .
26 OL-161 31-01 Accessing the Help System on Your Phone Y our pho ne prov ides a n onl ine help sy stem. H elp to pics a ppear on th e scree n. Sel ect a me nu o ption D o one of t hes e ac tions : • Press the ke ypad nu mber key for the item. • Scroll to highlight the item, and then pre ss the button (center of the navigation button).
An Overview of Y our Phone Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 27 Using Phone B uttons The phon e keypa d and button s provid e these sh ortcu t s t o freq uently used fu ncti ons. Understanding Lines vs.
28 OL-161 31-01 Understanding Line and Call Icon s This is wh at you r main phone scree n loo ks lik e with two ac tive ca lls, one on hold (23827 ) and another connect ed (3956933). Y ou r phon e dis plays t hese ic ons to help you dete rmin e the li ne and ca ll stat e.
An Overview of Y our Phone Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 29 Understand ing Out-of- Range Aler ts Y our sy stem a dmini strator can confi gure yo ur phone to send you a n au dible alert (beep) when y ou are out of range of the w irele ss netw ork .
30 OL-161 31-01 Understanding Feature Availability The op eration of your Cisco U nified Wi rele ss IP Phon e 7921G an d the features available to you may vary , d epending on the c all processi ng agent used by your comp any and also on how your co mpany’ s phone supp ort tea m has config ured y our ph one system.
Basic Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 31 Basic C all Ha ndlin g Y ou can perfo rm basic ca ll-han dling ta sks usi ng a range of fea tures an d servi ces. Fe ature avai lability can vary; se e your sy stem admin istrato r for more in formatio n.
32 OL-161 31-01 Tips • When you start to dial a number , your phone tries to anticipate the number you are dialing by displa ying matchi ng num bers fro m your P laced Ca lls lo g. This is call ed Auto D ial. T o call a numbe r displ ayed wi th Auto Dial, scroll to th e num ber and pr ess .
Basic Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 33 • If partie s on a call he a r a beep ton e, the call mi g ht be mo nitore d or recor ded. Ask yo ur sys tem admini strator for more infor mation.
34 OL-161 31-01 Dial from a corporate direct ory o n your phone 1. Choose > Directory Services > Corp orate Di rectory (name can vary). 2. Use your keypad to enter a name. 3. Press Option s > Submi t . 4. Press the nu mber key for the lis ting or scroll to a listing.
Basic Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 35 Answer ing a Call Y ou can answer a call by using several options, if they are available on your phone. Place a call using your Ext ensio n Mobil ity pr ofile 1.
36 OL-161 31-01 Tips • T o use any bu tton to answer a call , see Changing Keypad Settings, page 69 . • Y ou can answer a n incomin g call even when the keypa d is locked. • If you were using an application or service befor e you answered an incoming call, your application or s ervice will resume after you en d th e call .
Basic Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 37 If the Hold Reversion feature is enabled for your pho ne, calls that you leave on hold will revert b ack to ringing on your ph one after a certain len gth of time.
38 OL-161 31-01 Using Mute With Mute enabled, y ou can h ear oth er par ties o n a call, but the y cann ot hear yo u. Y ou can use Mute with the phon e or a headset. Switching Betwee n Multiple Calls Y ou can switch be tween multiple call s on one or mor e lines.
Basic Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 39 Tips • If on -hoo k tra nsfer is en able d on your phon e, yo u ca n eit her di sconn ect t o co mple te the tra nsfer , or ch oose Opti ons > T r nsfer and then dis conne ct.
40 OL-161 31-01 Forwardin g Calls to Another Number When en abled by your sys tem adm inistr ator , you c an use these c all forwardin g fe atures to redirect incomi ng calls from you r phone to an other nu mber: • Uncond itional call forwa rding (Ca ll F orward All)— Applies to all calls tha t you receive.
Basic Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 41 • Y our sys tem administrator can enable a call forward overr ide feature that allows the person receiving your forwar ded calls to reach you.
42 OL-161 31-01 Making Con ference Calls Y our Cis co Un ified IP Ph one al lows yo u to talk simu ltaneou sly w ith mu ltiple parti es i n a confer ence call .
Basic Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 43 • Meet-Me —A llows y ou to cr eate or joi n a co nference by ca lling a confe rence number . Us e the MeetMe softkey . Using Confe rence Conf erence allow s yo u to c all each participant.
44 OL-161 31-01 Tips • If you f reque ntly jo in mor e than t wo part ies int o a singl e conf erenc e, you mi ght fin d it use ful to first sel ect the c alls that yo u want to j oin, the n press Option s > Join to complete t he actio n. • When J oin com pletes, caller ID ch anges to “Conference.
Basic Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 45 Using cB arge Y ou can create a confer ence by us ing cBarg e to add yours elf to a call on a shar ed line. Using Meet-Me Meet-Me c o nfer encing allows you to start or j oin a conferen ce by ca lling the confe rence nu mber .
46 OL-161 31-01 Tip If you call a secu re Meet-Me conference number fro m a non-secur e phone, yo ur phone dis plays the messag e, “D evice N o t Au thorized .
Basic Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 47 Placing or Receivin g Intercom Calls Y ou can p lace a n inter com cal l to a t a rget phone that a uto-answe rs the c all in speak erphone mode with mute activated.
48 OL-161 31-01 Place an intercom call to any interc om n umber 1. Press . 2. Sele ct (i ntercom l i ne) and d ial the i ntercom tar get number . After you hear the interc om-aler t tone, be gin spea king.
Advanced Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 49 Advanc ed Call Handlin g Advance d call -hand ling t asks in volve sp ecial featur es tha t your system admini strator might confi gure for you r phone depending on your ca ll-han dling nee ds and wo rk envir onme nt.
50 OL-161 31-01 T o make a call, select a speed d ial ( ) fr om the L i ne V iew . For mor e info rmatio n, see U sing Speed Dial and Fast D ial, page 50 an d Setting Up Speed Dials on the Web, pa ge 85 . Abbreviated Dial An Abb r evia ted Dial allows yo u to d ial a n umber usin g an Abb reviated Di aling co de.
Advanced Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 51 Picking Up a Re directed Call on Yo ur Phon e Call PickUp allows you to answer a call that is ringing on a coworker’ s phone by redirecting the call to you r phon e.
52 OL-161 31-01 Tips • If multiple calls ar e available for pickup, your phone picks up the olde st call first (the c all that has been rin ging for the lon gest time). • If you choose GPickUp and ente r a line num ber , your phone pi cks up the ringing call on that particular line (if ava ilable).
Advanced Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 53 Tip Y ou have a limit ed time to retr ieve a park ed call before it reve rts to ringing at the original nu mber . See your sys tem ad ministr ator for de tails.
54 OL-161 31-01 Using a Sh ared Line Y ou r system administra tor migh t ask you to us e a shared li ne if you: • Have multiple ph ones and want one pho ne number • Share call-handlin g tasks with.
Advanced Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 55 Understanding Barge Features cBarge and Barge Depen ding o n how your phone is configu r ed, you ca n add your self t o a non-pri vate cal l on a shar ed line u sing eith er Barg e or cBar ge.
56 OL-161 31-01 Preventing Others from Viewing or Joining a Sha red-Line Call If you share a ph one l ine, y ou can use the Priva cy fea ture to prev ent ot hers w ho share the l ine from viewing or barging (adding themselves to) your calls.
Advanced Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 57 Tips • Y our phone mi ght play a n audibl e indicato r to alert you w hen a call is ri nging on the monitor ed line ( BLF Pi cku p only ).
58 OL-161 31-01 Y our pho ne can supp ort thes e types of c alls: • Authenticated call—T he id entit ies of all ph ones partic ipat ing in the call have be en ve rifie d. • Encrypte d call—The phon e is r eceivin g and transm itting e ncrypte d audi o (your conv ersati on) within th e Cisco IP networ k.
Advanced Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 59 Tracing Suspicious Calls If you are re ceiving susp iciou s or mal icious call s, you r sys tem adm inis trator can add the Ma licio us Call Identifi cation (MCID) feature to your phon e.
60 OL-161 31-01 Tips • When y ou make or re ceive an MLP P-enabled c all, you will hear special ri ng tone s and ca ll-wait ing tones that differ from the s tandard to nes. • If you enter an invalid MLPP access number , a verbal announ cement will alert you of the error .
Advanced Call Handling Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 61 Tips • EM automatically logs you out after a certain amount of time.
62 OL-161 31-01 Using a Handset, Headset, and Speaker phone Y ou can use your phone as a mob ile hands et, a spea kerp hone, with a headse t, or wit h the speak erpho ne in th e des ktop cha rger . If you wa nt to. .. Then.. . Use the handse t Press ; to han g up, pr ess .
Using a Handset, Hea dset, and Speakerph one Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 63 Tip If you unplug the heads et or remove t he phone from.
64 OL-161 31-01 Obtaining Headsets Y ou r phon e suppo rts wi red head set ja ck type s with a 2.5 mm, 3- band / 4 conn ecto r . For inform atio n about purchasin g hea dsets, s ee Headset Information, page 14 . Using AutoAnswer Y ou might us e AutoA nswer if you receiv e a hi gh volume o f incomi ng calls or hand le calls on behalf of other s.
Changing Phone Settings Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 65 Changi ng Phone Setting s Y ou can per sonal ize your wirele ss IP phone by ad justi ng soun d setti ngs, vol ume leve ls, display op tions, and ke ypad se ttings.
66 OL-161 31-01 Tips • Y ou cannot modify the Ring Settings for the wireless IP phone fr om t he User Opti ons we b page s. • T o r eturn to the Setti ngs menu, pres s Bac k after saving the change or press to return to th e main scree n. Customizing Volume Settings Y ou can adjust the ring and sp eaker volum e setti ngs for your ph one.
Changing Phone Settings Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 67 Adjust t he phone v olume level 1. Choose > Phon e Settings > Soun d Se ttings > V olumes. 2. Sele ct Handse t . 3. Press to increas e the volume or to decrea se the v olume .
68 OL-161 31-01 Customizing t he Phon e Screen Y ou can cu stomize the left softkey (w hen th e phone i s idl e), you r phone scree n displ ay brig htnes s, and the la nguage on your p hone scre en. If you wa nt to. .. Then.. . Set up the left softk ey to open the Phon e Book 1.
Changing Phone Settings Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 69 Changing Keypad Settings Y ou can se t the keypad to automati cally lock, to mak e tones, a nd to answ er a call .
70 OL-161 31-01 Setting the Keypad to Automatically Lock T o keep from pressing keys and re dialing calls accidentally , use the keypad auto lock feature. Y ou ca n set the length of time befor e your phone keyp ad au tomatic ally locks after comp leting a call.
Changing Phone Settings Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 71 Changing the Keypad To nes Y ou can enable or disable th e ton es whe n you press a key on yo ur k eypad .
72 OL-161 31-01 Using Call Logs and Direct ories This section desc ribe s how you ca n use call l ogs and dir ectories in the Direct ory menu. Using Call Logs Y our phone ma intai ns reco rds of you r missed , placed, and rec eived c alls. If you wa nt to.
Using Call Logs and Directories Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 73 Tip • Y ou r pho ne mig ht be set up f or in terna tional call loggi ng, w hich is indi cate d by a “+” s ymbol on the cal l logs, redial , or ca ll di rectory entri es.
74 OL-161 31-01 Using Corporate Directory on Your Phone Y ou can use a corp orat e direct ory to place ca lls to cowo rkers . Tips • Use th e numbe rs on your ke ypad to ente r charact ers on yo ur phone screen. See Entering and Editing Text, page 13 .
Using Call Logs and Directories Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 75 Cisco Unified Communications Ma nager Rele ase 5.
76 OL-161 31-01 Add a new P AB entry 1. Access Per sonal Addr ess B ook . 2. Access the Search p age and choose Optio ns > Su bmit . (Y ou do no t need to input search inform ation fir st.) 3. Choose Opti ons > New . 4. Use the keyp ad to e nter a name o r nickn ame.
Using Call Logs and Directories Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 77 Tips • Y ou r syste m admi nistr ator ca n prov ide the us er ID a nd PIN that you n eed to log in to Pe rsona l Directory .
78 OL-161 31-01 If you wa nt to. .. Then.. . Add a contac t to your phone book 1. Choose > Ph one Book or p ress Ph Book (if availabl e). 2. Do one of the followin g: – Press New (if Phone Book is empty). – Choose Option s > New (if Phone Book is no t empt y).
Using Call Logs and Directories Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 79 Search for a contact in y our phon e book 1. Choose > Ph one Book or p ress Ph Boo k (if available). 2. Choose Options > Mo de and enter the text to search.
80 OL-161 31-01 Tips • After you assign a speed dial to a contact numb er , a speed dia l icon and num ber a ppear under neath the p hone nu mber in the con tact details. • Y ou can stor e up to 100 cont acts in the Pho ne Book, but can only as sign 99 sp eed dial s beca use spee d di al 1 i s re serv ed fo r voi cemail.
Accessing V oice Messages Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 81 Acces sing Voice Me ssages When the phone displays “Y o u Have V oiceMail” or a red bli nking light, you can access your me ssages from yo ur p hone.
82 OL-161 31-01 Access ing Your U ser Options Web Pages Y our wirel ess IP ph one is a networ k devic e that can shar e inform ation w ith other network device s in your compa ny , incl udin g you r pers onal c omput er .
Accessing Y our User Options W eb Pages Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 83 Tips for Navigating the User Optio ns Web Pages • Select your device from the menu page to se e all of your options.
84 OL-161 31-01 Cisco Unifie d Commun icatio ns Mana ger Rele ase 5.1 and Later User Optio ns Web Page s This section desc ribes how to acces s your User Option s web pages and how to su bscrib e to phone serv ices w hen yo u are conn ected t o a Ci sco Unified Com munica tions Mana ger 5 .
Accessing Y our User Options W eb Pages Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 85 Tip Use the Device Configur ation page to access all of the configuration options ava ilable for your phone (other pages might not p rov ide acce ss to all opt ions).
86 OL-161 31-01 Note For help u s ing s peed-dia l fe atures , see Speed Dialing, page 49 . Tips • Y ou can have up to six number s app ear i n you r Li ne View scr een ( a com bina tion of li ne and spee d dial num bers) .
Accessing Y our User Options W eb Pages Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 87 Note Y ou ca n also acces s P AB and Fast Di als from your phone. See Using Personal Direc tory on Your Phone , page 74 .
88 OL-161 31-01 Tips, • Y ou can create up to 500 Fast Dial and P AB entrie s. • Y ou can create a n ew Fast Dial en try without us ing a P AB entry . Such Fast Dial entries , which are label ed “raw ” in the User Opt ions web pages, do not disp lay a config urabl e text lab el.
Accessing Y our User Options W eb Pages Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 89 Setting Up Phone S ervices on the Web Phone servi ces ca n inc lude spec ial pho ne fe atu res, ne twor k data , and w eb- based info rmation (suc h as stoc k quotes a nd movie listin gs).
90 OL-161 31-01 Controlling User S e ttings on the Web User se ttings include your passwor d, PIN , and langu age (locale) sett ings. Y our PIN and passw ord allow y ou to access differe nt featur es and se rvices . Add a serv ice to an avai lable scr een sl ot 1.
Accessing Y our User Options W eb Pages Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 91 Tips • Use yo ur PIN t o log in to Cisco E xtens ion Mob ili ty or Pers onal D irecto ry on y our phon e.
92 OL-161 31-01 Tip Y ou cannot chan ge the Ring Settings for the phone fro m the User Option s web pages . Using Cisco WebDialer Cisco W ebDialer al low s you to make calls o n your wirel ess IP phone to di recto ry con tacts by clic king item s in a we b bro wser .
Accessing Y our User Options W eb Pages Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 93 If you want to... Then.. . Use W ebDialer wit h your Use r Optio ns direc tory 1. Log in t o yo ur Us er Op tio ns we b pag es.
94 OL-161 31-01 Set up , v ie w , or change W ebDialer preferen ces Ac cess the Pre feren ces pa ge. The Preferen ces page a ppears the first time that you u se W ebDialer (after you clic k th e numbe r that you w ant to di al) . T o return to Prefe rences in the futur e, click the pr eferences icon from the Mak e Call or Hang U p page.
Understanding Additional Configur ation Options Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 95 Under stan ding Addi tional Con figur atio n Opt ions.
96 OL-161 31-01 Share p hones o r office space with co worker s Cons ider using : • Call Park to sto re an d retri eve ca lls without using the transfer fe ature. • Call Pick up to answer calls ringi ng on anoth er phon e. • A share d line t o view o r join cowo rkers calls.
T roubleshoo t ing Y our Phone Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 97 Troub leshooting You r Phon e This section p rovid es tr ouble shoot ing info rmat ion for your wir ele ss IP pho ne.
98 OL-161 31-01 Viewing Phone Admin istration Da ta Y ou r system admi nistra tor might ask you to access administr ation da ta on your pho ne for troubl eshooti n g pur poses.
T roubleshoo t ing Y our Phone Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 99 Using the Quality Reporting Tool Y our sys tem administrator may temp orarily configure your pho ne with the Quality Reporting T ool (QRT) to troub les hoot perfo rmanc e pro blem s.
100 OL -16131 -01.
Cisco One-Y ear Limite d Hardware W a rranty T erms Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 101 Cisco On e-Year Limit ed Hardware Warr anty Terms There are speci al terms applicab le to your ha rdware w arranty and various se rvices that you can u se during the warranty period.
102 OL -16131 -01.
Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 103 Index A abbreviated dialing 85 accessibility 6 accessories for phone 14 ad hoc conf erence, See conf.
104 OL -16131 -01 cal ls answering 35 blocking 41 comp ared to li nes 27 confer ence fe atures f or 42 ending 36 forwarding 40, 91 handling multiple 38 holding and resuming 36 icons for 28 multiple pa.
Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 105 option descriptions 73 personal, using 74 using from Communications Manager web page 93 directory nu.
106 OL -16131 -01 blink rates 19 blinks green 12 colo rs 19 in service 12 installing, Cisco Uni fied Wireless IP Phone 7 intercom line 47 K keylock 27 keypad lock auto keylock feature 70 locking keypa.
Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 107 P PAB dialing from 34 using from web page 87 password chan ging EAP 71 network EAP 13 setting 13 pas.
108 OL -16131 -01 chan ging 65, 66 choosing per line 65, 66 ringer volume 65, 66 S safety and performance 2 secure calls 57 security levels of 58 making and receiv ing secure calls 57 verifying non-se.
Cisco Unified Wireless IP Phone 792 1G Phone Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 109 Cisco Unifie d Communications Manager accessing and using 84 subscribing to phone services w ith 89 .
110 OL -16131 -01.
Americas Headquar ters Cisco Systems, Inc. San Jose , CA Asia Pacific He adquarters Cisco Sys tems (USA ) Pte. Ltd. Singapore Europe Headqu arters Cisco Systems I nternational B V Amsterda m, The Netherla nds Cisco h as more t han 200 o ffices wo rldwi de.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Cisco Systems 7921G è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Cisco Systems 7921G - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Cisco Systems 7921G imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Cisco Systems 7921G ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Cisco Systems 7921G, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Cisco Systems 7921G.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Cisco Systems 7921G. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Cisco Systems 7921G insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.