Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto IT-2000D del fabbricante Casio
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IT-2000D (DOS v ersion) T echnical Reference Manual (V ersion 1.00 ) A pril 1998 Casio Computer Co., Ltd. Copy right ©1998. A ll r ights reser ved..
2 Table of Contents Preface 5 Chapte r 1 O v er v iew 6 1.1 Feature of S y stem 6 1.1.1 De v elopment Concept 6 1.1.2 Hard w are 6 1.1.3 Soft w are 6 1.1.4 Basic Specifi cat ions 7 1.1.5 Model Name 8 1.2 S y stem Configurat i on 9 1.2.1 Hard w are Block Diagram 9 1.
3 3.11 FLINK Command 68 3.12 S y stem Date/ T ime Setup 71 3.13 Command Prompt 72 3.14 R A M Disk Siz e Change 73 3.15 Disk Format 75 3.16 S y stem Initialization 77 3.17 Pass w ord Entry 78 Chapte r 4 M S-DOS 79 4.1 O v er v iew 79 4.2 How t o Write CONFIG .
4 Chapte r 8 Utility 190 8.1 O v er v iew 190 8.2 Calculator Utility 191 8.3 Clock Utility 193 8.4 Calendar Utility 195 8.5 FLINK Utility 196 8.5.1 Communication Parameter Se tup Command 197 8.5.2 File T ransmission (/S) 199 8.5.3 File Reception (/R) 201 8.
5 Preface The IT- 2000 Technical Reference Manual (hereinafter referred to as this document) is provided to assist the user in developing programs to run on the Casio I T-2000 (hereinafter referred to as this terminal or I T-2000 or HT in this m anual).
6 1. Ov erv iew 1.1 Features of Sy stem 1.1.1 Dev elopment Concept The IT-2000 is a data collection term inal for business use. After y ears of refinement Casio Computer Co., L td. has developed its hand- held type term inals so that they yield high speed and a high functionality in com parison to general personal computers.
7 PC card slot conforms to PCMCIA Release 2.1 supporting various PC cards. Im plements I rDA 1.1 protocol for high-speed infrared com munication. System menu m akes it easy to m aintain the IT- 2000 and install user application programs.
8 1.1.5 Model Name The following IT-2000s of MS- DOS version will be available. For price of each m odel, please consult with y our local Casio representative.
9 1.2 Sy stem Configuration 1.2.1 Hardw are Block Diagram CPU i486GX 1 Power switch A/D converter Buffer DRAM F LASH ROM (DI NOR) MASK ROM Lithium -ion battery Secondary sub- battery Primary sub- battery IrD A Driver/Receiver RS-232C driver PC card slot IrD A 1.
10 1.2.2 Supported Softw are The software used with this terminal can be div ided into two categories: the sy stem software that includes the BIOS, OS, and dev ice drivers and the user software such as the developm ent tools.
11 TFORMAT.E XE Basic drive (C:) F-ROM drive form atter Utilities For inform ation about the utilities refer to Chapter 8 "Utility". File nam e Storage location Description CAL.EXE SDK Calendar utility CALC.EXE SDK Calculator utility CLOCK.EXE SDK Clock utility CHKBATT .
12 1.3 Precautions I f reading the internal clock with I NT21h the significant data should include and be li m ited to the seconds digits. On thi s ter m inal the ti m e is read di rectl y fro m the RTC so that the correct ti m e can be attained at an y m o m ent, even during extended continuous use.
13 This system will not execute an alarm indication for an L B2 event (low sub-battery voltage) or LB3 ev ent (low SRAM card battery v oltage). Therefore, the application program side m ust acquire the alarm status v ia the system library and display an appropriate alarm message.
14 Do not input “^P” from the DOS prompt. I f it is input, “^P” requests DOS to redirect console output to printer. However, the IT-2000 does not hav e the printer being installed, it will enter into wait mode. For m ore information about the sy stem library refer to Chapter 7.
15 2. Basic Softw are 2.1 Ov erv iew 2.1.1 Softw are Configuration The following diagram shows the software configuration of the IT- 2000. F i g . 2 . 1 Note: The P enMouse driver and K eypad driv er cannot co-exist on the sy stem.
16 2.1.2 Memory Map The mem ory m ap of the IT- 2000 is as follows. F i g . 2 . 2 Extended Memory ROM BI OS NAND DISK BI OS/VGA BIOS Memory Mapped Disk I/F 100000h 0F0000h 0E0000h 0DC000h 0D8000h 0C80.
17 2.1.3 Dri v e Configuration The drive configuration differs for each m odel as described in the following: If F-ROM drive is supported RAM disk Dri v e A: [Read and Write] This drive is prepared for use after the RAM disk size is specified from the S y ste m Menu.
18 If F-ROM drive is not supported RAM disk Dri v e A: [Read and Write] This drive is readied for use after the RAM disk size is specified from the S y ste m Menu. The contents of this RAM disk will not be erased through a boot process or b y pressing the RESET switch.
19 2.2 Basic Sy stem Operation 2.2.1 Ov erv iew Basic operation of this system on the terminal consists of the suspend/resum e process and boot process operated by m eans of the Power switch and RESET switch, as shown in the following diagram. F i g .
20 The following table summ arizes the power-on processes prov ided for this terminal. System Menu boot process Alway s executes CONF IG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT locat ed in drive (C:) for starting up the MS- DOS. Application boot process Searches for CONFI G.
21 2.2.2 Po w e r O N Process O v er v iew The ON process is provided to m ake the s y ste m read y for use (ON state). The actual process varies depending on the settings at that point in ti m e and the last O FF factor (the cause of the O FF action).
22 Syste m Menu Boot Process P ressing the RESET switch sets the drive C: as the current driv e, and MS - DOS is loaded from that drive. As a result, the S y ste m Menu that includes the m aintenance progra m will be initiated (refer to “S y ste m Menu Boot P rocess” on this page).
23 Note: The RESE T switch can be used not onl y for initiating the S y ste m Menu but also as the forced restart witch when the user application progra m under develop m ent hangs. Howev er, note that if the RESET switch is pressed while the disk is being written to, the data m a y be corrupted.
24 Auto Po w er ON f unction (only affects the resu m e process) activated by alarm The s y ste m power can be turned on (resu m ed) at the specified ti m e b y m eans of an alar m . However, this will not function if the next start - up m ethod is set to the boot process in the s y stem librar y .
25 2.2.3 Pow er OFF Process Overv iew Turns off the system power. Howev er, the power to all the devices is not turned off and som e can be used for storing the information required for the next resum e operation. This process is called the suspend process and the state of the system while off is called the suspend state.
26 OFF Factors The O FF factors refer to various causes that m ake the s y ste m enter the O FF state (suspend state), as follows: O FF factor Description Suspend P ower switch S y ste m operation can be suspended b y holding down the P ower switch for m ore than a second.
27 Note: Hold down the Po wer switch for more than one second until the power is off. This is done to prevent the power from accidentally being turned off by the user. In addition, key input will not be enabled for approximately one second after the Power switch has been pressed.
28 2.2.4 Battery Voltage Monitoring Process This terminal uses a main battery (lithium-ion battery pack) for driving the main unit, and a prim ary sub-battery (lithium battery ) and a secondary sub-battery (lithium- vanadium battery ) for backup. Application programs can acquire the status of these batteries through the APM BIOS or sy stem library.
29 Low Voltage Level The IT-2000 continuously m onitors the voltage of the main battery , the primary sub-battery , and the SRAM card battery. This allow s an application program to determ ine through the system library if the voltage of each battery reaches a warning level.
30 Main Battery Voltage Monitoring If the m ain battery v oltage reaches LB1, the sy stem issues a warning buzzer. If this warning buzzer sounds, either start recharging the battery or replace it w ith a fully charged battery as soon as possible.
31 For inform ation about the method used to replace the m ain battery refer to Chapter 2.2.6 “ How to Replace or Recharge Batteries”. Sub-battery Voltage Monitoring The sub-batteries are used for sy stem backup w hile the main battery is being replaced.
32 A cquiring Po w er Status through Batter y Status A cquisition Utility With the batter y status acquisition utilit y the user can be advised of the current re m aining voltage of the m ain batter y , sub - batter y status, or connector status in real ti m e.
33 2.2.5 Low Consumption Current Process This terminal has (1) the APM BIOS installed to provide a low-power consumption capability . It works in com bination with POWER.
34 A uto Powe r OFF Function (APO) This function automatically shifts the system to the OFF state (suspend state) if no event has taken place for a specified period of time from the touch panel, the keyboard, COM1, or a file. This time interv al has been set to one minute by default.
35 DOZE/RUN Transit Function On this terminal the sy stem will reduce the clock speed of the built-in CPU if no activity (access to the touch panel, keys , COM1, or file) has occurred for a specified period of time (four seconds).
36 Note: If the power m anagement function is disabled by the system library , the Auto Power OFF function (APO ) is also disabled. This is because both the power managem ent function and Auto P ower OFF function use the same activity processing routine.
37 2.2.6 How to Replace or Recharge Batteries Replacement of Batt eries The method used to replace the m ain battery, sub- battery , and SRAM card battery are explained here. Failure to observ e the correct battery replacem ent procedure may result in a loss of data.
38 Note: The SRAM card is supplied power by the main battery when it is installed in the main unit. This means that the SRAM card can be used norm ally as long as it is in the slot, ev en if the voltage of the card battery is zero. In this case, however, the data on the SRAM card will be lost when the card is remov ed from the main unit slot.
39 2.3 Supported Dev ices 2.3.1 Display Unit Hardw a re Configuration LCD FSTN sem i-transparent liquid cry stal display Resolution 192 x 384 dots Tone B/W 16 gray scales (4 gray scales are identifiab.
40 Softw are Functions Standard Video BIOS is supported. This supports the following v ideo modes: Mode No Mode Type Characters Resolution Colors Memory Segm ent 00h Text 40 x 25 320 x 200 16 B800h 01.
41 2.3.2 EL Backlight Overv iew This terminal has the following functions to control the backlight. F or more inform ation refer to Chapter 5, “Key board Controller”.
42 2.3.3 Touch Panel Hardw a re Configuration Method : Analog ty pe touch panel Resolution : 192 x 384 dots Softw are Function To enable application programs to acquire touch panel coordinates, the following two pieces of software are provided: PENMOUSE.
43 2.3.4 Disk Ty pes of Disk Type Drive nam e Capacity RAM disk A 0 to 1920 Kby tes Basic drive C 768 Kby tes F- ROM disk D 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 or 24 Mbyt es PC card G or F SRAM card, ATA card Note: The drive nam e of the PC card varies for each model. F or more information refer to Chapter 2.
44 F-ROM Drive The F- ROM drive is supported as a disk for which both read and wr ite operations are possible (only for models with the F -ROM drive). Various disk capacities are supported for each model: Disk capacity: 0 (m odels without F -ROM), 4M, 8M, 12M, 16M or 24 MB To format the F -ROM drive use the Sy stem Menu.
45 2.3.5 Serial Communication A v ailable Interfaces Port I/O Address Name Uses Remark COM1 3F8h- 3F Fh 8- pin serial I/F Connection with a barcode reader or PC 14-pin serial I /F C onnection with an expansion I/F device Can be switched via the sy stem library.
46 COM2 Either the 14-pin serial I /F or I rDA 1.0 can be assigned to this COM2 port depending on the sy stem library setup. Both the 14- pin serial I/F and IrDA 1.0 can be used as a normal RS-232C interface. By default, the COM2 channel is not assigned to either device.
47 2.3.6 PC Card Hardwa re Overview Standard Conforms to PCMCIA Release 2.1 Register compatibility Has register compatibility with I ntel 82365SL Step Slot 1 slot TYPE II Power supply Vcc : 5V (not operable at 3.
48 Card Lock Switch The IT- 2000 has a card lock switch to prevent accidental remov al of the card. Any card can be m ade usable only after it has been inserted in the slot and the sw itch has been locked properly.
49 2.3.7 Clock Timer Clock BIOS 00h to 07h of the INT1Ah function are com patible with the IBM PC/AT. Since INT1Ah can be called in the C language, an alarm operation using the clock can be set with the system library .
50 2.3.8 Buzzer This terminal is prov ided with a buzzer function that is compatible, via an appropriate interface, with the IBM PC. The application side can sound this buzzer by controlling the I /O port assigned to 61h. It is also possible to m odify the sound frequency by controlling channel 2 of the timer.
51 2.3.9 Barcode Reader Overv iew The IT- 2000 supports the following two Casio OBR (Optical Barcode Reader) models: DT-9650BCR ( Pen scanner ) DT-9656BCR ( CCD scanner) Connect the OBR to the COM1 (8-pin) port of this terminal, and set up the interface as follows.
52 2.3.10 Infrared Communication (IR) The infrared comm unication function of this terminal supports the protocol of I rDA 1.0 (see note below) and IrDA 1.1 standards. I rDA 1.0 can be used as the COM port for a general RS-232C. I rDA 1.1 can provide com munication at a m aximum rate of 4 Mbps by m eans of the dedicated utility (F L INK utility ).
53 2.3.11 Key s Hardwa re Overview Key configuration 5 (column) x 3 (row) key s IRQ IR Q 1 Key repeat function available Simultaneous pressing of multiple key s not available Roll-over function not available Key Lay out See the following key layout. Fi g.
54 2.3.12 Sensors The IT-2000 has the following three ty pes of built-in sensors: Illum ination sensor Attached to the upper section of this terminal and used to sense the am bient light intensity. I t is used for the Auto Backlight Control (ABC) function.
55 3. Sy stem Menu 3.1 Overv iew The system menu is a program and used to perform v arious setups (system clock, contrast of liquid crystal display , etc.) and implem ent (downloading) application programs, all of w hich are necessary to use this term inal.
56 3.2 Basic Operation In the sy stem m enu a comm on set of key operations are used. The followi ng list shows the keys that can be used in the system menu. Current Condition Key Operation Operation Process 8 Moves the line selection cursor up one line.
57 3.4 Key Click Sound Setup Function Sets the key click sound ON and OF F. If it is set to ON, a key click sound is heard when a key is pressed or when the keypad is touched. I t does not sound if it is set to OF F. Fi g. 3.3 Operation Select ON/OF F with the “ 0” or “ 1 “ key , then confirm the select ion with the “RET” key .
58 3.5 Buzzer Volume Setup Function Sets the volume of the buzzer (beep). One of the four levels (OF F/ Small/Medium/ Large) can be selected. Fi g. 3.4 Operation Make a selection w ith a key , “ 0” to “ 3 “, and confirm the selecti on with the “ RET” key .
59 3.6 Contrast A djustment Function Adjusts the contrast of the liquid crystal display . Fi g. 3.5 Operation Press the “8 “ key to increase the contrast or press the “ 2” key to decrease the contrast. Press the “ RET” key to confirm the setting.
60 3.7 A ut o Backligh t Setup Function Sets the auto backlight control ON or O FF (refer to Chapter 5 “ K e y board Controller"). F ig. 3.6 Operation Select ON/O FF wi th the “ 0” or “ 1” ke y , then confir m t he selection wi th the “RET” ke y .
61 3.8 A uto Pow er OFF Setup Function Sets the time- out period of the auto power off function (APO) (refer to Chapter 2.2.3 “P ower OF F Process"). This time-out period is the interv al between when no key entry or no entry on the touch panel is made and when the power of sy stem is shut off automatically .
62 3.9 Touch Panel Calibration Function Adjusts the calibration of touch panel. If an inconsistency is noted between the target position and the position actually touched on the touch panel, correct it by perform ing this calibration adjustment. Fi g.
63 Note: If an mark does not disappear and the arrow does not m ove to the next position even if the mark has been touched by the stylus, an incorrect position was likely touched. Touch the correct position. Key Operation Function 1 key Adjusts the touch panel calibration starting from the beginning.
64 3.10 YMODEM Utility Function Used to achieve a file transfer via the COM cable. Comm unication can be established either between an AT-com patible machine (PC) and an IT- 2000 (main unit), referred to as "PC-to- HT comm unication". A dedicated 9-pin DSUB- 8-pin cross-ty pe cable (DT-9689AX) is required to connect both the terminals.
65 Note: When the cable comes off wh ile the comm unication takes place: If the connection cable is accidentally unplugged while com munication between the I T-2000 and PC is taking place, a comm unication error results and comm unication is interrupted.
66 Operations (1) SEND FILE TO HT (one file transmission from IT-2000 to IT-2000) This function may be available in future (as of now, not av ailable). It is not allowed to use the function. If the file transm ission between IT-2000s is needed, F L INK utility may be used (refer to Chapter 3.
67 When the "Normal End" message is display ed on the IT- 2000 side, file reception has been completed. F or information about the copy destination directory refer to the following table. If the “CL R” key is pressed during com munication, file reception will be interrupted.
68 3.11 FLINK Command Function Files can be transferred by infrared communication (IR). This can be im plemented either as PC-t o- HT (AT-com patible machine to I T-2000) comm unication or as HT-t o-HT (between two I T-2000 terminals) com munication. To perform PC-to-HT comm unication an I/O Box and a PC-side comm unication utility "L MDOS.
69 Note: I f the identical file na m e exists on the reception side, this co mm and overwrites the existing file. At this ti m e, the s y ste m does not unconditionall y overwrite the existing file but creates a te m porary file on the reception - side disk and atte m pts the overwrite after file trans m ission has been co m peted.
70 Note: If the “CL R” key is pressed during file transfer, transfer will be interrupted. I t will take about 10 seconds for comm unication to completely stop.
71 3.12 Sy stem Date/Time Setup Function This is used to set (modify ) the date and time of the built- in timer in the IT- 2000 unit. Fi g. 3.15 Operation Enter in the following order: y ear -> m onth -> day - > hour -> m inute. Press a numeric key and the corresponding number will appear in the cursor position.
72 3.13 Command Prompt Function This is the MS DOS comm and prompt screen. An appropriate DOS com mand can be inputted through the keypad. This DOS com mand prom pt is the result of calling COM MAND.COM as a child process from the system menu. Consequently , if the EXIT command is entered, operation returns to the sy stem menu.
73 3.14 RA M Disk Size Change Function This screen is used to set the RAM D ISK size (capacity). The setting will becom e valid after the system has rebooted. Fi g. 3.17 Operation Setting up the RAM disk Adjust the RAM disk size with the “8” and “2” keys.
74 1 key Form ats the RAM disk (Form at confirmation screen). 0 key Aborts formatting of the RAM disk. Others Invalid. Operations with the touch panel are not permitted.
75 3.15 Disk Format Function Form ats the RAM disk or user drive. Fi g. 3.18 Operation In the screen shown abov e, use the “2” or “8” key to select whether the RAM disk or user driv e is to be format ted, then press the “RET” key . This makes the followi ng screen appear.
76 Key Operation Function 2 or 8 key Selects the objective item (drive selection screen). 0 key Does not perform formatting (form atting start screen). 1 key Starts formatting (form atting start screen). . (decimal) key Toggles YES and NO options of formatting.
77 3.16 Sy stem Initialization Function Sets all the system setups to their defaults. Fi g. 3.21 Operation The following table shows the available key operations. Key Operation F unction 0 key Does not initialize the system . 1 key Initializes the sy stem.
78 3.17 Passw ord Entry Function When "F IL E TRANSFER" or " MAINTENANCE" is selected for the first time after the system menu is initiated, the operator is requested to enter a password. Fig. 3.22 Operation With the key pad enter " syst em" (lowercase lett er), then press the “RET” key .
79 4. MS-DOS 4.1 Ov erv iew If a personal com puter is booted-up with a floppy disk in the drive, first an attempt will be m ade to read MS-DOS from the floppy disk, and if a copy of MS- DOS does not reside on the floppy it is loaded from the hard disk (C:).
80 As described above, if the sy stem power is turned on without an application installed (i.e. the conditions just after purchase), the CONFI G.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files locating on the basic drive will be executed autom atically. This inevitably initiates the System Menu (maintenance program).
81 4.2 How to Write CONFIG.SYS and A UTOEXEC.BA T This section explains how to write the CONF IG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files m entioned in the previous section. A basic explanation of the CONF IG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT is not given here. For further inform ation about these files refer to the MS-DOS m anual or appropriate technical documents.
82 Note: 1 DOS=HIGH,NOUMB This specifies that the main part of DOS is to be loaded in the HMA and, consequently , the UMB (Upper Memory Block) is not used. This terminal does not support a m emory space for UMB if the EMS me mory is to be used. Therefore, al way s specify NOUMB when using the EMS.
83 Example of A UTOEXEC.BAT The following example shows a ty pical AUTOEX EC.BAT script. Since this example assum es that the sy stem is booted from eit her the RAM disk or the NAND F -ROM driv e, it is necessary to partially m odify it if booting up from the ATA card.
84 4.3 Card Boot Basically the " card boot" operation boots MS-DOS from the ATA card, just like it is booted from a floppy disk. F or this terminal the boot operation looks the sam e as this case.
85 the drive G, which is currently enabled, will be disabled. This problem arises from the fact that the hardware conditions established by initialization with CARDID.EXE are lost since access to the drive F was executed by means of specific codes included in the BIOS.
86 CONFI G.SYS which resides on the drive C. Howe ver, CARDID.EXE cannot be registered as a device driv er at a card boot. If this CARDID.EXE is registered as a dev ice driver, two drives m ay be enabled concurrent ly i f MS-DOS execut es CONF IG.SYS.
87 5. Key board Controller 5.1 Ov erv iew This terminal is equipped with a sub- CPU dedicated to controlling the keyboard, touch panel, backlight, and various sensors.
88 5.2 Key board Control The keyboard control of this term inal is compatible with the I BM PC/AT. The keyboard controller senses if a key has been pressed and s ends a MAKE or BREAK code to the m ain CPU.
89 Secondary code Basically a sy stem scan code is assigned to each key, howev er, for some key s, different codes will be assigned depending on the Fn key . Code Table The following diagram shows the relationship between the key board keys and prim ary codes.
90 5.3 Touch Panel Control Function The keyboard controller has incorporated a program for acquiring the touch coordinates of the touch panel. This program com pensates these acquired coordinates with the values obtained through calibration so that correct coordinate values can be calculated.
91 5.4 Sensor Control This terminal has the following three ty pes of sensors installed to serve as dedicated devices for handy term inal. Sensor type Purpose of Use Temperature sensor Detects the temperature inside the main unit. This result will be used to automatically compensate the L CD brightness.
92 5.5 Backlight Control This terminal has incorporated two ty pes of automatic backlight control functions: ABO (Auto Backlight OFF ) and ABC (Auto Backlight Control).
93 Transition of Backlight Control Methods The concept of ABC lies in automating user operations. Howev er, automatic control depends on the illumination sensor. I t cannot be perfect because various ty pes of light, sunlight or room light for example, m ay be incident to the sensor.
94 Press F7 key ABO time- up ABC Enable ABC Disable Becomes dark Becomes light 1 ABC disabled Backlight ON state 2 2 3 or 4 *1 -- - Ignore I gnore 2 ABC disabled Backlight OFF state 1 --- 3 or 4 *1 --.
95 6. Driv ers 6.1 Ov erv iew The following drivers are supplied for this term inal. Install them as required for operation. Name File nam e Purpose System driver SYSDRV.SYS Driver required to operate the sy stem. This driver m ust be installed. Clock control driver TIME.
96 6.2 Sy stem Driv er 6.2.1 Function The system driver (SYSDRV. SYS) must be installed because it executes critical processes in this terminal. The sy stem driver m ainly performs the following processes. LB1 monitoring and warning Monitors the main battery conditions and sounds a warning buzzer if an L B1 event is detected.
97 6.3 Clock Control Driv er 6.3.1 Function This driver adjusts the system time on this term inal. This driver must be installed. On a general PC a timer interrupt occurs every 55 msec to update the clock tick counter, which is one of the BIOS sy stem v ariables, and the clock overflow counter.
98 6.3.2 Startup Method This driver is loaded by defining the DEVICE statem ent in the CONFI G.SYS file. TIME.SYS is stored in the basic drive (C:). Format DEVICE=C: TIME.SYS Start option None Note: TIME.SYS must be loaded im mediately after P OWER.EXE.
99 6.4 Key pad Driv er/Hardw are Window Manager 6.4.1 Function The keypad driv er ( KEYPAD.EXE ) is used to add the key pad function to the system . Application programs can use the key pad by calling the key p ad driver functions v ia the keypad library (refer to Chapter 7.
100 6.4.2 Startup Method Format HWWMAN [Option] KEYPAD [Option] Start option /R Cancels the residence. To make each driver resident in the m ain mem ory, m ake the following specification at the DOS prompt. Alway s install the hardware window m anager first.
101 6.5 PenMouse Driver 6.5.1 Overv iew The PenMouse driver (PENMOUSE.DRV) simulates the operation of the mouse driv er (INT33h) specific to the personal computer using inputs receiv ed from the touch panel.
102 6.5.2 Startup Method The PenMouse driver is supplied as an SDK. Before use, copy it to the F- ROM drive (D:) or RAM disk (A:). To load the PenMouse driver, make the following specification at the DOS prom pt. Format: PENMOUSE [Option] Start option: /R Cancels the residence.
103 The functions supported by this driv er are summ arized below. Function Description Initialize Returns information as to whether the m ouse can be used and sets the mouse function to the initial conditions. To start using the mouse this function m ust be called.
104 Set Cursor Position Places the cursor at the specified position Input: AX = 4 CX = X coordinate of the cursor position DX = Y coordinate of the cursor position Output: None Read Pushed Counter and.
105 Set X Range Determines the range of cursor m ovem ent on the screen (maxim um and minim um in the X direction). Input: AX = 7 CX = X coordinate of the left limit of cursor m ovem ent DX = X coordi.
106 Set User Handler Sets up the interrupt condition required to call the corresponding subroutine in the application program as well as the subroutine to be called. If an interrupt occurs, the following values are stored in the register. Input: AX = 12 CX = Interrupt m ask b0=1 Cursor position is modified.
107 Set Mouse Resolution (Dumm y F unction) Sets up the factor by w hich cursor movem ent on the screen reflects actual mouse displacem ent. This is a dumm y function. Input: AX = 15 Output: None Set Erase Cursor Range (Dumm y F unction) Sets up the range within which the cursor is off the screen.
108 Restore Mouse Information (Dumm y F unction) Restores the mouse driv er conditions that have been saved by "Get Mouse Inform ation". This is a dumm y function.
109 Get CRT Page Numbe r (Dumm y F unction) Acquires the CRT page num ber in which t o display the cursor. This i s a dumm y function. Input: AX = 30 Output: None Disable Mouse Drive r (Dumm y F unction) Restores all the interrupt vectors used by the mouse driver, except I NT31h, to the values they had before the mouse driver w as installed.
110 7. A pplication Development 7.1 Ov erv iew This terminal uses the I BM PC /AT architecture. The actual display size is 192 (H) x 384 (V) pixels, internally w ith the area of 640 (H) x 480 (V) pixels, is supported.
111 7.2 Notes on Dev eloping A pplication Any program that uses the COM port must turn on the pow er to it in advance using the sy stem library. The power to the COM port remains on once it has been turned on, or until it is turned off by the sy stem library or until the RESET button is pressed.
112 7.3 Dev elopment Env ironment 7.3.1 Dev elopment Env ironment To develop application program s a 16-bit com piler, Microsoft C/C ++ 7.0 or later, and a computer on which the compiler can run are required.
113 7.3.3 Simulation Driv er As explained above, the libraries for this terminal only control hardware that is compatible with the IBM PC/AT. This is important to remem ber if application programs for the term inal are developed on a personal computer.
114 7.4 Program Dev elopment Procedure The following diagram shows the basic procedural flow used to develop an application program that runs on this terminal. The following paragraphs explain the details of each phase of the procedural flow. F i g . 7 .
115 7.4.1 Creation of Execution File Application developers should develop program s using MS-DOS, I BM PC/AT BIOS and various application development libraries.
116 Next, create the execution file with the following procedure. C: SAMPLE>cl -c -Zip -Otin -Ic: IT-2000 include test.c Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Com piler Version 8.
117 7.4.2 Debugging Through Simulation An application is debugged using the simulation driver. The configuration of sim ulation drivers to be loaded varies depending on the application program to be developed. Library or device to be used At operation on IT- 2000 When simulator is active 1 Sy stem library SYSDRV.
118 The following shows the result after the system driver was installed as the resident simulation driv er and the sample program was executed. Fi g. 7.4 Under this condition the program sim ply waits for key input. The backlight is off. To confirm this condition use the monitor function of the sim ulator.
119 course be performed using Microsoft' s CodeView debugger. For m ore information about each sim ulation driver refer to Chapter 7.5 "Sim ulation Driver".
120 Use the debugger as required. DEBUG.COM, which is the standard MS-DOS debugger, is stored on the backup CD-ROM. I f it is transferred onto the user disk by the abov e mentioned procedure and initiated according to the following procedure, remote debugging is m ade possible on the terminal software of the personal com puter.
121 How to create a card f or installation : Make an appropriate directory on the ATA card and copy the application program, files that are used by this application program , CONF IG.SYS, and AUTOEXEC.BAT onto this directory. Create CONFI G.SYS and AUTOEXEC.
122 7.5 Simulation Driv er The simulation driver is used to dev elop on a personal computer the application program s that run on the IT- 2000. The application development libraries supported for this term inal control only the hardware that is compatible with the I BM P C/AT.
123 7.5.1 Sy stem Driv er Simulator (SYSDRVP.COM) Overv iew This simulation driver sim ulates the operation of the sy stem driver on the personal com puter. It also contains the run units of v arious functions supported by the sy stem library . File name SYSDRVP.
124 Startup Method This utility is included in the SDK. Since this is a m emory -resident ty pe COM execution file, it should only be used if it resides in m emory . Startup Option Format: SYSDRVP [Options] Options /R Releases residence, if it is currently resident.
125 7.5.2 Hardw are Wi ndow Manager Simul ator (HWWM A NP.COM ) Overv iew This simulator sim ulates only the display functions of the key pad driver on a PC. It cannot function by itself. F or information about the display functions of the keypad driver see below.
126 7.5.3 Key pad Driver Simulator (KEYPA DP.COM ) Overv iew This simulator will simulate the key pad driver and key pad library on a PC. File name KEYPADP.COM Function Key input Simulates on PC keyboard input and key pad input on the screen using the keypad library .
127 Termination Codes and Messages Termination code Message Description 00 N ORMAL END Normal termination 01 ABNORMAL END SYSDRVP or HWWMANP is not in stalle d.
128 Display ing Simulated Key pad If this utility is initiated with the G/ option, a simulated key pad will be drawn in the position specified by the X coordinate provi ded that the v ideo mode of t he VGA BIOS (I NT10h) is set to 12h (16-color graphic m ode of 640 x 480 dots).
129 A bout Hexadecimal Code Input Even if the key pad is active, key input using the mouse is disabled for the sim ulator on the PC if the /G option is not specified. To avoid this conflict, it is possible to enter a hexadecim al code with the menu accessed from the F10 key where the keypad is active.
130 7.6 Library 7.6.1 Overv iew Since the I BM P C/AT architecture has been adopted in this s y ste m , all libraries including graphic librar y supported b y Microsoft C/C++ ver. 7.0 or later versions can be used. I n addition to those, the following dedicated libraries are available for the I T - 2000 s y ste m .
131 7.6.2 Sy stem Library Overv iew The IT- 2000 has various ty pes of devices that can be controlled by the HT-generic software which is built upon the base of PC/A T architecture. This library is used to control these dedicated devi ces from application program s developed with the C language.
132 List of Libraries The following functions are supplied in the s y ste m librar y : F unction P age F unction P age Acquisition of B I OS Version 132 Software Card L ock 143 Acquisition of Me m or .
133 A cquisition of Memory Device Size If the m emory device size is designated, the total capacity of the DRAM and the num ber of NAND F ROM chips is read. The m emor y dev ice si ze is the total c apacity of al l the phy sica lly installed devices, and not the disc capacity .
134 SYNTAX i nt SYS_SetLcdContrast(int nValue); INP U T nValue = Correction value to be set OUTPUT = 0 N o r m a l = -2 No response from KBC. = -3 VxD not registered (for I T-2000W only ) Note: “WINF AR” will be treated as a far pointer only on IT-2000W m odels.
135 Sw itching Over COM2 Channel IR, 14- pin, or 3-pin comm unication interface can be selected on the COM2 port. However, since the 3-pin interface is an optional m eans to maintain software com patibility with other models, it is not im plemented on this term inal.
136 Setting/A cquisition of Reason Mask for Reboot To acquire the reboot request reason, enable or disable “mounting on I /O Box” or use of the CI signal for boot-up.
137 Setting A BO Time The ABO (Auto Backlight OFF ) function is used to autom atically turn off the backlight if neither key entry nor touch-panel entry is permitted for a certain period of time.
138 Setting A BC (A uto Backlight Control) Status The ABC (Auto Backlight Control) function is used to sense the ambient light intensity and automatically turns ON/OF F the backlight.
139 Setting/A cquisition of A BC Threshold The ABC (Auto Backlight Control) function is used to sense the ambient light intensity and automatically turns ON/OFF the backlight. This function is used to set marginal levels across which the backlight changes from ON to OF F or from OF F to ON.
140 Backlight ON/OFF This function is used to forcibly turn ON or OF F the backlight. If turned ON by this function, the backlight will remain on until Backlight OFF is triggered by the Backlight OFF function or ABO.
141 Setting Buzzer Volume Sets the buzzer volume to one of four lev els: Large/Medium /Small/OF F. SYNTAX int SYS_SetBuzzerVolume(int nVolume); INP U T nVolume = 0 OFF 1 S m a l l 2 Medium 3 L a r g e.
142 A cquisition of Device Power Status Acquires the current power conditions (ON/O F F) of each devi ce. SYNTAX int SYS_GetDevicePower(int Device); INP U T Device = device to be selected 2 I r D A 3 14-pin I/F 5 8-pin I/F Other Reserved OUTPUT 1 Power ON 0 Power OFF Note: This function is used to control the power to devices of this sy stem.
143 Software Card Lock Sets or acquires the Lock/Unlock status of the software- ty pe card lock switch. This machine has a card lock m echanism that is on the card case to prevent accidental rem oval of the card. This mechanism has a software driver that detects the released state of this lock and executes the appropriate file closing procedure.
144 A cquisition of Connector Status Acquires the connection setting of the I/O Box and AC adaptor. SYNTAX int SYS_GetConnectorStatus(int nType); INP U T nType = Connector ty pe 0 I / O B o x 1 AC adaptor or I/O Box OUTPUT = 0 Normal termination = 1 Connected = -1 Parameter error Key Click Sound ON/OFF Sets the key click sound to ON or OF F.
145 A cquisition of Reboot Reason Used to acquire the reason the s y ste m was rebooted. SYNTAX int SYS_GetPowerOnFactor(); I N P U T None OUTPUT b 0 P ower key b 1 Reset button b2 Alarm b 3 Ring signal b 4 I T - 2000 is being set on I /O Box Note : I f the reset button is pressed the s y ste m m enu is initiated.
146 Setting Cancellation of Next Resume Process Sets the power-on process (Resume/Boot) for each power OF F reason. The default setting is Resume On. SYNTAX int SYS_SetResumeCondition(int nCondition);.
147 Request of Suspend (Softw are-triggered OFF) Used to turn off the system with the software. I f there is a need to specify the next boot- up process, complete "Setting Cancellation of Next Resum e Process" beforehand, then call this function.
148 OUTPUT = 0 N o r m a l = -1 P arameter error Note : Auto Po wer OFF will work if the power control function is active. F or more inform ation about the power control function refer to "Setting/Acquisition of Status of Power Control Function" .
149 SYNTAX int SYS_SetAlarm(int hour, int min, int sec); INP U T hour = hours (in decimal number) min = minutes (in decimal num ber) sec = seconds (in decimal number) OUTPUT 0 N o r m a l < 0 Error (error within INT1Ah) Note: This function simply calls INT1AH (AH = 6) internally .
150 Resetting A larm This function prohibits an INT4Ah interrupt by internally calling I NT1Ah (Ah = 7). Note that neither the time data set for the RTC is erased nor is the power ON alarm setting for the SYS_SetPowerOnAlarm() function canceled by this function.
151 Note : The power ON alarm set with this function will be reset if rebooting occurs because the reset button is pressed or due to the software. Setting/A cquisition of Status of Pow e r Control Function This terminal has incorporated unique power control functions: the auto pow er OFF mode and DOZE m ode (CPU low-speed operation m ode).
152 Setting Key Click Sound ON This function is used by application program to turn ON the key click sound. An example of the use is, when an button image on the L CD screen is touched it turns ON the sound. The sound is the same tone as those when ten key and keypad are pressed.
153 7.6.3 Key pad Library Overv iew This library is used to m ake an entry through the keypad or acquire the coordinates on the screen being touched. Note about the Libraries The key input library is supplied on one of the four m odels suitable for the application program developed by the user.
154 Key pad Driver As internal process, this library calls the key pad driver (KEYPAD.EXE). The relation among this library, the key pad driver and BIOS is as follow. Fig. 7.13 Transition of Key pad State The following shows the transition of key pad when it is operated.
155 Fi g. 7.15 Key code ASCII keycodes can be acquired with the input function of this library . Scanning codes cannot be acquired. A cceptance timing of key code A key input is perform ed by touching the appropriate area on the keypad.
156 A cquisition of coordinates The coordinates of a position touched can be acquired. However, while the key pad is being displayed, it is only possible to acquire a set of coordinates if an area outside the key pad is touched. In this case the coordinates will be recorded together with the following coordinate status.
157 Input acceptance mode There are two modes for accepting key inputs, as follows: DOWN acceptance mode In this m ode the area touched in the pen-down action will change to reverse v ideo and the acquired keycode will be stored in the buffer. This reverse- video area is restored to norm al when the pen is lifted.
158 Clearing the buffer If the key buffer clear comm and is issued while the key pad is being touched, processing for the current operation will also be canceled. For exam ple, a reverse-v ideo display will be restored to normal, and no new key inputs will be permitted until the pen (or user' s finger) is remov ed from the panel.
159 About the buff er clear Consider the appropriate timing to clear the buffer. I f the buffer clear comm and is issued after the down coordinates are acquired, acquisition of the up coordinates is hampered.
160 List of Input Functions P age F unction Description 160 K EY_CheckE xist Checks if the ke y pad driver is installed 161 K EY_Read Acquires a ke y code or coordinates 162 K EY_Scan Checks if a ke y code or coordinates are in the buffer. 163 K EY_Clear Clears the ke y code and coordinate buffers.
161 Readout from Key Buffer Acquires a key code or coordinates w hich have been acquired from the key buffer. I f the buffer contains neither a key code nor coordinates, NO_DATA will be returned. However, coordinate values can be returned only if the coordinates input mode is set to “enable”.
162 Checking Key Buffer Cont ent Checks if a key code or coordinates are in the buffer. I f either is present, the key code or coordinates will be returned. The buffer remains uncleared. Use the KEY_Read function to load the data. However, the coordinates will not be returned if the coordinates input mode is set to “disable”.
163 Key Buffer Clear Clears both the system buffer and key BIOS buffer. I f coordinate input by pen touch is continued, coordinate values selected until the pen is lifted will be ignored. F urthermore, any operation in progress on the pad will be canceled at that point.
164 A cquisition of Number of Key pad Being Display ed Acquires the number of the currently display ed keypad. SYNTAX int KEY_GetPadState(void); INP U T None OUTPUT KDC_PAD OFF (0) Non-display KDC_PADENG (1) Being display ed EXAMPL E #include "padlib.
165 A cquisition of Input A cceptance Mode Acquires the acceptance mode currently set. SYNTAX int KEY_GetInputMode(void); INP U T None OUTPUT KDC_MODED OWN(0) DOW N-acceptance (default setting) KDC_MODEUP (1) UP-acceptance EXAMPL E #include "padlib.
166 A cquisition of Coordinates Input Mode Acquires the coordinates input mode currently set. SYNTAX int KEY_GetCoordinateMode(void); INP U T None OUTPUT 0 Does not input coordinates. 1 Inputs coordinates. EXAMPL E #include "padlib.h" int retcode; retcode = KEY_GetCoordinateMode(); Refer to “KEY_SetCoordinateMode” also.
167 OUTPUT = 0 N ormal termination = -1 Input parameter error Places of replacement Fi g. 7.16 Button Display Image (32 x 24 bits) Button display im age is display ed by bit m ap data as shown below.
168 EXAMPL E #include “padlib.h” KEYINFO keydata[10]; KEYLIST keylist; int retcode, i; for (i = 0; i < countof(keydata); i++) { keydata[i].keycode = xxxx; keydata[i].change_position = xxxx; keydata[i].image_adr = xxxx; } keylist.keyinfo = keydata; keylist.
169 Deleting Enhanced Key s Deletes the data of the specified enhanced key. Only the fram e will be remained. SYNTAX int KEY_DelExtKey(int keyno, KEYLIST *keylist); INP U T keyno = Num ber of the expa.
170 7.6.4 OBR Librar y Overv iew The OBR library is used to control the OBR (Barcode Reader) from application programs dev eloped by the user w ith the C language.
171 Reception Buffer This library uses two reception buffers, as shown below, so that during the processing (read) of one of the received barcodes the next barcode can be successfully received. Fi g. 7.18 The following explains the operation sequence by which codes are put into the reception buffer.
172 DT-9650BCR Reception Buffer Use the buffer provided in the OBR librar y to receive OBR codes. Reception Data Format The reception data for m at is defined as follows: Barcode O F ig.
173 Initialization of OBR Initializes the COM port to establish a connection with the OBR, and turns on the power to the C OM port. SYNTAX #include "obrlib.h" void OBR_Open(); INP U T None OUTPUT None Note : If program ming with this OBR library , first make this OBR_Open function call to initialize the COM port.
174 Transmission of Command Trans m its a co mm and represented b y a single ASC II code to the OBR. Various options including "Readout m ode", "Data transfer for m at", etc., can be set for this trans m ission. This setup does not have to be m ade each ti m e the power is turned on if it is written in the EE P ROM.
175 Readout of Received Data Acquires the first barcode in the reception buffer and writes it to the specified buffer. The reception data SYNTA X is as follows: B a r c o d e O Fi g.
176 Setting Operation Mode / DT-9650BCR O v er v iew On this OBR various settings, as listed below, can be m ade through co mm and trans m ission. ( F or a list of the actual co mm ands refer to the Co mm and L ist on page 178.) 1 . Specif y ing the nu m ber of read digits 2 .
177 Pow e r-save Mode Control Command Used to control the power-sav e mode of the OBR. See the followi ng diagram. Example Fi g. 7.19 Writing Set Values to EEPROM The OBR is provided with a function to write the current setting v alues to EEP ROM. To do this, transmit the ' y' comm and.
178 Comm a n d L i s t (Italic and bold letters indicate default value) 1 Specifying the num ber of read digits No. of digits Command No. of digits Comm and No.
179 NW-7 start/stop code T r a n s f e r N o t t r a n s f e r Change codes to uppercase characters Change codes to lowercase characters E n a b l e t r a n s f e r o f A B C c o d e D i s a b l e t r.
180 NW-7 C/D Disable check (without changing the transfer f u n c t i o n ) E n a b l e c h e c k / T r a n s f e r E n a b l e c h e c k / N o t t r a n s f e r D i s a b l e c h e c k / N o t t r a .
181 DT-9656BCR Reception Buffer Use the buffer provided in the OBR library to receiv e OBR codes. Reception Data Format The reception data format is defined as follows: Barcode O Fi g.
182 List of Functions P age F unction Description 182 OBR_O pen I nitialization of COM port and power on 182 OBR_Close Release of COM port and power off 183 OBR_Send Trans m ission of co mm and to OBR.
183 Transmission of Command Transmits a com mand to the OBR. Only one comm and should be specified in each comm and transmission session. Various options including "Readout m ode", "Data transfer format" , etc., can be specified for this transmission.
184 Readout of Received Data Acquires the first barcode in the reception buffer and writes it to the specified buffer. The reception data SYNTA X is as follows: Barcode 0 Fi g.
185 Setting Operation Mode / DT-9656BCR Overv iew On the OBR various settings, as listed below, can be m ade through comm and transmission. (For a list of actual com mands refer to the Com mand L ist.) 1. Readability of code 2. Adding a readable code 3.
186 Command List Ite m Co mman d Default Read all codes A0 -- UPC only J1 - - UPC + 2 digits of supplemental only J2 -- UPC + 5 digits of supplemental only J3 -- EAN only J4 - - EAN + 2 digits of supp.
187 UPC-A 1 3 d i g i t s : T r a n s f e r a l l 12 digits: Not transfer "0" header for adjusting the n u m b e r o f d i g i t s 1 2 d i g i t s : N o t t r a n s f e r C / D 11 digits: No.
188 8. Read time I nfinite 2 sec 4 sec 6 sec 8 sec 10 sec 15 sec 20 sec Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Yes -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 9. Contrast of normal /reverse Normal contrast Both normal/reverse contrast V2 V4 Yes -- 10.
189 CODE93 N o t t r a n s f e r T r a n s f e r 2M 3M Yes -- CODE128 N o t t r a n s f e r T r a n s f e r 2N 3N Yes -- MSI/Plessey N o t t r a n s f e r T r a n s f e r 2O 3O Yes -- 12.
190 8. Utility 8.1 Ov erv iew The development kit contains som e utility program s to be used as required. Calculator Utility Calculator program including m emory calculation implem enting the CASIO standard specifications . Clock Utility Used to refer the date and time of the built-in clock and to set the power ON alarm.
191 8.2 Calculator Utility Overv iew Use this calculator utility for decim al calculations. The result of calculation can be acquired from the application program . This utility is provided as an EXE file and should be activated as comm and line or as a child process of the application program.
192 Condition of Operation This utility requires two pages (32 K bytes) of EMS m emory and the driver, hardware window manager ( HWWMAN.EX E ) and keypad ( KEYPAD.EX E ) which must be resided alway s. Refer to Chapter 6.4 “Key pad Driver/Hardware Window Manager” for the detail.
193 8.3 Clock Utility Overv iew The clock utility is used to reference the current tim e, set the date and time, or set an alarm . This utility is provided as an EXE file and should be activated as com mand line or as a child- process of the application program.
194 Condition of Operation This utility requires two pages (32 K bytes) of EMS m emory and the driver, hardware window manager ( HWWMAN.EX E ) and keypad ( KEYPAD.EX E ) which must be resided alway s. Refer to Chapter 6.4 “Key pad Driver/Hardware Window Manager” for the detail.
195 8.4 Calendar Utility Overv iew Use this calendar utility for referring to dates. This utility is provided as an EXE file and should be activated as com mand line or as a child process of the application program.
196 8.5 FLINK Utility Overv iew The FL INK Utility is used to perform com munication either between the I T-2000 and PC, or between two IT-2000s by m eans of the IrDA protocol. This utility is provided as an EXE file and should be activated as com mand line or as child-process of the application program .
197 8.5.1 Communication Parameter Setup Command (/L={,,,} Sets up comm and parameters according to the com mand specified next to " =". If the com munication environm ent comm and needs to be specified, this command m ust precede it.
198 Example of specification FLINK /L={4M, 20, } Meaning: Communication will be perform ed with a maxim um I rDA speed of 4 Mbps, the wait time until the connection is established is 20 seconds, and the data transmission/reception wait tim e is default-set to 300 seconds.
199 8.5.2 File Transmission (/S) Function This function transmits a file from the term inal machine to the host m achine. If the directory specified by the "storage destination directory nam e" does not exist on the host side, it will be automatically created.
200 Example of specifications of st orage destination director y name Specification of root directory D: Specification of sub - directory D: TEST B I N I ncorrect specification D: TEST Note: I f the host (reception) side has a file with the identical na m e, this co mm and will forcibl y overwrite that file.
201 8.5.3 File Reception (/R) Function This function receives a file from the host. The objectiv e file name is specified by the full pathname (including the drive nam e) on the host. The received file is saved in the directory specified by the terminal side.
202 Note: If the term inal (reception) side has a file with the identical name, this com mand will forcibly overwrite that file. Howev er, this overwrite operation is not unconditional. This comm and first creates a temporary file in the disk of the terminal, then it ov erwrites the file after transmission has been completed.
203 8.5.4 File A ppend (/A) Function This function appends (concatenates) a file on the terminal to the end of a specified file on the host. The objective file will be appended as a binary file. I n other words, the data will be concatenated after the EOF code, if one exists.
204 8.5.5 File Deletion (/D) Function This function deletes a file on the host. Startup Method FLINK /D[Option] deleted pathname [deleted pathname...] Option Option Description H If HT-to- HT comm unication is to be performed, specify this option on the terminal.
205 8.5.6 File Mov e/Rename (/N) Function This function moves a file w ithin the same drive or renam es the file on the host. A file cannot be moved into a different driv e.
206 8.5.7 Idle Start Function This function passes the right of comm unication request to the terminal and enters the com mand reception wait state. This function will be terminated if it is abnormally terminated, if it transm its a designation of termination, or if reception has been com pleted.
207 Termination Codes and Messages In the following table, term ination codes and their error messages returned by F LI NK.EXE are described. Error Code Error Messag e Description Cat egory (High) Detail (Low ) Normal En d 0x00 0x00 NORMAL ENDIN G Normal end.
208 Note: Besides th e detail codes w hich are defi ned in Fi le Error (INT21h) above, oth er error codes m ay be returned as f atal error code of DOS. Proto col Erro r (File) 0x04 0x00 CANNOT OVERWRIT E File is read -o nly. IrDA Protocol Error (For de tail ref er to the ta ble on the nex t page .
209 8.6 XY Utility Overv iew The XY utility is used to perform com munication either between an I T-2000 and PC, or between two IT- 2000 terminals by m eans of XMODEM or YMODEM BATCH protocol. This utility is provided as an EXE file and should be activated as com mand line or as child- process of the application program.
210 About time stamping of files: This utility supports the function to exchange tim e stamp inform ation between the transmitted file and received file. The time stam p information to be exchanged will be processed assum ing that it is Greenwich standard time.
211 Command Alway s specify /S or /R. This com mand m ust be specified as the first parameter. /R | /S Transmission or reception specification /R: File reception /S: File transm ission (Both /R and /S cannot be specified at the same tim e.) Option After the comm and, specify the appropriate options.
212 /BN Specification of a baud rate (If omitted, 2 (9600 bps) is em ployed.) N = 0: 2,400 bps 1: 4,800 bps 2: 9,600 bps 3: 19,200 bps 4: 23,040 bps 5: 28,800 bps 6: 38,400 bps 7: 57,600 bps 8: 115,20.
213 Example of specifications XY /SY A: WORK TEST.DAT Transfers “A: WORK TEST.DAT” at transmission side. “TEST.DAT” can be copied in the current directory at reception side. XY /SY /P A: WORK TEST.DAT Transfers “A: WORK TEST.DAT” at transmission side.
214 8.7 Remaining Battery Voltage Display Utility Overv iew The remaining battery voltage display utility is used to m onitor the remaining voltage of the battery. This utility is provided as an EXE file and should be activated as comm and line or as child-process of the application program .
215 Condition of Operation This utility requires two pages (32 K bytes) of EMS m emory and the driver, hardware window manager ( HWWMAN.EX E ) and keypad ( KEYPAD.EX E ) which must be resided alway s. Refer to Chapter 6.4 “Key pad Driver/Hardware Window Manager” for the detail.
216 8.8 Rev erse Video Utility Overv iew This utility is used to change the entire screen to reverse v ideo. From the nature of the F STN semi-transm ittive ty pe LCD unit of this terminal the density of colors (tones) will be reversed. So, for example, a light color appears dark and a dark color appears light.
217 8.9 COM2KEY Utility Overv iew This utility is a debug tool that allows key input at the DOS prompt. If this utility is resident in mem ory, the data entered in COM1 will be passed to the key buffer, and the characters displayed on the DOS prompt screen will be outputted for COM1.
218 A PPENDIX A TFORMA T.EXE In this chapter, TF ORMAT.EXE, the formatter for F -ROM driv e (D:) of IT- 2000, is explained. The TFORMAT.EX E is necessary to form at the drive (D:).
219 A PPENDIX B PC Card Driver In this chapter, each PC card driver which is called by CONFIG.SYS or by AUTO EXEC.BAT is explained. These PC card drivers and INI file are stored in the directory , C: CARDSOFT, on the basic driver (C: ).
220 Card Identification (CA RDID.EXE) This client device driver detects the insertion and rem oval of PC cards, automatically determines the card type upon insertion, and then configures the card and slot/adaptor (if it is an I /O Card). SRA M Card Driv er (MTSRA M.
221 Refer to ATA Driver Modes section which follows. Card Service Power Management Enabler (CS_A PM.EXE) CS_APM.EXE is a DOS-based background task that enables Card Services to process sy stem power managem ent Suspend/Resume requests.
222 A PPENDIX C Acquisition of Suspend/Resume Ev ent and Powe r Status Overv iew Suspend/Resume event is notified by multiplex interrupt (I NT2Fh). If any event such as power ON/OFF occurs, consequently the interrupt (INT2Fh) will occur. An application can acquire the event by catching the interrupt.
223 A cquisition of Pow e r Status Application can acquire current power status by calling APM BIOS through the interrupt INT15h. The following power statuses can be acquired by using the method.
224 DX = R emaining battery life - tim e unit bit 15 = 0 : Time unit is in second. 1 : Time unit is in m inute bits 14 to 0 = value for second or m inutes 0 t o 7FFFh : V al id v al u e f o r s e c on.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Casio IT-2000D è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Casio IT-2000D - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Casio IT-2000D imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Casio IT-2000D ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Casio IT-2000D, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Casio IT-2000D.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Casio IT-2000D. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Casio IT-2000D insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.