Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto Streamline Scroll 69NT20-531-300 del fabbricante Carrier
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Model 69NT20-531-300 Streamline Scroll T- 309 R ev A Car rier T ransicold Container R e frigeration Operation &S e r v i c e.
OPERA TION AND SER VICE MANUAL CONT AINE R REFRIGERA TION UNIT MODEL 69NT20 - 531 - 300 Streamline Scroll Carr ier Transic old. A member of the Unit ed T echnologies C orporation family. Stoc k s y mbol UTX . Carr ier Transic old Div sion, C arrier Cor poration, P .
T -309 Safe ty-1 SA FETY S UMMAR Y GENE RAL SAF ET Y NOT ICES The following ge nera l safety notice s supplement the specif ic warnings and ca utions appea ring else where in this manual. They are recommended precautions that m ust be understood and applied during operation and maintenance of the equipme nt cove red her ein.
Safe ty-2 T -309 W ARNING Mak e sure that th e un it cir cui t breaker(s) (CB-1 & CB-2) and the S T AR T -S TOP switch (S T) ar e in the “O” ( OFF) p os iti on b efore conn ectin g to an y electri cal p ower so urce. W ARNING Never use air for leak tes tin g.
T -309 Safe ty-3 CAUTIO N When P r e-T rip key is pr esse d, econo my , dehumidif icatio n and bulb m ode will be deact ivat ed. At the comple tion of Pr e-T rip activity , econom y , dehumidification and bulb mode must b e r eact ivated.
i T309 T ABL E OF CONT ENTS P ARAGRAPH NUM BER Page GENERAL S AFETY NOTIC ES Safety -1 ..................................................... FIRST A ID Safet y-1 ...................................................................... OPER A TING PR ECAUTIONS Safety -1 .
ii T309 T ABL E OF CONT ENTS (co nt ) 2.5.1 Standard Ope ration 2-9 .......................................................... 2.5.2 Economized Ope ration 2-9 ......................................................... 2.5.3 Unloaded Oper ation 2-9 ....
iii T309 T ABL E OF CONT ENTS (co nt ) OPER A TION 4- 1 ................................................................................. 4.1 INSP ECTION (Bef ore Starting) 4-1 ................................................... 4.2 CONNECT P OWER 4-1 .
iv T309 T ABL E OF CONT ENTS (co nt ) SER VICE 6- 1 .................................................................................... 6.1 SECTION LA YOUT 6-1 ............................................................ 6.2 SER VICE V AL VES 6-1 ...
v T309 6.21.1 Handling Module s 6-14 ........................................................... 6.21.2 Controller T rouble-Shooting 6- 15 ................................................... 6.21.3 C ontroller Pr ogramming Proce dure 6-15 ............
vi T309 LIS T OF ILLUS TRA TION S FI GURE NUM BER Page Figure 2-1 Ref rigera tion Unit - - Front Section 2-1 ............................................... Figure 2-2 Evaporator Sec tion 2-2 ...........................................................
vii T309 LIS T OF ILLUS TRA TION S FI GURE NUM BER Page Figure 6-22 Retur n Sensor Positioning 6-18 ..................................................... Figure 6-23 Door Hinge Repair 6-19 ........................................................... Figure 6-24.
1-1 T-309 SECTI ON 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 I NTRO DUCTI ON The Carr ier T ransic old model 69NT20 - - 531-300 units are of lightwe ight aluminum frame c onstruction, designed to fit in the front of a containe r and serve as the containe r front wall.
1-2 T -309 1.3. 1 1 460 V ol t Cab le V arious powe r ca ble and plug designs are availa ble for the main 460 volt supply . The plug options tailor the cables t o each cust om ers requi remen ts . 1.3. 12 Cabl e Restrai nt V arious designs are available f or storage of t he power cab les.
T -309 2-1 SECTI ON 2 DESCRIPTION 2.1 GEN ERAL DESCRI PT IO N 2.1 .1 Re frige ra tion Unit - - Front Sec tion The unit is designed so that the majority of the components are accessibl e from t he front, see Fi gure 2-1.
2-2 T -309 2.1. 3 E vapo rato r Secti on The evapor ator se ction (Figure 2-2) conta ins the return rec order sensor , re turn tempera ture sensor , evaporator expansion valve, unloader valve, suction.
T -309 2-3 2.1. 4 Co mpresso r Sect io n The compre ssor section includes the compr essor (with high pressure switc h) and the oil sepa rator . This section also contains the oil return solenoid, compre ssor power plug, the dischar ge pre ssure tran sdu cer , di scharge t emperat ure s enso r and th e suction pre ssure transduc ers.
2-4 T -309 2.1 .5 Air C ooled Conde nser S ec tion The air cooled condenser se ction (Figure 2- 4) consists of the condenser fan, condenser coil, receiver , sight glass/moisture indic ator , liquid line servic e va lve, filter -drie r and fusible plug.
T -309 2-5 2.1. 6 Co nt rol Bo x Secti on The control box (Figure 2-5) includes the manual opera tion switches; circ uit breaker (CB-1); compressor , fan a nd heate r contac tors; c ontrol power transf ormer; fuses; ke y pad; display module ; cur rent sensor module; controlle r module expansion module and the communic ations interf ace module .
2-6 T -309 2.2 REFRIG ERA TIO N SYSTEM DA T A Model RSH105 W eight (Dry ) 46.5 kg (103 lb) a C o m p r e s s o r / M o t o r Approved Oil Mobil ST32 a .
T -309 2-7 2.3 EL ECTRI CAL DA T A CB-1 Trips at 29 amps a. Circu i t Breaker CB-2 (50 a mp) T rips at 62.5 am ps a . C i r c u i t B r e a k e r CB-2 (70 a mp) T rips at 87.5 am ps b. Co mpresso r Motor F ull Load Amps (F LA) 13 amps @ 460 vac 380 vac, Single P hase, 50 hz 460 vac, Single P hase, 60 hz c .
2-8 T -309 P ARAGRAPH 2. 3 - - Co nt in ued Orange wir e Power Red wire Outp ut Brown wire Gr ound Input volt age 5v d c g H u m i d i t y S e n s o r Out put volt age 0t o3 . 3v d c g. H um i d i ty S enso r Ou tp ut vol tag e readi ng s verses rel ative h umi d ity ( RH) p ercentag e: 30% 0.
T -309 2-9 2.5 REF RIG ERA TI ON CI RCUIT 2.5. 1 St and ard Op erati on Starting at the compressor , (see Figure 2-6, upper sche matic) the suction gas is compresse d to a higher press ure and tem perat ure. In the standar d mode, both the economize r and unloader solenoid valves ar e closed.
3-1 T-309 SECTI ON 3 MICRO PROCESSOR 3.1 TE MPERA T URE CONT ROL MI CROP RO - CESSOR SYSTEM The tem peratu re cont rol M icro-Li nk 2i m icropro cesso r system (see Figure 3- 1) c onsists of a key pad, display module, the control module & expa nsion module set (contr oller) and interc onnecting w iring.
3-2 T -309 3.1. 1 Key P ad The key pa d (Figure 3- 2) is mounted on the r ight-hand side of the c ontrol box. The key pad consists of eleven push button switches that act as the user ’ s interfa ce with the controlle r . Descr iptions of the switch functions are provided in T able 3- 1.
3-3 T-309 8 12 33 3 3 3 45 6 7 1 3 3 3 3 3 9 1. Mount ing Screw 2. Micr o-Link 2i Cont rol/ DataCO RDER Module 3. Connector s 4. T es t Point s 5. Fuses 6. Control Cir cuit Power Connec tion (Locat ion: In back of cont roller) 7. Soft ware P rogram ming Port 8.
3-4 T -309 3.2 .2 Oper ationa l Softwa re (Func tion codes ) The Oper ational Software is the actual operation progra mming of the controlle r which activa tes or deactiv ates com ponents i n accordance wit h current unit opera ting conditions and ope rator selected mode s of opera tion.
3-5 T-309 mode and the hea ters will be ener gized . The unit will tran sition back to the perisha ble idle mode whe n the tempe rature r ises to 0. 2 _ C (0.4 _ F) below the set point and the hea ters will de-ene r gize 3.3 .7 Per ishable Mode - - Economy The ec onomy mode is an exte nsion of t he conventional mode.
3-6 T -309 1. Bulb mode code Cd35 is set to “Nor . ” 2. Dehumidific ation code Cd33 is set to “Of f.” 3. The user change s the set point to one that is in the f roze n range .
3-7 T-309 e. “E ND” i s d isp layed to ind icat e th e en d of t he al arm li st if an y alarm s are act iv e. f. “CLEAr” i s dis pl ayed if al l al arms are i nact ive. Th e alar m queue may t han be clear ed by pressing the EN- TER key . The a lar m list will cle ar a nd “ -- -- -- -- -- ” will be displayed.
3-8 T -309 T able 3-2 D ata COR DER C onfigura tion V ar iable s CONF IG URA TI ON NO . TITLE DEFAUL T OPTION dCF01 (Future Use) -- -- -- -- dCF02 S ensor Configur ation 2 2,5,6, 9,54, 64,94 dCF03 Log.
3-9 T-309 Raw Data Report for ABC1234567 Ma y 31, 2001 t o Jun 04, 2001 Syst em Conf igur at ion at t he Ti me of Int er rogat ion: Int er rogat ed O n Sept 05, 2001 Ex tracted b y DataL ine Rev 1 .
3-10 T -309 3.6. 4 Logging In ter val (dCF03) The use r may selec t four dif feren t time interv als betwee n data rec ordings. Data is l ogged at exac t int erval s in acco rdance wi th t he real time clock. The clock i s facto ry set at Greenwi ch Mean T i me (GMT).
3-1 1 T -309 DataReader Figure 3- 6 D ata Re ade r b. Da taV iew The Data V iew softwa re for a personal computer is supplied on a f loppy disk. This software a llows interr ogation, configura tion va.
3-12 T -309 Sensor 1 Place in pulp of the pr oduct locate d next to the re turn air intake. Sensor 2 Place in pulp of the product five fee t from the e nd of the load for 40 foot con- tai ners, or three f eet from th e end o f th e load for 20 foot container s.
3-13 T-309 T able 3-4 C ontrolle r Configur ation V ar iable s NOTES 1. Configuration numbe rs not listed ar e not used in this applic ation. These items may appe ar when load ing configur ation softwar e to the controller but change s will not be recognize d by the controller progr amming.
3-14 T -309 T able 3-5 C ontrolle r Functi on C odes (She et 1 of 3) Code No. TITLE DES CRIP TI ON N o t e : I f t h e f u n c t i o n i s n o t a p p l i c a b l e , t h e d i s p l a y w i l l r e a d “ -- -- -- -- -- ” Dis play Only Func tions Cd01 Suction Modulation V alve Ope ning (%) Displays the SMV percent open.
3-15 T-309 T able 3-5 C ontrolle r Functi on C odes (She et 2 of 3)ff Cd22 Compressor State The status of the compr essor is displayed (Of f, On). Cd23 Evaporator Fan Displays the curr ent evapora tor fan state (h igh, low or of f).
3-16 T -309 T able 3-5 C ontrolle r Functi on C odes (She et 3 of 3) Cd31 S tagger S tart Offset T ime (Seconds) The sta gger sta rt of fse t time is the a mount of time that the unit will de lay at sta rt- up, thus allowing multiple units to stagge r their control initiation whe n all units are powe red up together .
3-17 T-309 T able 3-6 C ontrolle r Ala rm Indic ations (S hee t 1 of 4 ) Code No. TITLE DES CRIP TI ON AL13 Expansion Module Alarm 13 is trigge red if the c ontrol module ha s lost communication w ith the ex- pansion module f or more tha n five minutes or communica tion fails within the first 15 sec onds on power up.
3-18 T -309 T able 3-6 C ontrolle r Ala rm Indic ations (S hee t 2 of 4 ) AL25 Condenser Fan Mo- tor S afet y Alarm 25 is trigger ed by the opening of the condense r motor interna l protector and w ill disable a ll control units e xcep t for the evapora tor fans.
3-19 T-309 T able 3-6 C ontrolle r Ala rm Indic ations (S hee t 3 of 4 ) AL56 Prima ry Retur n T emperat ure S ens or Fail ure (R TS ) Alarm 5 6 is act ivat ed by an i nval id p rim ary return t emp erature sen sor readi ng that is outside the range of - - 50 to +70 _ C( - - 5 8 _ F to +158 _ F).
3-20 T -309 T able 3-6 C ontrolle r Ala rm Indic ations (S hee t 4 of 4 ) NOTE If the Controller is configure d for four probes without a Da taCORDER, the DataCORDER a larms AL70 and AL71 w ill be proce ssed as Controlle r alar ms AL70 and AL71. Refer to T able 3- 10.
3-21 T-309 T able 3-7 C ontrolle r Pr e-T rip T es t Codes ( Shee t 1 of 4) Code No. TITLE DES CRIP TI ON NOTE “Auto” or “Auto1” menu include s the: P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P 5, P6 and r SLts. “Auto2” menu includes P0, P1, P 2, P3, P4, P 5, P6, P7, P 8, P9, P10 and r SLts.
3-22 T -309 T able 3-7 C ontrolle r Pr e-T rip T es t Codes ( Shee t 2 of 4) P5- 1 Supply Probe T est Re quir em ent s: For units equippe d with seconda ry supply probe only . Pass/Fail Criter ia: The temper ature dif fere nce be tween pr imary an d secondar y probe (supply) is compa red.
3-23 T-309 T able 3-7 T em pera ture Contr oller P re- T rip T est Code s (Shee t 3 of 4 ) NOTE P7-0 through P10 are included with the “Auto2” only . P7- 0 High Pressu re S i t h C l d NOTE This test is skipped if the sensed ambient tempe ratur e is less than 7 _ C (45 _ F), the re turn air tempe rature is less tha n - - 17.
3-24 T -309 T able 3-7 C ontrolle r Pr e-T rip T es t Codes ( Shee t 4 of 4) P10-0 Frozen Mode Heat T est S et up: If the container tempe rature is below 7.2 _ C( 4 5 _ F), the set point is c h a n g e dt o7 . 2 _ C and a 180 minute timer is started. The contr ol will then be placed i n the equi valent of norm al heati ng.
3-25 T-309 T able 3-8 D ata COR DER Func tion Code A ssignm ent s NOTE Inapplicable Fu nctions Display “ -- -- -- -- -- ” T o Access: Press AL T . MO DE key Code No. TITLE DES CRIP TI ON dC1 Recorde r Supply T emperat ure C urre nt reading o f the supply rec order sensor .
3-26 T -309 T ab le 3 -9 DataCORDER P re -T ri p Resu lt Record s T est No. TITLE DA T A 1-0 Heater On Pass/Fa il/Skip Result, Change in c urre nt for Phase A, B and C 1-1 Heater Off Pass/Fail/Skip Re.
3-27 T-309 T able 3-1 0 Da taC ORD ER Ala rm Indic ations T o Access: Press AL T . MO DE key Code N o. TITLE DESCRIPT IO N dAL70 Recor der Supply T emperature O ut of Range The supply recor der sensor.
T -309 4-1 SECTI ON 4 OPER A TION 4.1 I NSPECTION (Before Star tin g) W ARNING Bew ar e of unannounc ed st art ing of t he evaporator and condenser fans. Th e unit may cycl e the f ans an d compressor u n ex- pected ly a s con tr ol requ irements d icta te.
T -309 4-2 4.4 CONNE CT REMO TE M ONI TORI NG RECEPT ACLE If re mote monitoring is required, conne ct remote mon it or pl ug at uni t recept acle. (See it em 9, F igure 2- 5.
T -309 4-3 3. P re-trip may also be initiated via com munication s. The oper ation is the sam e as for the key pad initiation descr ibed bel ow except th at shoul d a tes t fail , the pr e-trip mod e will autom atical ly termin ate.
T -309 4-4 1. At every power up. 2. At the end of eve ry defr ost. 3. After every dia gnostic che ck that does not fall out- side of the limits as outlined above. d. Probe Check A defros t cycl e probe check is accom pl is hed by ene rgiz ing just the e vaporator motors for eight minute s at the end of the normal d efrost.
T -309 4-6 noid valve changing f rom e conomize d opera tion to unloaded ope ration. (As shown in Figure 4- 5) d. The c ontroller monitors the supply air . Onc e the sup- ply air falls below set point the controlle r periodic ally rec ords the supply air tempera ture, set point and time.
T -309 4-7 Def rost may be initiate d by any one of the following methods: 1. The manual de frost switch (MDS) is closed by the user . 2. The user sends a defr ost command by communica - tions. 3. The de frost inte rval time r (c ontroller func tion code Cd27) reaches the defrost in terval set by the user .
5-2 T -309 CONDI TI ON P OSS IBL E CAUSE REMEDY / REFE RENCE SECTION 5.3 UNIT RUNS BUT HAS INSUF F ICI ENT COO L ING Abnormal pr essures 5.7 Abnormal te mperature s 5.15 Abnormal c urrents 5. 16 Controller ma lfunction 5.9 Evapora tor fan or motor defe ctive 6.
5-3 T-309 CONDI TI ON P OSS IBL E CAUSE REMEDY / REFE RENCE SECTION 5.6 UNIT W IL L NOT DE FRO ST PRO PERL Y - - Co n tin ued W ill not initiate de fro st Manua l defr ost switch d efe ctive Rep lace W i l l n o t i n i t i a t e d e f r o s t manua lly Defros t t emperat ure s ensor open 4.
5-4 T -309 CONDI TI ON P OSS IBL E CAUSE REMEDY / REFE RENCE SECTION 5.9 CONT ROL LE R MAL FUNCT IO N Defecti ve S enso r 6.22 Def ective w iring Ch eck W ill not control Fuse (F1, F2, F3) blown Rep lace W i l l n o t c o n t r o l Stepper motor suc tion modulation valve circuit malfunc tion 6.
5-5 T-309 CONDI TI ON P OSS IBL E CAUSE REMEDY / REFE RENCE SECTION 5.14 COMPRESSOR OPERA T ING IN REVERSE CAUTIO N Allowing the sc r oll com pr essor to ope rat e in r ever se for mor e t han two m inutes will r esult in inte rnal comp r esso r damage.
6-1 T-309 SECTI ON 6 SERVICE NOTE T o avoid damag e to t he ea rth’ s ozone layer , use a refrige rant recove ry system whenever removing ref rigerant. Whe n working with re friger ants you must comply with a ll local governme nt environmenta l la ws.
6-2 T -309 sys tem can b e charged. Oi l can als o be added to t he system. A R-134a manifold gauge/hose se t with self-se aling hoses (see F igure 6-4) is re quired for service of the models cove red w ithin this ma nual. The manifold gaug e/ho se set is avai labl e from C arrier T ran sico ld .
6-3 T-309 gauge. If a vac uum is indicate d, emit ref rigera nt by cra cking t he liquid line valve momentar ily to build up a slight positive pressure . g. When opening up the ref rigera nt system, certa in parts may fr ost. Allow the part to warm to ambient temper- ature be fore disma ntling.
6-4 T -309 a. Remove all ref rigerant using a refr igerant r ecover y system. b. The rec ommended m ethod to evacua te and dehydrate th e sys tem is to conn ect ev acuat ion hos es at t he co m- pressor suc tion, compressor ec onomizer a nd liquid line servic e valve (se e Figure 6-5).
6-5 T-309 6.7 REF RIG ERANT CHARGE 6.7. 1 Ch eckin g t he Ref rig erant Charg e NOTE T o avoid damage to the ear th’ s ozone layer , use a refrig erant recovery sys tem whenev er remo v- ing ref rigera nt. When working with refr iger- ants you must comply with a ll loca l govern- ment e nvironmenta l laws.
6-6 T -309 T ab le 6 -1 Compresso r Ki t Item C omponent Qty 1 Compressor 1 2 Serv ice V al ve S eal 3 3 Mylar W asher s 4 4 Wi r e T i e 2 5 Oil Si ght Glass P lug 1 6 Resilie nt Mount 4 7 Upper Shock Mount Ri ng 1 8 Upper Shock Mount Bushing 1 9 Compressor Power Plug O- - Ring 1 10 SST W ash er s 8 c.
6-7 T-309 n. Pl ace th e new s ervice s eals (kit i tem 2) at t he com- pressor servic e ports, c onnect the four se rvice valves loosely . o. T orque the four resilient mount screw s to 6.2 m kg (45 ft - - lbs). p. T orque the four se rvice va lves to: Service Valve T orque Suction or Disc har ge 1 1 to 13.
6-8 T -309 6.10. 2 Ch eckin g Hig h Pressu re Swit ch W ARNING Do not use a nitr oge n cylinder wit hout a pre ssure r egulator . Do not u se oxygen in or near a re friger ation system as an explosion may occu r . NOTE The high pressur e switch is non-a djustable.
6-9 T-309 2. Check the moisture- liquid indicator if the indica tor shows a high leve l of moisture, the filter -drier should be repl aced. b. T o Re place Filter -Drie r 1. Pump down the unit (refe r to paragr aph 6.4 and re place f ilter -drie r . 2.
6-10 T -309 Copper T ube (Apply heat f or 10-15 sec onds) Bi-m etallic Tube Connection (Apply heat f or 2-5 s econds) Use of a wet clot h is not neces- sary due to r apid heat diss ipation of t he bi - - metallic connec tions Braz e Rod (’Sil- Phos” = 5.
6-1 1 T -309 c. Det ermi ne whi ch heat er(s) n eed repl acing by ch eck- ing r esis tan ce on each heat er . R efer to paragrap h 2. 3 for heat er resi st ance val ues d. Remove hold-down c lamp sec uring heate rs to coil. e. Lift the bent end of the heater (w ith the opposite end down and aw ay fr om coil).
6-12 T -309 the re friger ation unit into the container . The fan motor bearin gs are facto ry lub ricat ed and do no t requ ire addi ti onal g rease. 6.
6-13 T-309 under load conditions. The important advantage s of a ana lyzer a re its ability to locate c apac itors that have faile d to hold their mic rofa rad ra tings, or those that are brea king down interna lly during opera tion. It is also useful in ide ntifying ca pac itors w hen their microf ara d rating mar ks have become unr eada ble.
6-14 T -309 6.20. 1 Prech eck Proced u re a. C hec k unit for a bnormal ope ration. b. Ch eck charge. If r efrigeran t i s lo w repai r as requ ired and a gain che ck opera tion.
6-15 T-309 12 3 4 5 2 1. Contr oller Soft ware Progr amming Por t 2. Mount ing Screw 3. Controller 4. Expansion M odule 5. Test P oints F i g u r e 6 -1 8 Controlle r Sect ion of the Contr ol Box a.
6-16 T -309 5. Press t he ENTER key on the keypad. 6. The Display will show the message “Pro S oFt.” This messa ge will last for up to one minute. 7.
6-17 T-309 T ab le 6 -2 Senso r T emp eratu re/Resi stance Ch art (+ / - - . 002%) T emp erature Resi stan ce _ _ _ _ C _ _ _ _ F (Ohms) C F AMBS, CPSS, DTS, RT S, RRS, ST S, SRS CPDS -- 3 0 -- 2 2 17.
6-18 T -309 SRS probe STS probe Supply Air Stream Mounting Clamp Supply Se nsor Se nsor Wire s Back Panel 2.5” Drip Loop T .I.R. B olts Gasket ed Suppor t Plate Gasket Mounting Plate Insula tion Gasket ed Cover Figure 6- 21 Supply Se nsor Pos itioning 6.
6-19 T-309 6.24. 2 Cracks Crack s i n t he con trol bo x are repai red u si ng a fi berglas s patch ove r the dama ged ar ea. Mate rials re quired are include d i n the Fiber glass Patch Kit supplied with Cra ck Repair Kit, Carrier T ransicold part number 76-00724-00SV (see T able 6-3) .
6-20 T -309 T ab le 6 -3 Crack, Chi p & Hol e Repai r Ki t ITE M DESCRIPTI ON P ART NUMBER Qty 1 Crac k R epa ir Kit - - Includes 76 - - 00724 - - 00S V 1 2 Fiber glass Patc h Kit (Loctite FK - - 98 or 80265) ... 76- - 00724- - 00Z 10 3 Sikaflex 221 Adhesive S eala nt (Sikaflex 232- - 361) .
6-21 T-309 03 03 03 03 04 04 03 01 07 07 05 05 06 INSE RT P A R T NUM BERS 34 - - 06231 - - ## WHERE T HE ## IS AS I NDI CA TED Fi gu re 6 -24. In sert L ocat io n.
6-22 T -309 6.25 COMM UNICA TI O NS INT ERF ACE MO DULE INST ALLA TION Communic ations inter face M odule CB1 Figure 6- 25. Com munica tions Inte rfa ce Insta llation Units with communic ation interf ace module pr ovision have the require d wiring installed.
6-23 T-309 T ab le 6 -7 R-134a T emp erature - Pressu re Chart T emp erature V ac uum _ _ _ _ F _ _ _ _ C “/hg cm/ hg kg /cm @ @ @ @ bar -- 4 0 -- 4 0 14. 6 49.4 37. 08 0.49 .35 .37 12.3 41. 6 31.25 0. 42 -- 3 0 -- 3 4 9.7 32.8 24.64 0.33 -- 2 5 -- 3 2 6.
7-1 T-309 SECTI ON 7 ELECT RICAL WIRING SCHEMA T IC 7.1 I NTRO DUCTI ON Thi s secti on con tai ns th e Electri cal S chemat ics and W iri ng Di agrams . Th e diagram s are present ed as foll ows : Figure 7-1 Provides the legend for use with all figure s.
7-2 T -309 Figur e 7 - 2 SCHEMA TIC DIAGRAM.
7-3 T-309 Fi gu re 7 -3 WIRI NG DI AGRAM (Sh eet 1 o f 2).
7-4 T -309 Fi gu re 7 -3 WIRI NG DI AGRAM (Sh eet 2 o f 2).
Index -1 T -309 INDEX A Air Cooled Condenser Sec tion, 2-4 Alarm, 3- 6, 3-10, 3-12, 3-17, 3-27 B Bat tery , 1-1 C Capaci to rs, 6-1 2 Ch eckin g Su perheat , 6-9 Communications, 1 -1 Communications In.
Index -2 T -309 INDEX K Key Pad, 3-2 L Leak C hecki ng, 6 -3 Logging Inter val, 3-10 M Manifold Gauge Se t, 6-1 Micropor cessor System, 3-1 Modes Of Oper ation, 3-4 O Oil, 6-7 Opera tional Softwar e, .
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Carrier Streamline Scroll 69NT20-531-300 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Carrier Streamline Scroll 69NT20-531-300 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Carrier Streamline Scroll 69NT20-531-300 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Carrier Streamline Scroll 69NT20-531-300 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Carrier Streamline Scroll 69NT20-531-300, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Carrier Streamline Scroll 69NT20-531-300.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Carrier Streamline Scroll 69NT20-531-300. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Carrier Streamline Scroll 69NT20-531-300 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.