Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 3800 Series del fabbricante Cisco Systems
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1 Introduction to Hardware Do cumentation OL-5965-01 Introduction to Cisco 3800 Series Routers Hardware Documentation This introduction d iscusses the objecti v es, audience , and con ventio ns of hardware docu mentation for Cisco 3800 series inte grated services routers, and descr ibes related documents where you can f ind additional informati on.
Audience 2 Introduction to Hardware D ocumentation OL-5965-01 • Installing Compact Flash Memory Ca rds in Cisco 3800 Seri es Routers • Installing and Up grading Internal Compo nents in Cisco 3800 .
Safety W arning s 3 Introduction to Hardware Do cumentation OL-5965-01 Ti p Means the following info rmation will help you sol ve a pr oblem . The tips information might not be troubleshooting or e ven an action, b ut could be useful informati on, similar to a T imesaver .
Safety Warnings 4 Introduction to Hardware D ocumentation OL-5965-01 Attention IMPORT ANTES INFORMA TIONS DE SÉCURITÉ Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger . Vous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant entraîner des blessures ou des do mmages corporels.
Safety W arning s 5 Introduction to Hardware Do cumentation OL-5965-01 ¡Advertencia! INSTRUCCIONES IMPORT ANTES DE SEGURIDAD Este símbolo de aviso indica peligro.
Safety Warnings 6 Introduction to Hardware D ocumentation OL-5965-01 Avi so INSTRUÇÕES IMPORT ANTES DE SEGURANÇA Este símbolo de aviso significa perigo.
Safety W arning s 7 Introduction to Hardware Do cumentation OL-5965-01.
Safety Warnings 8 Introduction to Hardware D ocumentation OL-5965-01.
Related Documentation 9 Introduction to Hardware Do cumentation OL-5965-01 Related Documentation The Cisco IOS software that runs on your Cisco 38 00 series router includes extensi ve features and functionality . For information be yond the scope of th ese hardware documents, s ee the resour ces list ed in Ta b l e 2 .
Cisco 90-Day Lim ited Hardware Warranty Terms 10 Introduction to Hardware D ocumentation OL-5965-01 Cisco 90-Day Limited Hardware Warranty Terms There are special terms applicable to your hardware warranty and v a rious services that you can use during the warranty p eriod.
Obtaining Documentation 11 Introduction to Hardware Do cumentation OL-5965-01 To Receive a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) Number Contact the compan y from whom you pur chased the product. If you purchased the product d irectly from Cisco, contact your Cisco Sale s an d Service Repre sentati ve.
Documentation Feedba ck 12 Introduction to Hardware D ocumentation OL-5965-01 Documentation Feedback Y ou can send comments about technical documentation to bug-doc@cisco.
Obtaining Additional Public ations and Information 13 Introduction to Hardware Do cumentation OL-5965-01 T o open a service request by t elephone, use one of the follo wing numbers: Asia-Pacif ic: +61.
Obtaining Additional Publ ications and Information 14 Introduction to Hardware D ocumentation OL-5965-01 • iQ Magazine is the quarterly pub lication from Ci sco Systems designed to help gro wing companies learn ho w they can use technolo gy to increase re venue, streamline their bu siness, and e xpand services.
1 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers Cisco 3800 serie s integrated servic es routers are part of a new generatio n of routers that incor porate high.
Router Descriptions 2 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01 Figur e 1 Fr ont View of Cisco 3825 Router Figur e 2 Fr ont Panel of Cisco 3825 Rout er Figure 3 Rear V iew of Cisco 3825 Router .
Router De scriptions 3 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01 Figur e 4 Rear Panel of Cisco 3825 Rout er Figur e 5 Fr ont View of Cisco 3845 Router 1 Network modu le slot 2 6 HWIC slot 2 2 S.
Router Descriptions 4 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01 Figur e 6 Fr ont Panel of Cisco 3845 Rout er Figure 7 Rear V iew of Cisco 3845 Router 1 LED indicators 3 Pow er connector (A C sh.
Product Identification 5 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01 Figure 8 Rear Panel of Cisco 3845 Router Product Identification The serial number for Cisco 3800 series routers is located near the right edge of t he rear panel. Figure 9 sho ws the location on Cisco 3825 rou ters.
Built-In Ports 6 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01 Figur e 1 0 Cisco 3845 Router Ser ial Number Location Note The serial number for Cisco 3825 and Cisco 3845 routers is 11 characters long.
Module and Interface Ca rd Capacity 7 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01 Module and Interface Card Capacity Optional network modules and interface cards provid e Cisco 3800 series routers with additional interfaces or functionality . Network Modules Network modules in stall directly into slo ts in the rear of the router .
Module and Interface Card Capacity 8 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01 Note The terms single-wide , e x tended sin gle-wide , double-wide , and extended double-wid e refer to the physical size of a network module.
Port Numberi ng 9 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01 Certain interf ace card confi gurations require the i nstallation or remo v al of a slot di vider in the router’ s interface card slot. All slots must be cov ered by interface cards or blank faceplates for cooling, electromagnetic interference (EMI) reduction, and safe ty .
Port Numbering 10 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01 Note In the Cisco 384 5 router , double-wide or e xtended double-wide network mod ules are identif ied b y slot numbers 1 and 3 . Ports in a network modul e are normally numbered f rom right to left and botto m to top, starting at 0.
Memory 11 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01 Memory Cisco 3800 series router s contain the follo wing types of memory: • Main memory consists of ECC DDR SDRAM. It st or es the running configuration an d routing tabl es, and buf fers packets at the network interf aces.
LED Indicators 12 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01 LED Indicators LEDs can help you monitor your rout er’ s performance and operation b y providing po wer , activity , and status information.
Technical Specifications 13 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01 A C input power • Input vo ltage • Frequency • Input current • Inrush sur ge current 100–240 V A C, autoranging 4.
Technical Specific ations 14 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01 T able 3 Cisco 3845 Router Specifications Specification V alue Dimensions (H x W x D) 5.
Regulatory Compliance 15 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01 Regulatory Compliance For complete re gulatory compli ance information, see the Cisco 2800 Series and Cisco 3800 Series Inte grated Services Routers Re gulatory Com pliance and S afety Informati on document that accompanied the router .
Regulatory Compliance 16 Overview of Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5966-01.
1 Preinstallation Requirements and Planning for Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5967-01 Preinstallation Requirements and Planning for Cisco 3800 Series Routers This document describes preinstallatio n requirements and plan ning for Cisco 3800 series inte grated services routers.
Safety Recommendations 2 Preinstallation Requirements and Planning for Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5967-01 War ni n g Blank faceplates and c over panels serve three important functions: the y prevent.
General Site Requirements 3 Preinstallation Requirements and Pl an ning for Cisco 3800 Series Ro uters OL-5967-01 • If an electrical accident oc curs, proceed as follows: – Use caution; do not beco me a victim yourself. – T urn off po we r to the device.
General Site Requirement s 4 Preinstallation Requirements and Planning for Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5967-01 War ni n g The device is designed fo r connection to TN and IT power sy stems. Statement 1007 The A C power supply autoselects eit her 110 V or 220 V operation .
General Site Requirements 5 Preinstallation Requirements and Pl an ning for Cisco 3800 Series Ro uters OL-5967-01 Site Configuration The follo wing precautio ns help you plan the o perating en vironme.
Installation Checklist 6 Preinstallation Requirements and Planning for Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5967-01 Installation Checklist This sample instal lation checklist lists steps in installi ng a ne w router . Make a copy of i t and mark the entries when completed.
Creating a Site Log 7 Preinstallation Requirements and Pl an ning for Cisco 3800 Series Ro uters OL-5967-01 Creating a Site Log The site log contains a record of all actions related to the router . Keep it in an accessible place near the router , where anyone who performs these actio ns has access to it.
Required Tools and E quipment for Installatio n and Maintenance 8 Preinstallation Requirements and Planning for Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5967-01 Required Tools and Equipment fo r Installation and .
9 Installing Cisco 3800 Series Routers in an Equipment Rack OL-5969-01 Installing Cisco 3800 Seri es Routers in an Equipment Rack This document describes ho w to install Cisco 3800 seri es inte grated services routers in an equipment rack. After mounting the ro uter in the rack, you must connect the chassis t o a reliable earth ground.
Rack-Mounting the Ro uter 10 Installing Cisco 3800 Series Routers in an Equipment Rack OL-5969-01 Rack-Mounting the Router Mount the router in the equipment rack befo re making network and po wer connections.
Rack-Mounting the Router 11 Installing Cisco 3800 Series Routers in an Equipment Rack OL-5969-01 Figure 2 Rack-Mounting Br ack ets for Cisco 3845 Routers Y ou can mount the router in the follo wing wa.
Rack-Mounting the Ro uter 12 Installing Cisco 3800 Series Routers in an Equipment Rack OL-5969-01 Figur e 3 Br ack et Installation for F r ont Mounting Figure 4 Brac k et Installation for Rear Mountin.
Rack-Mounting the Router 13 Installing Cisco 3800 Series Routers in an Equipment Rack OL-5969-01 Figure 5 Br ack e t Installation for Center Mounting with Fr ont P anel Forw ard Figure 6 Br ack e t In.
Grounding the Router 14 Installing Cisco 3800 Series Routers in an Equipment Rack OL-5969-01 Install the router in the rack, usi ng two scre ws for each side. Rack-mounting scre ws should be supplied with the rack; the y are not pro vided with the router .
Grounding the Router 15 Installing Cisco 3800 Series Routers in an Equipment Rack OL-5969-01 Y ou must connect the rout er chassis t o a reliable earth ground.
Grounding the Router 16 Installing Cisco 3800 Series Routers in an Equipment Rack OL-5969-01 Figur e 9 NEBS-Compliant T wo-Ho le Bar rel Lug Ground Conn ection on Cisco 3845 Router Figur e 1 0 Ring T .
Grounding the Router 17 Installing Cisco 3800 Series Routers in an Equipment Rack OL-5969-01 Figur e 1 1 Ring T er minal Ground Connection on Cisco 3845 Router After the router has been installed and grounded, you can connect po wer cables; W AN, LAN, and voice cables; and cables for administrative access, as re quired for y our installati on.
Grounding the Router 18 Installing Cisco 3800 Series Routers in an Equipment Rack OL-5969-01.
19 Connecting Cables to Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5970-02 Connecting Cables to Cisco 3800 Series Routers This document describes ho w to connect your Cisco 3800 series integrated serv ices router to a po wer source and to netwo rks and external de vices.
Power Connections 20 Connecting Cables to Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5970-02 Connecting Routers to AC Power If your router uses A C power , connect it to a 15 A, 120 V A C (or 10 A, 240 V A C) circuit with ov ercurrent protection. If backup po wer is required, see the “Connecting Routers to Backup Po wer” section on page 27 .
Power Connections 21 Connecting Cables to Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5970-02 The follo wing w arning applies to the Cisco 38 25 router only: War ni n g This product relies on the building’ s installation for short-circuit (overcurrent) protection.
Power Connections 22 Connecting Cables to Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5970-02 DC Input Wiring Procedure T o connect the router to a DC po wer source , follo w these st eps: Step 1 Remov e po wer from the DC circuit .
Power Connections 23 Connecting Cables to Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5970-02 Figur e 12 DC P o wer Connections f o r Cisco 3825 Routers Figur e 13 DC P o wer Connections f o r Cisco 3845 Routers Step 6 Install the plastic cover o v er the terminals.
Power Connections 24 Connecting Cables to Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5970-02 Figur e 14 DC Wir e Routing and At tachment f or Cisco 3825 Router Figur e 15 DC Wir e Routing and At tachment f or Cisco.
Power Connections 25 Connecting Cables to Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5970-02 Caution Dual sources with opposit e-polarity gro unding damage equipment. In Figure 16 , either the positi ve source terminal or the ne gati ve source terminal is tied to groun d .
Power Connections 26 Connecting Cables to Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5970-02 Note When source A and source B are wi red with common negati ve terminals, as in Figure 17 , dischar ging does not occur and there is no requirement th at source A and source B voltages be equal.
Power Connections 27 Connecting Cables to Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5970-02 Figure 1 9 Source A and Source B Wir ed with Opposite-P olar ity Grounds Connecting Routers to Backup Power The Cisco 3845 router accommodates two hot -swappable po wer supplies in bays at the front of the router .
Connecting WAN, LAN, and Voice Cables 28 Connecting Cables to Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5970-02 Figur e 20 RPS Connector on Cisco 3825 Rout er Figur e 21 Connecting RPS to Cisco 3825 Router Connect.
Connecting a Co nsole or Modem 29 Connecting Cables to Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5970-02 For cable pinouts, see the Cisco Modular Access Router Cable Specifications document. War ni n g Do not work on the sy stem, or connect or disconnect cables d uring periods of lightning activity .
Connecting a Console or Modem 30 Connecting Cables to Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5970-02 This section describes ho w to connect a console to the console port and ho w to connect a modem to the auxiliary port.
Connecting a Co nsole or Modem 31 Connecting Cables to Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5970-02 Figur e 23 Connecting a Comput er to the Cisco 3845 Router Console P ort Connecting a Modem to the Auxiliary.
Connecting a Console or Modem 32 Connecting Cables to Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5970-02 Figure 24 Connecting a Modem to the A u xiliary Por t on a Cisco 3825 Router Figure 25 Connecting a Modem to .
33 Powering Up Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5971-01 Powering Up Cisco 3800 Series Routers This document describes ho w to power up your Cisco 3800 series inte grated services router .
Power-Up Proce dure 34 Powering Up Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5971-01 Power-Up Procedure T o power up your ro uter and verify that i t has gone through its init ialization and self-test, follo w these steps. After you are f inished, the router is ready f or software conf iguration.
Power-Up Procedure 35 Powering Up Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5971-01 T able 4 LED Indications Dur ing Po w er -up LED Label Color and State Meaning SYS Off Ro uter not recei ving power Steady green .
Power-Up Proce dure 36 Powering Up Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5971-01 Verifying the Hardware Configuration T o display and verify hardware fe atures, enter the follo wing commands: • show versi on.
37 Troubleshooting Cisco 3800 Series Ro uters OL-5972-01 Troubleshooting Cisco 3800 Series Routers Y o ur Cisco 3800 series inte grated services router goes t hrough ext ensi ve testing and b urn-in before leav ing the factory .
Solving Problems 38 Troubleshooting Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5972-01 Solving Problems The ke y to solving problems is t o isolate the problem to a specif ic subsystem by comparing what the router is doing to w hat it should be doing.
Solving Problems 39 Troubleshooting Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5972-01 • W ith the po w er switch on and the SYS LED steady green , do the fans op erate? – If yes, the po wer system is functioning.
Solving Problems 40 Troubleshooting Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5972-01 Troubleshooting Modules, Cables, and Connections Network problems can be caused by a module; cables or cable connectio ns; or external devices such as a modem, transcei ver , hub, wall jack, W AN interface, or terminal.
LEDs 41 Troubleshooting Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5972-01 • Router po wers on and boot s only when a particular cab le is disconnected. – There may be a problem wit h the module, inte rf ace card, or cable.
LEDs 42 Troubleshooting Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5972-01 Figur e 27 Cisco 3825 Rear -P a nel LEDs Figure 28 Cisco 3845 Fr ont-P anel LEDs 117782 EN NMD- ESW- 36 2 3 x 5 x FastEthernet Ports 2 2 x .
LEDs 43 Troubleshooting Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5972-01 Figure 29 Cisco 3845 Rout er Rear -Panel LEDs T able 5 Cisco 3800 Series LED Indicat o rs LED 3825 3845 Color and State Meaning SYS Front F.
LEDs 44 Troubleshooting Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5972-01 A UX PWR Front — O f f IP phone po wer of f or not present, or po wer-up not completed Steady green Present and en abled (po wer-up compl.
The show environment Command 45 Troubleshooting Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5972-01 The show environment Command The show en vironment command can help you monitor and troub l eshoot rout er po wer and v entilation status.
Error Messages 46 Troubleshooting Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5972-01 This is an example of the output of the show en vironment command f or a Cisco 3845 rout er that has one A C power supp ly with I.
Error Messages 47 Troubleshooting Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5972-01 Error Message Fan 1|2|3 had a rotation error repo rted. Explanation The specified fan is not rota ting at the de sired speed . Recommended Action If this error is detected, the router syst em software automatically in creases the fan speed to high.
Jumper Settings 48 Troubleshooting Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5972-01 Error Message System detected thermal warning on SYS PS 1|2. System is close to auto shutdown limit. Explanation The power su pply is operating at an ab normally high temp erature.
Recovering a Lost Password 49 Troubleshooting Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5972-01 Note The jumpers are not needed to tr oubleshoot Cisco IOS problems. If the Cisco IOS softwa re becomes corrupted, remo ve the CompactFlash memo ry card to force the router to boot in R OM monitor mode.
More Troubleshoo ting Help 50 Troubleshooting Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5972-01.
51 Installing Network Mo dules in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5973-01 Installing Network Modules in Cisco 3800 Series Routers This document describes ho w to install network modules in Cisco 3800 series routers.
Installing Network Modules 52 Installing Network Mo dules in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5973-01 The upper network modu le slot of the Cisco 3825 rout er , labeled 2 on the rear panel, can hold any o.
Modifying the Width of Network M odule Slots 53 Installing Network Modules in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5973-01 Figur e 30 Slot Divider for Double-Wide Ne tw or k Module Slots (Gener ic Router) All.
Modifying the Width of Network Mo dule Slots 54 Installing Network Mo dules in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5973-01 T o cover an empt y network modu le slot: • Extended single-wide slot—I nstall a slot adapter as described in the “Installing and Removing Slot Adapters” section on page 59 .
Installing and Removing Slot Divide rs 55 Installing Network Modules in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5973-01 Figure 32 Slot Adapt ers for Double-Wid e Netw or k Modules (Gener ic Router) Installing an.
Installing and Removing Slot Dividers 56 Installing Network Mo dules in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5973-01 Installing Slot Dividers Figure 33 sho ws a slot divider for a double-wide or e xtended double-wide netw ork module sl ot.
Installing and Removing Slot Divide rs 57 Installing Network Modules in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5973-01 Figure 34 Inserting Slot Divider into Ne twor k Module Slot (Gener ic Router) Step 2 Push the slot di vider into the slot. The sl ot di vider’ s screw tip an d guide pin f it into holes at the back of the slot.
Installing and Removing Slot Dividers 58 Installing Network Mo dules in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5973-01 Removing Slot Dividers Note The network module slo ts on both sides of a slot di vider must be empty of network mo dules and slot adapters before you remo ve the slo t di vider .
Installing and Removing Slot Adap ters 59 Installing Network Modules in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5973-01 Installing and Removing Slot Adapters Install slot adapters in e xtended-width netw ork module slots to reduce the slot width. Figure 31 , Figure 32 , and Figure 35 sh ow sl ot adapters for network module sl ots.
Installing Blank Faceplates 60 Installing Network Mo dules in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5973-01 Removing Slot Adapters T o remove a slot adapter , use a number 2 Phillips screwdri ver to loosen the capti ve thumbscre w . Pull the slot adap ter straight out of the slot.
61 Installing Interface Cards in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5974-01 Installing Interface Cards in Cisco 3800 Series Routers This document describes how to inst all interface cards in Cis co 3800 seri es integrated services routers.
Installing and Removing Slot Dividers 62 Installing Interface Cards in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5974-01 Caution Cisco 3800 serie s routers do no t support onlin e insertion and remov al (OIR, or hot swap) of interface cards inserted directly i nto router slots.
Installing and Removing Slot Divide rs 63 Installing Interface Cards in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5974-01 Figure 38 Slot Divider for Cisco 3845 HWIC Slot T o install slot di viders into HWIC slots,.
Installing and Removing Slot Dividers 64 Installing Interface Cards in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5974-01 Figure 39 Inserting Slot Divider in to HWIC Slot (Cisco 3825 Router) For a Cisco 3845 router , insert the p lastic rail on the bottom of t he slot di vider into th e track in the router slot.
Installing and Removing Slot Divide rs 65 Installing Interface Cards in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5974-01 Figure 40 Inserting Slot Divider in to HWIC Slot (Cisco 3845 Router) 1 Slot di vider 3 Scre.
Installing and Removing Slot Dividers 66 Installing Interface Cards in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5974-01 Figure 41 Inserting Slot Divider into HWIC Slot (Cisco 3845 Router), Detail Step 2 Pull gently o n the slot divider to check that it is seated securely .
Installing Blank Faceplates over Empty HWIC Slots 67 Installing Interface Cards in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5974-01 Ti p Save the slot di vider for future use.
Installing Blank Faceplates over Empty HWIC Slots 68 Installing Interface Cards in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5974-01 T o install blank faceplates over empty HWIC slots, follo w thes e procedures: • Single-wide slot—A ttach a blank facep late and tighten the two screw s, using a number 1 Phill ips scre wdriv er .
69 Installing SFP Modules in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5968-01 Installing SFP Modules in Cisco 3800 Series Routers This document describes ho w to install optional small-form-f actor pluggable (SFP) modules in Cisco 3800 series integrated services routers to provide optical Gigabit Ethernet connecti vity .
Installing SFP Modules 70 Installing SFP Modules in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5968-01 Note Cisco 3800 series routers do not support 1000Base-T SFP modules in the router ’ s SFP slot. 1000Base- T connecti vity is pro vided b y the Gigabit Eth ernet ports b uilt into the rou ter .
Removing SFP Modules 71 Installing SFP Modules in Cisco 3800 Ser ies Routers OL-5968-01 Removing SFP Modules Follo w these steps to remove an SFP from a Cisco 3800 series router: Step 1 Disconnect all cables from the SFP .
Removing SFP Modules 72 Installing SFP Modules in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5968-01.
73 Installing CompactFlash Memo ry Ca rds in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5976-01 Installing CompactFlash Memory Cards in Cisco 3800 Series Routers This document describes ho w to remove and i nstall CompactFlash memory car ds in Cisco 3800 series integrated services routers.
Removing CompactFla sh Memory Cards 74 Installing CompactFlash Memo ry Ca rds in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5976-01 Removing CompactFlash Memory Cards Caution Disconnect th e router from the net work befo re remov ing a CompactFlash memory car d.
Installing CompactF lash Memory Cards 75 Installing CompactFlash Memory Ca rds in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5976-01 Figur e 47 CompactFlash Slot Location in Cisco 3845 Rout er Installing CompactFla.
Installing CompactFl ash Memory Cards 76 Installing CompactFlash Memo ry Ca rds in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5976-01 Using the Compact Flash Guard The Compact Flash guard (CF-guard ) provid es protection for the compact fl ash memory slot. Note A small flat-head scre wdrive r is required to attach the CF-guard.
Corporate Headquarters: Copyright © 20 04-20 05 Cisco System s, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Installing and Upgrading Internal Com.
78 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Safety Warnings • Safety with Electricity , page 79 • Removing the Cov er from a Cisco 3825 Router , page 8.
79 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Safety w ith Elect ricity War ni n g Read the installation instruc tions before connecting the sy stem to the powe r source.
80 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Removing the Cover from a Cisco 3825 Router Preventing Electrostatic Discharge Damage Electrostatic disc harge (ESD) can damage eq uipment and im pair electrica l circuitry .
81 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Removing the Power Supply Assembly from a Cisco 3825 Router Step 3 Remov e the rout er from the rack. Remo ve the rack-m ounting brack ets from the router usin g the number 2 Phillips scre wdriv er .
82 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Removing the Plug-In Motherboard from a Cisco 3845 Router Step 1 Remov e the rout er cov er , follo wing the procedure in the “Removing the Co ver from a Cisco 3825 Router” section on page 80 .
83 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Component Locations o n the Motherboard Figure 50 Remo ving the Mother board fr om a Cisco 3845 Router T o insta ll or replace SDRAM DIMMs, AIMs, or PVDM s on the motherboard, continue with the “Component Location s on the Motherboard” section on page 83 .
84 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Component Locations on the Motherboard Figur e 51 Component Locations on a Cisco 3825 Motherboard 1 PVDM3 7 MEM.
85 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 SDRAM DIMM Removal and Installation Figur e 52 Component Locations on a Cisco 3845 M otherboard SDRAM DIMM Removal and Installation Cisco 3800 s eries routers ship with 256 MB of ECC DDR SDRAM.
86 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 SDRAM DIMM Removal and Ins tallation DIMM Location and Orientation The two SDRAM DIMM connectors are located on th e motherboard and are identified as MEMOR Y 0 and MEMOR Y 1 on the Cisco 3825 router , and as MEM0 and MEM1 on the Cisco 3845 router .
87 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 SDRAM DIMM Removal and Installation Step 2 Place the DIMM in an antist atic bag to protect it from ESD damag e. Installing an SDRAM DIMM Caution Do not insert DIMMs into th e same connector more than 25 t imes.
88 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 AIM Installation and Removal AIM Installation and Removal Overview Adv anced inte gration modules (AIMs) pro vide hardw are-based support for ad ditional features.
89 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 AIM Installation and Removal Connecting the AIM to the Motherboard T o connect an AIM to the motherboar d, follo w these st eps: Step 1 Remov e the three scre ws from the motherboard ne ar the AIM connecto r that you are going to use.
90 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 AIM Installation and Removal Figure 57 Metal St andoffs Step 3 Install the two machine-thread metal standoff s in place of the two scre ws labeled A in Figure 56 .
91 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 AIM Installation and Removal Figure 58 Attaching an AIM t o a Motherboard Step 4 Insert the plastic standof f (see Figure 5 9 ) with a snap fi t on the ends in place o f the scre w labeled B in Figure 56 .
92 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 AIM Installation and Removal Figur e 59 Plastic Standof f Orientation Step 5 Insert the connector on the AI M into the connector on t he motherboard. Press f irmly on the AIM until it seats onto the connector .
93 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 AIM Installation and Removal Verifying AIM Installation Use the show diag 0 command to obtain hardware in formation about an in stalled AIM.
94 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 AIM Installation and Removal Removing an AIM If you need to remove an AIM, follow this proc edure. Y ou need a number 2 Phillips scre wdrive r . Step 1 Locate the AIM to be removed.
95 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 AIM Installation and Removal Installing a CompactFlash Memory Card on the AIM Complete the procedure belo w fo r installing a CompactFlash memory car d mounted on the AIM.
96 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 PVDM Installation and Removal Figure 63 CompactFlash Memory Ca rd Installati on on the AIM PVDM Installation an.
97 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 PVDM Installation and Removal Figure 64 PVDM P olar ization Notch Installing a PVDM T o install a PVDM, follo w these steps: Note Install PVDMs beginnin g with the PVDM 0 conn ector .
98 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Installing a Power Supply in a Cisco 3825 Router Removing a PVDM T o remove a PVDM from the mo therboard, follo.
99 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Installing a Power Supply in a Cisco 3825 Router Removing the Existing Power Supply T o r emove the existing po.
100 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Installing a Power Supply in a Cisco 3825 Router Follo w these steps to attach the po wer supply to the po wer supply tray . Step 1 T urn the tray right side up.
101 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Installing a Power Supply in a Cisco 3825 Router Installing a DC Power Supply The DC po wer supply has two po wer connectors, as shown i n Figure 70 . Figur e 70 DC P ow er Supply Follo w these steps to attach the power supply to the po wer supply tray .
102 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Installing a Power Supply in a Cisco 3825 Router Figure 71 Secondary Po wer Ca ble Motherboard Connection If y.
103 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Installing a Power Supply in a Cisco 3825 Router Installing an IP Phone Power Supply The IP phone power supply has three connectors, as shown in Figure 72 .
104 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Installing a Power Supply in a Cisco 3825 Router Figure 73 IP Phone P ow er Ca ble Motherboar d Connection If .
105 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Reinstalling the Power Supply Assembly in a Cisco 3825 Router Reinstalling the Power Supply Assembly in a Cisc.
106 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Removing and Insta lling the Fan Tray and Power Supplies in a Cisco 3845 Router Step 3 Use a number 2 Phillips scre wdrive r to tighten th e two capti ve retention scre ws, one on each side of the motherboard.
107 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Removing and Installing the Fan Tray and Power S upplies in a Cisco 3845 Router Step 2 T o remove a po wer supply , use a flat-blade or numb er 2 Phillips scre wdri v er to loosen the t wo capti ve thumbscre ws.
108 Installing and Upgrading Intern al Components in Cisco 3800 Series Routers OL-5975-04 Removing and Insta lling the Fan Tray and Power Supplies in a Cisco 3845 Router.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Cisco Systems 3800 Series è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Cisco Systems 3800 Series - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Cisco Systems 3800 Series imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Cisco Systems 3800 Series ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Cisco Systems 3800 Series, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Cisco Systems 3800 Series.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Cisco Systems 3800 Series. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Cisco Systems 3800 Series insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.