Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 7401ASR del fabbricante Cisco Systems
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Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 Cisco 7 40 1A S R I.
iii Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 CONTENTS Preface ix Audienc e ix Organi zation x Document Conventions x Warni ng Defi nition xii Ter ms an d Acr on ym s xv Relat ed D ocum ent atio n xv ii Obtain ing Documentat i on xvii Cisco.
Cont ents iv Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Replac ing the Cover 1-14 CHAPTER 2 Rack-Mou nti ng, Tabletop Inst allation , and Cabling 2- 1 Prepa ring to Inst all t .
Content s v Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Onlin e In se rt ion an d Rem oval 3-3 Enviro nmental Monitor ing and Report in g Functions 3-4 Envi ronm ent al Mo nit.
Cont ents vi Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Troubl eshooting t he Power Subsystem 5-4 Troubl eshooting the Co oling Subsyste m 5-5 Troubl eshooti ng the I/O Su bsys.
Content s vii Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Produ ct D escri ptio n C-2 Comp atibil ity R equir em ents C-3 System Me mor y and Software Image Functi on s and In.
Cont ents viii Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0.
ix Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Preface This prefa ce de scr ibes who sho ul d read the Cisco 7 401ASR Installation and Configur ation Guide , how it is organized, an d its documen t con ventions.
x Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Preface Organizati on Organization The major sections o f this guide a r e as f ollow s: Document Co nventi ons Command desc ript i.
xi Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Pre face Document Convent ions Notes , cautionar y stateme nts, and s afety wa rnings us e these con ventions: Note Means r eader tak e note . Notes conta in hel pful suggest ions or refer ences to m ateri als not contai ned i n this manual.
xii Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Preface Warning De finiti on Warning Definition War ni n g IMPORT AN T SAFE TY INSTRUC TIONS This warning symbol means danger . Y ou are in a situation that could cause bodily injury .
xiii Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Pre face W arning Definition Attention IMPORTANTES IN FORM A TIO NS DE S É CU RI TÉ Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger . V o us vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant ca user des blessures ou des dommages corpo rels.
xiv Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Preface Warning De finiti on Adva rs el VIKTIGE S IKKERHETSI NSTRUKSJO NER Dette varselssymbolet bety r fare.
xv Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Pre face Terms and Acronyms Terms and Acronyms T o ful ly u nde rsta nd the co nten t of t his us er gu id e, yo u sh oul d be f.
xvi Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Preface Terms a nd A cronym s • GB — gigabit • GBIC — Gigab it Interf ace Con verter • Gbps — gigabi ts p er se cond • Inst ruction and data ca che — Instructions to the proc essor and data on which the instruction s work.
xvii Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Pre face Related Docu mentati on Related Documentation Y our Cisc o 7401ASR rout er and th e Cisco IOS sof tware run ning on i.
xviii Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Preface Docum ent ation Fe edback Y ou can ord er Cisco docum ent ation in these ways: • Re gistered Cis m users (Cisco di rect cus tomers ) can or der Cisc o product do cumen tation from the Or dering too l: http://www .
xix Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Pre face Ob taining Technical Assistance or mode l na me ; by t ree v iew; or f or cer tain pro duc ts, by co pyin g and pa sti ng show comm and out put. Search resul ts show an i llu stra tio n of your p roduc t w ith the s erial n umber l abe l lo cati on hig hli ghte d.
xx Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Preface Obtainin g Addi ti ona l Publicat io ns and Info rmatio n Obtaining Ad ditional Public ations and In formation Informa tion ab out Cisco pro ducts, tec hn ologie s, and net wor k solutions is available from various onlin e and printe d source s.
C HAP TER 1-1 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 1 Overview and Parts Installation The Cisc o 7401ASR rou ter provides ap plica tion-spe cific feature s for broadb and subsc riber aggregation and network ap plicat ion servi ces with high processi ng perform ance.
1-2 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 1 Ov ervi ew an d Pa rts I nsta llat ion Hardw a r e Overv iew The follo wing sections provide i llustrations and a brie.
1-3 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 1 Overview and Par ts Installat ion Hard w are O v ervi ew LEDs LED informat ion is in Figure 1-2 an d the t able below Figure 1-2 . Figur e 1 -2 L EDs on the Cisco 7 40 1A SR Router No.
1-4 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 1 Ov ervi ew an d Pa rts I nsta llat ion Hardw a r e Overv iew Rear View Figur e 1 -3 Cisc o 7 40 1ASR Rout er—Rear Vi.
1-5 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 1 Overview and Par ts Installat ion Checkin g the Shippin g Containe r Contents Syste m Ma nage me nt Fun ction s The Cis.
1-6 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 1 Ov ervi ew an d Pa rts I nsta llat ion Installatio n Chec klist Note W e no longer sh ip the en tire rou ter documenta tion set au tomatically w ith each system. Y ou must specifically o rder th e docum entat ion as part of the sa les order .
1-7 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 1 Overview and Par ts Installat ion Installing the CompactFlash Disk, GBIC, and Port Adap ter Installing the CompactFlash.
1-8 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 1 Ov ervi ew an d Pa rts I nsta llat ion Installin g th e Compact Flash D is k , GB IC, and Por t Adapter Information about CompactFla shDisks: • The la rger the Compact Fla sh Disk siz e, the lo nger t he sys tem boo t time.
1-9 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 1 Overview and Par ts Installat ion Installing the CompactFlash Disk, GBIC, and Port Adap ter War ni n g Class 1 LED product.
1-10 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 1 Ov ervi ew an d Pa rts I nsta llat ion Installin g th e Compact Flash D is k , GB IC, and Por t Adapter Installing and Removing a Port Adapter or Service Adapter The infor mation in this sect ion also appl ies to service ad apters.
1-11 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 1 Overview and Par ts Installat ion Replaci ng the SDRAM DIMM Step 2 Using a Phillip s scr e wdriv er , lo osen t he scr e w of the port ad ap ter la tch , and ro tate th e p ort ad ap ter la tch until it clears the f aceplate o f the port adap ter .
1-12 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 1 Ov ervi ew an d Pa rts I nsta llat ion Replacing the SDRA M D IM M War ni n g When performing the following procedures, wear a grounding wrist strap to avoid ESD damage to the card.
1-13 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 1 Overview and Par ts Installat ion Replaci ng the SDRAM DIMM Figur e 1 -9 Remo ving the Co ver Step 7 Slide the co ver forw ard about one-h alf inch and then lift it from the ch assis.
1-14 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 1 Ov ervi ew an d Pa rts I nsta llat ion Replacing the SDRA M D IM M Step 3 Press both spring latches outw a rd to release the DIMM.
C HAP TER 2-1 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 2 Rack-Mounting, Tabletop Installation, and Cabling This ch apter expl ains h ow to install a Ci sco 7401A SR route r in a r ack in a gen eral tabl etop or workbenc h install at ion, how to a ttac h cabl es, a nd how to power on the r oute r .
2-2 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mounting, Ta blet op In stallation, and Ca bling Preparing to Inst all the Cisco 7401 ASR Ro uter Figur e 2-1 Dim ensions of Cisco 7 40 1ASR Rout er Ta b l e 2 - 1 pro vides dimensions an d weight information.
2-3 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mou nt ing, Tablet op Installa ti on, an d Cabling Preparin g to Instal l the Cisco 7401ASR Rout er • Grounding lug a nd w ire s: – A groun ding lug w ith t wo num ber-10 sc rew holes with a 0.
2-4 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mounting, Ta blet op In stallation, and Ca bling Safe ty Gu id eli n e s Safety Guidelines Following are safet y g.
2-5 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mou nt ing, Tablet op Installa ti on, an d Cabling In sta lling the Rout er Figur e 2-2 Airflow Through the Chassis When you p lan the loc ation and layout of yo ur equipm ent ra ck or wir ing closet , you need to consid er how air flo ws thro ugh your ro uter .
2-6 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mounting, Ta blet op In stallation, and Ca bling Installing th e Rou ter • A port adapter filler panel is installed if a port adapter or servic e adapter is not in place.
2-7 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mou nt ing, Tablet op Installa ti on, an d Cabling In sta lling the Rout er Attachin g the C has sis Rack -M oun t.
2-8 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mounting, Ta blet op In stallation, and Ca bling Installing th e Rou ter Attaching the Cable-M anagement Bracket F.
2-9 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mou nt ing, Tablet op Installa ti on, an d Cabling In sta lling the Rout er Step 2 Align the rack-mo unt brac ket to the side o f the router.
2-10 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mounting, Ta blet op In stallation, and Ca bling Installing th e Rou ter Two-Post Rack Installation Figur e 2-6 I.
2-11 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mou nt ing, Tablet op Installa ti on, an d Cabling Attaching a Ch assis Ground Connect ion Four-Post Rack Install.
2-12 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mounting, Ta blet op In stallation, and Ca bling Attachi ng a Chassis G round Con nection • One groun di ng l ug — Must have two number-10 sc rew holes tha t have a 0.
2-13 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mou nt ing, Tablet op Installa ti on, an d Cabling Connecti ng Port Adapter Cables Figur e 2-9 Attachi ng a Groundin g Lug to the Ch assis Gr ounding Connect or Step 2 Use t he wi re st rip pe r to stri p on e en d of the 6- A WG wir e ap pro xi mat ely 0.
2-14 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mounting, Ta blet op In stallation, and Ca bling Connecting I/ O Cables Connecting I/O Cab les This section con tains connectio n equipment informati on for the Fast Ethernet/ Ethernet, Gigabit Etherne t, console, and auxiliar y ports.
2-15 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mou nt ing, Tablet op Installa ti on, an d Cabling Connec ting I/O Cables Figur e 2-1 0 Identifying a Roll-Ov er Cable The Cisco 72 0 0 series r outers ships with a rolle d cable.
2-16 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mounting, Ta blet op In stallation, and Ca bling Connecting I/ O Cables Figur e 2-1 1 C onsole a nd A uxiliary P .
2-17 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mou nt ing, Tablet op Installa ti on, an d Cabling Connec ting I/O Cables Figur e 2-12 At tachi ng the Fa st Ethernet/ Ether net Cables Attach eit her o ne o r two Fast Et her net/ Eth er net 10 / 100 cab les to t he Fast E therne t/ Ethe rn et por t 0 or port 1.
2-18 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mounting, Ta blet op In stallation, and Ca bling Connecting I/ O Cables For cabling sp ecificatio ns, includin g specif ic cable m aximum d istanc es, see Appendix A, “ Specif icati ons.
2-19 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mou nt ing, Tablet op Installa ti on, an d Cabling Connec ting I/O Cables Figur e 2-13 GBIC P ort Co nnections Step 1 Remove the plug from th e GBI C so tha t you ca n inser t the ca bles .
2-20 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mounting, Ta blet op In stallation, and Ca bling Connecting I/ O Cables This de gradation resul ts in a decrease in the link span (the distance between a tra nsmitter and a recei v er) that ca n be sup ported re liably .
2-21 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mou nt ing, Tablet op Installa ti on, an d Cabling Connec ting I/O Cables Attaching the Mode-Condi t ioning Patch.
2-22 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mounting, Ta blet op In stallation, and Ca bling Attaching the Alarm Port Cable Attaching the Alarm Port Cable Figur e 2-15 Connec ting the Ala r m Por t Cable If you have an ala rm sy stem, atta ch th e al arm c able to th e Cisc o 7401 ASR r outer alarm port .
2-23 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mou nt ing, Tablet op Installa ti on, an d Cabling Connecti ng Pow er Procee d to the “ Connecting Power ” sect ion on pa ge 2-23 to complete the installat ion.
2-24 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mounting, Ta blet op In stallation, and Ca bling Connectin g Pow er Connectin g DC-Input P ower Note Th e color co ding of the DC-inpu t power supply lea ds depends on th e color c oding of the DC power source at you r site.
2-25 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mou nt ing, Tablet op Installa ti on, an d Cabling Connecti ng Pow er b. Insert the +V le ad (2) into the plu g as sho wn in Figure 2-18 , a nd tight en t he sc rew to hold th e le ad to th e pl ug.
2-26 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 2 Rack-Mounting, Ta blet op In stallation, and Ca bling Connectin g Pow er.
C HAP TER 3-1 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 3 Starting and Configuring This cha pter descri bes how to start the syste m and perfor m a basic c onfiguration for your Cisco 7 401ASR ro ut er .
3-2 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 3 Starting an d Configur ing Functio nal Overv ie w The Me dia A cce ss Cont ro l (M A C) or hard ware ad dress i s a sta nd ardi zed da ta link l ayer a ddr es s tha t is requir ed for certa in netwo rk interface t ypes.
3-3 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 3 Starting and Conf iguring Fun ctio nal O ver v iew For complete de scriptions a nd instruct ions of the comma nds used .
3-4 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 3 Starting an d Configur ing Functio nal Overv ie w When you rem ove or insert a port ada pter or ser vice ad apter in a Cisco 7401 ASR route r , the pins send signals to notify the system, which then performs as follo ws: 1.
3-5 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 3 Starting and Conf iguring Fun ctio nal O ver v iew Ta b l e 3 - 1 lists the typical temperat ure thresholds for the Cisco 7401ASR router , and Ta b l e 3 - 2 lists the DC power thresholds for the nor mal, warning, and c ritical (power supply-monitore d) levels.
3-6 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 3 Starting an d Configur ing Functio nal Overv ie w If the environmental sta tus is no t normal, the system reports the wor st-case status le vel. Fo llo wing is a sample o verv oltage warning: Router# show environment Warning:+3.
3-7 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 3 Starting and Conf iguring Fun ctio nal O ver v iew Temperature readings: chassis inlet measured at 29C/84F chassis outlet measured at 26C/78F Voltage readings: +1.8 V (PXF) measured at +1.
3-8 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 3 Starting an d Configur ing Functio nal Overv ie w +2.50 V measured at +2.47 V +3.30 V measured at +3.28 V +5.00 V measured at +4.98 V +5.20 V measured at +5.18 V +12.25 V measured at +12.
3-9 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 3 Starting and Conf iguring Checking Conditions Prior to System Sta rtup For complete d escriptions a n d instructions fo.
3-10 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 3 Starting an d Configur ing Configuring a Ci sc o 7401ASR Router Step 5 When you start up the route r for the f irst t.
3-11 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 3 Starting and Conf iguring Configurin g a Cisco 7401AS R Router Performing a Basic Configuration Using AutoInstall The AutoI nstall process is designed to conf igure the Cisco 74 01ASR route r automatica lly after connec tio n to yo ur W A N.
3-12 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 3 Starting an d Configur ing Configuring a Ci sc o 7401ASR Router If the ser ial (W AN) cable is conn ected to the CSU /DSU and the router do es not ha ve a configur ation stored in NVRA M, the router attem pts to run AutoInstall at sta rtup.
3-13 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 3 Starting and Conf iguring Configurin g a Cisco 7401AS R Router --- System Configuration Dialog --- At any point you may enter a question mark '?' for help. Use ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt.
3-14 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 3 Starting an d Configur ing Configuring a Ci sc o 7401ASR Router Step 7 For the follo wing qu eries, en able routin g .
3-15 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 3 Starting and Conf iguring Configurin g a Cisco 7401AS R Router Configuring the Native Gigabit Ethernet and Fast Ethern.
3-16 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 3 Starting an d Configur ing Configuring a Ci sc o 7401ASR Router Debugging Cisco IO S pr ovides two comm ands to p rov.
3-17 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 3 Starting and Conf iguring Configurin g a Cisco 7401AS R Router Number of bits in subnet field [0]: Class C network is 1.
3-18 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 3 Starting an d Configur ing Configuring a Ci sc o 7401ASR Router Step 4 Sav e your settin gs to NVRA M. (See the “ Saving the Runn ing Configuration to NVRAM ” secti on on page 3-21 .
3-19 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 3 Starting and Conf iguring Configurin g a Cisco 7401AS R Router The fo llowing sa mp le displ ay in clud es a cont inuo us listi ng of a ll i nte rface configur atio n p aram ete rs select ed for A TM, Fast Ethe rnet, and s ynchron ous serial inter faces.
3-20 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 3 Starting an d Configur ing Configuring a Ci sc o 7401ASR Router ip address appletalk cable-range 0-0 0.0 appletalk discovery ! interface FastEthernet1/0 media-type 100BaseX half-duplex ip address 1.
3-21 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 3 Starting and Conf iguring Perfo rm ing Oth er Confi gur a tion Task s Step 4 Ente r t he config termi nal command at the enabl e p rompt to ent er configura tion m ode from the term inal: Router# config terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line.
3-22 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 3 Starting an d Configur ing Replacing o r Reco verin g a Lo st Passw ord • Understa ndin g a nd worki ng wi th t he .
3-23 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 3 Starting and Conf iguring Replacing or Recover ing a Lost Passw ord Step 7 Recover or replace the displa yed passwords. Step 8 Change the configurat ion reg ister back to its ori ginal setting.
3-24 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 3 Starting an d Configur ing Replacing o r Reco verin g a Lo st Passw ord Router# show startup-config Step 12 Sca n the.
3-25 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 3 Starting and Conf iguring Viewing Your System Configuration Cautio n Do not ex ec ute the next step unless you have changed or re placed a pa ssword. If you ski pped Step 13 through Step 16 , skip to Step 20 .
3-26 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 3 Starting an d Configur ing Viewing Your System Configura tion 64256K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 512 bytes). 8192K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 256K).
3-27 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 3 Starting and Conf iguring Performing C omplex Co nfigur a tions For specif ic informa tion on th e show versi on , sho.
3-28 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapt er 3 Starting an d Configur ing Performing Co m pl ex Configur ations.
C HAP TER 4-1 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 4 Configuring the VPN Acceleratio n Module This chapter con tains the informati on and proc edures needed to conf igure the VPN Accelera tion Module (V AM) in Cisco 7401ASR rout ers.
4-2 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 4 Configuring the VPN Acceleration Module Configura ti on Ta sks Using the EXEC Command Interpreter Y ou mo dify the co nfiguration of your rou ter through the software command int erp reter call ed the EX EC (also call ed enable mode).
4-3 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 4 Configuring th e VPN A ccelerat io n Mo dule Config ura tion Ta sk s Configuring IPSec After you have complete d IKE configurat ion, co nfigure IPSec at each part icipat ing IPSec peer.
4-4 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 4 Configuring the VPN Acceleration Module Configura ti on Ta sks Defining Transform Sets A transform set is a combina tion of security protocols an d algorithms.
4-5 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 4 Configuring th e VPN A ccelerat io n Mo dule Config ura tion Ta sk s Creating Crypt o Map Entries T o create crypto map.
4-6 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 4 Configuring the VPN Acceleration Module Configura ti on Ta sks Verifying the Configuration Some co nfigurat ion cha nges t ake e ffect onl y aft er sub seq ue nt se curi ty assoc iati ons are negotia ted.
4-7 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 4 Configuring th e VPN A ccelerat io n Mo dule Config ura tion Ta sk s remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (172.
4-8 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 4 Configuring the VPN Acceleration Module Configura ti on Ta sks.
C HAP TER 5-1 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 5 Troubleshooting Y our Cisc o 7401 ASR route r went th rough extensive testing befor e leaving the facto ry . Howe ver , if you encounter problems star ting the router , use the info rmation in this ch apter to help iso late the cause of the proble ms.
5-2 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 5 Trouble shooting Problem Solv in g Us ing a Sub sy st ems Appro ach In addition t o following the subsy stems app roach to tro ubl eshoo t in g, Cisco Registere d Direct users can access troublesh ooting tools at http://www .
5-3 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting Probl em Solving Usin g a Subsystems Approa ch Identifying Startup Problems Startup problems are commonly due to the sour ce po wer or to a port adapter or ser vice adapte r that is dislodged from the system board .
5-4 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 5 Trouble shooting Problem Solv in g Us ing a Sub sy st ems Appro ach Troublesho oting the Po wer Sub system Check the fo.
5-5 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting Probl em Solving Usin g a Subsystems Approa ch Troublesho oting the Co oling Su bsystem Check the foll.
5-6 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 5 Trouble shooting Problem Solv in g Us ing a Sub sy st ems Appro ach Troublesho oting the I/O Su bsys tem The proce dure s in this sec tion assu me that you have not made ch ange s to your configura tion file.
5-7 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting Upgrading the Boot Helper (Boot Loader) Image Upgrading th e Boot Helper (Boo t Loader) Image The boo t hel per (bo ot l oade r) im ag e re side s in Flash m em ory a nd cont ai ns a subse t o f th e Cisco IOS software.
5-8 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 5 Trouble shooting PXF Troubles ho oting Inf orma tion PXF Troubleshooting Information Note The VPN Accel eration Mo dule (V AM) is not co mpatible with the PXF processor .
5-9 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 5 Troublesh ooting PXF Troubleshooting Information Packets ignored: 0 | ring space: shadow ring full: 0 | shadow ring: 16.
5-10 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Chapter 5 Trouble shooting PXF Troubles ho oting Inf orma tion No Buffers If there are too man y buf fers conf igured for th e output hold queue on an interfac e , this can use memo ry and resul t in dropped i nput packets.
A- 1 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Gui de OL-5419-01 B0 APPEND IX A Specifications This a ppend ix provide s syste m and c ompon en t spe c ifications fo r th e Cisco 7 401 ASR r oute r .
A- 2 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix A Speci fications Soft wa re R eq u i rem e nts Software Requirements The mini mum soft ware requir ements for the Cisc o 7401 ASR route r are: • Cisco IOS Re lease 1 2.
A-3 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix A Specific ation s Processor Sp ecificati ons Processor Specifications Memory Specifications and Configurations T abl.
A- 4 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix A Speci fications Gigabit Etherne t GBIC Conf ig ura tions and Port and Cabli ng Spe cificatio ns Gigabit Ethern et GBI.
A-5 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix A Specific ation s Gigab it Ether net GBIC Configur ations and Port and Cabli ng Specif ications A mode-co nditioning.
A- 6 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix A Speci fications Fast Ethernet/E thernet RJ- 45 Port Pinouts GBI C -Z X o r W S-G5487 The 10 00BA SEZX (ext ende d wav el ength ) GBIC oper ates on ordina ry single-m ode fiber-optic link spa ns of up to 43.
A-7 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix A Specific ation s Fast Ethe rnet/Et hernet RJ-45 Port Pinouts Figur e A -1 RJ-45 P ort and Conne ctor Note W ith re .
A- 8 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix A Speci fications Console and A ux iliary Por t Signals a nd Pi nouts T o deter mine whether a U TP cable is a crosso ver cable or a straigh t-throu gh cable, ho ld the two RJ- 45 connec tors next to each other so you can se e the col ored wire s inside the en ds.
A-9 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix A Specific ation s Alarm P ort Alarm Port The dry re lay alar m port operat es up to 50V A C/ DC maximum and up t o 80 mA maxim um. T otal power dissipatio n should no t exceed 300 m illiwatts.
A-10 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix A Speci fications Lith ium Batte ry Cautio n.
B-1 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Gui de OL-5419-01 B0 APPEND IX B PXF Information The PXF pro cessor is turned on by default. If it is ever disabled, you must ena ble it to take a dvantage of IP pac ket swit ching and feat ure accele ration.
B-2 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix B PXF Information Using show Commands Using the s how versio n Command Use the show v ersion command to displ ay t he co nfigurati on of t he sy stem h ardwar e a nd t he sof twar e version.
B-3 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix B PXF Informat ion U sing the sh ow pxf Commands Using the s how c74 00 Comman d Use the show c7400 command to obtain in format ion about th e router .
B-4 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix B PXF Information Usi ng th e show px f Comm ands • sho w pxf interfa ce • show pxf feature ? Sample ou t put for t hese com ma nds fo llows.
B-5 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix B PXF Informat ion U sing the sh ow pxf Commands Fa4/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vt1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lo0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The follo wing is .
B-6 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix B PXF Information Usi ng th e show px f Comm ands Using the show pxf info Command The follo wing is an example o f the s.
B-7 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix B PXF Informat ion U sing the sh ow pxf Commands • show pxf feat ure cef ? Router# show pxf feature cef ? entry Sha.
B-8 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix B PXF Information Usi ng th e show px f Comm ands.
C-1 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Gui de OL-5419-01 B0 APPEND IX C Using the Com pac tFlash Disk This a ppend ix d esc ribes in stall atio n p rere quisit es yo u s hould ob ser ve be.
C-2 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix C Using the CompactFlash Disk Product Descri pt ion Product Descrip tion CompactFlash Disks are desig ned with Flash technology , a non volatile st orage solution that does not require a battery to retai n data indefin itely .
C-3 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix C U sing the Co m pac tFlash D isk Compatibility Requirements Compatibility Requirements This section discusses CompactFlash Disk compatibility and use betwee n supported systems.
C-4 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix C Using the CompactFlash Disk Boot Environm ent Vari ables Boot Environment Variables The c ontents of the boot en vironment v ariables, wh ich ar e stored i n the c onfi guration f ile in NVRAM , determi ne the act ions your syst em takes on boot up.
C-5 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix C U sing the Co m pac tFlash D isk Sample Upg rade Process Sample Upgrade Process This section applies to users who want to use CompactFlash Disks for simple f ile storage.
C-6 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix C Using the CompactFlash Disk Working with a CompactFla sh Disk Soft war e Com man d Over vie w This section lists some of the basic software co mmands you can use with the CompactFlash Disk.
C-7 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix C U sing the Co m pac tFlash D isk Working with a Comp actFlash Disk Using Software C ommands This sec tion provid es ex amples of some of the ba sic softw are commands you can use with the Compac tFlash Disk.
C-8 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix C Using the CompactFlash Disk Working with a CompactFla sh Disk • Using the mk dir Com mand, pag e C-10 • Using the rm dir Com mand, pag e C-11 • Using th e delete Comman d, page C-11 Using the cd Command Use the cd comm and b y def ining a spec ific path na me.
C-9 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix C U sing the Co m pac tFlash D isk Working with a Comp actFlash Disk • Number o f F A T Sect ors i s the num be r of se ctor s u sed to t rack al loca ti on of c luster s t o files.
C-10 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix C Using the CompactFlash Disk Working with a CompactFla sh Disk Dis k on anot her router befo r e you format the ne w CompactFlash Disk.
C-11 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix C U sing the Co m pac tFlash D isk Working with a Comp actFlash Disk 48755200 bytes total (48751104 bytes free) Syst.
C-12 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix C Using the CompactFlash Disk Working with a CompactFla sh Disk Step 3 V erif y th at th e file fun1 is d eleted: System# dir Directory of disk0:/ No files in directory.
C-13 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix C U sing the Co m pac tFlash D isk Working with a Comp actFlash Disk • Enab les the syste m to boot the de fault b.
C-14 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix C Using the CompactFlash Disk Working with a CompactFla sh Disk.
D- 1 Cisco 7401ASR Insta llation and Configur ation Gui de OL-5419-01 B0 APPEND IX D Configuration Register Information The follo wing informatio n is found in this appen dix: • Configuration Bi t M.
D- 2 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix D Configur ation Register I nforma tion Configuration Bit Mean ings Bits 0–3 The lowest four bit s of the proce ssor configurat ion register (bits 3, 2, 1, and 0) for m the boot field.
D-3 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix D Configura tion Registe r Inf or mation Configur ation Bit Me anings in R O Mmon. If bit 13 is not set, t he router will co ntinue t o netboot ima ges indef initely . The defau lt setting for bit 13 is 0.
D- 4 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix D Configur ation Register I nforma tion Configuration Bit Mean ings Bit 8 Bit 8 contr ols the console Break key . Setting bit 8 (the fact ory default ) causes t he proce ssor to ign ore the console Break key .
D-5 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix D Configura tion Registe r Inf or mation Displaying the C o nfiguration R e gister Whil e Running Ci sco IOS Bit 15 Bit 15 e nable s d iagnost ic me ssage s and igno re s NV RAM conte nts.
D- 6 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix D Configur ation Register I nforma tion Setting the Config urat ion Registe r While Runni ng Ci sco IOS 14 IP broadcast.
D-7 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Append ix D Configura tion Registe r Inf or mation Setting the Configuration Register While Running ROM Mon itor enable “use .
D- 8 Cisco 7401ASR Inst allation and Configurat ion Guide OL-5419-01 B0 Appendix D Configur ation Register I nforma tion Setting the Configurat ion Registe r While Running RO M Monito r.
IN-1 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 INDEX A acces s-list ( encryption ) comman d 4-3 access lists See als o IPSec, crypto access lists AC pow er su pply spe cifi .
Index IN-2 Cisco 7401ASR Ins tallation and Configuration Guide OL-5419-01 B0 clearan ce 3-5 dimensio ns 2-2, A-1 ground conn ec tion pr ocedu re 2-11 ground lug c onnec to r 1-4 rack-m ountin g 2-6 we.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 config -regist er comma nd 3- 24, C-12 config term inal command 3-21 configuratio n bit me anings D-1 config urati on f.
Index IN-4 Cisco 7401ASR Ins tallation and Configuration Guide OL-5419-01 B0 elect rostatic disc harge d amage See ESD prevention enab le co mmand 3-20, 3-23 enab le pas sword comma nd 3-24 enabl e se.
Inde x IN-5 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 connec tin g p ower 2-23 groundi ng the chassis 2-11 interfac e paramete rs 3-16 site requir ements 2-4 star tin g t h .
Index IN-6 Cisco 7401ASR Ins tallation and Configuration Guide OL-5419-01 B0 environm ental monitor 3-5 no shutdow n command 3-24 numberi ng logical i nterface 3-1 port adap ter slot 3-1 NVRAM log 3-4.
Inde x IN-7 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 show pxf feat ures B-4 show pxf info B- 3 show pxf inte rface B-4 R rack-m ountin g front mou nted 2- 7 rear m oun t ed.
Index IN-8 Cisco 7401ASR Ins tallation and Configuration Guide OL-5419-01 B0 SNMP config uring 3-13 soft ware requir ements A- 2 specifi cations AC power supp ly A-1 alarm p ort A-9 chass is dimensio .
Inde x IN-9 Cisco 740 1ASR Insta llation a nd Configurati on Guide OL-5419-01 B0 safet y informati on 1-1, 2-4 SELV circuits 2-17 trai ned servi ce perso nnel 1-11 warning st atus leve l environm enta.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Cisco Systems 7401ASR è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Cisco Systems 7401ASR - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Cisco Systems 7401ASR imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Cisco Systems 7401ASR ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Cisco Systems 7401ASR, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Cisco Systems 7401ASR.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Cisco Systems 7401ASR. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Cisco Systems 7401ASR insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.