Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 63 del fabbricante Optimus
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Cat. No. 16-551/633 OWNER’S M ANUAL Please read before using this equipment . 4-HEA D VHS HQ VCR Model 114 (16-551) Model 63 (Hi-Fi ) (16-633) 16-5 51 .
2 IMPO RT ANT SA FETY INSTRU CTIONS 1. Re ad in str uct ions — All the safet y and o per at in g ins tructio ns shou ld b e r ead b ef ore t he ap pli ance is ope r- ated . 2. Reta in Ins tructi ons — Th e safet y and op era tin g instruc- ti ons sh ould be re tain ed for futu re re feren ce.
3 14. Li ghtning — For add ed prot ect ion for thi s VCR recei ver duri n g a li g htnin g sto rm , o r w hen it is lef t un at tende d a nd unu sed f or lon g per i ods of ti me , un pl u g it from the w a ll outlet and d isconn ect the antenna or cab le s y stem.
4 FEA TURES Your Optim us Model 114/63 4 -Head V HS HQ VCR offers some of the mos t advanced fea- tures available i n home vid eo cassette record- ers.
5 T APE CONTROL Index Search — le ts y ou qu ickly locat e t he beginning of a s pecific recording. A lso, you can have the VCR pl ay the first 10 seconds of each recording so you can locate the one you want.
6 CONTENTS Before Y ou Be g in ... ... .. .. ..... ... .. .. ... ....... ....... ....... .. ..... .. ... .. .. ........ ....... ....... .. ..... .. ... .. .. ....... ........ ...... 8 Supp lied Accessori es .. ..... .... ... .... ... .... ... ..... ..
7 Fu n cti on Ind icato rs ..... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... . 2 7 Sk ippin g Commerc ials . ..... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ...
8 BEFORE Y OU BEGIN SUPPLI ED ACCESSORIES Be sure to rem o ve the remote control and 75- ohm coax ial cable before yo u store the packing ma teria l . Depending u pon your audio /video system set- up, you m ight need add itional cables or a dapt- ers (avail a ble a t you r l ocal RadioSha ck s tore).
9 IN STALLATI ON COMMO N CONN ECTIONS Refer to the i llustrations o n Page 10 (M odel 63) or 11 (M odel 114 ) f or these connections . Note: S ome conn ections shown in this section might require addi tional supplies, avai lable from your local Ra dioShack s tore.
10 MODEL 63 CONNECTIONS Cable Box Model 63 (rear) TV Optional TV Antenna In Connection (Optional Camcorder/2nd VCR/DSS System) Stereo Audio/Video Cable Stereo Audio/Video Cable VHF/UHF Splitter/Combin.
11 MODEL 1 14 CONNECT IONS Cable Box Model 114 (rear) TV Optional TV Antenna In Connection (Optional Camcorder/2nd VCR/DSS System) Audio/Video Cable Audio/Video Cable VHF/UHF Splitter/Combiner OUT I N.
12 HOME TH EATER CONNECTIONS ( MODEL 63 SHOWN) Refer to this illustration to connect your VCR to a home theater syst em . Cable Box Model 63 (rear) TV/Monitor A/V RECEIVER TV Stereo Audio/Video Cable .
13 CAMCORDER CO NNECTIONS Your VCR has jacks on its front panel that let y ou easily connec t a camcorder or other video source. Y ou can also c onnect a camc order to the AUDIO IN 1/VIDEO IN 1 (Model 1 14) o r R-A UDIO- L IN 1/VIDE O IN 1 (Model 63 ) ja cks on th e back o f the VCR.
14 VCR SET UP SETTI NG THE VCR’S OUTPUT CHANNEL SWITCH If you connect ed the VCR ’s VH F/ U H F O U T TO TV ter m in a l to a TV o r a no the r V C R , se t 3 CH. 4 on the back of the VCR to 3 or 4 , whichever i s not an active c hannel in your a rea.
15 INITIAL SET UP Sett ing th e On -Screen Lan guage/ Co nnectio n T ype/C hannel s/Cl ock When you first plug in t he VCR and turn it on, when yo u turn it on after power was i nterrupted for longer .
16 Notes: • The out put chan nel number f or most cable boxes and DSS receivers is usu- ally 3 or 4. Check the owner ’s manual for your cable box o r DSS receiver if you are not sure w hat the output c hannel number is.
17 1. P ress MENU to displa y the main menu. Note: T o exit the programm ing mode at any time, press MENU . 2. Repeat edly press PLA Y or ST OP to hig h- ligh t SE T CLOC K , then press FF . 3. Repeat edly press PLA Y or ST OP to hig h- ligh t MA NU AL SET , then press FF .
18 Re pr og ra mm ing T u n er Me mo ry You might w ant to reprogram the VCR’s tun er memory if you m ove or chang e from an ante n- na connection to a cable TV connection. Note: Y ou c an also quick ly erase all settings, including the time, lo cal chann els, and p ro- grammed events, then reprogram the tuner’s memory.
19 • If you have n ot connected the VCR to an antenna, c able box, DSS receiver , or other signal source through the IN FROM ANT . jack, t h e VCR does not store a ny channel in m emory .
20 The displ ay prom pts you t o sel ect the cable box’s output channel number . Repeatedly press CH s or t to select th e number , then p ress FF . 5. When you finish, press MENU twice. Cha n gin g t he On- Sc r ee n La ng ua g e Follow these steps to c h ange the on-screen programming langua ge.
21 USING THE VCR’S REMOTE CONTROL WITH YO UR TV OR CABLE BOX In addition to c ontrolling your V CR, th e remote control can operate the basic functions of your TV and cable box. Follow these steps to pro- gram the remote control with the c o rrect manu- facturer’s code n umb er for that TV and c able box.
22 2. Whil e holding down TV , enter the code number for your TV using the num ber but- tons. Or , while holding down CA TV , enter the code num ber for your c able box us ing the nu mbered bu ttons. Precede a singl e-digit code num ber wi th a 0 — for e xample, 01, 02, etc.
23 OPE R ATION WA T C H I N G T V Usin g the TV ’ s T uner To watch a broadcast using t he TV’s tuner, t urn off the VCR, or repeatedly press TV/VCR until VCR disa ppears. Note: If you are usi ng a TV/mon it o r con nected to th e VC R ’ s R-AUDIO-L/VI DEO OUT jacks, be sure to set th e TV/m onitor to the T V mode.
24 2. Hold the cas set te wit h the ma in la b el f ac- ing up and t he spine facing out from the VCR. Then ins ert the cassette into the VCR’s compart ment and gently push t he center of i ts spine un til the VCR draws it in. The VCR aut omatically turns on.
25 F ree z e-F ra me/Fra me A d van c e Freeze-fram e lets you p ause t he tape to v iew a single frame. Press P AUSE du ring playbac k to freeze t he p icture. P ress P AUSE again or PLA Y to return to norm al playback. During freeze-frame , picture quality is low er than durin g normal p layback.
26 T RACKING The auto tracking system auto maticall y adjust s tracking whe n you sta rt playback . When dif ferent part s of t he ta pe ar e recorded at different speeds, the VCR autom atically re- adjusts the track ing at the beginning of ea ch recording.
27 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS SPECIAL DISPLAYS Blue Screen Display Th e VC R dis p lays a bl ue scr een o n th e TV whe n y ou sel ect the VC R mod e, pl ay un re - cor ded po rti on s of a ta pe, or w he n yo u tu ne t o a weak TV stati o n.
28 3. If necessary , repeatedly press PLA Y or STOP to highlight SET UP COMMER - CIAL A DV. . 4. P ress FF . Y ou see: 5. Repeatedly pr ess PL A Y or ST OP to high- light C/ A R ECO RD , t hen press FF to sel ec t ON or OFF .
29 • The rec ording must be at least 15 min- utes long for the VCR to detec t the com - mercials. If you pres s STOP be fo re the tape pl ays 15 minutes, AT LEAS T 15 MIN SEAR CHIN G NEEDED FOR MARK IN G a ppears. Playi ng Back with C ommer cial Ad vance Ma rking Follow these steps to select how the VCR op- erates when you play any marked tape.
30 1. Load a t a pe. When the V CR auto matically starts playback, press STOP . 2. P ress INDEX/M/A SKIP . Y ou see: 3. Repea tedl y pres s PLA Y or STOP to high- lig h t MOVIE ADV A NCE , then p r ess FF . 4 . Repeatedly press PLA Y or STOP to se- lect GO TO ST AR T OF MO VI E or GO TO PREV IE W .
31 3. Us e the number keys to enter the number of index marks you want to skip. For example, if the tape is at the second re- cording (index mark 2) and you want to watch the sevent h recording (at index m ark 7), e nter 5 to skip past index marks 3 through 6.
32 RECORDING There are four ways to rec ord us ing your V CR: • Imm ediate recordi ng — to record a broad- cast as you watch it or record on e program on the VCR whil e you watch anot her on the T V . • V CR P lus+ reco rding — to rec ord a broa d- cast using the VCR’s VCR Plus+ feature.
33 SELECTI NG THE SIGNAL TO RECORD Yo u ca n sele ct th e sign al t o recor d — fr om the so ur ce co nnec te d to t h e IN FROM A NT . j ack or an aud io / vide o sou r ce — i n ei t her of t h ese w ays .
34 Note: T o record wi thout a set recording length, sk ip S tep 9. 9. P ress REC/TIME again. The recording length appears on the T V screen. Repeat - edly press REC/TIME to ad vance t he timer to t he desired recording length. The recording lengt h advances in 3 0-minute increment s up to 2 hours, then in 1-ho ur increment s up to 4 hours.
35 2. For each s tation, c ompare the station’s guide channel num ber with the number you sel ect on t he TV or VCR to tune to the station. If the num bers match, cro ss that station off of the list. 3. If a tape is p laying, press STOP . 4. P ress MENU to displ ay the main m enu .
36 4. P ress PROG. Y ou see: Note: I f th e c loc k i s n o t se t, P LEA SE SE T CLOC K BEFO RE PRO GRA MM IN G ap- pears, then the clock -setting screen a p- pears. Set t h e cl ock as described i n “Man- ually Setting the Clock” on Page 16, then continue with Step 5.
37 10. Press PROG twice. TURN VC R OF F FO R TIME R RE CO RD ING appears on the TV screen. (If you connec ted a cable box to th e VCR, AN D LE AV E CABL E BOX POWE R ON also app ears ). 1 1. R epeat S t eps 4 – 10 for each Pl usCode you want to enter .
38 Notes: • The VCR can record only one broad cast at a t i m e . If y o u s e t th e V C R ’s tim er t o re co rd broadcasts on diff erent channel s that start at the same time, the V CR only records the broadcast tha t has the lowest timer num - ber (see “Checking/Changing Ti m ers” on Page 40).
39 To record a broadcast at the same time on the same day every week , press either but- ton until WE EKLY flas hes and the desired day o f the wee k appe ars. To record a broadcast at the same time Monday t hrough Friday , press either but ton until DA IL Y f lashes and MON- FRI appears.
40 Moni t o ring a n Au to mat i c Ti mer Recording 1. Turn on t he TV and s et it to the s ame c han- nel as 3 CH. 4 on the back of the VCR. Note: If you are using a TV/m onitor that i s connected t o th e VCR’s R-AUDIO-L/VIDEO OUT jacks, s et the TV/monit or to the video mode.
41 DUBBING The proces s of rec ordin g fr om one audio/v ideo device to another is called dubbing. An audio/video device where a sig nal origi- nates is call ed the dub bing sou rce.
42 ADDITIONAL INF ORMA TION TROUBL ESHOOT ING If you f ollow the instructions i n this m anual an d still ha v e trouble ope rating you r VCR, l ook in thi s chart for the problem description and its solution. If your VCR still does not work properly, contact your loc al RadioShack store.
43 PROBLEM POSSIBLE SOLUTION Remote control bu ttons d o not work whe n the power is on and a cas sette is loaded. Som ething is block ing the path f rom the remot e control to th e VCR. Bright light is shining o n th e VC R’s remote control sensor wi ndow.
44 CARE AND MAI NTENANCE Your Optim us 4-Head V HS HQ V CR is an e xample of superior design and craftsm ans hip. The fol- lowing suggestions will help you c a re for your VCR so you can enjoy it for years. Keep the VCR dry. If it gets wet, wipe it dry imm ediately.
45 Servicin g Y o ur VCR There are no u ser-serviceable pa rts inside your VCR. If you encounter a problem that you can- not correct usi ng this m anual and its troubl e- shooting gu ide, take the V CR to your local RadioShack store for assistance.
46 SPECIF ICA TIONS T el evisi on Syst em .. .. ..... .. ..... ... .... ... .... ..... .. ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ..... .... ... NTSC St andard Colo r Si gnal Recor ding Syste m .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ... ..... .. .
47 Frequenc y Respon se: Regular A udio SP ... ..... ... .... ... .... ..... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. . 80 Hz – 10 kHz EP ... ..... ... .... ... .... ..... ...
48 16- 55 1. fm P age 4 8 T ue s day , J ul y 2 0, 19 99 5:1 3 PM.
49 16- 55 1. fm P age 4 9 T ue s day , J ul y 2 0, 19 99 5:1 3 PM.
50 16- 55 1. fm P age 5 0 T ue s day , J ul y 2 0, 19 99 5:1 3 PM.
51 16- 55 1. fm P age 5 1 T ue s day , J ul y 2 0, 19 99 5:1 3 PM.
Ra dioS ha ck A Divisi o n of T andy Corporation Fort Worth, T exa s 76102 7A7 Prin t e d in Ja p an Lim it ed Nine ty-Day W arranty Thi s produ ct is warranted by RadioSha c k agai nst manufactur ing.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Optimus 63 è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Optimus 63 - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Optimus 63 imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Optimus 63 ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Optimus 63, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Optimus 63.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Optimus 63. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Optimus 63 insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.