Manuale d’uso / di manutenzione del prodotto 38MVQ del fabbricante Carrier
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38MVC/40MVC 38MVQ/40MVQ Comfort t S e r i e s H i g h --- W a l l D u c t --- F r e e S p l i t S y s t e m Sizes 009 - - - 024 Service Manual T ABLE OF CONTENTS P AGE SAFETY CONSIDERA TIONS 1 ......................... ST ANDARD FEA TURES AND ACCESSORIES 2 .
2 MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLA T URE OUTD OOR UNIT 38 MVC 3 - - - 01 --- 018 A i r --- C o o l e d C o n d e n s e r Unit T y pe MVC --- C o o l i n g O n l y MVQ --- H e a t P u m p Vo lt a ge 1 --- 1 1 5 -.
3 ST ANDARD FEA TURES AND ACCESSORIES Ease Of Installation Mount ing Bra cket s S Low V olta ge Cont rol s S Comfo rt F eature s Microprocessor C ontrols S Wireles s Remot e Control S Automa tic Air S.
4 SP ECIF ICA TIONS - - COOLIN G ONL Y UNITS System System Model Number 5 3 M V C 0 0 9 --- --- --- 1 5 3 M V C 0 1 2 --- --- --- 1 5 3 M V C 0 1 2 --- --- --- 3 5 3 M V C 0 1 8 --- --- --- 3 System V.
5 SP ECIF ICA TIONS - - HEA T PUMP UNITS System System Model Number 5 3 M V Q 0 0 9 --- --- --- 1 5 3 M V Q 0 1 2 --- --- --- 1 5 3 M V Q 0 1 2 --- --- --- 3 5 3 M V Q 0 1 8 --- --- --- 3 System Volta.
6 DIMENSIONS - - INDOOR A07336 Mod el Siz e W in. ( mm) H in. ( mm) D in. ( mm) Wei ght l b (kg) 9K 32.09 (815) 11.02 (280) 7.68 (195) 24. 2 (1 1) 12K 35.67 (906) 11.26 (286) 9.25 (235) 33.0 (15) 18K 49.21 (1250) 12.80 (325) 9.06 (230) 55.0 (25) 24K 49.
7 CLEARANCES - - INDOOR 6 " (0.15m ) min. 5 " (0.13m) min. 6' 5 " (0.13m) min. (1.8m) A07891 Fig. 2 – Indoor unit cl ear anc e CLEARANCES - - O UTDOOR A D B Air-outlet Air-inlet C E A07894 UNIT 9k and 12k in. (m m) 18k and 24k in.
8 SYS TEM OPERA TING ENVELOPE 53MVC/MVQ Sy stem Operating En velope Chart 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Outdoor Temperature (º F) Indoor Temperatu.
9 WIRING The m ai n powe r i s suppl ie d t o the outdoor unit. The f ie l d suppl i ed c onne ct i ng ca ble from the outdoor unit to i ndoor unit consi s ts of four wir e s a nd pr ovide s t he power f or t he indoor uni t a s we ll a s the c ommunic at i on s igna l be twe e n the outdoor uni t a nd indoor unit .
10 WIRING DIAGRAMS Fig. 6 – Wi r ing Di agr am 38MVC 009 - - - - - - 1 W/ 40MVC009- - - - - - 1 38/40MV C, MVQ.
11 WIRING DI AGRAMS (CONT .) Fig. 7 – Wi r ing Di agr am 38MVC 012 - - - - - - 1 W/ 40MVC012- - - - - - 1 38/40MV C, MVQ.
12 WIRING DI AGRAMS (CONT .) Fig. 8 – Wi r ing Di agr am 38MVC 012 - - - - - - 3 W/ 40MVC012- - - - - - 3 38/40MV C, MVQ.
13 WIRING DI AGRAMS (CONT .) Fig. 9 – Wi r ing Di agr am 38MVC 018 - - - - - - 3 W/ 40MVC018- - - - - - 3 38/40MV C, MVQ.
14 WIRING DI AGRAMS (CONT .) Fig. 10 – Wi r ing Di agr am 38MVQ 009 - - - - - -1 W/ 40MVQ 009 - - - - - - 1 38/40MV C, MVQ.
15 WIRING DI AGRAMS (CONT .) Fig. 1 1 – W ir i ng Diagr am 38MVQ012- - - - - -1 W/ 40MVQ 012 - - - - - -1 38/40MV C, MVQ.
16 WIRING DI AGRAMS (CONT .) Fig. 12 – Wi r ing Di agr am 38MVQ 012 - - - - - -3 W/ 40MVQ 012 - - - - - - 3 38/40MV C, MVQ.
18 REFRIGERANT LINES Gen eral refrig eran t line sizin g: 1. The 38MVC/ MVQ unit s a re s hi pped wit h a ful l char ge of R410A ref r ige r ant . A ll c har ges , li ne s iz ing, and ca pa c ities ar e bas e d on runs of 25 f t ( 7.6 m). For runs ove r 25 f t (7.
19 SYSTEM EV ACUA TI ON AND CHARGING UNIT DAMAGE HAZARD Failu re to fo llow thi s cautio n m ay result in eq uip men t dam age or i mpr ope r oper a ti on.
20 CONTROL SYSTEM The 40M VC/ MVQ uni t i s equippe d wi th a mic ropr oc e ss or c ont rol to pe rf orm two func t ions : 1. Provi de s af e ty for t he sys te m 2.
21 Ind oo r Co il F reeze Protectio n The indoor c oil c a n fr eeze due to any of th e fo llowin g : S Low sys t em c ha r ge S Reduc e d indoor ai rf l ow S Restricted refrig erant flo w S Low ambi .
22 MODES OF OPERA TION The uni t s ha ve 5 main ope rat ing m odes : 1. Fan O nly 2. Cooli ng 3. He at i ng ( hea t pumps onl y) 4. Auto 5. D ehum idificatio n (Dry ) The unit s ha ve 2 othe r modes (ma nua l oper at i on) t ha t ar e ope ra te d in unique s it ua ti ons : 1.
23 Auto Fan Wh en th e fan speed is set to A uto , the fan will ru n at either th e me dium or low spee d bas ed on the dif f er e nce be t wee n the room te mpe r at ure a nd the s et poi nt te mpe r at ure a s shown below : Room temp. up Room temp. down T- T s 0 Med.
24 Dry (Dehu mid ificatio n) Mode Wh en mo re h um idity co ntro l is d esired, the Dry setting can be se l ec t ed. Lowe r humidi t y is a c hie ved w hen the mic r oproc e ss or adj us ts the indoor f an s peed a nd compr es sor c yc li ng by compa ri ng the r oom te mper a tur e ( T) and the s et poi nt te mpe ra t ure ( TS).
25 TROUBLESHOOTING This s e ct i on pr ovide s the r e quir e d flow cha r ts t o troubl e shoot pr oble ms t ha t may ar i se . NOTE : Inf or mati on r equir ed i n the diagnos es can be found ei the r on the wi r ing di agram s or in the appendi x.
26 CHAR T 1 - - INDOOR F AN SP EED OUT OF CONTROL Reset main power and restar t syste m using remote . Proble m persi sts? Replace indoor fan motor No further ac tion is requi red No Yes Check IFM output and input on indoor board. Values good? Yes Check motor connection.
27 CHAR T 2 - - TEMPERA TURE SENSOR Reset main power and restar t syste m using remote . Proble m persi sts? Appendix 6 No further ac tion is requi red No Yes Check input and output on indoor or outdoor board. Yes Check sensor connec tor at ID or OD boa rd Connection good? No Fix connection Yes No Replace board Check sensor resistance.
28 CHAR T 3 - - COMPRESSOR O VERCURRENT PROTECTION Is unit running in outdoor ambient higher than 125 °F? Beyond operating range Outdoo r coil cl ean? Clean coil. Problem p ersists? Problem solved Check connections fro m OD board. Corrosion, or high resistance Outdoo r fan Ok? Connect gauges to unit.
29 CHAR T 4 - - I NDOOR UNIT COMMUNICA TION ERROR SIZE 9K AND 12K Reset main power and restar t system using rem ote. Problem persists? . No further action is require d No Yes Measure Volts DC on outdoor TB betw een 1 & 3.
30 CHAR T 5 - - OUTDOOR UNIT PROTECTS Suction and head equal? Outdoo r coil clean? Clean coil. Problem persists? Check sensors. Flow Chart #2 Connect gauges to unit. Pressure s ok? Check compressor Normal suction, high head? Non condensables in sys. Pump down and recharge unit High head, high suction? Unit is overcharged.
31 CHAR T 6 - - INDOOR UNIT COMMUNI CA TION ERROR SIZ E 18K AND 24K * Make sure wires are c onnected per connection diagrams i.e. L1 to L1 and L2 to L2. Failing to do that will result in a communication error. ** T here is a 2 to 3 min ute wi ndo w to tak e meas urem ents b efore t he dia gnos tic lig ht is o n agai n.
32 CHAR T 7 - - UNIT NOT RUNNING, N O DIAGNOSTIC CODE Yes Use auto forced function. Unit ru ns? Reset re mote and resta rt the unit. Is unit running? Problem solved Check batteries. OK? Replace battery Go to chart #13 Reset circ uit breaker. Is unit running? Yes Problem solved Is the re pow er to ou tdoor unit? Yes Check fuse on outdoor boar d.
33 CHAR T 8 - - UNIT NOT RUNNING OPTIMALL Y Suction and head equal? Outdoo r coil clean? Clean coil. Problem persists? Indoor filter clean? Clean f ilter. Problem persists? Check indoor fan moto r Connect gauges to unit. Pressure s ok? Replace indoor fan moto r.
34 CHAR T 9 - - UNIT NOT RUNNING OPTIMALL Y (HP IN HEA TING)* Visuall y chec k outdoor Unit for ice blockage. ** Check reversing valve. Go to flow chart #12 No Yes Yes Check defrost sensor. Ok? No Replace sensor Check application limit s. Ok? ** Check for blockage on ou tdoor coil and drain pan.
35 CHAR T 10 - - COMPRESSOR Check contacto r outpu t on ou tdoor board if not done already. If bad, replace outdoo r board. * For size 9 and 12k uni ts contactor is on outdoor boa rd. Trace connections fro m OD b oard . Con nectio ns ok? Check compre ssor windings.
36 CHAR T 1 1 - - OUTDOOR MOTO R Trace connections fro m OD board. Connections ok? Mot or ok. Fix connection No Yes Yes No Replace capacitors Yes No Replace motor Check capacitor. Capacitor ok? Check motor winding s. Ok? Visu ally confir m tha t fan blades and outdoor coil are not blocked.
37 CHAR T 12 - - REVERSING V AL VE Check RV connection on outdoor board. Ok? Clean or r epair the connection No Yes Yes Check R V outpu t o n ou tdo or boar d. Ok ? No Replace outdoor board Replace reversing valve. Yes Check RV solenoid. Ok? Replace solenoid No Check RV connection on outdoor board.
38 APP ENDIX APPENDIX T ABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTI ON NUMBER Contr ol Boa rds I nput/ Out put ta bl es f or 53MVC009( 12)- - - - - -1 A1 ................................................... Contr ol Boa rds I nput/ Out put ta bl es f or 53MVQ 009(12)- - - - - -1 A2 .
39 A 1 -- 5 3 M V C 0 0 9 -- -- -- 1 / 5 3 M V C 0 1 2 -- -- -- 1 3 8 M V C 0 0 9 --- --- --- 1 / 3 8 M V C 0 1 2 --- --- --- 1 C O N T R O L B O A R D CON NECTO R INPUT or OUTPU T VAL UE CN2 OUT : (P.
40 A 3 -- 5 3 M V C 0 1 2 -- -- -- 3 3 8 M V C 0 1 2 --- --- --- 3 C O N T R O L B O A R D CON NECTO R INPUT or OUTPU T VAL UE CN2 OUT : (Pin 1: Pu lse 0 to 12 V olts DC) (Pin 2: 35±2 Volts DC) (Pin .
41 A 5 -- 5 3 M V C 0 1 8 -- -- -- 3 3 8 M V C 0 1 8 --- --- --- 3 C O N T R O L B O A R D CON NECTO R INPUT or OUTPU T V ALUE CN1 IN : 14.5±5V Vol ts AC CN3 Pulse Sign al 0 to 24 Volts DC (R elativ .
42 A6 - - Ch aracteris tics o f Tempera ture S enso r Te m p . ˚ F/ ˚ C Resistan ce K Ω Te m p . ˚ F/ ˚ C Re sistance K Ω Te m p . ˚ F/ ˚ C Resistance K Ω 14/ - - - 10 62.2756 62.6/17 14.6181 111.2/44 4.3874 15.8/ - - - 9 58.7079 64.4/18 13.918 113/ 45 4.
43 A7 - - Fuse Ch art Unit Size Fuse Rating (Amps/Volts) Indoor Outdoor Outdoor 009 --- 3.15A/250V 2A/250V 012 --- 3.15A/250V 2A/250V 018 3.15A/250V 3.15A/250V --- 024 3.15A/250V 3.15A/250V --- Th e 3.15A fu ses protect the boa rd again st the indoor o r outdo or fa n motor s.
44 Copyright 2008 Carrier Corp. S 7310 W . Morris St . S Indianapolis , IN 46231 Manufacturer reser ve s the right to change, at any time, specifications and designs without notice and w ithout obligations. Catal og No .38 - - - 40MV - - - 1SM Replaces : New Printed i n U.
Un punto importante, dopo l’acquisto del dispositivo (o anche prima di acquisto) è quello di leggere il manuale. Dobbiamo farlo per diversi motivi semplici:
Se non hai ancora comprato il Carrier 38MVQ è un buon momento per familiarizzare con i dati di base del prodotto. Prime consultare le pagine iniziali del manuale d’uso, che si trova al di sopra. Dovresti trovare lì i dati tecnici più importanti del Carrier 38MVQ - in questo modo è possibile verificare se l’apparecchio soddisfa le tue esigenze. Esplorando le pagine segenti del manuali d’uso Carrier 38MVQ imparerai tutte le caratteristiche del prodotto e le informazioni sul suo funzionamento. Le informazioni sul Carrier 38MVQ ti aiuteranno sicuramente a prendere una decisione relativa all’acquisto.
In una situazione in cui hai già il Carrier 38MVQ, ma non hai ancora letto il manuale d’uso, dovresti farlo per le ragioni sopra descritte. Saprai quindi se hai correttamente usato le funzioni disponibili, e se hai commesso errori che possono ridurre la durata di vita del Carrier 38MVQ.
Tuttavia, uno dei ruoli più importanti per l’utente svolti dal manuale d’uso è quello di aiutare a risolvere i problemi con il Carrier 38MVQ. Quasi sempre, ci troverai Troubleshooting, cioè i guasti più frequenti e malfunzionamenti del dispositivo Carrier 38MVQ insieme con le istruzioni su come risolverli. Anche se non si riesci a risolvere il problema, il manuale d’uso ti mostrerà il percorso di ulteriori procedimenti – il contatto con il centro servizio clienti o il servizio più vicino.